{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-} {-# LANGUAGE ExplicitNamespaces #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams #-} {-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} module Copilot.Verifier ( verify , verifyWithOptions , VerifierOptions(..) , defaultVerifierOptions , sideCondVerifierOptions , Verbosity(..) ) where import Control.Lens (view, (^.), to) import Control.Monad (foldM, forM_, when) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import Control.Monad.State (execStateT, lift, StateT(..)) import Data.Aeson (ToJSON) import Data.Foldable (traverse_) import Data.Functor (void) import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import Data.IORef (newIORef, modifyIORef', readIORef, IORef) import qualified Text.LLVM.AST as L import Data.List (genericLength) import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..)) import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Data.BitVector.Sized as BV import GHC.Generics (Generic) import qualified Prettyprinter as PP import System.Exit (exitFailure) import System.FilePath ((), (<.>)) import Copilot.Compile.C99 (CSettings(..), compileWith) import Copilot.Core import qualified Copilot.Core.Type as CT import qualified Copilot.Theorem.What4 as CW4 import qualified Copilot.Verifier.Log as Log import Data.Parameterized.Ctx (EmptyCtx) import Data.Parameterized.Context (pattern Empty) import qualified Data.Parameterized.Context as Ctx import Data.Parameterized.NatRepr (intValue, natValue, testEquality, knownNat, type (<=) ) import Data.Parameterized.Nonce (globalNonceGenerator) import Data.Parameterized.Some (Some(..)) import Data.Parameterized.TraversableFC (toListFC) import Data.Parameterized.TraversableFC.WithIndex (ifoldlMFC) import qualified Data.Parameterized.Vector as PVec import Lang.Crucible.Backend ( IsSymInterface, Goals(..), Assumptions, Assertion , pushAssumptionFrame, popUntilAssumptionFrame , getProofObligations, clearProofObligations , LabeledPred(..), abortExecBecause, AbortExecReason(..), addAssumption , addDurableProofObligation, assert, CrucibleAssumption(..), ppAbortExecReason , IsSymBackend(..), HasSymInterface(..) , labeledPred, labeledPredMsg -- , ProofObligations, proofGoal, goalsToList, labeledPredMsg ) import Lang.Crucible.Backend.Simple (newSimpleBackend) import Lang.Crucible.CFG.Core (AnyCFG(..), cfgArgTypes, cfgReturnType) import Lang.Crucible.CFG.Common ( freshGlobalVar ) import Lang.Crucible.FunctionHandle (newHandleAllocator) import Lang.Crucible.Simulator ( SimContext(..), ctxSymInterface, ExecResult(..), ExecState(..) , defaultAbortHandler, runOverrideSim, partialValue, gpValue , GlobalVar, executeCrucible, OverrideSim, regValue , readGlobal, modifyGlobal, callCFG, emptyRegMap, RegEntry(..) , AbortedResult(..) ) import Lang.Crucible.Simulator.ExecutionTree ( withBackend ) import Lang.Crucible.Simulator.GlobalState ( insertGlobal ) import Lang.Crucible.Simulator.RegValue (RegValue, RegValue'(..)) import Lang.Crucible.Simulator.SimError (SimError(..), SimErrorReason(..)) -- ppSimError import Lang.Crucible.Types ( TypeRepr(..), (:~:)(..), KnownRepr(..), NatType ) import Lang.Crucible.LLVM (llvmGlobals, registerLazyModule, register_llvm_overrides) import Lang.Crucible.LLVM.Bytes (bitsToBytes) import Lang.Crucible.LLVM.DataLayout (Alignment, DataLayout) import Lang.Crucible.LLVM.Errors (BadBehavior) import Lang.Crucible.LLVM.Extension (LLVM, ArchWidth) import Lang.Crucible.LLVM.Globals (initializeAllMemory, populateAllGlobals) import Lang.Crucible.LLVM.Intrinsics ( IntrinsicsOptions, OverrideTemplate, basic_llvm_override, LLVMOverride(..) ) import Lang.Crucible.LLVM.MemType ( MemType(..), SymType(..) , i1, i8, i16, i32, i64 , memTypeSize, memTypeAlign , mkStructInfo ) import Lang.Crucible.LLVM.MemModel ( mkMemVar, withPtrWidth, HasLLVMAnn, LLVMAnnMap, MemImpl , HasPtrWidth, doResolveGlobal, doStore , LLVMPtr, LLVMVal, MemOptions, PartLLVMVal(..), StorageType, bitvectorType , ptrAdd, toStorableType, projectLLVM_bv , pattern LLVMPointerRepr, pattern PtrRepr, loadRaw, llvmPointer_bv , memRepr, Mem, unpackMemValue ) import Lang.Crucible.LLVM.MemModel.CallStack (CallStack) import Lang.Crucible.LLVM.MemModel.Partial (BoolAnn(..)) import Lang.Crucible.LLVM.PrettyPrint (ppSymbol) import Lang.Crucible.LLVM.Translation ( LLVMTranslationWarning(..), ModuleTranslation , getTranslatedCFG, translateModule, globalInitMap , transContext, llvmPtrWidth, llvmTypeCtx, llvmTypeAsRepr ) import Lang.Crucible.LLVM.TypeContext (TypeContext, llvmDataLayout) import Crux (defaultOutputConfig) import Crux.Config (cfgJoin, Config(..)) import Crux.Config.Load (fromFile, fromEnv) import Crux.Config.Common ( cruxOptions, CruxOptions(..), postprocessOptions, outputOptions , OutputOptions(..) ) import Crux.Goal (proveGoalsOffline, provedGoalsTree) import qualified Crux.Log as Log import Crux.Types (SimCtxt, Crux, ProcessedGoals(..), ProofResult(..)) import Crux.LLVM.Config (llvmCruxConfig, LLVMOptions(..)) import Crux.LLVM.Compile (genBitCode) import qualified Crux.LLVM.Log as Log import Crux.LLVM.Simulate (setupSimCtxt, parseLLVM, explainFailure) import CruxLLVMMain (processLLVMOptions) import What4.Config (extendConfig) import What4.Interface ( Pred, bvLit, bvAdd, bvUrem, bvMul, bvIsNonzero, bvEq, isEq , getConfiguration, freshBoundedBV, predToBV , getCurrentProgramLoc, printSymExpr , truePred, falsePred, andPred, annotateTerm, backendPred , getAnnotation, natAdd, natEq, natIte, natLit ) import What4.Expr.Builder ( FloatModeRepr(..), ExprBuilder, BoolExpr, startCaching , newExprBuilder ) import What4.FunctionName (functionName) import What4.InterpretedFloatingPoint ( FloatInfoRepr(..), IsInterpretedFloatExprBuilder(..) , SingleFloat, DoubleFloat ) import What4.ProgramLoc (ProgramLoc, mkProgramLoc, plFunction, Position(..)) import What4.Solver.Adapter (SolverAdapter(..)) import What4.Solver.Z3 (z3Adapter) import What4.Symbol (safeSymbol) -- | @'verify' csettings props prefix spec@ verifies the Copilot specification -- @spec@ under the assumptions @props@ matches the behavior of the C program -- compiled with @csettings@ within a directory prefixed by @prefix@. verify :: CSettings -> [String] -> String -> Spec -> IO () verify = verifyWithOptions defaultVerifierOptions -- | Options for configuring the behavior of the verifier. data VerifierOptions = VerifierOptions { verbosity :: Verbosity -- ^ How much output the verifier should produce. , assumePartialSideConds :: Bool -- ^ If 'True', the verifier will determine the conditions under which -- a Copilot specification's partial operations are well defined and -- add these side conditions as assumptions. As a result, even if the -- generated C code performs a partial operation, the verification will -- succeed if this partial operation coincides with a corresponding -- operation on the Copilot side. -- -- If 'False', the verifier will not assume any side conditions related -- to partial operations in the Copilot specification. As a result, any -- use of a partial operation in the generated C code will cause -- verification to fail