{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-} -- | Test copilot-language:Copilot.Language.Reify. -- -- The gist of this evaluation is in 'SemanticsP' and 'checkSemanticsP' which -- evaluates an expression using Copilot's evaluator and compares it against -- its expected meaning. module Test.Copilot.Language.Reify where -- External imports import Data.Bits (Bits, complement, shiftL, shiftR, xor, (.&.), (.|.)) import Data.Int (Int16, Int32, Int64, Int8) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Data.Word (Word16, Word32, Word64, Word8) import Test.Framework (Test, testGroup) import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 (testProperty) import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary, Gen, Property, arbitrary, chooseInt, elements, forAll, forAllShow, frequency, oneof, suchThat) import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic (monadicIO, run) -- Internal imports: library modules being tested import Copilot.Language (Typed) import qualified Copilot.Language.Operators.BitWise as Copilot import qualified Copilot.Language.Operators.Boolean as Copilot import qualified Copilot.Language.Operators.Constant as Copilot import qualified Copilot.Language.Operators.Eq as Copilot import qualified Copilot.Language.Operators.Integral as Copilot import qualified Copilot.Language.Operators.Mux as Copilot import qualified Copilot.Language.Operators.Ord as Copilot import Copilot.Language.Reify (reify) import Copilot.Language.Spec (observer) import Copilot.Language.Stream (Stream) import qualified Copilot.Language.Stream as Copilot -- Internal imports: functions needed to test after reification import Copilot.Core.Interpret.Eval (ExecTrace (interpObservers), ShowType (Haskell), eval) -- Internal imports: auxiliary functions import Test.Extra (apply1, apply2, apply3) -- * Constants -- | Max length of the traces being tested. maxTraceLength :: Int maxTraceLength = 200 -- | All unit tests for copilot-language:Copilot.Language.Reify. tests :: Test.Framework.Test tests = testGroup "Copilot.Language.Reify" [ testProperty "eval Stream" testEvalExpr ] -- * Individual tests -- | Test for expression evaluation. testEvalExpr :: Property testEvalExpr = forAll (chooseInt (0, maxTraceLength)) $ \steps -> forAllShow arbitrarySemanticsP (semanticsShowK steps) $ \pair -> monadicIO $ run (checkSemanticsP steps [] pair) -- * Random generators -- ** Random SemanticsP generators -- | An arbitrary expression, paired with its expected meaning. -- -- See the function 'checkSemanticsP' to evaluate the pair. arbitrarySemanticsP :: Gen SemanticsP arbitrarySemanticsP = oneof [ SemanticsP <$> (arbitraryBoolExpr :: Gen (Semantics Bool)) , SemanticsP <$> (arbitraryNumExpr :: Gen (Semantics Int8)) , SemanticsP <$> (arbitraryNumExpr :: Gen (Semantics Int16)) , SemanticsP <$> (arbitraryNumExpr :: Gen (Semantics Int32)) , SemanticsP <$> (arbitraryNumExpr :: Gen (Semantics Int64)) , SemanticsP <$> (arbitraryNumExpr :: Gen (Semantics Word8)) , SemanticsP <$> (arbitraryNumExpr :: Gen (Semantics Word16)) , SemanticsP <$> (arbitraryNumExpr :: Gen (Semantics Word32)) , SemanticsP <$> (arbitraryNumExpr :: Gen (Semantics Word64)) , SemanticsP <$> (arbitraryFloatingExpr :: Gen (Semantics Float)) , SemanticsP <$> (arbitraryFloatingExpr :: Gen (Semantics Double)) , SemanticsP <$> (arbitraryRealFracExpr :: Gen (Semantics Float)) , SemanticsP <$> (arbitraryRealFracExpr :: Gen (Semantics Double)) , SemanticsP <$> (arbitraryRealFloatExpr :: Gen (Semantics Float)) , SemanticsP <$> (arbitraryRealFloatExpr :: Gen (Semantics Double)) , SemanticsP <$> (arbitraryFractionalExpr :: Gen (Semantics Float)) , SemanticsP <$> (arbitraryFractionalExpr :: Gen (Semantics Double)) , SemanticsP <$> (arbitraryIntegralExpr :: Gen (Semantics Int8)) , SemanticsP <$> (arbitraryIntegralExpr :: Gen (Semantics Int16)) , SemanticsP <$> (arbitraryIntegralExpr :: Gen (Semantics Int32)) , SemanticsP <$> (arbitraryIntegralExpr :: Gen (Semantics Int64)) , SemanticsP <$> (arbitraryIntegralExpr :: Gen (Semantics Word8)) , SemanticsP <$> (arbitraryIntegralExpr :: Gen (Semantics Word16)) , SemanticsP <$> (arbitraryIntegralExpr :: Gen (Semantics Word32)) , SemanticsP <$> (arbitraryIntegralExpr :: Gen (Semantics Word64)) , SemanticsP <$> (arbitraryBitsExpr :: Gen (Semantics Bool)) , SemanticsP <$> (arbitraryBitsExpr :: Gen (Semantics Int8)) , SemanticsP <$> (arbitraryBitsExpr :: Gen (Semantics Int16)) , SemanticsP <$> (arbitraryBitsExpr :: Gen (Semantics Int32)) , SemanticsP <$> (arbitraryBitsExpr :: Gen (Semantics Int64)) , SemanticsP <$> (arbitraryBitsExpr :: Gen (Semantics Word8)) , SemanticsP <$> (arbitraryBitsExpr :: Gen (Semantics Word16)) , SemanticsP <$> (arbitraryBitsExpr :: Gen (Semantics Word32)) , SemanticsP <$> (arbitraryBitsExpr :: Gen (Semantics Word64)) , SemanticsP <$> (arbitraryBitsIntegralExpr :: Gen (Semantics Int8)) , SemanticsP <$> (arbitraryBitsIntegralExpr :: Gen (Semantics Int16)) , SemanticsP <$> (arbitraryBitsIntegralExpr :: Gen (Semantics Int32)) , SemanticsP <$> (arbitraryBitsIntegralExpr :: Gen (Semantics Int64)) , SemanticsP <$> (arbitraryBitsIntegralExpr :: Gen (Semantics Word8)) , SemanticsP <$> (arbitraryBitsIntegralExpr :: Gen (Semantics Word16)) , SemanticsP <$> (arbitraryBitsIntegralExpr :: Gen (Semantics Word32)) , SemanticsP <$> (arbitraryBitsIntegralExpr :: Gen (Semantics Word64)) ] -- ** Random Stream generators -- | An arbitrary constant expression of any type, paired with its expected -- meaning. arbitraryConst :: (Arbitrary t, Typed t) => Gen (Stream t, [t]) arbitraryConst = (\v -> (Copilot.constant v, repeat v)) <$> arbitrary -- | Generator for constant boolean streams, paired with their expected -- meaning. arbitraryBoolOp0 :: Gen (Stream Bool, [Bool]) arbitraryBoolOp0 = elements [ (Copilot.false, repeat False) , (Copilot.true, repeat True) ] -- | An arbitrary boolean expression, paired with its expected meaning. arbitraryBoolExpr :: Gen (Stream Bool, [Bool]) arbitraryBoolExpr = -- We use frequency instead of oneof because the random expression generator -- seems to generate expressions that are too large and the test fails due -- to running out of memory. frequency [ (10, arbitraryConst) , (5, arbitraryBoolOp0) , (5, apply1 <$> arbitraryBoolOp1 <*> arbitraryBoolExpr) , (1, apply2 <$> arbitraryBoolOp2 <*> arbitraryBoolExpr <*> arbitraryBoolExpr) , (1, apply2 <$> arbitraryEqOp2 <*> arbitraryBoolExpr <*> arbitraryBoolExpr) , (1, apply2 <$> arbitraryEqOp2 <*> arbitraryBitsExpr <*> (arbitraryBitsExpr :: Gen (Stream Int8, [Int8]))) , (1, apply2 <$> arbitraryEqOp2 <*> arbitraryBitsExpr <*> (arbitraryBitsExpr :: Gen (Stream Int16, [Int16]))) , (1, apply2 <$> arbitraryEqOp2 <*> arbitraryBitsExpr <*> (arbitraryBitsExpr :: Gen (Stream Int32, [Int32]))) , (1, apply2 <$> arbitraryEqOp2 <*> arbitraryBitsExpr <*> (arbitraryBitsExpr :: Gen (Stream Int64, [Int64]))) , (1, apply2 <$> arbitraryEqOp2 <*> arbitraryBitsExpr <*> (arbitraryBitsExpr :: Gen (Stream Word8, [Word8]))) , (1, apply2 <$> arbitraryEqOp2 <*> arbitraryBitsExpr <*> (arbitraryBitsExpr :: Gen (Stream Word16, [Word16]))) , (1, apply2 <$> arbitraryEqOp2 <*> arbitraryBitsExpr <*> (arbitraryBitsExpr :: Gen (Stream Word32, [Word32]))) , (1, apply2 <$> arbitraryEqOp2 <*> arbitraryBitsExpr <*> (arbitraryBitsExpr :: Gen (Stream Word64, [Word64]))) , (1, apply2 <$> arbitraryEqOp2 <*> arbitraryNumExpr <*> (arbitraryNumExpr :: Gen (Stream Int8, [Int8]))) , (1, apply2 <$> arbitraryEqOp2 <*> arbitraryNumExpr <*> (arbitraryNumExpr :: Gen (Stream Int16, [Int16]))) , (1, apply2 <$> arbitraryEqOp2 <*> arbitraryNumExpr <*> (arbitraryNumExpr :: Gen (Stream Int32, [Int32]))) , (1, apply2 <$> arbitraryEqOp2 <*> arbitraryNumExpr <*> (arbitraryNumExpr :: Gen (Stream Int64, [Int64]))) , (1, apply2 <$> arbitraryEqOp2 <*> arbitraryNumExpr <*> (arbitraryNumExpr :: Gen (Stream Word8, [Word8]))) , (1, apply2 <$> arbitraryEqOp2 <*> arbitraryNumExpr <*> (arbitraryNumExpr :: Gen (Stream Word16, [Word16]))) , (1, apply2 <$> arbitraryEqOp2 <*> arbitraryNumExpr <*> (arbitraryNumExpr :: Gen (Stream Word32, [Word32]))) , (1, apply2 <$> arbitraryEqOp2 <*> arbitraryNumExpr <*> (arbitraryNumExpr :: Gen (Stream Word64, [Word64]))) , (1, apply2 <$> arbitraryOrdOp2 <*> arbitraryNumExpr <*> (arbitraryNumExpr :: Gen (Stream Int8, [Int8]))) , (1, apply2 <$> arbitraryOrdOp2 <*> arbitraryNumExpr <*> (arbitraryNumExpr :: Gen (Stream Int16, [Int16]))) , (1, apply2 <$> arbitraryOrdOp2 <*> arbitraryNumExpr <*> (arbitraryNumExpr :: Gen (Stream Int32, [Int32]))) , (1, apply2 <$> arbitraryOrdOp2 <*> arbitraryNumExpr <*> (arbitraryNumExpr :: Gen (Stream Int64, [Int64]))) , (1, apply2 <$> arbitraryOrdOp2 <*> arbitraryNumExpr <*> (arbitraryNumExpr :: Gen (Stream Word8, [Word8]))) , (1, apply2 <$> arbitraryOrdOp2 <*> arbitraryNumExpr <*> (arbitraryNumExpr :: Gen (Stream Word16, [Word16]))) , (1, apply2 <$> arbitraryOrdOp2 <*> arbitraryNumExpr <*> (arbitraryNumExpr :: Gen (Stream Word32, [Word32]))) , (1, apply2 <$> arbitraryOrdOp2 <*> arbitraryNumExpr <*> (arbitraryNumExpr :: Gen (Stream Word64, [Word64]))) , (1, apply2 <$> arbitraryOrdOp2 <*> arbitraryFloatingExpr <*> (arbitraryFloatingExpr :: Gen (Stream Float, [Float]))) , (1, apply2 <$> arbitraryOrdOp2 <*> arbitraryFloatingExpr <*> (arbitraryFloatingExpr :: Gen (Stream Double, [Double]))) , (1, apply3 <$> arbitraryITEOp3 <*> arbitraryBoolExpr <*> arbitraryBoolExpr <*> arbitraryBoolExpr) ] -- | An arbitrary