% mitreslides package for use with the slides class in LaTeX. \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{mitreslides}[2005/02/21] % % John D. Ramsdell % % Example file: % % \documentclass[landscape]{slides} % \usepackage{mitreslides} % \renewcommand{\footercomment}{A Title} % \begin{document} % ... % \end{document} % % Defines environments: titleslide, mitreslide, and mitreoverlay % % The "slide" pagestyle is also defined. It prints the slide % number, and the MITRE logo in the lower right corner. % % titleslide example: % % \begin{titleslide}{A Briefing\\of Major Importance} % R. J. Drofnats % % 30 Feb 93 % \end{titleslide} % % The first argument is optional and is passed to % the slide environment and is used for color slides. % The second argument is the briefing title. % % mitreslide example: % % \begin{mitreslide}{A Slide\\Title} % ...slide contents... % \end{mitreslide} % % The first argument is optional and is passed to % the slide environment and is used for color slides. % The second argument is the slide title. % % Set the footer comment with footercomment. % The options are, date, nopagenumbers, and marks. % % Initial code \RequirePackage{ifthen} \newboolean{date} % Show current date \newboolean{nopagenums} % Omit page numbers \newboolean{marks} % Show top marks % Declaration of options \DeclareOption{date}{\setboolean{date}{true}} \DeclareOption{nopagenums}{\setboolean{nopagenums}{true}} \DeclareOption{marks}{\setboolean{marks}{true}} % \ProcessOptions \RequirePackage{graphicx} % ----------- main code ---------------- % Footer comment is empty by default. \newcommand{\footercomment}{} \ifthenelse{\boolean{date}}{% \newcommand{\show@date}{\the\year{/}\the\month{/}\the\day}% }{% \newcommand{\show@date}{}% } \ifthenelse{\boolean{nopagenums}}{% \newcommand{\show@slidenum}{\phantom{\theslide}}% }{% \newcommand{\show@slidenum}{\theslide}% } \ifthenelse{\boolean{marks}}{% \newcommand{\show@mark}{+}% }{% \newcommand{\show@mark}{\phantom{+}}% } % % slide page style -- MITRE logo goes flush right \def\ps@slide{% \def\@oddfoot{{\tiny\show@slidenum\qquad\show@date\quad\footercomment}% \hfil\includegraphics{mitrelogo-0.mps}} \def\@oddhead{\show@mark\hfil\show@mark} \def\@evenfoot{\@oddfoot} \def\@evenhead{\@oddhead}} % % \begin{mitreslide}[COLORS]{TITLE} ... \end{mitreslide} \newenvironment{mitreslide}[2][]% Built on the slide environment. {\begin{slide}{#1}{\noindent\raggedright\Large#2\par}}% {\vfill\end{slide}} % % \begin{titleslide}[COLORS]{TITLE} ... \end{titleslide} \newenvironment{titleslide}[2][]% {\begin{slide}{#1}\begin{center}{{\Large#2\par}}}% {\end{center}\end{slide}}