CPSA 4.4 User Guide

The Cryptographic Protocol Shapes Analyzer (CPSA) attempts to enumerate all essentially different executions possible for a cryptographic protocol. We call them the shapes of the protocol. Naturally occurring protocols have only finitely many, indeed very few shapes. Authentication and secrecy properties are easy to determine from them, as are attacks and anomalies.

For each input problem, the CPSA program is given some initial behavior, and it discovers what shapes are compatible with it. Normally, the initial behavior is from the point of view of one participant. The analysis reveals what the other participants must have done, given the participant's view. The search is based on a high-level algorithm that was claimed to be complete, i.e. every shape can in fact be found in a finite number of steps. Further theoretical work showed classes of executions that are not found by the algorithm, however it also showed that every omitted execution requires an unnatural interpretation of a protocol's roles. Hence the algorithm is complete relative to natural role semantics.

The analyzer is designed to work well with other tools. S-expressions are used for both input and output. The analyzer reads all the problems in its input, writes out the solution to each problem, and then exits. This release contains nine tools. The cpsa4init program copies a Makefile and a Haskell script for use with ghci into the current directory. They orchestrate the use of the other tools. The cpsa4graph program provides a visualization of answers using Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG). The cpsa4shapes program removes intermediate results from analyzer runs making the shapes easy to identify. The cpsa4diff program compares CPSA output files S-expression by S-expression, and prints the first skeleton that differs. The cpsa4sas program logical formula that can be used to ensure security goals are achieved. The cpsa4goalsat program prints skeletons that do not satisfy the goal associated with the point of view skeleton. The cpsa4prot program translates protocols expressed in Alice and Bob notation into CPSA's defprotocol syntax. cpsa4pp program pretty prints its input using a CPSA specific algorithm. It also translates S-Expressions into JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) to ease processing in other languages. The cpsa4json program translates JSON encoded CPSA into CPSA S-Expressions. The cpsa4query program queries CPSA output as derivation trees. The cpsa4db and cpsa4dbprolog programs translate CPSA output into Prolog so it can be analyzed using the power and flexibility of Prolog. Finally, the cpsa42latex program translates CPSA macros into equivalent LaTeX macros.

The input syntax is essentially the same as the output syntax. A Lisp aware editor will pretty print input, and the output is pretty printed. We use Emacs' Scheme mode to prepare input. This document describes the syntax, but provides little assistance for its interpretation. See the CPSA Primer and CPSA Security Goals and Rules for more information.

The typical pattern of usage is to enter the set of problems to be analyzed into a file, in this example, prob.scm, analyze the problems, and if something interesting is produced, visualize the answers.

$ cpsa4 +RTS -M512m -RTS -o prob.txt prob.scm
$ cpsa4graph -o prob.xhtml prob.txt
$ firefox -remote "openFile(`pwd`/prob.xhtml)"

Often a summary of the analysis is more enlightening.

$ cpsa4shapes -o prob_shapes.txt prob.txt
$ cpsa4graph -o prob_shapes.xhtml prob_shapes.txt
$ firefox -remote "openFile(`pwd`/prob_shapes.xhtml)"

The cpsa4init program creates the file cpsa4.mk for inclusion into your makefile. A sample makefile is also created.

The CPSA program is Emacs friendly. If you run the above makefile via "M-x compile", the results will be displayed in a buffer in Compilation Mode. The command "C-x `" will visit the locus of the next error message or match (next-error) in your CPSA input file.

For platforms without GNU make, the Haskell program make4.hs can be loaded into a Haskell interpreter and perform a similar function. Users are expected to copy the makefile or the Haskell program into the directory containing a set of analysis problems using cpsa4init, and then modify a file so it specifies the command line flags appropriate for the problems in the directory.


The syntax is extensible. Association lists in which the key is always a symbol are allowed at various points in the grammar. Key-value pairs with unrecognized keys are ignored, and are available for use by other tools. On output, unrecognized key-value pairs are preserved when printing protocols, but elided when printing skeletons, with the exception of the comment key.

The input is an option herald form followed by a sequence of protocol definitions and problem statements. A herald form allows options normally specified on the command line to be specified within an input file. A problem statement describes the initial behavior as a skeleton or a security goal.


The grammar for a protocol follows.

