filenametemplate "%j-%c.mps"; verbatimtex \documentclass[12pt]{article} \newcommand{\enc}[2]{\{\!|#1|\!\}_{#2}} \begin{document} etex numeric base_width; begingroup; path p; p = bbox(btex $\strut$ etex rotated 90); base_width = 1.3 xpart (lrcorner p - llcorner p); endgroup; input boxes; beginfig(0); boxit.b1(btex $X_\top$ etex); boxit.b2(btex $\mathsf{text}$ etex rotated 90); boxit.b3(btex $\mathsf{data}$ etex rotated 90); boxit.b4(btex $\mathsf{name}$ etex rotated 90); boxit.b5(btex $\mathsf{akey}$ etex rotated 90); boxit.b6(btex $\mathsf{skey}$ etex rotated 90); boxit.b7(btex $\mathsf{tags}$ etex rotated 90); b4.s = origin; for i = 1 upto 6: b[i].sw=b[i+1].se; b[i].nw=b[i+1].ne; endfor; for i = 1 upto 7: b[i].e + (base_width, 0) = b[i].w; endfor; for i = 4 upto 6: drawboxed(b[i]); endfor; for i = 3 downto 2: drawboxed(b[i]); endfor; draw pic b[1]; draw pic b[7]; % Top of triangle contrained to force a right triange z1 = b4.n - b4.s + (b7.nw - b4.n) rotated 90; ypart z2 = ypart z3 = 0; z2 = whatever[b7.nw,z1]; z3 = whatever[,z1]; draw z1--z2--z3--z1; label(btex \begin{tabular}{c}pairings\\[1ex] encryptions\end{tabular} etex, .5z1); endfig; verbatimtex \end{document} etex bye;