* Added hear primitive as one-shot counterpart to call. While handle may be generally useful for many applications as it fully encapsulates repeated handling of incoming requests, hear adds the ability to wait for a single incoming request. Hear also returns a function of type Reply suitable for sending a single response to the caller. Being more low-level in nature, some applications find direct use of hear more flexible than the higher-level handle construct. * Fixed a mistake in where RPCs where supposed to have unique identifiers for matching up a call with a response. The value was never computed, when it should have been a random value for every call, so that responses could be matched with their originating request. Now using Data.UUID.V4 to generate unique identifiers for each request; dependency added in cabal. * Unit tests on OS X 10.9 unreliable again, with both ghc 7.6.3 and ghc 7.8.1 (rc1) * Unit tests passing on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS AMD64 ghc 7.6.3 * Unit tests passing on FP Complete with 7.8 preview compiler * Added HelloWorld example, and updated code sample in documentation to reflect working with the current API * Early implementation of synchronous RPCs on top of endpoints, with basic unit tests. Both single and group RPCs are implemented, as are calls with definite and indefinite waits for responses. * Removed dependency on network-simple * Improved documentation throughout. * Enabled selective out of order mesage reception, by using a Mailbox, an extension of STM's TQueues that extracts the next message from the queue that matches a supplied selection function regardless of message order in the queue. With selective out of order message reception, endpoints can approximate the Erlang-style of message delivery and composing applications that must handle multiple message types becomes simpler. If an application needs to handle multiple message types, it can choose to run separate separate message pumps concurrently, each handling different types of messages. Each message pump can operate independently of one another. * Fixed issue #2 and other interim bugs all resulting from multiple name bindings that resolve the same underlying address. Now, bound sockets are reused (with reference counting) so that if there are multiple bindings to the same address only 1 socket is created and user. * Unit tests passing on Mac OS X again, mostly due to correct management of sockets and appropriate reuse. * First inclusion of changelog in package * Added simple implementation of transport for UDP * Verified build & unit tests on Linux Ubuntu 13.10 with GHC 7.6.3 * Verified build & unit tests on pre-release GHC 7.8 on FP Complete's platform * Mac OS X 10.9 is unreliable for unit tests, do to non-deterministic socket bind failures