numeric expression, paired with its expected meaning. arbitraryNumExpr :: (Arbitrary t, Typed t, Num t, Eq t) => Gen (Stream t, [t]) arbitraryNumExpr = -- We use frequency instead of oneof because the random expression generator -- seems to generate expressions that are too large and the test fails due -- to running out of memory. frequency [ (10, arbitraryConst) , (5, apply1 <$> arbitraryNumOp1 <*> arbitraryNumExpr) , (2, apply2 <$> arbitraryNumOp2 <*> arbitraryNumExpr <*> arbitraryNumExpr) , (2, apply3 <$> arbitraryITEOp3 <*> arbitraryBoolExpr <*> arbitraryNumExpr <*> arbitraryNumExpr) ] -- | An arbitrary floating point expression, paired with its expected meaning. arbitraryFloatingExpr :: (Arbitrary t, Typed t, Floating t, Eq t) => Gen (Stream t, [t]) arbitraryFloatingExpr = -- We use frequency instead of oneof because the random expression generator -- seems to generate expressions that are too large and the test fails due -- to running out of memory. frequency [ (10, arbitraryConst) , (5, apply1 <$> arbitraryFloatingOp1 <*> arbitraryFloatingExpr) , (5, apply1 <$> arbitraryNumOp1 <*> arbitraryFloatingExpr) , (2, apply2 <$> arbitraryFloatingOp2 <*> arbitraryFloatingExpr <*> arbitraryFloatingExpr) , (2, apply2 <$> arbitraryNumOp2 <*> arbitraryFloatingExpr <*> arbitraryFloatingExpr) , (1, apply3 <$> arbitraryITEOp3 <*> arbitraryBoolExpr <*> arbitraryFloatingExpr <*> arbitraryFloatingExpr) ] -- | An arbitrary realfrac expression, paired with its expected meaning. arbitraryRealFracExpr :: (Arbitrary t, Typed t, RealFrac t) => Gen (Stream t, [t]) arbitraryRealFracExpr = -- We use frequency instead of oneof because the random expression generator -- seems to generate expressions that are too large and the test fails due -- to running out of memory. frequency [ (10, arbitraryConst) , (2, apply1 <$> arbitraryRealFracOp1 <*> arbitraryRealFracExpr) , (5, apply1 <$> arbitraryNumOp1 <*> arbitraryRealFracExpr) , (1, apply2 <$> arbitraryNumOp2 <*> arbitraryRealFracExpr <*> arbitraryRealFracExpr) , (1, apply3 <$> arbitraryITEOp3 <*> arbitraryBoolExpr <*> arbitraryRealFracExpr <*> arbitraryRealFracExpr) ] -- | An arbitrary realfloat expression, paired with its expected meaning. arbitraryRealFloatExpr :: (Arbitrary t, Typed t, RealFloat t) => Gen (Stream t, [t]) arbitraryRealFloatExpr = -- We use frequency instead of oneof because the random expression generator -- seems to generate expressions that are too large and the test fails due -- to running out of memory. frequency [ (10, arbitraryConst) , (2, apply1 <$> arbitraryNumOp1 <*> arbitraryRealFloatExpr) , (5, apply2 <$> arbitraryRealFloatOp2 <*> arbitraryRealFloatExpr <*> arbitraryRealFloatExpr) , (1, apply2 <$> arbitraryNumOp2 <*> arbitraryRealFloatExpr <*> arbitraryRealFloatExpr) , (1, apply3 <$> arbitraryITEOp3 <*> arbitraryBoolExpr <*> arbitraryRealFloatExpr <*> arbitraryRealFloatExpr) ] -- | An arbitrary fractional expression, paired with its expected meaning. -- -- We add the constraint Eq because we sometimes need to make sure numbers are -- not zero. arbitraryFractionalExpr :: (Arbitrary t, Typed t, Fractional t, Eq t) => Gen (Stream