unless the user adds their own assumptions. , logSmtInteractions :: Bool -- ^ If 'True', create log files corresponding to the SMT solver -- interactions used to discharge each proof goal. The file will be named -- @--.smt2@, where: -- -- * @@ will be either @initial-step@ or @transition-step@, depending -- on which step of the proof the goal corresponds to. -- -- * @@ will be the number of the goal, starting at 0 and -- counting up. Note that each step of the proof has its own goal -- numbers. This means that there can be both an -- @initial-step-0-.smt2@ and a @transition-step-0-.smt2@, -- and similarly for other numbers. -- -- * @@ is the name of the SMT solver used to discharge the proof -- goal. Currently, this will always be @z3@, although we might make this -- configurable in the future. } deriving stock Show -- | The default 'VerifierOptions': -- -- * Produce a reasonable amount of diagnostics as verification proceeds -- ('Default'). -- -- * Do not assume any side conditions related to partial operations. -- -- * Do not log any SMT solver interactions. defaultVerifierOptions :: VerifierOptions defaultVerifierOptions = VerifierOptions { verbosity = Default , assumePartialSideConds = False , logSmtInteractions = False } -- | Like 'defaultVerifierOptions', except that the verifier will assume side -- conditions related to partial operations used in the Copilot spec. sideCondVerifierOptions :: VerifierOptions sideCondVerifierOptions = defaultVerifierOptions { assumePartialSideConds = True } -- | How much output should verification produce? -- -- The data constructors are listed in increasing order of how many diagnostics -- they produce. data Verbosity = Quiet -- ^ Don't produce any diagnostics. | Default -- ^ Produce a reasonable amount of diagnostics as verification proceeds. | Noisy -- ^ Produce as many diagnostics as possible. deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | Like 'verify', but with 'VerifierOptions' to more finely control the -- verifier's behavior. verifyWithOptions :: VerifierOptions -> CSettings -> [String] -> String -> Spec -> IO () verifyWithOptions opts csettings0 properties prefix spec = withCopilotLogging $ do -- munge options structures into the necessary forms (ocfg, cruxOpts, llvmOpts, csettings, csrc) <- computeConfiguration opts csettings0 prefix let ?outputConfig = ocfg -- Compile the Copilot spec into C source code, using -- preexisting Copilot library calls. compileWith csettings prefix spec Log.sayCopilot $ Log.GeneratedCFile csrc -- Compile the C source into LLVM bitcode, using preexisting -- Crux library calls. bcFile <- genBitCode cruxOpts llvmOpts Log.sayCopilot $ Log.CompiledBitcodeFile prefix bcFile -- Run the main verification procedure verifyBitcode opts csettings properties spec cruxOpts llvmOpts bcFile -- | Do the (surprisingly large amount) of options munging necessary to set up -- the crucible/crux environment. computeConfiguration :: Log.SupportsCruxLogMessage CopilotLogging => VerifierOptions -> CSettings -> FilePath -> IO (Log.OutputConfig CopilotLogging, CruxOptions, LLVMOptions, CSettings, FilePath) computeConfiguration opts csettings0 prefix = do ocfg1 <- defaultOutputConfig copilotLoggingToSayWhat let quiet = verbosity opts == Quiet let ocfg2 mbOutputOpts = (ocfg1 mbOutputOpts) { Log._quiet = quiet } llvmcfg <- llvmCruxConfig let cfg = cfgJoin cruxOptions llvmcfg -- TODO, load from an actual configuration file? fileOpts <- fromFile "copilot-verifier" cfg Nothing (cruxOpts0, llvmOpts0) <- foldM fromEnv fileOpts (cfgEnv cfg) let odir0 = cSettingsOutputDirectory csettings0 let odir = -- A bit grimy, but this corresponds to how crux-llvm sets -- its output directory. if odir0 == "." then "results" prefix else odir0 let csettings = csettings0{ cSettingsOutputDirectory = odir } let csrc = odir prefix ++ ".c" let cruxOpts1 = cruxOpts0{ outDir = odir, bldDir = odir, inputFiles = [csrc] , outputOptions = (outputOptions cruxOpts0) { quietMode = quiet , simVerbose = if verbosity opts > Default then 2 else 0 } } let ?outputConfig = ocfg2 (Just (outputOptions cruxOpts1)) cruxOpts2 <- postprocessOptions cruxOpts1 -- Tweak the options passed to Clang: -- -- - Fix the optimization level to -O0. -- -- - Pass -ffp-contract=off to prevent sequences of floating-point -- multiplications/additions from being optimized to llvm.fmuladd -- intrinsics, which makes floating-point verification fragile. let llvmOpts1 = llvmOpts0 { optLevel = 0 , clangOpts = "-ffp-contract=off" : clangOpts llvmOpts0 } (cruxOpts3, llvmOpts2) <- processLLVMOptions (cruxOpts2, llvmOpts1) let ocfg3 = ocfg2 (Just (outputOptions cruxOpts3)) return (ocfg3, cruxOpts3, llvmOpts2, csettings, csrc) data CopilotVerifierData t = CopilotVerifierData -- | Main entry point for the verifier. verifyBitcode :: Log.Logs msgs => Log.SupportsCruxLogMessage msgs => Log.SupportsCruxLLVMLogMessage msgs => Log.SupportsCopilotLogMessage msgs => VerifierOptions {- ^ Verifier-specific settings -} -> CSettings {- ^ Settings used to compile the Copilot spec. Used to find the names of functions and variables. -} -> [String] {- ^ Names of properties to assume during verification. -} -> Spec {- ^ The input Copilot specification -} -> CruxOptions {- ^ Crux options -} -> LLVMOptions {- ^ CruxLLVM options -} -> FilePath {- ^ Path to the bitcode file to verify -} -> IO () verifyBitcode opts csettings properties spec cruxOpts llvmOpts bcFile = do -- Set up the expression builder and symbolic backend halloc <- newHandleAllocator sym <- newExprBuilder FloatUninterpretedRepr CopilotVerifierData globalNonceGenerator bak <- newSimpleBackend sym -- turn on hash-consing startCaching sym -- capture LLVM side-condition information for use in error reporting clRefs <- newCopilotLogRefs let ?recordLLVMAnnotation = recordLLVMAnnotation clRefs -- Set up the solver to use for verification. Right now we hard-code this to Z3. let adapters = [z3Adapter] -- TODO? configurable extendConfig (solver_adapter_config_options z3Adapter) (getConfiguration sym) -- Set up the Crucible/LLVM simulation context memVar <- mkMemVar "llvm_memory" halloc let simctx = (setupSimCtxt halloc bak (memOpts llvmOpts) memVar) { printHandle = view Log.outputHandle ?outputConfig } -- Load and translate the input LLVM module llvmMod <- parseLLVM bcFile Some trans <- let ?transOpts = transOpts llvmOpts in translateModule halloc memVar llvmMod Log.sayCopilot Log.TranslatedToCrucible -- Grab some metadata from the bitcode file and options; -- make the available via implicit arguments to the places -- that expect them. let llvmCtxt = trans ^. transContext let ?lc = llvmCtxt ^. llvmTypeCtx let ?memOpts = memOpts llvmOpts let ?intrinsicsOpts = intrinsicsOpts llvmOpts llvmPtrWidth llvmCtxt $ \ptrW -> withPtrWidth ptrW $ do -- Compute the LLVM memory state with global variables allocated -- but not initialized emptyMem <- initializeAllMemory bak llvmCtxt llvmMod -- Compute the LLVM memory state with global variables initialized -- to their initial values. initialMem <- populateAllGlobals bak (trans ^. globalInitMap) emptyMem -- Use the