copilot-libraries-4.1: Libraries for the Copilot language.
Copyright(c) 2011 National Institute of Aerospace / Galois Inc.
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Basic bounded statistics. In the following, a bound n is given stating the number of periods over which to compute the statistic (n == 1 computes it only over the current period).



max :: (Typed a, Ord a) => Int -> Stream a -> Stream a Source #

Maximum value.

min :: (Typed a, Ord a) => Int -> Stream a -> Stream a Source #

Minimum value.

sum :: (Typed a, Num a, Eq a) => Int -> Stream a -> Stream a Source #


mean :: (Typed a, Eq a, Fractional a) => Int -> Stream a -> Stream a Source #

Mean value. n must not overflow for word size a for streams over which computation is peformed.

meanNow :: (Typed a, Integral a) => [Stream a] -> Stream a Source #

Mean value over the current set of streams passed in.