module Language.Preprocessor.Cpphs.CppIfdef
( cppIfdef
) where
import Language.Preprocessor.Cpphs.SymTab
import Text.ParserCombinators.HuttonMeijer
import Language.Preprocessor.Cpphs.Position (Posn,newfile,newline,newlines
import Language.Preprocessor.Cpphs.ReadFirst (readFirst)
import Language.Preprocessor.Cpphs.Tokenise (linesCpp,reslash)
import Language.Preprocessor.Cpphs.Options (BoolOptions(..))
import Language.Preprocessor.Cpphs.HashDefine(HashDefine(..),parseHashDefine
import Language.Preprocessor.Cpphs.MacroPass (preDefine,defineMacro)
import Data.Char (isDigit)
import Numeric (readHex,readOct,readDec)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeInterleaveIO)
import System.IO (hPutStrLn,stderr)
import Control.Monad (when)
cppIfdef :: FilePath
-> [(String,String)]
-> [String]
-> BoolOptions
-> String
-> IO [(Posn,String)]
cppIfdef fp syms search options =
cpp posn defs search options (Keep []) . (cppline posn:) . linesCpp
posn = newfile fp
defs = preDefine options syms
data KeepState = Keep [Posn] | Drop Int Bool [Posn]
cpp :: Posn -> SymTab HashDefine -> [String] -> BoolOptions -> KeepState
-> [String] -> IO [(Posn,String)]
cpp _ _ _ _ (Keep ps) [] | not (null ps) = do
hPutStrLn stderr $ "Unmatched #if: positions of open context are:\n"++
unlines (map show ps)
return []
cpp _ _ _ _ _ [] = return []
cpp p syms path options (Keep ps) (l@('#':x):xs) =
let ws = words x
cmd = if null ws then "" else head ws
line = tail ws
sym = head (tail ws)
rest = tail (tail ws)
def = defineMacro options (sym++" "++ maybe "1" id (un rest))
un v = if null v then Nothing else Just (unwords v)
keepIf b = if b then Keep (p:ps) else Drop 1 False (p:ps)
skipn syms' retain ud xs' =
let n = 1 + length (filter (=='\n') l) in
(if macros options && retain then emitOne (p,reslash l)
else emitMany (replicate n (p,""))) $
cpp (newlines n p) syms' path options ud xs'
in case cmd of
"define" -> skipn (insertST def syms) True (Keep ps) xs
"undef" -> skipn (deleteST sym syms) True (Keep ps) xs
"ifndef" -> skipn syms False (keepIf (not (definedST sym syms))) xs
"ifdef" -> skipn syms False (keepIf (definedST sym syms)) xs
"if" -> skipn syms False
(keepIf (gatherDefined p syms (unwords line))) xs
"else" -> skipn syms False (Drop 1 False ps) xs
"elif" -> skipn syms False (Drop 1 True ps) xs
"endif" | null ps ->
do hPutStrLn stderr $ "Unmatched #endif at "++show p
return []
"endif" -> skipn syms False (Keep (tail ps)) xs
"pragma" -> skipn syms True (Keep ps) xs
('!':_) -> skipn syms False (Keep ps) xs
"include"-> do (inc,content) <- readFirst (file syms (unwords line))
p path
(warnings options)
cpp p syms path options (Keep ps)
(("#line 1 "++show inc): linesCpp content
++ cppline (newline p): xs)
"warning"-> if warnings options then
do hPutStrLn stderr (l++"\nin "++show p)
skipn syms False (Keep ps) xs
else skipn syms False (Keep ps) xs
"error" -> error (l++"\nin "++show p)
"line" | all isDigit sym
-> (if locations options && hashline options then emitOne (p,l)
else if locations options then emitOne (p,cpp2hask l)
else id) $
cpp (newpos (read sym) (un rest) p)
syms path options (Keep ps) xs
n | all isDigit n && not (null n)
-> (if locations options && hashline options then emitOne (p,l)
else if locations options then emitOne (p,cpp2hask l)
else id) $
cpp (newpos (read n) (un (tail ws)) p)
syms path options (Keep ps) xs
| otherwise
-> do when (warnings options) $
hPutStrLn stderr ("Warning: unknown directive #"++n
++"\nin "++show p)
emitOne (p,l) $
cpp (newline p) syms path options (Keep ps) xs
cpp p syms path options (Drop n b ps) (('#':x):xs) =
let ws = words x