Copilot spec directly to compute the symbolic states -- necessary to carry out the states of the bisimulation proof. Log.sayCopilot Log.GeneratingProofState proofStateBundle <- CW4.computeBisimulationProofBundle sym properties spec -- First check that the initial state of the program matches the starting -- segment of the associated Copilot streams. let cruxOptsInit = setCruxOfflineSolverOutput "initial-step" cruxOpts verifyInitialState cruxOptsInit adapters clRefs simctx initialMem (CW4.initialStreamState proofStateBundle) -- Now, the real meat. Carry out the bisimulation step of the proof. let cruxOptsTrans = setCruxOfflineSolverOutput "transition-step" cruxOpts verifyStepBisimulation opts cruxOptsTrans adapters csettings clRefs simctx llvmMod trans memVar initialMem proofStateBundle where -- If @logSmtInteractions@ is enabled, enable offline solver output in the -- supplied 'CruxOptions' with the supplied file template. Otherwise, return -- the supplied 'CruxOptions' unaltered. setCruxOfflineSolverOutput :: FilePath -> CruxOptions -> CruxOptions setCruxOfflineSolverOutput template cruxOpts' | logSmtInteractions opts = cruxOpts' { offlineSolverOutput = Just $ outDir cruxOpts' template <.> "smt2" } | otherwise = cruxOpts' -- | Capture LLVM side-condition information for use in error reporting. recordLLVMAnnotation :: IsSymInterface sym => CopilotLogRefs sym -> CallStack -> BoolAnn sym -> BadBehavior sym -> IO () recordLLVMAnnotation clRefs stk bann bb = modifyIORef' (llvmAnnMapRef clRefs) (Map.insert bann (stk, bb)) -- | Prove that the state of the global variables at program startup -- matches the expected initial segments of the associated Copilot -- streams. verifyInitialState :: IsSymInterface sym => Log.Logs msgs => Log.SupportsCruxLogMessage msgs => Log.SupportsCopilotLogMessage msgs => sym ~ ExprBuilder t st fs => HasPtrWidth wptr => HasLLVMAnn sym => (?memOpts :: MemOptions) => (?lc :: TypeContext) => CruxOptions -> [SolverAdapter st] -> CopilotLogRefs sym -> SimCtxt Crux sym LLVM -> MemImpl sym -> CW4.BisimulationProofState sym -> IO () verifyInitialState cruxOpts adapters clRefs simctx mem initialState = withBackend simctx $ \bak -> do Log.sayCopilot $ Log.ComputingConditions Log.InitialState frm <- pushAssumptionFrame bak assertStateRelation bak clRefs mem initialState popUntilAssumptionFrame bak frm Log.sayCopilot $ Log.ProvingConditions Log.InitialState proveObls cruxOpts adapters clRefs Log.InitialState simctx verifyStepBisimulation :: IsSymInterface sym => Log.Logs msgs => Log.SupportsCruxLogMessage msgs => Log.SupportsCruxLLVMLogMessage msgs => Log.SupportsCopilotLogMessage msgs => sym ~ ExprBuilder t st fs => HasPtrWidth wptr => HasLLVMAnn sym => (1 <= ArchWidth arch) => HasPtrWidth (ArchWidth arch) => (?memOpts :: MemOptions) => (?lc :: TypeContext) => (?intrinsicsOpts :: IntrinsicsOptions) => VerifierOptions -> CruxOptions -> [SolverAdapter st] -> CSettings -> CopilotLogRefs sym -> SimCtxt Crux sym LLVM -> L.Module -> ModuleTranslation arch -> GlobalVar Mem -> MemImpl sym -> CW4.BisimulationProofBundle sym -> IO () verifyStepBisimulation opts cruxOpts adapters csettings clRefs simctx llvmMod modTrans memVar mem prfbundle = withBackend simctx $ \bak -> do Log.sayCopilot $ Log.ComputingConditions Log.StepBisimulation frm <- pushAssumptionFrame bak do -- set up the memory image mem' <- setupPrestate bak mem prfbundle -- sanity check, verify that we set up the memory in the expected relation assertStateRelation bak clRefs mem' (CW4.preStreamState prfbundle) -- set up trigger guard global variables let halloc = simHandleAllocator simctx -- See Note [Global variables for trigger functions] let prepTrigger (nm, guard, _) = do gv <- freshGlobalVar halloc (Text.pack (nm ++ "_called")) NatRepr return (nm, gv, guard) triggerGlobals <- mapM prepTrigger (CW4.triggerState prfbundle) -- execute the step function let overrides = zipWith (triggerOverride clRefs) triggerGlobals (CW4.triggerState prfbundle) mem'' <- executeStep opts csettings clRefs simctx memVar mem' llvmMod modTrans triggerGlobals overrides (CW4.assumptions prfbundle) (CW4.sideConds prfbundle) -- assert the poststate is in the relation assertStateRelation bak clRefs mem'' (CW4.postStreamState prfbundle) popUntilAssumptionFrame bak frm Log.sayCopilot $ Log.ProvingConditions Log.StepBisimulation proveObls cruxOpts adapters clRefs Log.StepBisimulation simctx -- | Set up the "trigger override" functions. These dummy functions -- take the place of the external functions called by the Copilot -- monitor when a guarded condition occurs. -- -- Each trigger statement has a corresponding global variable that -- is used to record if the trigger function was called; initially -- the global is false, and is set to true when the trigger function -- is called. At the end of verification, we check that the value -- of this global variable is true iff the corresponding trigger guard -- condition is true. -- -- The other function of the trigger overrides is to check that, when called, -- the functions are given the expected argument values. -- -- Otherwise, the override functions have no effects, which corresponds -- to the assumption that the external environment makes no changes to the -- program state that are observable to the Copilot monitor. triggerOverride :: forall sym t arch msgs. IsSymInterface sym => Log.Logs msgs => Log.SupportsCopilotLogMessage msgs => (?memOpts :: MemOptions) => (?lc :: TypeContext) => (?intrinsicsOpts :: IntrinsicsOptions) => (1 <= ArchWidth arch) => HasPtrWidth (ArchWidth arch) => HasLLVMAnn sym => CopilotLogRefs sym -> (Name, GlobalVar NatType, Pred sym) -> (Name, BoolExpr t, [(Some Type, CW4.XExpr sym)]) -> OverrideTemplate (Crux sym) sym arch (RegEntry sym Mem) EmptyCtx Mem triggerOverride clRefs (_,triggerGlobal,_) (nm, _guard, args) = let args' = map toTypeRepr args in case Ctx.fromList args' of Some argCtx -> basic_llvm_override $ LLVMOverride decl argCtx UnitRepr $ \memOps bak calledArgs -> do let sym = backendGetSym bak modifyGlobal triggerGlobal $ \count -> do -- See Note [Global variables for trigger functions] countPlusOne <- liftIO $ do one <- natLit sym 1 natAdd sym count one pure ((), countPlusOne) mem <- readGlobal memOps liftIO $ checkArgs bak mem (toListFC Some calledArgs) args return () where decl = L.Declare { L.decLinkage = Nothing , L.decVisibility = Nothing , L.decRetType = L.PrimType L.Void , L.decName = L.Symbol nm , L.decArgs = map llvmArgTy args , L.decVarArgs = False , L.decAttrs = [] , L.decComdat = Nothing } -- Use the `-CompositePtr` functions here to ensure that arguments with array -- or struct types are treated as pointers. See Note [Arrays and structs]. toTypeRepr (Some ctp, _) = llvmTypeAsRepr (copilotTypeToMemTypeCompositePtr (llvmDataLayout ?lc) ctp) Some llvmArgTy (Some ctp, _) = copilotTypeToLLVMTypeCompositePtr ctp checkArgs :: forall bak. IsSymBackend sym bak => bak -> MemImpl sym -> [Some (RegEntry sym)] -> [(Some Type, CW4.XExpr sym)] -> IO () checkArgs bak mem = loop (0::Integer) where loop i (x:xs) ((ctp,v):vs) = checkArg bak mem i x ctp v >> loop (i+1) xs vs loop _ [] [] = return () loop _ _ _ = fail $ "Argument list mismatch in " ++ nm checkArg :: forall bak. IsSymBackend sym bak => bak -> MemImpl sym -> Integer -> Some (RegEntry sym) -> Some Type -> CW4.XExpr sym -> IO () checkArg bak mem i (Some (RegEntry tp v)) (Some ctp) x = do let sym = backendGetSym bak eq <- computeEqualVals bak clRefs mem ctp x tp v (ann, eq') <- annotateTerm sym eq let shortmsg = "Trigger " ++ show nm ++ " argument " ++ show i let longmsg = show (printSymExpr eq') let rsn = AssertFailureSimError shortmsg longmsg loc <- getCurrentProgramLoc sym modifyIORef' (verifierAssertionMapRef clRefs) $ Map.insert (BoolAnn ann) $ Log.TriggerArgumentEqualityAssertion $ Log.SomeSome $ Log.TriggerArgumentEquality sym loc nm i ctp x tp v addDurableProofObligation bak (LabeledPred eq' (SimError loc rsn)) -- | Actually execute the Crucible simulator on the generated "step" function. -- This will record proof side-conditions into the symbolic backend, and -- return the memory state corresponding to the function post-state. -- -- This function will record side-conditions that arise from the semantics -- of C itself (e.g., memory is accessed in bounds and signed arithmetic -- doesn't overflow) as well as the conditions related to trigger functions. executeStep :: forall sym arch msgs. IsSymInterface sym => Log.Logs msgs => Log.SupportsCruxLLVMLogMessage msgs => Log.SupportsCopilotLogMessage msgs => (?memOpts :: MemOptions) => (?lc :: TypeContext) => (?intrinsicsOpts :: IntrinsicsOptions) => (1 <= ArchWidth arch) => HasPtrWidth (ArchWidth arch) => HasLLVMAnn sym => VerifierOptions -> CSettings -> CopilotLogRefs sym -> SimCtxt Crux sym LLVM -> GlobalVar Mem -> MemImpl sym -> L.Module -> ModuleTranslation arch -> [(Name, GlobalVar NatType, Pred sym)] -> [OverrideTemplate (Crux sym) sym arch (RegEntry sym Mem) EmptyCtx Mem] -> [Pred sym] {- User-provided property assumptions -} -> [Pred sym] {- Side conditions related to partial operations -} -> IO (MemImpl sym) executeStep opts csettings clRefs simctx memVar mem llvmmod modTrans triggerGlobals triggerOverrides assums sideConds = do globSt <- foldM setupTrigger (llvmGlobals memVar mem) triggerGlobals let initSt = InitialState simctx globSt defaultAbortHandler memRepr $ runOverrideSim memRepr runStep res <- executeCrucible [] initSt case res of FinishedResult _ pr -> return (pr^.partialValue.gpValue.to regValue) AbortedResult _ abortRes -> fail $ show $ ppAbortedResult abortRes TimeoutResult{} -> fail "simulation timed out!" where -- See Note [Global variables for trigger functions] setupTrigger gs (_,gv,_) = do zero <- liftIO $ natLit sym 0 pure $ insertGlobal gv zero gs llvm_ctx = modTrans ^. transContext stepName = cSettingsStepFunctionName csettings sym = simctx^.ctxSymInterface -- TODO, would be lovely to be able to do better than dummy positions for all these things -- so we can correspond assumptions and asserts back to the parts of the original spec that -- gave rise to them. dummyLoc = mkProgramLoc "<>" InternalPos assumeProperty b = withBackend simctx $ \bak -> addAssumption bak (GenericAssumption dummyLoc "Property assumption" b) assumeSideCond b = withBackend simctx $ \bak -> addAssumption bak (GenericAssumption dummyLoc "Side condition for partial operation" b) ppAbortedResult :: AbortedResult sym ext -> PP.Doc ann ppAbortedResult abortRes = case gatherReasons abortRes of reason :| [] -> reason reasons -> PP.vcat $ "Simulation aborted for multiple reasons." : NE.toList reasons gatherReasons :: AbortedResult sym ext -> NonEmpty (PP.Doc ann) gatherReasons (AbortedExec rsn _) = PP.vcat ["Simulation aborted!", ppAbortExecReason rsn] :| [] gatherReasons (AbortedExit ec) = PP.vcat ["Simulation called exit!", PP.viaShow ec] :| [] gatherReasons (AbortedBranch _ _ t f) = gatherReasons t <> gatherReasons f -- Simulator entry point runStep :: OverrideSim (Crux sym) sym LLVM (RegEntry sym Mem) EmptyCtx Mem (MemImpl sym) runStep = do -- set up built-in functions and trigger overrides register_llvm_overrides llvmmod [] triggerOverrides llvm_ctx -- set up functions defined in the module registerLazyModule sayTranslationWarning modTrans -- make any property assumptions liftIO (mapM_ assumeProperty assums) -- assume side conditions related to partial operations when (assumePartialSideConds opts) $ liftIO $ mapM_ assumeSideCond sideConds -- look up and call the step function mbCfg <- liftIO $ getTranslatedCFG modTrans (L.Symbol stepName) () <- case mbCfg of Just (_, AnyCFG anyCfg, warns) -> do liftIO $ mapM_ sayTranslationWarning warns case (cfgArgTypes anyCfg, cfgReturnType anyCfg) of (Empty, UnitRepr) -> regValue <$> callCFG anyCfg emptyRegMap _ -> fail $ unwords [show stepName, "should take no arguments and return void"] Nothing -> fail $ unwords ["Could not find step function named", show stepName] -- Assert that the trigger functions were called exactly once iff the -- associated guard condition was true. -- See Note [Global variables for trigger functions]. forM_ triggerGlobals $ \(nm, gv, guard) -> do expectedCount <- liftIO $ do one <- natLit sym 1 zero <- natLit sym 0 natIte sym guard one zero actualCount <- readGlobal gv eq <- liftIO $ natEq sym expectedCount actualCount (ann, eq') <- liftIO $ annotateTerm sym eq let shortmsg = "Trigger guard equality condition: " ++ show nm let longmsg = show (printSymExpr eq') let rsn = AssertFailureSimError shortmsg longmsg liftIO $ modifyIORef' (verifierAssertionMapRef clRefs) $ Map.insert (BoolAnn ann) $ Log.TriggersInvokedCorrespondinglyAssertion $ Log.TriggersInvokedCorrespondingly dummyLoc nm expectedCount actualCount withBackend simctx $ \bak -> liftIO $ addDurableProofObligation bak (LabeledPred eq' (SimError dummyLoc rsn)) -- return the final state of the memory readGlobal memVar -- | Given a bisimulation proof bundle and an empty initial state, -- populate the global ring-buffer variables with abstract state -- values, and write the abstract values of the external stream -- values into their proper locations. setupPrestate :: IsSymBackend sym bak => HasPtrWidth wptr => HasLLVMAnn sym => (?memOpts :: MemOptions) => (?lc :: TypeContext) => bak -> MemImpl sym -> CW4.BisimulationProofBundle sym -> IO (MemImpl sym) setupPrestate bak mem0 prfbundle = do mem' <- foldM setupStreamState mem0 (CW4.streamState (CW4.preStreamState prfbundle)) foldM setupExternalInput mem' (CW4.externalInputs prfbundle) where sym = backendGetSym bak sizeTStorage :: StorageType sizeTStorage = bitvectorType (bitsToBytes (intValue ?ptrWidth)) setupExternalInput mem (nm, Some ctp, v) = do -- Compute LLVM/Crucible type information from the Copilot type let memTy = copilotTypeToMemTypeBool8 (llvmDataLayout ?lc) ctp let typeAlign = memTypeAlign (llvmDataLayout ?lc) memTy stType <- toStorableType memTy Some typeRepr <- return (llvmTypeAsRepr memTy Some) -- resolve the global variable to a pointers ptrVal <- doResolveGlobal bak mem (L.Symbol nm) -- write the value into the global regVal <- copilotExprToRegValue sym v typeRepr doStore bak mem ptrVal typeRepr stType typeAlign regVal setupStreamState