ID         ::= SYMBOL
ALG        ::= SYMBOL
ROLE       ::= (defrole ID VARS TRACE ROLE-ALIST)
VARS       ::= (vars DECL*)
DECL       ::= (ID+ SORT)
TRACE      ::= (trace EVENT+)
EVENT      ::= (send TERM) | (send ID TERM) | (stor ID TERM)
            |  (recv TERM) | (recv ID TERM) | (load ID TERM)
            |  (pen-non-orig POS-TERM*) ROLE-ALIST
            |  (uniq-orig TERM*) ROLE-ALIST
            |  (uniq-gen TERM*) ROLE-ALIST
            |  (conf ID*) ROLE-ALIST
            |  (auth ID*) ROLE-ALIST
            |  (priority POS-INT*) ROLE-ALIST
	    |  (gen-st TERM+) ROLE-ALIST
            |  (critical-sections POS-INT+) ROLE-ALIST
	    |  (facts FACTS*) ROLE-ALIST | ...
POS-INT    ::= (INT INT)
RULE       ::= (defrule ID SENTENCE RULE-ALIST)
RULE-ALIST ::= ...
LDECL      ::= (ID+ KIND)
KIND       ::= atom | akey | hash | (tuple INT)
            |  enc | senc | aenc | sign

The syntax for SORT, TERM, and SENTENCE will be presented later.

The protocol ID is a symbol that names the protocol, and the role ID is a symbol that names the role. The ALG symbol identifies the algebra used by the protocol. For the Basic Cryptographic Algebra, the symbol is basic. The var form contains symbols that declare the sort of the variables used in this role. The set of sort symbols is algebra specific, but must include mesg and chan.

Events specify message transmission (send) or reception (recv). A message can be sent on a channel using the form (send ID TERM) where ID is declared to be of sort chan, and similarly for message receptions. A state value may be received or loaded from a location using the form (stor ID TERM) where ID is declared to be of sort locn. Every store event must be in a group consisting of a number of loads followed by a number of stores. Moreover, each locn in a store event must have had a load event earlier in that group.

The protocol association list has no predefined keys, while the role association list has nine predefined keys. The value associated with non-orig, pen-non-orig, uniq-orig, uniq-gen, conf, auth must be atoms in the algebra. Each non-orig term must not be carried by any event in the role's trace, but each of its variables must occur in some term. A role non-origination assumption of the form (3 a) asserts that atom a will not be mapped into an instance unless its height is greater than three. For each pen-non-orig term, each of its variables must occur in some term, but unlike a non-origination assumption, the term may be carried. Each uniq-orig term must originate in the role's trace. Each uniq-gen term must generate in the role's trace. Each conf term must be a channel variable, and it asserts the channel is confidential. Each auth term must be a channel variable, and it asserts the channel is authenticated. Each gen-st must be a term loaded in the role. It entails that the instances of these terms are not initial values, and they must be explained by a previous store event on some strand. Each critical-section designates the start and end of a group of loads and stores that must occur atomically. It is not needed when there is only one load and at most one store in the group of events. And it is not needed if the events are not assumed to occur atomically. Each facts declaration ensures that, whenever an instance of the role proceeds long enough to have chosen parameter values for each parameter that appears in the facts, the corresponding instance of the fact will be inferred. Every variable of sort mesg must be acquired by the role's trace.

The structure of sorts and terms in the Basic Cryptographic Algebra follows.

SORT ::= text | data | name | skey | akey | mesg | chan | locn
TERM ::= ID | AKEY | (ltk ID ID) | STRING
      |  (cat TERM+) | (enc TERM+ TERM) | (hash TERM+)
AKEY ::= ID | (invk AKEY) | (pubk ID) | (privk ID)
      |  (pubk STRING ID) | (privk STRING ID)

The form (cat a b c d e) is expands to (cat a (cat b (cat c (cat d e)))). The form (enc a b c d e) is expands to (enc (cat a b c d) e).

A term in the Basic Crypto Algebra is an atom if it is a variable of a sort other than mesg, or it if formed from one of the following operations: pubk, privk, invk, and ltk.

The Diffie-Hellman algebra adds three sorts: rndx, expt, and base. Variables of sort rndx are considered atoms. The new terms are BASE:

BASE ::= ID | (gen) | (exp BASE EXPT)
EXPT ::= ID | (one) | (mul EXPT EXPT) | (rec EXPT)

Algebra Signature Extensions

The signature of the message algebra used by CPSA is extensible. There are two forms of extensibility provided by CPSA. Users can add operations for encryption, tupling, and hashing; and add sorts for atomic data.

A common extension is to add tupling operations to message algebras. Previously, complex protocols often made use of tagged concatenation to encode a tagged sequence of messages. In CPSA, concatenation is implemented as sequences of pairing operations. Thus, the expression for a certificate body of the form

(cat "cert-body" dn serial-no pub-key)

is syntax for

(cat "cert-body" (cat dn (cat serial-no pub-key)))

Algebra extensions are declared using the lang key in the protocol's association list, at the end of a protocol. For the certificate body example,

(defprotocol cert basic
  (lang (cert-body (tuple 3))))

adds one tupling operation so that the example above can be written as

(cert-body dn serial-no pub-key)

CPSA represents this form internally as sequence of messages with a distinguished mark. This representation is more efficient as compared with the tagged concatenation representation.