t, [t]) arbitraryFractionalExpr = -- We use frequency instead of oneof because the random expression generator -- seems to generate expressions that are too large and the test fails due -- to running out of memory. frequency [ (10, arbitraryConst) , (5, apply1 <$> arbitraryFractionalOp1 <*> arbitraryFractionalExpr) , (5, apply1 <$> arbitraryNumOp1 <*> arbitraryFractionalExpr) , (2, apply2 <$> arbitraryFractionalOp2 <*> arbitraryFractionalExpr <*> arbitraryFractionalExprNonZero) , (1, apply3 <$> arbitraryITEOp3 <*> arbitraryBoolExpr <*> arbitraryFractionalExpr <*> arbitraryFractionalExpr) ] where -- Generator for fractional expressions that are never zero. -- -- The list is infinite, so this generator checks up to maxTraceLength -- elements. arbitraryFractionalExprNonZero = arbitraryFractionalExpr `suchThat` (notElem 0 . take maxTraceLength . snd) -- | An arbitrary integral expression, paired with its expected meaning. -- -- We add the constraint Eq because we sometimes need to make sure numbers are -- not zero. arbitraryIntegralExpr :: (Arbitrary t, Typed t, Integral t, Eq t) => Gen (Stream t, [t]) arbitraryIntegralExpr = -- We use frequency instead of oneof because the random expression generator -- seems to generate expressions that are too large and the test fails due -- to running out of memory. frequency [ (10, arbitraryConst) , (5, apply1 <$> arbitraryNumOp1 <*> arbitraryIntegralExpr) , (2, apply2 <$> arbitraryNumOp2 <*> arbitraryIntegralExpr <*> arbitraryIntegralExpr) , (2, apply2 <$> arbitraryIntegralOp2 <*> arbitraryIntegralExpr <*> arbitraryIntegralExprNonZero) , (1, apply3 <$> arbitraryITEOp3 <*> arbitraryBoolExpr <*> arbitraryIntegralExpr <*> arbitraryIntegralExpr) ] where -- Generator for integral expressions that are never zero. -- -- The list is infinite, so this generator checks up to maxTraceLength -- elements. arbitraryIntegralExprNonZero = arbitraryIntegralExpr `suchThat` (notElem 0 . take maxTraceLength . snd) -- | An arbitrary Bits expression, paired with its expected meaning. arbitraryBitsExpr :: (Arbitrary t, Typed t, Bits t) => Gen (Stream t, [t]) arbitraryBitsExpr = -- We use frequency instead of oneof because the random expression generator -- seems to generate expressions that are too large and the test fails due -- to running out of memory. frequency [ (10, arbitraryConst) , (5, apply1 <$> arbitraryBitsOp1 <*> arbitraryBitsExpr) , (2, apply2 <$> arbitraryBitsOp2 <*> arbitraryBitsExpr <*> arbitraryBitsExpr) , (2, apply3 <$> arbitraryITEOp3 <*> arbitraryBoolExpr <*> arbitraryBitsExpr <*> arbitraryBitsExpr) ] -- | An arbitrary expression for types that are instances of Bits and Integral, -- paired with its expected meaning. arbitraryBitsIntegralExpr :: (Arbitrary t, Typed t, Bits t, Integral t) => Gen (Stream t, [t]) arbitraryBitsIntegralExpr = -- We use frequency instead of oneof because the random expression -- generator seems to generate expressions that are too large and the -- test fails due to running out of memory. frequency [ (10, arbitraryConst) , (2, apply1 <$> arbitraryNumOp1 <*> arbitraryBitsIntegralExpr) , (1, apply2 <$> arbitraryNumOp2 <*> arbitraryBitsIntegralExpr <*> arbitraryBitsIntegralExpr) , (5, apply2 <$> arbitraryBitsIntegralOp2 <*> arbitraryBitsIntegralExpr <*> arbitraryBitsIntegralExprConstPos) , (1, apply3 <$> arbitraryITEOp3 <*> arbitraryBoolExpr <*> arbitraryBitsIntegralExpr <*> arbitraryBitsIntegralExpr) ] where -- Generator for constant bit integral expressions that, when converted to -- type 't', result in a positive number. We use a constant generator, as -- opposed to a generator based on the more comprehensive -- arbitraryBitsIntegralExpr, because the latter runs out of memory easily -- when nested and filtered with suchThat. arbitraryBitsIntegralExprConstPos = (\v -> (Copilot.constant v, repeat v)) <$> intThatFits where -- In this context: -- -- intThatFits :: Gen t intThatFits = suchThat arbitrary ((> 0) . (\x -> (fromIntegral x) :: Int)) -- ** Operators -- *** Op 1 -- | Generator for arbitrary boolean operators with arity 1, paired with their -- expected meaning. arbitraryBoolOp1 :: Gen (Stream Bool -> Stream Bool, [Bool] -> [Bool]) arbitraryBoolOp1 = elements [ (Copilot.not, fmap not) ] -- | Generator for arbitrary numeric operators with arity 1, paired with their -- expected meaning. arbitraryNumOp1 :: (Typed t, Num t, Eq t) => Gen (Stream t -> Stream t, [t] -> [t]) arbitraryNumOp1 = elements [ (abs, fmap abs) , (signum, fmap signum) ] -- | Generator for arbitrary floating point operators with arity 1, paired with -- their expected meaning. arbitraryFloatingOp1 :: (Typed t, Floating t, Eq t) => Gen (Stream t -> Stream t, [t] -> [t]) arbitraryFloatingOp1 = elements [ (exp, fmap exp) , (sqrt, fmap sqrt) , (log, fmap log) , (sin, fmap sin) , (tan, fmap tan) , (cos, fmap cos) , (asin, fmap asin) , (atan, fmap atan) , (acos, fmap acos) , (sinh, fmap sinh) , (tanh, fmap tanh) , (cosh, fmap cosh) , (asinh, fmap asinh) , (atanh, fmap atanh) , (acosh, fmap acosh) ] -- | Generator for arbitrary realfrac operators with arity 1, paired with their -- expected meaning. arbitraryRealFracOp1 :: (Typed t, RealFrac t) => Gen (Stream t -> Stream t, [t] -> [t]) arbitraryRealFracOp1 = elements [ (Copilot.ceiling, fmap (fromIntegral . idI . ceiling)) , (Copilot.floor, fmap (fromIntegral . idI . floor)) ] where -- Auxiliary function to help the compiler determine which integral type -- the result of ceiling must be converted to. An Integer ensures that the -- result fits and there is no loss of precision due to the intermediate -- casting. idI :: Integer -> Integer idI = id -- | Generator for arbitrary fractional operators with arity 1, paired with -- their expected meaning. arbitraryFractionalOp1 :: (Typed t, Fractional t, Eq t) => Gen (Stream t -> Stream t, [t] -> [t]) arbitraryFractionalOp1 = elements [ (recip, fmap recip) ] -- | Generator for arbitrary bitwise operators with arity 1, paired with their -- expected meaning. arbitraryBitsOp1 :: (Typed t, Bits t) => Gen (Stream t -> Stream t, [t] -> [t]) arbitraryBitsOp1 = elements [ (complement, fmap complement) ] -- *** Op 2 -- | Generator for arbitrary boolean operators with arity 2, paired with their -- expected meaning. arbitraryBoolOp2 :: Gen ( Stream Bool -> Stream Bool -> Stream Bool , [Bool] -> [Bool] -> [Bool] ) arbitraryBoolOp2 = elements [ ((Copilot.