mem (nm, Some ctp, vs) = do -- TODO, should get these from somewhere inside copilot instead of building these names directly let idxName = "s" ++ show nm ++ "_idx" let bufName = "s" ++ show nm let buflen = genericLength vs :: Integer -- Compute LLVM/Crucible type information from the Copilot type let memTy = copilotTypeToMemTypeBool8 (llvmDataLayout ?lc) ctp let typeLen = memTypeSize (llvmDataLayout ?lc) memTy let typeAlign = memTypeAlign (llvmDataLayout ?lc) memTy stType <- toStorableType memTy Some typeRepr <- return (llvmTypeAsRepr memTy Some) -- Resolve the global names into base pointers idxPtr <- doResolveGlobal bak mem (L.Symbol idxName) bufPtr <- doResolveGlobal bak mem (L.Symbol bufName) -- Create a fresh index value in the proper range idxVal <- freshBoundedBV sym (safeSymbol idxName) ?ptrWidth (Just 0) (Just (fromIntegral (buflen - 1))) idxVal' <- llvmPointer_bv sym idxVal -- store the index value in the correct location let sizeTAlign = memTypeAlign (llvmDataLayout ?lc) (IntType (natValue ?ptrWidth)) mem' <- doStore bak mem idxPtr (LLVMPointerRepr ?ptrWidth) sizeTStorage sizeTAlign idxVal' buflen' <- bvLit sym ?ptrWidth (BV.mkBV ?ptrWidth buflen) typeLen' <- bvLit sym ?ptrWidth (BV.mkBV ?ptrWidth (toInteger typeLen)) -- Write each value of the stream ring buffer into its correct location flip execStateT mem' $ forM_ (zip vs [0 ..]) $ \(v,i) -> do ptrVal <- lift $ do x1 <- bvAdd sym idxVal =<< bvLit sym ?ptrWidth (BV.mkBV ?ptrWidth i) x2 <- bvUrem sym x1 buflen' x3 <- bvMul sym x2 typeLen' ptrAdd sym ?ptrWidth bufPtr x3 regVal <- lift $ copilotExprToRegValue sym v typeRepr StateT $ \m -> do m' <- doStore bak m ptrVal typeRepr stType typeAlign regVal return ((),m') -- | Given a memory image and a "proof state", assert that the global values -- for each stream ring buffer have values that correspond to the given -- stream state. This collection of assertions defines the bisimulation -- relation. assertStateRelation :: IsSymBackend sym bak => Log.Logs msgs => HasPtrWidth wptr => HasLLVMAnn sym => (?memOpts :: MemOptions) => (?lc :: TypeContext) => bak -> CopilotLogRefs sym -> MemImpl sym -> CW4.BisimulationProofState sym -> IO () assertStateRelation bak clRefs mem prfst = -- For each stream in the proof state, assert that the -- generated ring buffer global contains the corresponding -- values. forM_ (CW4.streamState prfst) assertStreamState where sym = backendGetSym bak sizeTStorage :: StorageType sizeTStorage = bitvectorType (bitsToBytes (intValue ?ptrWidth)) assertStreamState (nm, Some ctp, vs) = do -- TODO, should get these from somewhere inside copilot instead of building these names directly let idxName = "s" ++ show nm ++ "_idx" let bufName = "s" ++ show nm let buflen = genericLength vs :: Integer -- Compute LLVM/Crucible type information from the Copilot type let memTy = copilotTypeToMemTypeBool8 (llvmDataLayout ?lc) ctp let typeLen = memTypeSize (llvmDataLayout ?lc) memTy let typeAlign = memTypeAlign (llvmDataLayout ?lc) memTy stType <- toStorableType memTy Some typeRepr <- return (llvmTypeAsRepr memTy Some) -- Resolve the global names into base pointers idxPtr <- doResolveGlobal bak mem (L.Symbol idxName) bufPtr <- doResolveGlobal bak mem (L.Symbol bufName) -- read the value of the ring buffer index let sizeTAlign = memTypeAlign (llvmDataLayout ?lc) (IntType (natValue ?ptrWidth)) (bannIdxVal, pIdxVal, idxVal) <- doLoadWithAnn bak mem idxPtr sizeTStorage (LLVMPointerRepr ?ptrWidth) sizeTAlign idxVal' <- projectLLVM_bv bak idxVal locIdxVal <- getCurrentProgramLoc sym modifyIORef' (verifierAssertionMapRef clRefs) $ Map.insert bannIdxVal $ Log.RingBufferIndexLoadAssertion $ Log.RingBufferIndexLoad sym locIdxVal (Text.pack idxName) pIdxVal buflen' <- bvLit sym ?ptrWidth (BV.mkBV ?ptrWidth buflen) typeLen' <- bvLit sym ?ptrWidth (BV.mkBV ?ptrWidth (toInteger typeLen)) -- For each value in the stream description, read a corresponding value from -- memory and assert that they are equal. forM_ (zip vs [0 ..]) $ \(v,i) -> do ptrVal <- do x1 <- bvAdd sym idxVal' =<< bvLit sym ?ptrWidth (BV.mkBV ?ptrWidth i) x2 <- bvUrem sym x1 buflen' x3 <- bvMul sym x2 typeLen' ptrAdd sym ?ptrWidth bufPtr x3 (bannv', pv', v') <- doLoadWithAnn bak mem ptrVal stType typeRepr typeAlign locv' <- getCurrentProgramLoc sym let bufNameT = Text.pack bufName modifyIORef' (verifierAssertionMapRef clRefs) $ Map.insert bannv' $ Log.RingBufferLoadAssertion $ Log.SomeSome $ Log.RingBufferLoad sym locv' bufNameT i buflen ctp typeRepr pv' eq <- computeEqualVals bak clRefs mem ctp v typeRepr v' (ann, eq') <- annotateTerm sym eq let shortmsg = "State equality condition: " ++ show nm ++ " index value " ++ show i let longmsg = show (printSymExpr eq') let rsn = AssertFailureSimError shortmsg longmsg let loc = mkProgramLoc "<>" InternalPos modifyIORef' (verifierAssertionMapRef clRefs) $ Map.insert (BoolAnn ann) $ Log.StreamValueEqualityAssertion $ Log.SomeSome $ Log.StreamValueEquality sym loc bufNameT i buflen ctp v typeRepr v' addDurableProofObligation bak (LabeledPred eq' (SimError loc rsn)) return () -- | Translate the @XExpr@ values from the "Copilot.Theorem.What4" module into -- Crucible @RegValue@s suitable for injection into the Crucible simulator. copilotExprToRegValue :: forall sym tp. IsSymInterface sym => sym -> CW4.XExpr sym -> TypeRepr tp -> IO (RegValue sym tp) copilotExprToRegValue sym = loop where loop :: forall tp'. CW4.XExpr sym -> TypeRepr tp' -> IO (RegValue sym tp') loop (CW4.XBool b) (LLVMPointerRepr w) | Just Refl <- testEquality w (knownNat @1) = llvmPointer_bv sym =<< predToBV sym b knownRepr loop (CW4.XBool b) (LLVMPointerRepr w) | Just Refl <- testEquality w (knownNat @8) = llvmPointer_bv sym =<< predToBV sym b knownRepr loop (CW4.XInt8 x) (LLVMPointerRepr w) | Just Refl <- testEquality w (knownNat @8) = llvmPointer_bv sym x loop (CW4.XInt16 x) (LLVMPointerRepr w) | Just Refl <- testEquality w (knownNat @16) = llvmPointer_bv sym x loop (CW4.XInt32 x) (LLVMPointerRepr w) | Just Refl <- testEquality w (knownNat @32) = llvmPointer_bv sym x loop (CW4.XInt64 x) (LLVMPointerRepr w) | Just Refl <- testEquality w (knownNat @64) = llvmPointer_bv sym x loop (CW4.XWord8 x) (LLVMPointerRepr w) | Just Refl <- testEquality w (knownNat @8) = llvmPointer_bv sym x loop (CW4.XWord16 x) (LLVMPointerRepr w) | Just Refl <- testEquality w (knownNat @16) = llvmPointer_bv sym x loop (CW4.XWord32 x) (LLVMPointerRepr w) | Just Refl <- testEquality w (knownNat @32) = llvmPointer_bv sym x loop (CW4.XWord64 x) (LLVMPointerRepr w) | Just Refl <- testEquality w (knownNat @64) = llvmPointer_bv sym x loop (CW4.XFloat x) (FloatRepr SingleFloatRepr) = return x loop (CW4.XDouble x) (FloatRepr DoubleFloatRepr) = return x loop CW4.XEmptyArray (VectorRepr _tpr) = pure V.empty loop (CW4.XArray xs) (VectorRepr tpr) = V.generateM (PVec.lengthInt xs) (\i -> loop (PVec.elemAtUnsafe i xs) tpr) loop (CW4.XStruct xs) (StructRepr ctx) = Ctx.traverseWithIndex (\i tpr -> RV <$> loop (xs !! Ctx.indexVal i) tpr) ctx loop x tpr = fail $ unlines ["Mismatch between Copilot value and crucible value", show x, show tpr] -- | Given