LANG  ::= (lang LDECL*)
KIND  ::= atom | akey | hash | (tuple INT)
       |  enc | senc | aenc | sign
The syntax of a lang declaration is given above. There are eight kinds of ways that CPSA algebras can be extended.


STRAND     ::= (defstrand ID INT MAPLET*) | (deflistener TERM)
            |  (pen-non-orig TERM*) SKEL-ALIST
            |  (uniq-orig TERM*) SKEL-ALIST
            |  (uniq-gen TERM*) SKEL-ALIST
            |  (conf ID*) SKEL-ALIST
            |  (auth ID*) SKEL-ALIST
            |  (precedes NODE-PAIR*) SKEL-ALIST
            |  (facts FACTS*) SKEL-ALIST
            |  (priority NODE-INT*) SKEL-ALIST | ...
NODE       ::= (INT INT)
FACT       ::= (ID FTERM*)
FTERM      ::= TERM | INT

The ID in the skeleton form names a protocol. It refers to the last protocol definition of that name which precedes the skeleton form. The ID in the strand form names a role. The integer in the strand form gives the height of the strand. The sequence of pairs of terms in the strand form specify an environment used to construct the messages in a strand from its role's trace. The first term is interpreted using the role's variables and the second term uses the skeleton's variables. The environment used to produce the strand's trace is derived by matching the second term using the first term as a pattern.

The first integer in a node identifies a strand, and the second one specifies the position of the node in the strand. Zero-based indexing is used. Zero identifies the first strand, and the first node in a strand has position zero.

A variable may occur in more then one role within a protocol. The reader performs a renaming so as to ensure these occurrences do not overlap. Furthermore, the maplets used to specify a strand need not specify how to map every role variable. The reader inserts missing mappings, and renames every skeleton variable that also occurs in a role of its protocol. The sort of every skeleton variable that occurs in the non-orig, pen-non-orig, uniq-orig, uniq-gen, conf, or auth list or in a maplet must be declared.

On output, key-value pairs are added to all skeleton's association list. Every skeleton in the output is labeled with a unique identifier with (label INT) A skeleton has (parent INT) if it is a member of the cohort of the identified parent. A skeleton has (seen INT+) when members of its cohort are isomorphic to previously seen skeletons. A skeleton lists its unrealized nodes with (unrealized NODE*). The traces associated with each strand is given by the (traces ...) form. Finally, the operation used to derive this skeleton from its parent is recorded with (operation TEST KIND TERM NODE TERM*), where TEST is the authentication test encryption-test, nonce, or channel-test; KIND is (added-strand ID INT), (displaced INT INT ID INT), (contracted MAPLET*), (added-listener TERM); TERM is the critical term; NODE in the test node; and the remaining terms specify the escape set. When the operation kind is augmenting, the instance's role name and height are provided. For kind displacing, the first number is the strand being merged, the second number is the strand it was merged into, and the remaining give the new instance's role name and height. For kind listening, a term is provided. For kind contracting, the substitution is provided. When a substitution refers to a variable not in the skeleton, its name is unpredictable. For generalization, the operation is recorded as (operation generalization METHOD), where METHOD is one of deleted NODE, weakened NODE-PAIR, separated TERM and forgot TERM. Generalization is used to find shapes from realized skeletons. For shape collapsing, the operation is recorded as (operation collapsed INT INT), where the two INTs identify the strands merged. Shape collapsing is used to find related shapes.

First-order Logic and Security Goals

Another way to specify a problem statement is with a security goal. A security goal a sentence in first-order logic. It asserts that if some properties hold for a skeleton, then some other properties must hold for all shapes computed by CPSA starting with the skeleton. Security goals can be used to formally state authentication and secrecy goals of a protocol.

The defgoal form is used to pose an analysis problem with a sentence instead of a skeleton. CPSA extracts a point of view skeleton from the antecedent of the formula and then analyzes it. When a defgoal form has a sequence of sentences, they must all contain the same antecedent. CPSA will evaluate all of the conclusions during the analysis of this shared antecedent. When it prints a shape, it checks to see if the shape satisfies the conclusions of the security goal sentences. When invoked with the goals-sat option, CPSA will successfully terminate any branch of its analysis as soon as the conclusions of the goals are satisfied. See CPSA Security Goals and Rules for details.

To be precise, a security goal is an order-sorted first-order logic sentence in a restricted form. The set of sort symbols available for use in a DECL is the ones provided by the message algebra augmented with the symbol strd. The form of a sentence is restricted by the syntax that follows.

