module Core.Pretty (pprint,
                    Printer(..)) where

import Core.Grammar
import Core.G
import qualified Data.Map as M (toList, member, fromList, Map)

data Iseq = INil
          | IStr String
          | IAppend Iseq Iseq
          | IIndent Iseq
          | INewline
          deriving (Show, Eq)

type Printer = [GmState] -> [Char]

-- | pretty prints a core program
pprint :: CoreProgram -> String
pprint prog = iDisplay (pprProgram prog)

pprProgram :: CoreProgram -> Iseq
pprProgram scdefns = 
  flip iAppend iNewline (iInterleave (iStr ";" `iAppend` iNewline) $ map pprScDefn scdefns)

-- pretty prints a supercombinator definition
pprScDefn :: CoreScDefn -> Iseq
pprScDefn (name, vars, expr) = 
    (iStr name) `iAppend` iStr " " `iAppend` (iInterleave (iStr " ") (map iStr vars))
     `iAppend` maybeSpace `iAppend` (pprExpr expr)
     where maybeSpace = case vars of [] -> iStr "= "
                                     _ -> iStr " = "

-- pretty prints expressions
pprExpr :: CoreExpr -> Iseq
pprExpr (ENum n) = iNum n
pprExpr (EVar v) = iStr v
pprExpr (EAp (EAp (EVar op) e1) e2) | M.member op builtInDyadic = 
  iConcat [ pprAExpr e1,iStr " ", iStr op,iStr " ", pprAExpr e2 ]
                                    | otherwise = 
  (pprExpr e1) `iAppend` (iStr " ") `iAppend` (pprAExpr e2)
pprExpr (EAp e1 e2) = (pprExpr e1) `iAppend` (iStr " ") `iAppend` (pprAExpr e2)
pprExpr (ELet isrec defns expr) =
    iConcat [ iStr keyword, iIndent (pprDefns defns), iStr " in " `iAppend` pprExpr expr ]
              where keyword | not isrec = "let"
                            | isrec = "letrec"
pprExpr (ECase e1 patterns) =
    iConcat [ iStr "case ", (pprExpr e1), iStr " of ", iIndent $ pprPatterns patterns ]
pprExpr (ELam vars expr) = 
    iConcat [ iStr "(lambda (", iInterleave (iStr " ") (map iStr vars),
              iStr ") ", pprExpr expr, iStr ")"]
pprExpr (EConstr i1 i2 es) = 
  iConcat [ iStr "Pack {", iStr $ show i1,
            iStr ", ", iStr $ show i2, iStr "}"] `iAppend`
            (iConcat $ map pprExpr es)

-- pretty prints case alts
pprPatterns :: [CoreAlt] -> Iseq
pprPatterns patterns = 
  iNewline `iAppend` iInterleave (iStr "; " `iAppend` iNewline) (map pprPattern patterns)

pprPattern :: CoreAlt -> Iseq
pprPattern (int, vars@(v:vs), result) = iConcat $
    [iStr "<", iStr $ show int, iStr "> ",
     iInterleave (iStr " ") (map iStr vars),
     iStr " -> ", pprExpr result]
pprPattern (int, [], result) = iConcat $
    [iStr "<", iStr $ show int, iStr ">",
     iStr " -> ", pprExpr result]

-- pretty prints let definitions
pprDefns :: [(Name, CoreExpr)] -> Iseq
pprDefns defns = iNewline `iAppend` iInterleave sep (map pprDefn defns)
                 where sep = iConcat [ iStr ";", iNewline ]

pprDefn :: (Name, CoreExpr) -> Iseq
pprDefn (name, expr) = iConcat [ iStr name, iStr " = ", pprExpr expr ]

-- pretty prints a single expression
pprAExpr :: CoreExpr -> Iseq
pprAExpr e | isAtomicExpr e = pprExpr e
           | otherwise  = (iStr "(") `iAppend` (pprExpr e) `iAppend` (iStr ")")

iNil :: Iseq
iNil = INil

-- pretty prints a string
iStr :: String -> Iseq
iStr str = IStr str

-- pretty prints an int
iNum :: Int -> Iseq
iNum n = IStr $ show n

-- pretty prints digits with proper spacing
iFWNum :: Int -> Int -> Iseq
iFWNum width n = iStr (space (width - length digits) ++ digits)
    where digits = show n