an @XExpr@ from from the "Copilot.Theorem.What4" module, and -- a Crucible @RegValue@ which is expected to match, compute an equality -- predicate between the values. The Crucible values may be pointers, -- requiring us to resolve the indirection through memory; this is necessary -- for array and struct values, but would also work for scalars. computeEqualVals :: forall sym bak tp a wptr. IsSymBackend sym bak => HasPtrWidth wptr => HasLLVMAnn sym => (?lc :: TypeContext) => (?memOpts :: MemOptions) => bak -> CopilotLogRefs sym -> MemImpl sym -> Type a -> CW4.XExpr sym -> TypeRepr tp -> RegValue sym tp -> IO (Pred sym) computeEqualVals bak clRefs mem = loop where sym = backendGetSym bak loop :: forall tp' a'. Type a' -> CW4.XExpr sym -> TypeRepr tp' -> RegValue sym tp' -> IO (Pred sym) loop Bool (CW4.XBool b) (LLVMPointerRepr w) v | Just Refl <- testEquality w (knownNat @1) = isEq sym b =<< bvIsNonzero sym =<< projectLLVM_bv bak v loop Bool (CW4.XBool b) (LLVMPointerRepr w) v | Just Refl <- testEquality w (knownNat @8) = isEq sym b =<< bvIsNonzero sym =<< projectLLVM_bv bak v loop Int8 (CW4.XInt8 x) (LLVMPointerRepr w) v | Just Refl <- testEquality w (knownNat @8) = bvEq sym x =<< projectLLVM_bv bak v loop Int16 (CW4.XInt16 x) (LLVMPointerRepr w) v | Just Refl <- testEquality w (knownNat @16) = bvEq sym x =<< projectLLVM_bv bak v loop Int32 (CW4.XInt32 x) (LLVMPointerRepr w) v | Just Refl <- testEquality w (knownNat @32) = bvEq sym x =<< projectLLVM_bv bak v loop Int64 (CW4.XInt64 x) (LLVMPointerRepr w) v | Just Refl <- testEquality w (knownNat @64) = bvEq sym x =<< projectLLVM_bv bak v loop Word8 (CW4.XWord8 x) (LLVMPointerRepr w) v | Just Refl <- testEquality w (knownNat @8) = bvEq sym x =<< projectLLVM_bv bak v loop Word16 (CW4.XWord16 x) (LLVMPointerRepr w) v | Just Refl <- testEquality w (knownNat @16) = bvEq sym x =<< projectLLVM_bv bak v loop Word32 (CW4.XWord32 x) (LLVMPointerRepr w) v | Just Refl <- testEquality w (knownNat @32) = bvEq sym x =<< projectLLVM_bv bak v loop Word64 (CW4.XWord64 x) (LLVMPointerRepr w) v | Just Refl <- testEquality w (knownNat @64) = bvEq sym x =<< projectLLVM_bv bak v loop Float (CW4.XFloat x) (FloatRepr SingleFloatRepr) v = iFloatEq @_ @SingleFloat sym x v loop Double (CW4.XDouble x) (FloatRepr DoubleFloatRepr) v = iFloatEq @_ @DoubleFloat sym x v loop (Array _ctp) CW4.XEmptyArray (VectorRepr _tpr) vs = pure $ backendPred sym $ V.null vs loop (Array ctp) (CW4.XArray xs) (VectorRepr tpr) vs | PVec.lengthInt xs == V.length vs = V.ifoldM (\pAcc i v -> andPred sym pAcc =<< loop ctp (PVec.elemAtUnsafe i xs) tpr v) (truePred sym) vs | otherwise = pure (falsePred sym) loop (Struct struct) (CW4.XStruct xs) (StructRepr ctx) vs | length copilotVals == Ctx.sizeInt (Ctx.size vs) = ifoldlMFC (\i pAcc tpr -> case copilotVals !! Ctx.indexVal i of (Value ctp _, x) -> andPred sym pAcc =<< loop ctp x tpr (unRV (vs Ctx.! i))) (truePred sym) ctx | otherwise = pure (falsePred sym) where copilotVals :: [(Value a', CW4.XExpr sym)] copilotVals = zip (toValues struct) xs -- If we encounter a pointer, read the memory that it points to and recurse, -- using the Copilot type as a guide for how much memory to read. This is -- needed to make array- or struct-typed arguments work (see -- Note [Arrays and structs]), although there is nothing about this code -- that is array- or struct-specific. In fact, this code could also work -- for pointer arguments of any other type. loop ctp x PtrRepr v = do let memTy = copilotTypeToMemTypeBool8 (llvmDataLayout ?lc) ctp typeAlign = memTypeAlign (llvmDataLayout ?lc) memTy stp <- toStorableType memTy llvmTypeAsRepr memTy $ \tpr -> do loc <- getCurrentProgramLoc sym (bann, p, regVal) <- doLoadWithAnn bak mem v stp tpr typeAlign modifyIORef' (verifierAssertionMapRef clRefs) $ Map.insert bann $ Log.PointerArgumentLoadAssertion $ Log.SomeSome $ Log.PointerArgumentLoad sym loc ctp tpr p loop ctp x tpr regVal loop _ctp x tpr _v = fail $ unlines ["Mismatch between Copilot value and crucible value", show x, show tpr] -- | Convert a Copilot 'CT.Type' to a Crucible 'MemType'. 'CT.Bool's are -- assumed to be one bit in size. See @Note [How LLVM represents bool]@. copilotTypeToMemType :: DataLayout -> CT.Type a -> MemType copilotTypeToMemType dl = loop where loop :: forall t. CT.Type t -> MemType loop CT.Bool = i1 loop CT.Int8 = i8 loop CT.Int16 = i16 loop CT.Int32 = i32 loop CT.Int64 = i64 loop CT.Word8 = i8 loop CT.Word16 = i16 loop CT.Word32 = i32 loop CT.Word64 = i64 loop CT.Float = FloatType loop CT.Double = DoubleType loop t0@(CT.Array tp) = let len = fromIntegral (typeLength t0) in ArrayType len (copilotTypeToMemTypeBool8 dl tp) loop (CT.Struct v) = StructType (mkStructInfo dl False (map val (CT.toValues v))) val :: forall t. CT.Value t -> MemType val (CT.Value tp _) = copilotTypeToMemTypeBool8 dl tp -- | Like 'copilotTypeToMemType', except that 'CT.Bool's are assumed to be -- eight bits, not one bit. See @Note [How LLVM represents bool]@. copilotTypeToMemTypeBool8 :: DataLayout -> CT.Type a -> MemType copilotTypeToMemTypeBool8 _dl CT.Bool = i8 copilotTypeToMemTypeBool8 dl tp = copilotTypeToMemType dl tp -- | Like 'copilotTypeToMemType', except that composite types (i.e., -- 'CT.Array's and 'CT.Struct's) are converted to 'PtrType's instead of direct -- 'ArrayType's or 'StructType's. See @Note [Arrays and structs]@. copilotTypeToMemTypeCompositePtr :: DataLayout -> CT.Type a -> MemType copilotTypeToMemTypeCompositePtr dl (CT.Array tp) = PtrType (MemType (copilotTypeToMemTypeBool8 dl tp)) copilotTypeToMemTypeCompositePtr _dl (CT.Struct struct) = PtrType (Alias (copilotStructIdent struct)) copilotTypeToMemTypeCompositePtr dl tp = copilotTypeToMemType dl tp -- | Convert a Copilot 'CT.Type' to an LLVM 'L.Type'. 'CT.Bool's are -- assumed to be one bit in size. See @Note [How LLVM represents bool]@. copilotTypeToLLVMType :: CT.Type a -> L.Type copilotTypeToLLVMType = loop where loop :: forall t. CT.Type t -> L.Type loop CT.Bool = L.PrimType (L.Integer 1) loop CT.Int8 = L.PrimType (L.Integer 8) loop CT.Int16 = L.PrimType (L.Integer 16) loop CT.Int32 = L.PrimType (L.Integer 32) loop CT.Int64 = L.PrimType (L.Integer 64) loop CT.Word8 = L.PrimType (L.Integer 8) loop CT.Word16 = L.PrimType (L.Integer 16) loop CT.Word32 = L.PrimType (L.Integer 32) loop CT.Word64 = L.PrimType (L.Integer 64) loop CT.Float = L.PrimType (L.FloatType L.Float) loop CT.Double = L.PrimType (L.FloatType L.Double) loop t0@(CT.Array tp) = let len = fromIntegral (typeLength t0) in L.Array len (copilotTypeToLLVMTypeBool8 tp) loop (CT.Struct v) = -- NB: Don't use L.Struct here. That represents a literal, unnamed -- struct, but all of the structs used in a copilot-c99 program are -- named structs. As such, we must identify the struct by its alias. L.Alias (copilotStructIdent v) -- | Like 'copilotTypeToLLVMType', except that 'CT.Bool's are assumed to be -- eight bits, not one bit. See @Note [How LLVM represents bool]@. copilotTypeToLLVMTypeBool8 :: CT.Type a -> L.Type copilotTypeToLLVMTypeBool8 CT.Bool = L.PrimType (L.Integer 8) copilotTypeToLLVMTypeBool8 tp = copilotTypeToLLVMType