-- Copyright © 2011 National Institute of Aerospace / Galois, Inc.

-- | Let expressions.

{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}

module Copilot.Core.Locals
  ( Loc (..)
  , locals
  ) where

import Copilot.Core
import Data.DList (DList, empty, singleton, append, concat, toList)
import Data.List (nubBy)
import Prelude hiding (concat, foldr)


data Loc = forall a . Loc
  { localName :: Name
  , localType :: Type a }

instance Show Loc where
  show Loc { localName = name } = name


locals :: Spec -> [Loc]
    { specStreams   = streams
    , specTriggers  = triggers
    , specObservers = observers
    } = nubBy eqLoc . toList $
          concat (fmap locsStream   streams)  `append`
          concat (fmap locsTrigger  triggers) `append`
          concat (fmap locsObserver observers)


  eqLoc :: Loc -> Loc -> Bool
  eqLoc Loc { localName = name1 } Loc { localName = name2 } =
    name1 == name2


locsStream :: Stream -> DList Loc
locsStream Stream { streamExpr = e } = locsExpr e


locsTrigger :: Trigger -> DList Loc
locsTrigger Trigger { triggerGuard = e, triggerArgs = args } =
  locsExpr e `append` concat (fmap locsUExpr args)


  locsUExpr :: UExpr -> DList Loc
  locsUExpr (UExpr _ e1) = locsExpr e1


locsObserver :: Observer -> DList Loc
locsObserver Observer { observerExpr = e } = locsExpr e


locsExpr :: Expr a -> DList Loc
locsExpr e0 = case e0 of
  Const  _ _             -> empty
  Drop   _ _ _           -> empty
  Local t _ name e1 e2   -> singleton (Loc name t)
                                        `append` locsExpr e1
                                        `append` locsExpr e2
  Var _ _                    -> empty
  ExternVar _ _ _            -> empty
  ExternFun _ _ _ _ _        -> empty
  ExternArray _ _  _ _ _ _ _ -> empty
  ExternStruct _ _ _ _       -> empty
  GetField _ _ _ _           -> empty
  Op1 _ e                    -> locsExpr e
  Op2 _ e1 e2                -> locsExpr e1 `append` locsExpr e2
  Op3 _ e1 e2 e3             -> locsExpr e1 `append` locsExpr e2
                                            `append` locsExpr e3
