{-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} -- | High-level translation of Copilot Core into C99. module Copilot.Compile.C99.CodeGen ( -- * Externs mkExtCpyDecln , mkExtDecln -- * Type declarations , mkStructDecln , mkStructForwDecln -- * Ring buffers , mkBuffDecln , mkIndexDecln , mkAccessDecln -- * Stream generators , mkGenFun , mkGenFunArray -- * Monitor processing , mkStep ) where -- External imports import Control.Monad.State ( runState ) import Data.List ( unzip4 ) import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty import qualified Language.C99.Simple as C -- Internal imports: Copilot import Copilot.Core ( Expr (..), Id, Stream (..), Struct (..), Trigger (..), Type (..), UExpr (..), Value (..), fieldName, typeSize ) -- Internal imports import Copilot.Compile.C99.Error ( impossible ) import Copilot.Compile.C99.Expr ( constArray, transExpr ) import Copilot.Compile.C99.External ( External (..) ) import Copilot.Compile.C99.Name ( argNames, argTempNames, generatorName, guardName, indexName, streamAccessorName, streamName ) import Copilot.Compile.C99.Settings ( CSettings, cSettingsStepFunctionName ) import Copilot.Compile.C99.Type ( transType ) -- * Externs -- | Make a extern declaration of a variable. mkExtDecln :: External -> C.Decln mkExtDecln (External name _ ty) = decln where decln = C.VarDecln (Just C.Extern) cTy name Nothing cTy = transType ty -- | Make a declaration for a copy of an external variable. mkExtCpyDecln :: External -> C.Decln mkExtCpyDecln (External _name cpyName ty) = decln where decln = C.VarDecln (Just C.Static) cTy cpyName Nothing cTy = transType ty -- * Type declarations -- | Write a struct declaration based on its definition. mkStructDecln :: Struct a => Type a -> C.Decln mkStructDecln (Struct x) = C.TypeDecln struct where struct = C.TypeSpec $ C.StructDecln (Just $ typeName x) fields fields = NonEmpty.fromList $ map mkField (toValues x) mkField :: Value a -> C.FieldDecln mkField (Value ty field) = C.FieldDecln (transType ty) (fieldName field) -- | Write a forward struct declaration. mkStructForwDecln :: Struct a => Type a -> C.Decln mkStructForwDecln (Struct x) = C.TypeDecln struct where struct = C.TypeSpec $ C.Struct (typeName x) -- * Ring buffers -- | Make a C buffer variable and initialise it with the stream buffer. mkBuffDecln :: Id -> Type a -> [a] -> C.Decln mkBuffDecln sId ty xs = C.VarDecln (Just C.Static) cTy name initVals where name = streamName sId cTy = C.Array (transType ty) (Just $ C.LitInt $ fromIntegral buffSize) buffSize = length xs initVals = Just $ C.InitList $ constArray ty xs -- | Make a C index variable and initialise it to 0. mkIndexDecln :: Id -> C.Decln mkIndexDecln sId = C.VarDecln (Just C.Static) cTy name initVal where name = indexName sId cTy = C.TypeSpec $ C.TypedefName "size_t" initVal = Just $ C.InitExpr $ C.LitInt 0 -- | Define an accessor functions for the ring buffer associated with a stream. mkAccessDecln :: Id -> Type a -> [a] -> C.FunDef mkAccessDecln sId ty xs = C.FunDef static cTy name params [] [C.Return (Just expr)] where static = Just C.Static cTy = C.decay $ transType ty name = streamAccessorName sId -- We cast the buffer length to a size_t to make sure that there are no -- implicit conversions. This is a requirement for compliance with MISRA C -- (Rule 10.4). buffLength = C.Cast sizeT $ C.LitInt $ fromIntegral $ length xs sizeT = C.TypeName $ C.TypeSpec $ C.TypedefName "size_t" params = [C.Param (C.TypeSpec $ C.TypedefName "size_t") "x"] index = (C.Ident (indexName sId) C..+ C.Ident "x") C..