tp -- | Like 'copilotTypeToLLVMType', except that composite types (i.e., -- 'CT.Array's and 'CT.Struct's) are given special treatment involving -- pointers. See @Note [Arrays and structs]@. copilotTypeToLLVMTypeCompositePtr :: CT.Type a -> L.Type copilotTypeToLLVMTypeCompositePtr (CT.Array tp) = L.PtrTo (copilotTypeToLLVMTypeBool8 tp) copilotTypeToLLVMTypeCompositePtr (CT.Struct struct) = L.PtrTo (L.Alias (copilotStructIdent struct)) copilotTypeToLLVMTypeCompositePtr tp = copilotTypeToLLVMType tp -- | Given a struct @s@, construct the name @struct.s@ as an LLVM identifier. copilotStructIdent :: Struct a => a -> L.Ident copilotStructIdent struct = L.Ident $ "struct." ++ typeName struct {- Note [How LLVM represents bool] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ How are C values of type `bool` represented in LLVM? It depends. If it's being stored directly a `bool`, it's represented with `i1` (i.e., a single bit). If a `bool` is a member of some composite type, such as a pointer, array, or struct, however, it's representing with `i8` (i.e., eight bits). This means that we have to be careful when converting Bool-typed Copilot values, as they can become `i1` or `i8` depending on the context. copilot-verifier handles this by having both `copilotTypeToLLVMType` and `copilotTypeToLLVMTypeBool8` functions. The former function treats `bool`s as `i1`, whereas the latter treats `bool`s as `i8`. The former is used when converting "top-level" types (e.g., the argument types in a trigger override), whereas the latter is used when converting types that are part of a larger composite type (e.g., the element type in an array). The story for the `copilotTypeToMemType` and `copilotTypeToMemTypeBool8` functions is similar. Note [Arrays and structs] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When Clang compiles a function with an array argument, such as this trigger function: void func(int32_t func_arg0[2]) { ... } It will produce the following LLVM code: declare void @func(i32*) { ... } Note that the argument is an i32*, not a [2 x i32]. As a result, we can't translate Copilot array types directly to LLVM array types when they're used as arguments to a function. This impedance mismatch is handled in two places: 1. The `copilotTypeToMemTypeCompositePtr`/`copilotTypeToLLVMTypeCompositePtr` functions special-case Copilot arrays such that they are translated to pointers. These functions are used when declaring the argument types of an override for a trigger function (see `triggerOverride`). 2. The `computeEqualVals` function has a special case for pointer arguments—see the case that matches on `PtrRepr`. When a `PtrRepr` is encountered, the underlying array values that it points to are read from memory. Because `PtrRepr` doesn't record the type of the thing being pointed to, `computeEqualVals` uses the corresponding Copilot type as a guide to determine how much memory to read and at what type the memory should be used. After this, `computeEqualVals` reads from the read array element-by-element—see the `VectorRepr` cases. Note that unlike `computeEqualVals`, `copilotExprToRegValue` does not need a `PtrRepr` case. This is because `copilotExprToRegValue` is ultimately used in service of calling writing elements of streams to memory, and streams do not store pointer values (at least, not in today's Copilot). There is a very similar story for structs. Copilot passes structs by reference in trigger functions (e.g., `void trigger(struct s *ss)`), so we must also load from a `PtrRepr` in `computeEqualVals` to handle structs. See Note [Global variables for trigger functions] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As part of verifying that the behavior of a Copilot specification's trigger functions behave the same way as the trigger functions in the corresponding C program, we check that each trigger function in the C program is invoked the appropriate number of times. That is, if the guard condition for a trigger is true, the C trigger function should be invoked exactly once, and if the guard condition is false, then the trigger function should not be invoked at all. To check this, we create a Nat-valued global variable for each trigger function and initialize it to zero. Whenever we simulate a trigger function, we increment the value of the corresponding global variable. At the end of simulation, we check that the value in each global variable is equal to `if guard_cond then 1 else 0`. -} -- | Like @crucible-llvm@'s @doLoad@, but also returning the 'BoolAnn' and -- 'Pred' asserting the validity of the load. doLoadWithAnn :: ( IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasLLVMAnn sym , ?memOpts :: MemOptions ) => bak -> MemImpl sym -> LLVMPtr sym wptr {- ^ pointer to load from -} -> StorageType {- ^ type of value to load -} -> TypeRepr tp {- ^ crucible type of the result -} -> Alignment {- ^ assumed pointer alignment -} -> IO (BoolAnn sym, Pred sym, RegValue sym tp) doLoadWithAnn bak mem ptr valType tpr alignment = do partLLVMVal <- loadRaw sym mem ptr valType alignment (bann, p, llvmVal) <- assertSafeWithAnn bak partLLVMVal regVal <- unpackMemValue sym tpr llvmVal pure (bann, p, regVal) where sym = backendGetSym bak -- | Like @crucible-llvm@'s @assertSafe@, but also returning the 'BoolAnn' and -- 'Pred' corresponding the assertion. assertSafeWithAnn :: IsSymBackend sym bak => bak -> PartLLVMVal sym -> IO (BoolAnn sym, Pred sym, LLVMVal sym) assertSafeWithAnn bak partVal = case partVal of NoErr p v -> do (ann, p') <- annotateTerm sym p assert bak p' rsn return (BoolAnn ann, p', v) Err p -> do loc <- getCurrentProgramLoc sym let err = SimError loc rsn (_ann, p') <- annotateTerm sym p addProofObligation bak (LabeledPred p' err) abortExecBecause (AssertionFailure err) where rsn = AssertFailureSimError "Error during memory load" "" sym = backendGetSym bak -- | Given a simulator state, extract any collected proof obligations, -- attempt to prove them, and present the results to the user. -- -- Afterward, the simulator state will be cleared of any proof obligations, -- regardless of if they could all be proved. proveObls :: IsSymInterface sym => sym ~ ExprBuilder t st fs => Log.Logs msgs => Log.SupportsCruxLogMessage msgs => Log.SupportsCopilotLogMessage msgs => CruxOptions -> [SolverAdapter st] -> CopilotLogRefs sym -> Log.VerificationStep -> SimCtxt Crux sym LLVM -> IO () proveObls cruxOpts adapters clRefs step simctx = withBackend simctx $ \bak -> do let sym = backendGetSym bak obls <- getProofObligations bak clearProofObligations bak -- mapM_ (print . ppSimError) (summarizeObls sym obls) vaMap <- readIORef $ verifierAssertionMapRef clRefs let laMapRef = llvmAnnMapRef clRefs laMap <- readIORef laMapRef results <- proveGoalsOffline adapters cruxOpts simctx (explainFailure sym laMapRef) obls presentResults sym vaMap laMap step results {- summarizeObls :: sym -> ProofObligations sym -> [SimError] summarizeObls _ Nothing = [] summarizeObls _ (Just obls) = map (view labeledPredMsg . proofGoal) (goalsToList obls) -} presentResults :: Log.Logs msgs => Log.SupportsCopilotLogMessage