-- Copyright © 2011 National Institute of Aerospace / Galois, Inc.

{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}

module Copilot.Tools.CBMC 
  ( Params (..)
  , defaultParams
  , genCBMC
  , atomPrefix
  , sbvPrefix
  , appendPrefix
  ) where

import Copilot.Core
import qualified Copilot.Compile.C99 as C99
import qualified Copilot.Compile.SBV as SBV
import qualified System.IO as I
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ


data Params = Params
  { numIterations :: Int }


defaultParams :: Params
defaultParams = Params
  { numIterations = 10 }


atomPrefix, sbvPrefix :: Maybe String
atomPrefix = Just "atm"
sbvPrefix = Just "sbv"

appendPrefix :: Maybe String -> String -> String
appendPrefix (Just pre) name = pre ++ "_" ++ name
appendPrefix Nothing name = name


genCBMC :: Params -> Spec -> IO ()
genCBMC params spec =
    C99.compile (C99.defaultParams { C99.prefix = atomPrefix }) spec
    SBV.compile (SBV.defaultParams { SBV.prefix = sbvPrefix }) spec
    h <- I.openFile "cbmc_driver.c" I.WriteMode
    I.hPutStrLn h (render (driver params spec))


driver :: Params -> Spec -> Doc
driver Params { numIterations = k } spec = vcat
  [ text "#include <stdbool.h>"
  , text "#include <stdint.h>"
  , text "#include <assert.h>"
  , include atomPrefix C99.c99DirName C99.c99FileRoot
  , include sbvPrefix SBV.sbvDirName "copilot"
  , text ""
  , declNonDets spec
  , text ""
  , declExterns spec
  , text ""
  , sampleExterns spec
  , text ""
  , verifyObservers spec
  , text ""
  , text "int main (int argc, char const *argv[])"
  , text "{"
  , text "  int i;"
  , text ""
  , text "  for (i = 0; i < " <> int k <> text "; i++)"
  , text "  {"
  , text "    sampleExterns();"
  , text $ "    " ++ appendPrefix atomPrefix "step();"
  , text $ "    " ++ appendPrefix sbvPrefix "step();"
  , text "    verify_observers();"
  , text "  }"
  , text ""
  , text "  return 0;"
  , text "}"

  include prefix dir header = text "#include" <+> doubleQuotes
     (   text (appendPrefix prefix dir) <> text"/" 
      <> text (appendPrefix prefix (header ++ ".h"))


declNonDets :: Spec -> Doc
declNonDets = vcat . map declNonDet . externVars
  declNonDet :: ExtVar -> Doc
  declNonDet ext@(ExtVar _ t) = typeSpec t <+> nonDetName ext 


nonDetName :: ExtVar -> Doc
nonDetName (ExtVar name t) = 
  text ("nondet_" ++ name ++ "_") <> (typeSpec t) <> text "();"


declExterns :: Spec -> Doc
declExterns = vcat . map declExtern . externVars
  declExtern :: ExtVar -> Doc
  declExtern (ExtVar name t) = typeSpec t <+> text name <> semi


sampleExterns :: Spec -> Doc
sampleExterns spec = vcat
  [ text "void sampleExterns()"
  , text "{"
  , text ""
  , nest 2 (vcat $ map sampleExtern (externVars spec))
  , text "}"

  sampleExtern :: ExtVar -> Doc
  sampleExtern ext@(ExtVar name _) =
    text name <+> text "=" <+> nonDetName ext


verifyObservers :: Spec -> Doc
verifyObservers spec = vcat
  [ text "void verify_observers()"
  , text "{"
  , text ""
  , nest 2 (vcat $ map verifyObserver (specObservers spec))
  , text "}"

  verifyObserver :: Observer -> Doc
  verifyObserver (Observer name _ _) =
    text "assert(" <> text (appendPrefix atomPrefix name) <+> text "==" 
      <+> text (appendPrefix sbvPrefix name) <> text ");"


typeSpec :: UType -> Doc
typeSpec UType { uTypeType = t } = text $
  case t of
    Bool   -> "bool"
    Int8   -> "int8_t"
    Int16  -> "int16_t"
    Int32  -> "int32_t"
    Int64  -> "int64_t"
    Word8  -> "uint8_t"
    Word16 -> "uint16_t"
    Word32 -> "uint32_t"
    Word64 -> "uint64_t"
    Float  -> "float"
    Double -> "double"