% buffLength expr = C.Index (C.Ident (streamName sId)) index -- * Stream generators -- | Write a generator function for a stream. mkGenFun :: String -> Expr a -> Type a -> C.FunDef mkGenFun name expr ty = C.FunDef static cTy name [] cVars stmts where static = Just C.Static cTy = C.decay $ transType ty (cExpr, state') = runState (transExpr expr) (0, mempty, mempty) (_, cVars, stmts') = state' stmts = stmts' ++ [C.Return $ Just cExpr] -- | Write a generator function for a stream that returns an array. mkGenFunArray :: String -> String -> Expr a -> Type a -> C.FunDef mkGenFunArray name nameArg expr ty@(Array _) = C.FunDef static funType name [ outputParam ] varDecls stmts where static = Just C.Static funType = C.TypeSpec C.Void -- The output value is an array outputParam = C.Param cArrayType nameArg cArrayType = transType ty -- Statements to execute as part of the generator. They include statements -- related to calculating the values of intermediate expressions, and -- statements related to copying the final value to the destination array. stmts = stmts' ++ [ copyStmt ] -- Output value, variable declarations needed, and other statements that -- must be executed to calculate intermediate values. (cExpr, state') = runState (transExpr expr) (0, mempty, mempty) (_, varDecls, stmts') = state' -- Copy expression to output argument. copyStmt = C.Expr $ memcpy (C.Ident nameArg) cExpr size size = C.LitInt (fromIntegral $ typeSize ty) C..* C.SizeOfType (C.TypeName $ tyElemName ty) mkGenFunArray _name _nameArg _expr _ty = impossible "mkGenFunArray" "copilot-c99" -- * Monitor processing -- | Define the step function that updates all streams. mkStep :: CSettings -> [Stream] -> [Trigger] -> [External] -> C.FunDef mkStep cSettings streams triggers exts = C.FunDef Nothing void (cSettingsStepFunctionName cSettings) [] declns stmts where void = C.TypeSpec C.Void declns = streamDeclns ++ concat triggerDeclns stmts = map mkExCopy exts ++ triggerStmts ++ tmpAssigns ++ bufferUpdates ++ indexUpdates (streamDeclns, tmpAssigns, bufferUpdates, indexUpdates) = unzip4 $ map mkUpdateGlobals streams (triggerDeclns, triggerStmts) = unzip $ map mkTriggerCheck triggers -- Update the value of a variable with the result of calling a function that -- generates the next value in a stream expression. If the type of the -- variable is an array, then we cannot perform a direct C assignment, so -- we instead pass the variable as an output array to the function. updateVar :: C.Ident -> C.Ident -> Type a -> C.Expr updateVar varName genName (Array _) = C.Funcall (C.Ident genName) [C.Ident varName] updateVar varName genName _ = C.AssignOp C.Assign (C.Ident varName) (C.Funcall (C.Ident genName) []) -- Write code to update global stream buffers and index. mkUpdateGlobals :: Stream -> (C.Decln, C.Stmt, C.Stmt, C.Stmt) mkUpdateGlobals (Stream sId buff _expr ty) = (tmpDecln, tmpAssign, bufferUpdate, indexUpdate) where tmpDecln = C.VarDecln Nothing cTy tmpVar Nothing tmpAssign = C.Expr $ updateVar tmpVar (generatorName sId) ty bufferUpdate = case ty of Array _ -> C.Expr $ memcpy dest (C.Ident tmpVar) size where dest = C.Index buffVar indexVar size = C.LitInt (fromIntegral $ typeSize ty) C..* C.SizeOfType (C.TypeName (tyElemName ty)) _ -> C.Expr $ C.Index buffVar indexVar C..= C.Ident tmpVar indexUpdate = C.Expr $ indexVar C..= (incIndex C..% buffLength) where -- We cast the buffer length and the literal one to a size_t to -- make sure that there are no implicit conversions. This is a -- requirement for compliance with MISRA C (Rule 10.4). buffLength = C.Cast sizeT $ C.LitInt $ fromIntegral $ length buff incIndex = indexVar C..+ C.Cast sizeT (C.LitInt 1) sizeT = C.TypeName $ C.TypeSpec $ C.TypedefName "size_t" tmpVar = streamName sId ++ "_tmp" buffVar = C.Ident $ streamName sId indexVar = C.Ident $ indexName sId cTy = transType ty -- Make code that copies an external variable to its local one. mkExCopy :: External -> C.Stmt mkExCopy (External name cpyName ty) = C.Expr $ case ty of Array _ -> memcpy exVar locVar size where exVar = C.Ident cpyName locVar = C.Ident name size = C.LitInt (fromIntegral $ typeSize ty) C..