GOAL        ::= (defgoal ID SENTENCE+ GOAL-ALIST)
SENTENCE    ::= (forall (DECL*) (implies ANTECEDENT CONCLUSION))
             |  (prec SVAR POS SVAR POS) | (non TERM) | (pnon TERM)
             |  (uniq TERM) | (uniq-at TERM SVAR POS)
             |  (ugen TERM) | (ugen-at TERM SVAR POS)
             |  (conf ID) | (auth ID)
	     |  (gen-st TERM) | (comm-pr SVAR POS SVAR POS)
	     |  (same-locn SVAR POS SVAR POS) | (state-node SVAR POS)
	     |  (trans SVAR POS) | (leads-to SVAR POS SVAR POS)
             |  (fact ID TERM*) | (= TERM TERM)
HGT         ::= INT
POS         ::= INT | ID
SVAR        ::= ID
PARAM       ::= STRING

An atomic formula asserts that a skeleton has some property. The formula (p "init" s 3) asserts that strand s in the skeleton is an instance of an init role and is of length 3 or greater. The formula (p "init" "x" s y) asserts that strand s is an instance of an init role and is of a length that is great enough so that role parameter x occurs in the role, and the role parameter x is instantiated to become term y. Formula (prec (x 2) (y 1)) asserts that for some strands x and y in the skeleton, the transitive closure of the precedence relation contains the mentioned pair of nodes. Formula (non t) asserts t is assumed to be non-originating in the skeleton. Predicates pnon and uniq have similar interpretations. The formula (fact foo s (invk t)) asserts the skeleton contains a fact called foo relating a strand to the inverse of some term. The formula (= s t) asserts that s and t refer to the same object in the skeleton.

The empty string names the listener role of a protocol. The role has the variable x of sort mesg as its only role variable. There are two positions in the listener role.

gen-st asserts that its argument is a generated state value, and cannot be an initial value. comm-pr asserts that the two nodes that follow are a transmission-reception pair with the same message. same-locn asserts that the two nodes that follow are state nodes involving the same location. same-locn asserts that the node that follows is a state node. trans asserts that the node that follows is a transition node rather than a pure observation. leads-to asserts that the two nodes that follow are a transmission and a reception on the same location that are immediately related, ie no other transition comes between them.


Each protocol may include a small collection of rules. A rule is written using the language of security goals.

A rule is an axiom added to a protocol. CPSA uses the axiom as a rewrite rule to derive zero or more new skeletons from a skeleton produced after each analysis step. A protocol with a rule follows.

(defprotocol doorsep basic
  (defrole person
    (vars (d p akey) (k skey) (t text))
     (send (enc (enc k (invk p)) d))
     (recv (enc t k))
     (send t)))
  (defrole door
    (vars (d p akey) (k skey) (t text))
     (recv (enc (enc k (invk p)) d))
     (send (enc t k))
     (recv t)))
  (defrule trust
    (forall ((z strd) (p d akey))
             (and (p "person" z 1)
                  (p "person" "p" z p)
                  (p "person" "d" z d)
                  (non (invk p)))
             (non (invk d))))
    (comment "The trust rule"))
  (comment "Doorsep protocol using unnamed asymmetric keys"))

(defskeleton doorsep
  (vars (p akey))
  (defstrand door 3 (p p))
  (non-orig (invk p))
  (comment "Analyze from the doors's perspective"))

The trust rule states that when CPSA finds a person strand of length at least one, and the inverse of it's p parameter is non-originating, CPSA should assume the inverse of it's d parameter is non-originating.

Long-term (cross-session) state

Some protocols manipulate state. Key management protocols acquire secrets and certificates, and store them so that subsequent rules can use them. Hardware security modules store keys and other data, and use them in a succession of controlled ways, some of which modifies the data. Many other examples arise.

CPSA supports long-term state using two basic event forms, namely (load l term) and (stor l term). A load event acquires the piece of state in location l of sort locn. The term term in (load l term) constrains the value in l at the time this event occurs. That value must have the form of term, and any variables within term that are already bound constrain the value found there. All remaining variables are newly bound here, and will constrain the subsequent occurrences.

A (stor l term) event places the value of term into location l so that subsequent loads will receive it. We say that a stor event on location l leads to a load event on the same location l if the latter happens immediately after; CPSA formalizes this internally by creating a special value (a "point") that originates uniquely at each stor and must match in an immediately subsequent load event. There may be several immediately subsequent load events, since several events may observe the value without causing a transition. A transition consists of a pair of adjacent events, one which loads the current value, followed by another the stores the subsequent value. There can be at most one transition to which a single stor event leads.