-- prints out a numbered list of other sequences
iLayn :: [Iseq] -> Iseq
iLayn seqs = iConcat (map lay_item (zip [1..] seqs))
    where lay_item (n, seq) = iConcat [ iFWNum 4 n, iStr ") ", iIndent seq, iNewline ]

-- append two iseqs
iAppend :: Iseq -> Iseq -> Iseq
iAppend seq1 seq2 | seq2 == INil = seq1
                  | seq1 == INil = seq1
                  | otherwise = IAppend seq1 seq2

iNewline :: Iseq
iNewline = INewline

iIndent :: Iseq -> Iseq
iIndent s = IIndent s

iDisplay :: Iseq -> String
iDisplay s = flatten 0 [(s,0)]

-- keeps track of the current column as well as
-- a work list that includes the current iseq and
-- the indentation for it
flatten :: Int -> [(Iseq,Int)] -> String
flatten col [] = ""
flatten col (((INil), indent):seqs) = flatten col seqs
flatten col (((IStr s), indent):seqs) = s ++ (flatten col seqs)
flatten col (((IAppend seq1 seq2), indent):seqs) = flatten col ((seq1,indent) : (seq2,indent) : seqs)
flatten col ((INewline, indent):seqs) = '\n' : (space indent) ++ (flatten indent seqs)
flatten col ((IIndent s, indent):seqs) = (flatten col ((s, col+4):seqs))

space :: Int -> String
space n = take n $ repeat ' '

-- appends a list of iseqs
iConcat :: [Iseq] -> Iseq
iConcat iseqs = foldr (\iseq acc -> iseq `iAppend` acc) iNil iseqs

iInterleave :: Iseq -> [Iseq] -> Iseq
iInterleave sep (i:is) = iConcat $ i : prependToAll sep is
iInterleave sep [] = iNil

-- puts a character before each element in a list
prependToAll sep (i:is) = sep : (i : prependToAll sep is)
prependToAll sep [] = [] 

--builds sample expressions of n size
mkMultiAp :: Int -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
mkMultiAp n e1 e2 = foldl EAp e1 (take n e2s)
                        where e2s = e2 : e2s

--------------------------- SHOW COMPILATION ---------------------------

-- | outputs the final result of evaluating a program with the G machine
showFinalResult :: Printer
showFinalResult states = iDisplay $ showOutput (last states)

-- | outputs each step the GMachine makes in compiling a program
showResults :: Printer
showResults states = iDisplay (iConcat [
  iNewline, iStr "-----Supercombinator definitions-----", iNewline, iNewline,
  iInterleave iNewline (map (showSC s) (M.toList $ getGlobals s)),
  iNewline, iNewline, iStr "-----State transitions-----", iNewline, iNewline,
  iLayn (map showState states), iNewline,
  showStats (last states)]) where (s:ss) = states

showSC :: GmState -> (Name, Addr) -> Iseq
showSC s (name, addr) = 
  let maybeAdd = (hLookup (getHeap s) addr)
  in case maybeAdd of Just (NGlobal arity code) -> showSCresult name code
                      Nothing -> error "global not found in heap"

showSCresult :: Name -> GmCode -> Iseq
showSCresult name code = iConcat [ iStr "Code for ",
        iStr name, iNewline, showInstructions code, iNewline, iNewline]

showInstructions :: GmCode -> Iseq
showInstructions is = iConcat [iStr " Code:{",
  iIndent (iInterleave iNewline (map showInstruction is)),
  iStr "}", iNewline]