cmd = if null ws then "" else head ws
delse | n==1 && b = Drop 1 b ps
| n==1 = Keep ps
| otherwise = Drop n b ps
dend | n==1 = Keep (tail ps)
| otherwise = Drop (n1) b (tail ps)
delif s | n==1 && not b && gatherDefined p syms s
= Keep ps
| otherwise = Drop n b ps
skipn ud xs' =
let n' = 1 + length (filter (=='\n') x) in
emitMany (replicate n' (p,"")) $
cpp (newlines n' p) syms path options ud xs'
if cmd == "ifndef" ||
cmd == "if" ||
cmd == "ifdef" then skipn (Drop (n+1) b (p:ps)) xs
else if cmd == "elif" then skipn (delif (unwords (tail ws))) xs
else if cmd == "else" then skipn delse xs
else if cmd == "endif" then
if null ps then do hPutStrLn stderr $ "Unmatched #endif at "++show p
return []
else skipn dend xs
else skipn (Drop n b ps) xs
cpp p syms path options (Keep ps) (x:xs) =
let p' = newline p in seq p' $
emitOne (p,x) $ cpp p' syms path options (Keep ps) xs
cpp p syms path options d@(Drop _ _ _) (_:xs) =
let p' = newline p in seq p' $
emitOne (p,"") $ cpp p' syms path options d xs
emitOne :: a -> IO [a] -> IO [a]
emitMany :: [a] -> IO [a] -> IO [a]
emitOne x io = do ys <- unsafeInterleaveIO io
return (x:ys)
emitMany xs io = do ys <- unsafeInterleaveIO io
return (xs++ys)
gatherDefined :: Posn -> SymTab HashDefine -> String -> Bool
gatherDefined p st inp =
case papply (parseBoolExp st) inp of
[] -> error ("Cannot parse #if directive in file "++show p)
[(b,_)] -> b
_ -> error ("Ambiguous parse for #if directive in file "++show p)
parseBoolExp :: SymTab HashDefine -> Parser Bool
parseBoolExp st =
do a <- parseExp1 st
skip (string "||")
b <- first (skip (parseBoolExp st))
return (a || b)
parseExp1 st
parseExp1 :: SymTab HashDefine -> Parser Bool
parseExp1 st =
do a <- parseExp0 st
skip (string "&&")
b <- first (skip (parseExp1 st))
return (a && b)
parseExp0 st
parseExp0 :: SymTab HashDefine -> Parser Bool
parseExp0 st =
do skip (string "defined")
sym <- parens parseSym
return (definedST sym st)
do parens (parseBoolExp st)
do skip (char '!')
a <- parseExp0 st
return (not a)
do sym1 <- parseSymOrCall st
op <- parseOp st
sym2 <- parseSymOrCall st
return (op (safeRead sym1) (safeRead sym2))
do sym <- parseSymOrCall st
case safeRead sym of
0 -> return False
_ -> return True
safeRead s =
case s of
'0':'x':s' -> number readHex s'
'0':'o':s' -> number readOct s'
_ -> number readDec s
number rd s =
case rd s of
[] -> 0 :: Integer
((n,_):_) -> n :: Integer
parseOp :: SymTab HashDefine -> Parser (Integer -> Integer -> Bool)
parseOp _ =
do skip (string ">=")
return (>=)
do skip (char '>')
return (>)
do skip (string "<=")
return (<=)
do skip (char '<')
return (<)
do skip (string "==")
return (==)
do skip (string "!=")
return (/=)
parseSymOrCall :: SymTab HashDefine -> Parser String
parseSymOrCall st =
do sym <- skip parseSym
args <- parens (parseSymOrCall st `sepby` skip (char ','))
return (convert sym args)
do sym <- skip parseSym
return (convert sym [])
convert sym args =
case lookupST sym st of
Nothing -> sym
Just (a@SymbolReplacement{}) -> recursivelyExpand st (replacement a)
Just (a@MacroExpansion{}) -> expandMacro a args False
Just (a@AntiDefined{}) -> name a
recursivelyExpand :: SymTab HashDefine -> String -> String
recursivelyExpand st inp =
case papply (parseSymOrCall st) inp of
[(b,_)] -> b
_ -> inp
parseSym :: Parser String
parseSym = many1 (alphanum+++char '\''+++char '`')
parens p = bracket (skip (char '(')) (skip p) (skip (char ')'))
file :: SymTab HashDefine -> String -> String
file st name =
case name of
('"':ns) -> init ns
('<':ns) -> init ns
_ -> let ex = recursivelyExpand st name in
if ex == name then name else file st ex