-- Copyright © 2011 National Institute of Aerospace / Galois, Inc.

-- | Copilot specifications.

{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

module Copilot.Language.Spec
  ( Spec, Spec'
  , runSpec
  , SpecItem
  , Observer (..)
  , observer, observers
  , Trigger (..)
  , trigger, triggers
  , arg
  , Property (..)
  , Prop (..)
  , prop, properties
  , theorem, theorems
  , forall, exists
  , extractProp
  , Universal, Existential
  ) where

import Prelude hiding (not)

import Control.Monad.Writer
import Data.List (foldl')
--import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)

--import Copilot.Core (Typed, Struct)
import Copilot.Core (Typed)
import qualified Copilot.Core as Core
import Copilot.Language.Stream

import Copilot.Theorem.Prove


type Spec = Writer [SpecItem] ()
type Spec' a = Writer [SpecItem] a


runSpec :: Spec' a -> [SpecItem]
runSpec = execWriter


observers :: [SpecItem] -> [Observer]
observers =
  foldl' lets' []
  lets' ls e =
    case e of
      ObserverItem l -> l : ls
      _              -> ls

triggers :: [SpecItem] -> [Trigger]
triggers =
  foldl' triggers' []
  triggers' ls e =
    case e of
      TriggerItem t -> t : ls
      _             -> ls

properties :: [SpecItem] -> [Property]
properties =
  foldl' properties' []
  properties' ls e =
    case e of
      PropertyItem p -> p : ls
      _              -> ls

theorems :: [SpecItem] -> [(Property, UProof)]
theorems =
  foldl' theorems' []
  theorems' ls e =
    case e of
      TheoremItem p -> p : ls
      _              -> ls


data SpecItem
  = ObserverItem Observer
  | TriggerItem  Trigger
  | PropertyItem Property
  | TheoremItem (Property, UProof)


data Observer where
  Observer :: Typed a => String -> Stream a -> Observer


observer :: Typed a => String -> Stream a -> Spec
observer name e = tell [ObserverItem $ Observer name e]


data Trigger where
  Trigger :: Core.Name -> Stream Bool -> [Arg] -> Trigger


trigger :: String -> Stream Bool -> [Arg] -> Spec
trigger name e args = tell [TriggerItem $ Trigger name e args]


data Property where
  Property :: String -> Stream Bool -> Property


data Prop a where
  Forall :: Stream Bool -> Prop Universal
  Exists :: Stream Bool -> Prop Existential

forall :: Stream Bool -> Prop Universal
forall = Forall

exists :: Stream Bool -> Prop Existential
exists = Exists

extractProp :: Prop a -> Stream Bool
extractProp (Forall p) = p
extractProp (Exists p) = p


prop :: String -> Prop a -> Writer [SpecItem] (PropRef a)
prop name e = tell [PropertyItem $ Property name (extractProp e)]
  >> return (PropRef name)


theorem :: String -> Prop a -> Proof a -> Writer [SpecItem] (PropRef a)
theorem name e (Proof p) = tell [TheoremItem (Property name (extractProp e), p)]
  >> return (PropRef name)


arg :: Typed a => Stream a -> Arg
arg = Arg


-- | Struct operator.

-- Look up the given struct x, and return field y (which should be a stream?)
(#) :: Typed a => Core.StructData -> String -> Stream a
(Core.StructData {Core.structName = x, Core.structArgs = y})#z = getField x z
    getField struct_nm field_nm =
      let test = find (\(Core.StructData name _) -> name == struct_nm) structs in
      case test of
        Nothing -> error "No struct named \"" ++ struct_nm ++ "\" in the spec"
        Just element ->
          fromMaybe (find (\(Core.SExpr name _) -> name == field_nm) (element Core.structArgs))
            (error "No field by the name of \"" ++ field_nm ++ "\"") element
--(Core.StructData l m)#n = Op2 (Core.GetField Core.typeOf) (Core.StructData l m) n