Strand Directed Acyclic Graphs Run this with $ ghci SDAG.lhs > module SDAG where > import qualified Data.List as L > import qualified Data.Set as S The strands in a skeleton are represented by the natural numbers less than the number of strands in the skeleton. The strands in a skeleton are describe by a list of integers, where each element of the list gives the height of its strand. > type Strands = [Int] -- [Strand height] A node is a pair of natural numbers. The first number is the node's strand, and the second is the position of the node within the strand. > type Node = (Int, Int) -- (Strand, Position) Given a strand height list, the set of nodes are > nodes :: Strands -> [Node] > nodes heights = > [(s, p) | (s, n) <- zip [0..] hts, p <- nats n] > where hts = filter (0 <) heights -- remove non-positive heights where nats n is the list of natural numbers less than n. > nats :: Int -> [Int] > nats n = take n [0..] Thus for a skeleton with three strands, of height 2, 3, and 2, the nodes are *SDAG> nodes [2,3,2] [(0,0),(0,1),(1,0),(1,1),(1,2),(2,0),(2,1)] The edges in an SDAG represent the precedes relation. > type Edge = (Node, Node) -- Precedes relation When (n0, n1) :: Edge, the message event at n0 precedes the one at n1. The strand succession edges are > successors :: Strands -> [Edge] > successors heights = > [((s, p), (s, p + 1)) | (s, n) <- zip [0..] hts, p <- nats (n - 1)] > where hts = filter (0 <) heights -- remove non-positive heights For a skeleton with three strands, of height 2, 3, and 2, the strand succession edges are *SDAG> successors [2,3,2] [((0,0),(0,1)),((1,0),(1,1)),((1,1),(1,2)),((2,0),(2,1))] A Strand Directed Acyclic Graph (SDAG) is a strand height list and a set of edges. It represents an acyclic graph. > type SDAG = (Strands, [Edge]) The normalized form of a SDAG contains no strand succession edges or elements in its transitive closure. > normalize :: SDAG -> SDAG > normalize (strands, precedes) = > if isAcyclic (adj sdag) ns then > sdag -- SDAG must be acyclic > else > error "SDAG has a cycle" > where > ns = nodes strands -- Sort SDAG and remove duplicates > sdag = (strands, L.sort (L.nub prec)) > prec = [(n0, n1) | > (n0, n1) <- precedes, > elem n0 ns, -- Ensure n0 and n1 are in nodes > elem n1 ns, -- Remove strand succession edges > not (sameStrands (n0, n1))] > sameStrands :: Edge -> Bool > sameStrands ((s0, _), (s1, _)) = s0 == s1 The adjacency list representation of an SDAG is used to map a node to a list of its predecessors. The adjacency list representation is [[[Node]]], and lookup involves list indexing. The representation of an SDAG includes the strand succession edges. > adj :: SDAG -> Node -> [Node] > adj (strands, precedes) (s, p) = > [ strand s h | (s, h) <- zip [0..] strands ] !! s !! p > where > strand s h = [ entry (s, p) | p <- nats h ] > entry n = enrich n [ n0 | (n0, n1) <- precedes, n1 == n ] > -- add strand succession edges > enrich (s, p) ns > | p > 0 = (s, p - 1) : ns > | otherwise = ns Is graph acyclic? > isAcyclic :: Ord a => (a -> [a]) -> [a] -> Bool > isAcyclic adj nodes = > all (not . backEdge numbering) (S.toList edges) > where > numbering = dfs adj (S.toList start) > -- Remove nodes that have non-zero indegree > start = S.difference (S.fromList nodes) ( fst edges) > edges = foldl f S.empty nodes > f edges src = foldl (g src) edges (adj src) > g src edges dst = S.insert (dst, src) edges Compute a depth first search numbering of nodes using postorder. With postorder, only back edges go from a lower number to a higher one. Assumes nodes, the set of nodes with indegree zero, is not empty. > dfs :: Ord a => (a -> [a]) -> [a] -> [(a, Int)] > dfs adj nodes = > alist > where > (_, alist, _) = foldl po (0, [], S.empty) nodes > po a@(num, alist, seen) node > | S.member node seen = a > | otherwise = > (num' + 1, (node, num') : alist', seen'') > where -- Search is postorder because nodes at the end of > (num', alist', seen'') = -- edges are explored before > foldl po (num, alist, seen') nodes' -- the node > seen' = S.insert node seen -- Insert node as soon as > nodes' = adj node -- it's seen Is edge a back edge, meaning a cycle has been found? If an edge contains a node that is not in the alist, it means it was not visited during the depth first seach. This can happen when there is a strong