open Lexing open Format open Token include Sexpr_type let annotation = function | S (a, _) -> a | Q (a, _) -> a | N (a, _) -> a | L (a, _) -> a let read_lexbuf fname ch = let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel ch in lexbuf.lex_curr_p <- { lexbuf.lex_curr_p with pos_fname = fname }; lexbuf let error_msg = error_msg let failwith_msg = failwith_msg let parse_err = failwith_msg let rec parse_list lexfun lexbuf lpos list = let tok = lexfun lexbuf in let pos = lexeme_start_p lexbuf in match tok with | SYM s -> parse_list lexfun lexbuf lpos (S (pos, s) :: list) | STR s -> parse_list lexfun lexbuf lpos (Q (pos, s) :: list) | NUM n -> parse_list lexfun lexbuf lpos (N (pos, n) :: list) | LPAR -> let x = parse_list lexfun lexbuf pos [] in parse_list lexfun lexbuf lpos (x :: list) | RPAR -> L (lpos, List.rev list) | EOF -> parse_err pos "End of file in list" let top lexfun lexbuf = let tok = lexfun lexbuf in let pos = lexeme_start_p lexbuf in match tok with | SYM s -> S (pos, s) | STR s -> Q (pos, s) | NUM n -> N (pos, n) | LPAR -> parse_list lexfun lexbuf pos [] | RPAR -> parse_err pos "Unmatched right parenthesis" | EOF -> raise End_of_file let one lexfun lexbuf = let tok = lexfun lexbuf in let pos = lexeme_start_p lexbuf in let x = match tok with | SYM s -> S (pos, s) | STR s -> Q (pos, s) | NUM n -> N (pos, n) | LPAR -> parse_list lexfun lexbuf pos [] | RPAR -> parse_err pos "Unmatched right parenthesis" | EOF -> parse_err pos "Nothing in string" in match lexfun lexbuf with | EOF -> x | _ -> parse_err (lexeme_start_p lexbuf) "Trailing garbage in string" let read_sexpr lexbuf = top Scanner.token lexbuf let read_sexpr_from_string ch = let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string ch in one Scanner.token lexbuf let rec sexpr_printer f x = match x with | S (_, s) -> pp_print_string f s | Q (_, s) -> pp_print_char f '"'; pp_print_string f s; pp_print_char f '"' | N (_, n) -> pp_print_int f n | L (_, xs) -> print_list f xs and print_list f x = match x with | [] -> pp_print_string f "()" | x :: xs -> pp_open_box f 2; pp_print_string f "("; sexpr_printer f x; print_rest f xs and print_rest f x = match x with | [] -> pp_print_string f ")"; pp_close_box f () | x :: xs -> pp_print_space f (); sexpr_printer f x; print_rest f xs let print_sexpr ch x = let f = formatter_of_out_channel ch in sexpr_printer f x; pp_print_newline f () let sym x = S ((), x) let quo x = Q ((), x) let num x = N ((), x) let lst x = L ((), x) let rec strip = function | S (_, s) -> sym s | Q (_, s) -> quo s | N (_, i) -> num i | L (_, l) -> lst ( strip l) let assoc key alist = let rec loop acc = function | [] -> acc | L (_, S (_, head) :: rest) :: l when key = head -> loop (acc @ rest) l | _ :: l -> loop acc l in loop [] alist let rec has_key key = function | [] -> false | L (_, S (_, head) :: _) :: _ when key = head -> true | _ :: l -> has_key key l let rem_keys keys xs = let f xs x = match x with | L (_, S (_, head) :: _) when List.mem head keys -> xs | _ -> x :: xs in List.rev (List.fold_left f [] xs)