* C.SizeOfType (C.TypeName (tyElemName ty)) _ -> C.Ident cpyName C..= C.Ident name -- Make if-statement to check the guard, call the handler if necessary. -- This returns two things: -- -- * A list of Declns for temporary variables, one for each argument that -- the handler function accepts. For example, if a handler function takes -- three arguments, the list of Declns might look something like this: -- -- @ -- int8_t handler_arg_temp0; -- int16_t handler_arg_temp1; -- struct s handler_arg_temp2; -- @ -- -- * A Stmt representing the if-statement. Continuing the example above, -- the if-statement would look something like this: -- -- @ -- if (handler_guard()) { -- handler_arg_temp0 = handler_arg0(); -- handler_arg_temp1 = handler_arg1(); -- handler_arg_temp2 = handler_arg2(); -- handler(handler_arg_temp0, handler_arg_temp1, &handler_arg_temp2); -- } -- @ -- -- We create temporary variables because: -- -- 1. We want to pass structs by reference intead of by value. To this end, -- we use C's & operator to obtain a reference to a temporary variable -- of a struct type and pass that to the handler function. -- -- 2. Assigning a struct to a temporary variable defensively ensures that -- any modifications that the handler called makes to the struct argument -- will not affect the internals of the monitoring code. mkTriggerCheck :: Trigger -> ([C.Decln], C.Stmt) mkTriggerCheck (Trigger name _guard args) = (aTmpDeclns, triggerCheckStmt) where aTmpDeclns :: [C.Decln] aTmpDeclns = zipWith declare args aTempNames where declare :: UExpr -> C.Ident -> C.Decln declare (UExpr { uExprType = ty }) tmpVar = C.VarDecln Nothing (transType ty) tmpVar Nothing triggerCheckStmt :: C.Stmt triggerCheckStmt = C.If guard' fireTrigger where guard' = C.Funcall (C.Ident $ guardName name) [] -- The body of the if-statement. This consists of statements that -- assign the values of the temporary variables, following by a -- final statement that passes the temporary variables to the -- handler function. fireTrigger = map C.Expr argAssigns ++ [C.Expr $ C.Funcall (C.Ident name) (zipWith passArg aTempNames args)] where -- List of assignments of values of temporary variables. argAssigns :: [C.Expr] argAssigns = zipWith3 assign aTempNames aArgNames args assign :: C.Ident -> C.Ident -> UExpr -> C.Expr assign aTempName aArgName (UExpr { uExprType = ty }) = updateVar aTempName aArgName ty aArgNames :: [C.Ident] aArgNames = take (length args) (argNames name) -- Build an expression to pass a temporary variable as argument -- to a trigger handler. -- -- We need to pass a reference to the variable in some cases, -- so we also need the type of the expression, which is enclosed -- in the second argument, an UExpr. passArg :: String -> UExpr -> C.Expr passArg aTempName (UExpr { uExprType = ty }) = case ty of -- Special case for Struct to pass reference to temporary -- struct variable to handler. (See the comments for -- mktriggercheck for details.) Struct _ -> C.UnaryOp C.Ref $ C.Ident aTempName _ -> C.Ident aTempName aTempNames :: [String] aTempNames = take (length args) (argTempNames name) -- * Auxiliary functions -- Write a call to the memcpy function. memcpy :: C.Expr -> C.Expr -> C.Expr -> C.Expr memcpy dest src size = C.Funcall (C.Ident "memcpy") [dest, src, size] -- Translate a Copilot type to a C99 type, handling arrays especially. -- -- If the given type is an array (including multi-dimensional arrays), the -- type is that of the elements in the array. Otherwise, it is just the -- equivalent representation of the given type in C. tyElemName :: Type a -> C.Type tyElemName ty = case ty of Array ty' -> tyElemName ty' _ -> transType ty