component that has no edges from other strong components to it. We report this edge to be a back edge so as to get the correct overall result. > backEdge :: Eq a => [(a, Int)] -> (a, a) -> Bool > backEdge alist (node, node') = > case (lookup node alist, lookup node' alist) of > (Just n, Just n') -> n >= n' > _ -> True Compute the transitive reduction > reduce :: SDAG -> SDAG > reduce g@(strands, precedes) = > (strands, filter essential precedes) > where > essential (dst, src) = > loop dst (L.delete dst (adj g src)) [src] > loop _ [] _ = True -- No other path found > loop dst (n : ns) seen > | n == dst = False -- There is another path > | elem n seen = loop dst ns seen > | otherwise = loop dst (adj g n ++ ns) (n : seen) Compute the transitive closure > close :: SDAG -> SDAG > close g@(strands, precedes) = > normalize (strands, loop prec False prec) > where > prec = successors strands ++ precedes > loop prec False [] = prec > loop prec True [] = > loop prec False prec -- restart loop > loop prec repeat ((n0, n1) : pairs) = > inner prec repeat pairs [(n, n1) | n <- adj g n0] > inner prec repeat pairs [] = > loop prec repeat pairs > inner prec repeat pairs (p : rest) > | elem p prec = inner prec repeat pairs rest > | otherwise = inner (p : prec) True pairs rest Shorthands that check their arguments. > r :: SDAG -> SDAG > r = reduce . normalize > c :: SDAG -> SDAG > c = close . normalize Is x a proper sublist of y? > sublist :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool > sublist x y = > all (flip elem y) x && -- All x in y > any (flip notElem x) y -- Some y not in x The list of all sublists > sublists :: [a] -> [[a]] > sublists [] = [[]] > sublists (x:xs) = sublists xs ++ map (x:) (sublists xs) Compute all the SDAGs that are weaker than the given SDAG. > w :: SDAG -> [SDAG] > w sdag = > let (s, es) = c sdag in > L.nub [r | > es0 <- sublists es, > let r = reduce (s, es0), > let (_, es1) = close (s, snd r), > sublist es1 es] Examples *SDAG> w ([2,2], [((0,0),(1, 1))]) [([2,2],[])] *SDAG> w ([2,2], [((0,1),(1, 0))]) [([2,2],[]), ([2,2],[((0,1),(1,1))]), ([2,2],[((0,0),(1,1))]), ([2,2],[((0,0),(1,0))]), ([2,2],[((0,0),(1,0)),((0,1),(1,1))])] Compute the SDAGs in w x that are not weaker than a SDAG in w x. > m :: SDAG -> [SDAG] > m sdag = > map reduce (filter maximal sdags) > where > sdags = map close (w sdag) -- All weaker SDAGs > maximal sdag = -- Is SDAG not weaker than some other > not (any (weaker sdag) sdags) > weaker (s0, es0) (s1, es1) = > s0 == s1 && sublist es0 es1 Examples *SDAG> m ([2,2], [((0,0),(1, 1))]) [([2,2],[])] *SDAG> m ([2,2], [((0,1),(1, 0))]) [([2,2],[((0,0),(1,0)),((0,1),(1,1))])] Compute the SDAGs in w x that are not weaker than a SDAG in w x using the implemented algorithm. > m' :: SDAG -> [SDAG] > m' sdag = > let (s, es) = c sdag in > L.nub [reduce (s, L.delete e es) | e <- snd (reduce sdag)] Read and show for CPSA orderings > data O = O [Edge] > instance Show O where > showsPrec _ (O es) = > showString "(precedes" . showl es > where > showl [] = showChar ')' > showl (e : es) = showChar ' ' . shows (E e) . showl es > instance Read O where > readsPrec _ s0 = > [(O ord, s3) | > ("(", s1) <- lex s0, > ("precedes", s2) <- lex s1, > (ord, s3) <- readl s2] > where > readl s0 = [([], s1) | > (")", s1) <- lex s0] ++ > [(e : es, s2) | > (E e, s1) <- reads s0, > (es, s2) <- readl s1] A guess at the strand height list associated with some edges > strands :: [Edge] -> Strands > strands es = > [height s | s <- nats n] > where > n = 1 + foldl max 0 (map fst nodes) > nodes = L.nub (foldl (\ns (n0, n1) -> n0 : n1 : ns) [] es) > height s = 1 + foldl max 0 [p | (s', p) <- nodes, s' == s] Read and show for edges > data E = E Edge > instance Show E where > showsPrec _ (E (n0, n1)) = > showChar '(' . shows (N n0) . showChar ' ' . > shows (N n1) . showChar ')' > instance Read E where > readsPrec _ s0 = > [(E (n0, n1), s4) | > ("(", s1) <- lex s0, > (N n0, s2) <- reads s1, > (N n1, s3) <- reads s2, > (")", s4) <- lex s3] Read and show for nodes > data N = N Node > instance Show N where > showsPrec _ (N (s, p)) = > showChar '(' . shows s . showChar ' ' . shows p . showChar ')' > instance Read N where > readsPrec _ s0 = > [(N (s, p), s4) | > ("(", s1) <- lex s0, > (s, s2) <- reads s1, > (p, s3) <- reads s2, > (")", s4) <- lex s3]