&&), zipWith (&&)) , ((Copilot.||), zipWith (||)) , ((Copilot.==>), zipWith (\x y -> not x || y)) , ((Copilot.xor), zipWith (\x y -> (x || y) && not (x && y))) ] -- | Generator for arbitrary numeric operators with arity 2, paired with their -- expected meaning. arbitraryNumOp2 :: (Typed t, Num t, Eq t) => Gen (Stream t -> Stream t -> Stream t, [t] -> [t] -> [t]) arbitraryNumOp2 = elements [ ((+), zipWith (+)) , ((-), zipWith (-)) , ((*), zipWith (*)) ] -- | Generator for arbitrary integral operators with arity 2, paired with their -- expected meaning. arbitraryIntegralOp2 :: (Typed t, Integral t) => Gen ( Stream t -> Stream t -> Stream t , [t] -> [t] -> [t] ) arbitraryIntegralOp2 = elements [ (Copilot.mod, zipWith mod) , (Copilot.div, zipWith quot) ] -- | Generator for arbitrary fractional operators with arity 2, paired with -- their expected meaning. arbitraryFractionalOp2 :: (Typed t, Fractional t, Eq t) => Gen ( Stream t -> Stream t -> Stream t , [t] -> [t] -> [t] ) arbitraryFractionalOp2 = elements [ ((/), zipWith (/)) ] -- | Generator for arbitrary floating point operators with arity 2, paired with -- their expected meaning. arbitraryFloatingOp2 :: (Typed t, Floating t, Eq t) => Gen ( Stream t -> Stream t -> Stream t , [t] -> [t] -> [t] ) arbitraryFloatingOp2 = elements [ ((**), zipWith (**)) , (logBase, zipWith logBase) ] -- | Generator for arbitrary floating point operators with arity 2, paired with -- their expected meaning. arbitraryRealFloatOp2 :: (Typed t, RealFloat t) => Gen ( Stream t -> Stream t -> Stream t , [t] -> [t] -> [t] ) arbitraryRealFloatOp2 = elements [ (Copilot.atan2, zipWith atan2) ] -- | Generator for arbitrary equality operators with arity 2, paired with their -- expected meaning. arbitraryEqOp2 :: (Typed t, Eq t) => Gen ( Stream t -> Stream t -> Stream Bool , [t] -> [t] -> [Bool] ) arbitraryEqOp2 = elements [ ((Copilot.==), zipWith (==)) , ((Copilot./=), zipWith (/=)) ] -- | Generator for arbitrary ordering operators with arity 2, paired with their -- expected meaning. arbitraryOrdOp2 :: (Typed t, Ord t) => Gen ( Stream t -> Stream t -> Stream Bool , [t] -> [t] -> [Bool] ) arbitraryOrdOp2 = elements [ ((Copilot.<=), zipWith (<=)) , ((Copilot.<), zipWith (<)) , ((Copilot.>=), zipWith (>=)) , ((Copilot.>), zipWith (>)) ] -- | Generator for arbitrary bitwise operators with arity 2, paired with their -- expected meaning. arbitraryBitsOp2 :: (Typed t, Bits t) => Gen (Stream t -> Stream t -> Stream t, [t] -> [t] -> [t]) arbitraryBitsOp2 = elements [ ((.&.), zipWith (.&.)) , ((.|.), zipWith (.|.)) , (xor, zipWith xor) ] -- | Generator for arbitrary bit shifting operators with arity 2, paired with -- their expected meaning. -- -- This generator is a bit more strict in its type signature than the -- underlying bit-shifting operators being tested, since it enforces both the -- value being manipulated and the value that indicates how much to shift by to -- have the same type. arbitraryBitsIntegralOp2 :: (Typed t, Bits t, Integral t) => Gen ( Stream t -> Stream t -> Stream t , [t] -> [t] -> [t] ) arbitraryBitsIntegralOp2 = elements [ ((Copilot..