showInstruction :: Instruction -> Iseq
showInstruction (Pushglobal f) = (iStr "Pushglobal ") `iAppend` (iStr f)
showInstruction (Push n) = (iStr "Push ") `iAppend` (iNum n)
showInstruction (Pushint n) = (iStr "Pushint ") `iAppend` (iNum n)
showInstruction (Update n) = (iStr "Update ") `iAppend` (iNum n)
showInstruction (Pop n) = (iStr "Pop ") `iAppend` (iNum n)
showInstruction (Slide n) = (iStr "Slide ") `iAppend` (iNum n)
showInstruction (Alloc n) = (iStr "Alloc ") `iAppend` (iNum n)
showInstruction (Cond cond1 cond2) = 
  (iStr "Cond {") `iAppend` showInstructions cond1 `iAppend`  showInstructions cond2
showInstruction (Pack n1 n2) =
 (iStr "Pack{") `iAppend` (iNum n1) `iAppend` (iStr ",") `iAppend`
  (iNum n2) `iAppend` (iStr "}")
showInstruction (Casejump cases) = (iStr "Casejump [") `iAppend` showCases cases
showInstruction (Split n) = (iStr "Split ") `iAppend` (iNum n)
showInstruction inst = iStr $ show inst

showCases :: [(Int, GmCode)] -> Iseq
showCases cases = iInterleave iNewline $ map showCase cases

showCase :: (Int, GmCode) -> Iseq
showCase (i, code) = 
  (iNum i) `iAppend` (iStr " -> [") `iAppend`
   showInstructions code `iAppend` (iStr "]")

showState :: GmState -> Iseq
showState s = iConcat [showOutput s, iNewline,
                       showStack s, iNewline,
                       showVStack s, iNewline,
                       showDump s, iNewline,
                       showInstructions (getCode s), iNewline]

showOutput :: GmState -> Iseq
showOutput s = iConcat [iStr "Output:\"", iStr (getOutput s), iStr "\""]

showStack :: GmState -> Iseq
showStack s = iConcat [iStr " Stack:[",
  iIndent (iInterleave iNewline
  (map (showStackItem s) (reverse (getStack s)))),
  iStr "]"]

showStackItem :: GmState -> Addr -> Iseq
showStackItem s a = 
  let maybeAddress = (hLookup (getHeap s) a) in
    case maybeAddress of Just address -> iConcat [iStr (showaddr a), iStr ": ", showNode s a address]
                         Nothing -> error "showStackItem: node not found in heap"

statGetSteps :: GmStats -> Int
statGetSteps s = s

showaddr :: Addr -> [Char]
showaddr a = "#" ++ show a

showVStack :: GmState -> Iseq
showVStack s = iConcat [iStr "Vstack:[",
  iInterleave (iStr ", ") (map iNum (getVStack s))] `iAppend` iStr "]"

showDump :: GmState -> Iseq
showDump s = iConcat [iStr " Dump:[",
  iIndent (iInterleave iNewline
  (map showDumpItem (reverse (getDump s)))),
  iStr "]"]

showDumpItem :: GmDumpItem -> Iseq
showDumpItem (code, stack) = 
  iConcat [iStr "<",
  shortShowInstructions 3 code, iStr ", ",
  shortShowStack stack, iStr ">"]

shortShowInstructions :: Int -> GmCode -> Iseq
shortShowInstructions number code = 
  iConcat [iStr "{", iInterleave (iStr "; ") dotcodes, iStr "}"] where
    codes = map showInstruction (take number code)
    dotcodes | length code > number = codes ++ [iStr "..."]
             | otherwise = codes

shortShowStack :: GmStack -> Iseq
shortShowStack stack = 
  iConcat [iStr "[", 
  iInterleave (iStr ", ") (map (iStr . showaddr) stack),
  iStr "]"]

showNode :: GmState -> Addr -> Node -> Iseq
showNode s a (NNum n) = iNum n
showNode s a (NGlobal n g) = iConcat [iStr "Global ", iStr v]
  where v = head [n | (n,b) <- M.toList $ getGlobals s, a==b]
showNode s a (NAp a1 a2) = iConcat [iStr "Ap ", iStr (showaddr a1),
  iStr " ", iStr (showaddr a2)]
showNode s a (NInd ia) = iConcat [iStr "Ind ", iStr (showaddr ia)]
showNode s a (NConstr t as) = 
  iConcat [iStr "Cons ", iNum t, iStr " [", 
           iInterleave (iStr ", ") (map (iStr.showaddr) as),
           iStr "]"]

showStats :: GmState -> Iseq
showStats s = iConcat [ iStr "Steps taken = ", iNum (statGetSteps (getStats s))]