msgs => IsSymInterface sym => sym -> Map.Map (BoolAnn sym) (Log.VerifierAssertion sym) -> LLVMAnnMap sym -> Log.VerificationStep -> (ProcessedGoals, Maybe (Goals (Assumptions sym) (Assertion sym, [ProgramLoc], ProofResult sym))) -> IO () presentResults sym vaMap laMap step (num, goals) | numTotalGoals == 0 = Log.sayCopilot Log.AllGoalsProved -- All goals were proven | numProvedGoals == numTotalGoals = do traverse_ (logVerifierAssertions sym vaMap laMap step num) goals printGoals -- There were some unproved goals, so fail with exit code 1 | otherwise = do printGoals exitFailure where numTotalGoals = totalProcessedGoals num numProvedGoals = provedGoals num printGoals = do Log.sayCopilot $ Log.OnlySomeGoalsProved numProvedGoals numTotalGoals goals' <- provedGoalsTree sym goals case goals' of Just g -> Log.logGoal g Nothing -> return () -- | Upon a successful verification, log the various assertions that the -- verifier makes. These assertions will be visible in the output if the -- 'verbosity' is set to 'Noisy'. logVerifierAssertions :: forall sym msgs. IsSymInterface sym => Log.Logs msgs => Log.SupportsCopilotLogMessage msgs => sym -> Map.Map (BoolAnn sym) (Log.VerifierAssertion sym) -> LLVMAnnMap sym -> Log.VerificationStep -> ProcessedGoals -> Goals (Assumptions sym) (Assertion sym, [ProgramLoc], ProofResult sym) -> IO () logVerifierAssertions sym vaMap laMap step num goals = void $ go 0 goals where numTotalGoals = totalProcessedGoals num go :: Integer -> Goals (Assumptions sym) (Assertion sym, [ProgramLoc], ProofResult sym) -> IO Integer go goalIdx gs = case gs of Assuming _ gs' -> go goalIdx gs' Prove (gl, locs, _) -> do let p = gl^.labeledPred nearestLoc = nearestProgramLoc locs -- First, obtain the verifier assertion. va <- case getAnnotation sym p of -- If the assertion has a BoolAnn, look it up in the assertion maps -- that we have accumulated during verification. Just ann | Just va <- Map.lookup (BoolAnn ann) vaMap -> pure va | Just (stk, bb) <- Map.lookup (BoolAnn ann) laMap -> pure $ Log.LLVMBadBehaviorCheckAssertion $ Log.LLVMBadBehaviorCheck sym nearestLoc stk bb p | otherwise -> fail $ unlines [ "Cannot find BoolAnn for assertion" , show $ gl^.labeledPredMsg , show $ printSymExpr p ] -- If the assertion does not have a BoolAnn, fall back to using -- heuristics to guess what kind of assertion it is. Nothing -> pure $ verifierAssertionHeuristics sym nearestLoc p -- Log the assertion. case va of Log.StreamValueEqualityAssertion (Log.SomeSome a) -> Log.sayCopilot $ Log.StreamValueEqualityProofGoal step goalIdx numTotalGoals a Log.TriggersInvokedCorrespondinglyAssertion a -> Log.sayCopilot $ Log.TriggersInvokedCorrespondinglyProofGoal step goalIdx numTotalGoals a Log.TriggerArgumentEqualityAssertion (Log.SomeSome a) -> Log.sayCopilot $ Log.TriggerArgumentEqualityProofGoal step goalIdx numTotalGoals a Log.RingBufferLoadAssertion (Log.SomeSome a) -> Log.sayCopilot $ Log.RingBufferLoadProofGoal step goalIdx numTotalGoals a Log.RingBufferIndexLoadAssertion a -> Log.sayCopilot $ Log.RingBufferIndexLoadProofGoal step goalIdx numTotalGoals a Log.PointerArgumentLoadAssertion (Log.SomeSome a) -> Log.sayCopilot $ Log.PointerArgumentLoadProofGoal step goalIdx numTotalGoals a Log.AccessorFunctionLoadAssertion a -> Log.sayCopilot $ Log.AccessorFunctionLoadProofGoal step goalIdx numTotalGoals a Log.GuardFunctionLoadAssertion a -> Log.sayCopilot $ Log.GuardFunctionLoadProofGoal step goalIdx numTotalGoals a Log.UnknownFunctionLoadAssertion a -> Log.sayCopilot $ Log.UnknownFunctionLoadProofGoal step goalIdx numTotalGoals a Log.LLVMBadBehaviorCheckAssertion a -> Log.sayCopilot $ Log.LLVMBadBehaviorCheckProofGoal step goalIdx numTotalGoals a -- Finally, return the current goal index. pure goalIdx ProveConj gs1 gs2 -> do goalIdx' <- go goalIdx gs1 go (goalIdx' + 1) gs2 -- | If a verifier assertion does not have a corresponding 'BoolAnn', then we -- must use heuristics to guess what kind of assertion it is. These heuristics -- are not perfect, and we fall back to 'Log.UnknownFunctionLoad' in the event -- that we cannot figure out a more obvious cause for the assertion. verifierAssertionHeuristics :: IsSymInterface sym => sym -> ProgramLoc -> Pred sym -> Log.VerifierAssertion sym verifierAssertionHeuristics sym loc p | "_get" `Text.isSuffixOf` functionName funName = Log.AccessorFunctionLoadAssertion $ Log.AccessorFunctionLoad sym loc funName p | "_guard" `Text.isSuffixOf` functionName funName = Log.GuardFunctionLoadAssertion $ Log.GuardFunctionLoad sym loc funName p | otherwise = Log.UnknownFunctionLoadAssertion $ Log.UnknownFunctionLoad sym loc funName p where funName = plFunction loc -- | Pick the most recent 'ProgramLoc' in a trace of locations. If there are -- no locations available, return a dummy location. nearestProgramLoc :: [ProgramLoc] -> ProgramLoc nearestProgramLoc locs = case locs of loc:_ -> loc _ -> mkProgramLoc "<>" InternalPos -- | A collection of 'IORef's used to accumulate log messages that the verifier -- may display at the end of verification. data CopilotLogRefs sym = CopilotLogRefs { verifierAssertionMapRef :: !(IORef (Map.Map (BoolAnn sym) (Log.VerifierAssertion sym))) -- ^ A map of 'BoolAnn's (i.e., unique numbers) to 'Log.VerifierAssertions'. , llvmAnnMapRef :: !(IORef (LLVMAnnMap sym)) -- ^ A map of 'BoolAnn's (i.e., unique numbers) to assertions about checks -- for bad behavior in LLVM. -- This is kept in a separate 'IORef' for technical reasons, as -- @crucible-llvm@'s 'explainFailure' function expects this 'IORef' as an -- argument. We could put everything into 'verifierAssertionMapRef', but -- that would require some tiresome 'IORef' massaging to make work. } -- | Create a new 'CopilotLogRefs' value. newCopilotLogRefs :: IsSymInterface sym => IO (CopilotLogRefs sym) newCopilotLogRefs = do vaMapRef <- newIORef mempty laMapRef <- newIORef mempty pure $ CopilotLogRefs { verifierAssertionMapRef = vaMapRef , llvmAnnMapRef = laMapRef } data CopilotLogging = LoggingCrux Log.CruxLogMessage | LoggingCruxLLVM Log.CruxLLVMLogMessage | LoggingCopilot Log.CopilotLogMessage deriving stock Generic deriving anyclass ToJSON copilotLoggingToSayWhat :: CopilotLogging -> Log.SayWhat copilotLoggingToSayWhat (LoggingCrux msg) = Log.cruxLogMessageToSayWhat msg copilotLoggingToSayWhat (LoggingCruxLLVM msg) = Log.cruxLLVMLogMessageToSayWhat msg copilotLoggingToSayWhat (LoggingCopilot msg) = Log.copilotLogMessageToSayWhat msg withCopilotLogging :: ( ( Log.SupportsCruxLogMessage CopilotLogging , Log.SupportsCruxLLVMLogMessage CopilotLogging , Log.SupportsCopilotLogMessage CopilotLogging ) => computation ) -> computation withCopilotLogging computation = do let ?injectCruxLogMessage = LoggingCrux ?injectCruxLLVMLogMessage = LoggingCruxLLVM ?injectCopilotLogMessage = LoggingCopilot in computation sayTranslationWarning :: Log.Logs msgs => Log.SupportsCruxLLVMLogMessage msgs => LLVMTranslationWarning -> IO () sayTranslationWarning = Log.sayCruxLLVM . f where f (LLVMTranslationWarning s p msg) = Log.TranslationWarning (Text.pack (show (ppSymbol s))) (Text.pack (show p)) msg