Internally, CPSA regards a location l of sort locn as a kind of channel. It is a confidential channel, since the location remains within the device, and the adversary can obtain the value only via message transmissions. It is not a channel with (full) authenticity, since we regard initial values as always being available. However, any value that is non-initial must be generated by a previous transition; i.e. a location offers authenticity for values known to be non-initial.

We formalize this using a gen-st predicate in the rule language. CPSA uses the formula (gen-st term) to assert that term is definitely non-initial, and requires a (regular) (stor l term) event to explain it being available in location l. Rules with this kind of conclusion allow CPSA to infer these formulas when needed.

Within a role definition, a declaration (gen-st term-1 ... term-i) causes CPSA to generate rules that establish that each of the terms given is gen-st as long as a role instance is long enough for the variables in it to be well-defined.

Macros and Includes

After reading the input, cpsa4 expands macros before analyzing the results. A macro definition is a top-level form.

(defmacro (NAME ARG*) BODY)

The cpsa4 program expands all calls to macros in non-macro defining S-expressions using the macros that have been defined previously. A macro definition can be used to expand a call if the first element of a list matches the name of the macro, and the length of the remaining elements in the list matches the length of the macro's argument list. When two macros definitions are applicable, the last definition takes precedence. The cpsa4 program omits macro definitions from its output.

After expanding a list, elements of the list of the form (^ ...) are spliced into the output. Thus (a ^(b c) d) becomes (a b c d) after macro expansion.

A source file can be included within another with the top-level include form,

(include FILE)

where FILE is a string. The cpsa4 program includes files while it does macro expansion.

Usage of CPSA

$ cpsa4 -h
Usage: cpsa4 [OPTIONS] [FILE]
  -o FILE    --output=FILE      output FILE
  -l INT     --limit=INT        step count limit (default 2000)
  -b INT     --bound=INT        strand count bound (default 12)
  -d INT     --depth=INT        tree depth bound (default unbounded)
  -m INT     --margin=INT       set output margin (default 72)
  -e         --expand           expand macros only; don't analyze
  -n         --noisochk         disable isomorphism checks
  -c         --check-nonces     check nonces first
  -t         --try-old-strands  try old strands first
  -r         --reverse-nodes    try younger nodes first
  -g         --goals-sat        Stop when goals are satisfied
  -a STRING  --algebra=STRING   algebra (default basic)
  -s         --show-algebras    show algebras
  -h         --help             show help message
  -v         --version          show version number

This program will abort if too many steps are taken. A skeleton is printed for each step taken by the program. The step count limit option is used to override the default step count limit. It will also abort when it detects a skeleton with too many strands. The strand count bound option is used to override the default strand count bound. The tree depth bound option is used to override the default tree depth bound. Another way to limit resources used by the program is to limit the amount of memory it may use. The command-line option +RTS -M512m -RTS limits memory usage to 512m.

The herald form can be used to specify options within a file. The grammar for a herald form follows, where ALIST is an association list with symbols as keys.


The title is used by cpsa4graph when generating XHTML. In the following example, the herald form specifies a strand bound of 12 in a way that is equivalent to the command line option --bound=12.

(herald "Needham-Schroeder Public-Key Protocol" (bound 12))

The herald form is only interpreted by the cpsa4 program, and is treated as a comment by all other programs. In particular, specifying a margin option effects cpsa4 only.

For long running problems, SMP parallelism is available. For example, on a quad-core machine, we would probably use +RTS -N4 -RTS.

In addition to the options provided on the command line or a herald form, one can influence the order in which test nodes are sought. When a role includes (reverse-search) in its association list as a comment, the nodes in its instances will be searched in reverse order.

When run with isomorphism checks disabled (--noisochk), CPSA searches for realized skeletons, not shapes. It attempts to speed up analysis by not identifying duplicate skeletons or generalizing realized skeletons, however in many cases, run times increase. It is used when normal analysis takes too much time on the chance that avoiding the checks makes more progress.

In no isomorphism checking mode output, every realized skeleton is labeled a shape even when it is not. This allows the extraction of every realized skeletons from the output using the cpsa4shapes program.

An error message that begins with "No test for unrealized node" identifies a severe error that should be reported as a bug.

Search order

In its analysis, CPSA will attempt to solve unrealized nodes until the skeleton is realized, and then generalize until a shape is obtained. When there are multiple unrealized nodes, by default, CPSA will chose the topmost, rightmost unrealized node among those unrealized nodes with maximum priority. The default priority of a node is 5, and higher numbers represent a higher priority. When a node has non-positive priority, it is left unsolved.