<<.), zipWith (\x y -> shiftL x (fromIntegral y))) , ((Copilot..>>.), zipWith (\x y -> shiftR x (fromIntegral y))) ] -- *** Op 3 -- | Generator for if-then-else operator (with arity 3), paired with its -- expected meaning. -- -- Although this is constant and there is nothing arbitrary, we use the same -- structure and naming convention as with others for simplicity. arbitraryITEOp3 :: (Arbitrary t, Typed t) => Gen ( Stream Bool -> Stream t -> Stream t -> Stream t , [Bool] -> [t] -> [t] -> [t] ) arbitraryITEOp3 = return (Copilot.mux, zipWith3 (\x y z -> if x then y else z)) -- * Semantics -- | Type that pairs an expression with its meaning as an infinite stream. type Semantics t = (Stream t, [t]) -- | A phantom semantics pair is an existential type that encloses an -- expression and its expected meaning as an infinite list of values. -- -- It is needed by the arbitrary expression generator, to create a -- heterogeneous list. data SemanticsP = forall t . (Typeable t, Read t, Eq t, Show t, Typed t, Arbitrary t) => SemanticsP { semanticsPair :: (Stream t, [t]) } -- | Show function for test triplets that limits the accompanying list -- to a certain length. semanticsShowK :: Int -> SemanticsP -> String semanticsShowK steps (SemanticsP (expr, exprList)) = show ("Cannot show stream", take steps exprList) -- | Check that the expression in the semantics pair is evaluated to the given -- list, up to a number of steps. -- -- Some operations will overflow and return NaN. Because comparing any NaN -- will, as per IEEE 754, always fail (i.e., return False), we handle that -- specific case by stating that the test succeeds if any expected values -- is NaN. checkSemanticsP :: Int -> [a] -> SemanticsP -> IO Bool checkSemanticsP steps _streams (SemanticsP (expr, exprList)) = do -- Spec with just one observer of one expression. let spec = observer testObserverName expr -- Reified stream (low-level) llSpec <- reify spec let trace = eval Haskell steps llSpec -- Limit expectation to the number of evaluation steps. let expectation = take steps exprList -- Obtain the results by looking up the observer in the spec -- and parsing the results into Haskell values. let resultValues = fmap readResult results results = lookupWithDefault testObserverName [] $ interpObservers trace return $ any isNaN' expectation || resultValues == expectation where -- Fixed name for the observer. Used to obtain the result from the -- trace. It should be the only observer in the trace. testObserverName :: String testObserverName = "res" -- | Is NaN with Eq requirement only. isNaN' :: Eq a => a -> Bool isNaN' x = x /= x -- * Auxiliary -- | Read a Haskell value from the output of the evaluator. readResult :: Read a => String -> a readResult = read . readResult' where readResult' :: String -> String readResult' "false" = "False" readResult' "true" = "True" readResult' s = s -- | Variant of 'lookup' with an additional default value returned when the key -- provided is not found in the map. lookupWithDefault :: Ord k => k -> v -> [(k, v)] -> v lookupWithDefault k def = fromMaybe def . lookup k