In a role, in order to specify a priority for an event other than the default, add a comment of the form (priority (i p)), where i is the index of the event in the trace, and p is the priority. Priorities are inherited from roles, but may be overridden in a skeleton with a priority comment of the form (priority (n p)), where n is a node.


The cpsa4init copies the files Makefile, cpsa4.mk, and Make4.hs into the current directory. It will not overwrite existing files of the same name. The makefile is for use with systems that provide GNU make. Windows users should load Make4.hs into ghci. Read the comments in the script for usage instructions.


$ cpsa4init -h
Usage: cpsa4init [OPTIONS]
  -h       --help          show help message
  -v       --version       show version number


The cpsa4graph program produces a graphical rendering of the output or input of an analyzer using SVG. It is viewable only with a standards-compliant web browser such as FireFox.

When applied to the output of CPSA, the program groups together all the skeletons related to each problem statement in the input. The program assembles the related skeletons into a directed acyclic graph using the parent identifier and renders it as a tree using SVG. Each vertex in the tree is the label added to the skeleton by the CPSA program. Click the label in the tree to view the skeleton. Hover over a node in a skeleton drawing to see the term associated with it. Hover over a role to see the mapping from role variables to skeleton variables.

A node ordering edge in a skeleton drawing indicates that the message transmission at the source of the edge happened before message reception at the destination edge. The edge is solid if the transmitting term is syntactically identical to the receiving term, otherwise the edge is dashed. Thus in an algebra with a commutative operation *, the graphing program sometimes draws a dashed line between (send (* a b)) and (recv (* b a)).

In the tree drawing, the label of a shape is blue, and the label of a realized skeleton that is not a shape is grey. For dead skeletons, the label is red, unless it has been seen before, in which case it is orange. Otherwise the label is green for skeletons seen before. Seen skeleton labels are rendered in an italic font.

By the default, cpsa4graph generates a view of CPSA S-expressions as a compound document that contains SVG within XHTML. This view integrates graphics with the input text.

In compact mode, cpsa4graph generates an SVG document. The tree is displayed immediately to the left of skeleton drawings. When there is more than one tree, the left-hand-side of the drawing contains a vertical listing of the trees. Compact mode output should never be used as a replacement for studying the text version of the output. The text version contains strictly more information, and should be displayed next to its graphical rendition.

In LaTeX mode, cpsa4graph generates LaTeX source. XY-pic is used for drawings of skeletons. The margin specified in cpsa4.mk produces good results.


$ cpsa4graph -h
Usage: cpsa4graph [OPTIONS] [FILE]
  -o FILE  --output=FILE   output FILE
  -x       --expanded      use expanded format (default)
  -z       --zoom          enable diagram scaling
  -t       --treeless      use treeless expanded format
  -c       --compact       use compact format
  -l       --latex         use LaTeX format
  -m INT   --margin=INT    set output margin (default 72)
  -p       --purge-traces  purge traces
  -h       --help          show help message
  -v       --version       show version number

Output Comparisons

The cpsa4diff program compares CPSA output files S-expression by S-expression, and prints the first skeleton that differs.


$ cpsa4diff -h
Usage: cpsa4diff [OPTIONS] OLD-FILE NEW-FILE
  -o FILE  --output=FILE  output FILE
  -m INT   --margin=INT   set output margin (default 72)
  -h       --help         show help message
  -v       --version      show version number

Shape Extraction

The cpsa4shapes program extracts the original problems and the shapes from the output of a CPSA run. The shapes are linked to their problem so the output can be graphed.


$ cpsa4shapes -h
Usage: cpsa4shapes [OPTIONS] [FILE]
  -o FILE  --output=FILE  output FILE
  -m INT   --margin=INT   set output margin (default 72)
  -h       --help         show help message
  -v       --version      show version number

Formula Extraction

The cpsa4sas program extracts a formula in the language of order-sorted first-order logic for each problem and its shapes from a CPSA run. The formula is called a shape analysis sentence. The formula is satisfied in all realized skeletons when CPSA finds all the shapes for the problem.


$ cpsa4sas -h
Usage: cpsa4sas [OPTIONS] [FILE]
  -o FILE    --output=FILE     output FILE
  -m INT     --margin=INT      set output margin (default 72)
  -a STRING  --algebra=STRING  algebra (default basic)
  -s         --show-algebras   show algebras
  -h         --help            show help message
  -v         --version         show version number

Goal Satisfaction Checking

The cpsa4goalsat program prints the labels of skeletons that do not satisfy a defgoal. For each point of view skeleton specified by a goal, the program prints a list. The first element of the list is the label of the point of view skeleton. The remaining elements of the list are labels of the skeletons that do not satisfy the goal.


$ cpsa4goalsat -h
Usage: cpsa4goalsat [OPTIONS] [FILE]
  -o FILE  --output=FILE  output FILE
  -m INT   --margin=INT   set output margin (default 72)
  -h       --help         show help message
  -v       --version      show version number

Alice and Bob notation to CPSA

The cpsa4prot program translates protocols expressed in Alice and Bob notation into CPSA's defprotocol syntax. It translates defprot forms, and passes all else through unchanged. The syntax of a defprot form is:

            |  (msg ROLE ROLE CHMSG CHMSG)
            |  (from ROLE CHMSG)
            |  (to ROLE CHMSG)
            |  (clone ROLE ROLE)
            |  (assume ROLE ASSUMPTION*)
CHMSG      ::= (chmsg CHAN TERM) | (chmsg TERM) | TERM
ASSUMPTION ::= (uniq-orig ...) | (non-orig ...) | ...
RULE       ::= (defrule ...)

The form (msg A B M) says role A sends M, and role B receives M.
The form (msg A B M N) says role A sends M, and role B receives N.
The form (from A M) says role A sends M.
The form (to A M) says role A receives M.
The form (clone A B) says make role B have the same messages as A up to this point in the specification.


$ cat blanchet.prot
(defprot blanchet basic
  (vars (a b akey) (s skey) (d data))
  (msg init resp (enc (enc s (invk a)) b))
  (msg resp init (enc d s))
  (assume init (uniq-orig s))
  (assume resp (uniq-orig d))
  (comment "Blanchet's protocol"))
$ cpsa4prot blanchet.prot
(defprotocol blanchet basic
  (defrole init
    (vars (a b akey) (s skey) (d data))
    (trace (send (enc (enc s (invk a)) b)) (recv (enc d s)))
    (uniq-orig s))
  (defrole resp
    (vars (a b akey) (s skey) (d data))
    (trace (recv (enc (enc s (invk a)) b)) (send (enc d s)))
    (uniq-orig d))
  (comment "Blanchet's protocol"))


$ cpsa4prot -h
Usage: cpsa4prot [OPTIONS] [FILE]
  -o FILE  --output=FILE  output FILE
  -e       --expand       expand macros first
  -m INT   --margin=INT   set output margin (default 72)
  -h       --help         show help message
  -v       --version      show version number

Pretty Printing

The cpsa4pp program program pretty prints its input using the CPSA specific algorithm. It also translates S-Expressions into JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) to ease processing in other languages.


$ cpsa4pp -h
Usage: cpsa4pp [OPTIONS] [FILE]
  -o FILE  --output=FILE  output FILE
  -m INT   --margin=INT   set output margin (default 72)
  -j       --json         output uses JSON notation
  -h       --help         show help message
  -v       --version      show version number

CPSA to LaTeX Macro Translation

The cpsa42latex program translates CPSA macros specifying message formats into equivalent LaTeX macros. CPSA algebra primitives are mapped to unspecified LaTeX macros with the same name and arity (sometimes with an optional tag), allowing the user to easily customize how they would like these primitives to be typeset.


$ cpsa42latex -h
Usage: cpsa42latex [OPTIONS] [FILE]
  -o FILE  --output=FILE  output FILE
  -h       --help         show help message
  -v       --version      show version number

JSON to S-Expression Translation

The cpsa4json program translates JSON encoded CPSA into CPSA S-Expressions.


$ cpsa4json -h
Usage: cpsa4json [OPTIONS] [FILE]
  -o FILE  --output=FILE  output FILE
  -m INT   --margin=INT   set output margin (default 72)
  -h       --help         show help message
  -v       --version      show version number

Querying CPSA Output as Derivation Trees

The cpsa4query program loads CPSA output and a query. It assembles the skeletons in the output into a forest of derivation trees. It then runs the query against the selected trees in the forest and returns the labels of the skeletons that satisfy the query.

Each tree vertex is a skeleton represented as a S-Expression. Information in the skeleton can be accessed by treating it as an association list. The query language allows one to ask questions about the association list, such as if it has a given key. For example, you can list the shapes in a tree by asking if the association list has the symbol "shape" as a key.


$ cpsa4query -h
Usage: cpsa4query [OPTIONS] QUERY [FILE]
  -o FILE  --output=FILE  output FILE
  -m INT   --margin=INT   set output margin (default 72)
  -h       --help         show help message
  -v       --version      show version number


A query is a file containing S-Expressions. The first S-Expression contains the query proper, and the remaining S-Expressions are integers that select which trees in the forest will be the searched by the query proper. If there are no integers, the entire forest is searched. The syntax of the query proper is:

QUERY ::= (has-key SYMBOL)
       |  (null SYMBOL)
       |  (member SEXPR SYMBOL)
       |  (has-children)
       |  (has-duplicates)
       |  (not QUERY)
       |  (and QUERY*)
       |  (or QUERY*)
The has-key predicate asks if SYMBOL is a key in a skeleton. The null predicate asks if SYMBOL is a key and the value is the empty list. The member predicate asks if SEXPR is a member of the value associated with key SYMBOL. The has-children predicate asks if the current skeleton has children. The has-duplicates predicate asks if the current skeleton has duplicates as descendents. The remaining operations implement the usual way to combine boolean functions.


(has-key shape) 0 1

finds the skeletons in the first and second tree that have shape as a key. If this query is run against the test file output tst/unilateral.txt, it will find that skeletons 1 and 3 are shapes.

(has-key aborted)

finds the skeletons in the forest that have aborted as a key. If this query is run against the test file output tst/wide-mouth-frog.txt, it will find that skeleton 18 is aborted.

(and (not (has-children))
     (not (has-duplicates))
     (has-key unrealized))

finds the skeletons in the forest that are terminal and unrealized. If this query is run against the test file output tst/blanchet.txt, it will produce

    2    6    8   16   20   22   30   34   36   42


$ cat query.txt
(has-key shape) 0 1
$ cpsa4query query.txt tst/unilateral.txt
    1    3

Querying CPSA Output Using Prolog

The cpsa4db program is used to produce a database of facts about the output of CPSA in S-Expression syntax. The facts provide a logical description of a run of CPSA.

The database contains facts about skeletons and facts about how skeletons are related to each other in the output. There are two kinds of facts about each skeleton. The body of a skeleton is provided as an association list with the skel/2 predicate. The first argument is the skeleton's label, and the second is the association list. Each skeleton is also described using a subset of the goal language, however, the predicate symbol used for length predicates is l to make them easily distinguishable from parameter predicates.

The output of CPSA relates skeletons in two ways, by its tree structure and its cohort step structure. Each non-root skeleton has one parent. That information is used to form the tree used to display CPSA output. The child/2 predicate encodes the tree structure using skeleton labels. This predicate is used to visit each skeleton once during a search.

A skeleton that is part of a cohort step is either a child of the analyzed skeleton or a seen child, meaning it is the child of a previously analyzed skeleton. The step/3 predicate specifies the cohort step relation, where its second argument is the operation used by CPSA to produce the cohort member from the analyzed skeleton. Thus, the step/3 predicate describes a run as a labeled transition system.

For each cohort step not produced by generalization, there is a homomorphism from the parent to the cohort member, and when a member is produced by generalization, there is a homomorphism from the member to the parent. The homomorphism is available with the stwa/5 and mtwa/5 predicates. The stwa/5 predicate specifies how strands are mapped, and the mtwa predicate specifies how message variables are mapped. For both of these predicates, the first and forth arguments are skeleton labels, and the third argument is the operation.

The cpsa4dbprolog translates a database of facts into Prolog syntax so that the database can be queried using all of the power and flexibility of Prolog. To be loadable by Prolog, the output must be sorted so that clauses of one predicate are colocated. The sorting program provided in all dialects of Unix does the job.

The generated Prolog must be used with a dialect of Prolog in which strings are not be atoms, such as SWI Prolog and not GNU Prolog. Load the file using consult/1. Next load your query. The file src/cpsa4prolog.pl in a source distribution contains useful predicates that may help formulate your query. The comments for each predicate are intended help users understand the output format.


$ cpsa4db [OPTIONS] [FILE]
  -o FILE    --output=FILE     output FILE
  -m INT     --margin=INT      set output margin (default 72)
  -a STRING  --algebra=STRING  algebra (default basic)
  -s         --show-algebras   show algebras
  -h         --help            show help message
  -v         --version         show version number
$ cpsa4dbprolog [OPTIONS] [FILE]
  -o FILE  --output=FILE  output FILE
  -m INT   --margin=INT   set output margin (default 72)
  -h       --help         show help message
  -v       --version      show version number


The S-expressions used are restricted so that most dialects of Lisp can read them, and characters within symbols and strings never need quoting. Every list is proper. An atom is either a symbol, an integer, or a string. The characters that make up a symbol are the letters, the digits, and the special characters in "+-*/<=>!?:$%_&~^". A symbol may not begin with a digit or a sign followed by a digit. The characters that make up a string are the printing characters omitting double quote and backslash, except when double quote and backslash are escaped using the backslash character. Double quotes delimit a string. A comment begins with a semicolon, or is an S-expression list at top-level that starts with the comment symbol.

Copyright (c) 2017 The MITRE Corporation. Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct commercial advantage, this copyright notice and the title of the publication and its date appear, and notice in given that copying is by permission of The MITRE Corporation.