-- Displays protocols and preskeletons as S-expressions. -- Copyright (c) 2009 The MITRE Corporation -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or -- modify it under the terms of the BSD License as published by the -- University of California. module CPSA.Displayer (displayProt, displayPreskel, displayNode, displayFact, displayForm, displayOperation, displayStrandMap, varsContext) where import qualified Data.List as L import qualified Data.Set as S import CPSA.Lib.SExpr import CPSA.Algebra import CPSA.Channel import CPSA.Protocol import CPSA.Operation import CPSA.Strand {-- import System.IO.Unsafe z :: Show a => a -> b -> b z x y = unsafePerformIO (print x >> return y) zz :: Show a => a -> a zz x = z x x --} -- Display of protocols displayProt :: Prot -> SExpr () displayProt p = L () (S () "defprotocol" : S () (pname p) : S () (alg p) : rs) where rs = foldl f ((map displayUserRule (userrules p)) ++ (map displayGenRule (generatedrules p)) ++ pcomment p) (reverse (roles p)) f rs r = displayRole r : rs displayRule :: String -> Rule -> SExpr () displayRule s r = L () (S () s : S () (rlname r) : displayGoal (rlgoal r) : rlcomment r) displayUserRule :: Rule -> SExpr () displayUserRule = displayRule "defrule" displayGenRule :: Rule -> SExpr () displayGenRule = displayRule "defgenrule" displayGoal :: Goal -> SExpr () displayGoal g = L () [S () "forall", L () (displayVars ctx vars), displayImpl ctx g] where ctx = varsContext vars vars = uvars g displayImpl :: Context -> Goal -> SExpr () displayImpl ctx g = L () [S () "implies", displayConj ctx (antec g), displayDisj ctx (consq g) ] displayDisj :: Context -> [([Term], [AForm])] -> SExpr () displayDisj _ [] = L () [S () "false"] displayDisj ctx [conj] = displayExistential ctx conj displayDisj ctx disj = L () (S () "or" : map (displayExistential ctx) disj) displayExistential :: Context -> ([Term], [AForm]) -> SExpr () displayExistential ctx ([], conj) = displayConj ctx conj displayExistential ctx (evars, conj) = L () [S () "exists", L () (displayVars ctx' evars), displayConj ctx' conj] where ctx' = addToContext ctx evars displayConj :: Context -> [AForm] -> SExpr () -- displayConj _ [] = error "DisplayConj: empty conjunction" displayConj ctx [form] = displayForm ctx form displayConj ctx forms = L () (S () "and" : map (displayForm ctx) forms) displayForm :: Context -> AForm -> SExpr () displayForm ctx (Length r s l) = L () [S () "p", Q () (rname r), displayTerm ctx s, displayTerm ctx l] displayForm ctx (Param r p _ s t) = L () [S () "p", Q () (rname r), displayParam r p, displayTerm ctx s, displayTerm ctx t] displayForm ctx (Prec (x, i) (y, j)) = L () [S () "prec", displayTerm ctx x, displayTerm ctx i, displayTerm ctx y, displayTerm ctx j] displayForm ctx (Non t) = L () [S () "non", displayTerm ctx t] displayForm ctx (Pnon t) = L () [S () "pnon", displayTerm ctx t] displayForm ctx (Uniq t) = L () [S () "uniq", displayTerm ctx t] displayForm ctx (UniqAt t (s, i)) = L () [S () "uniq-at", displayTerm ctx t, displayTerm ctx s, displayTerm ctx i] displayForm ctx (Ugen t) = L () [S () "ugen", displayTerm ctx t] displayForm ctx (UgenAt t (s, i)) = L () [S () "ugen-at", displayTerm ctx t, displayTerm ctx s, displayTerm ctx i] displayForm ctx (GenStV t) = L () [S () "gen-st", displayTerm ctx t] displayForm ctx (Conf t) = L () [S () "conf", displayTerm ctx t] displayForm ctx (Auth t) = L () [S () "auth", displayTerm ctx t] displayForm ctx (AFact name fs) = L () (S () "fact" : S () name : map (displayTerm ctx) fs) displayForm ctx (Equals t1 t2) = L () [S () "=", displayTerm ctx t1, displayTerm ctx t2] displayForm ctx (Component t1 t2) = L () [S () "component", displayTerm ctx t1, displayTerm ctx t2] displayForm ctx (Commpair (i,j) (i',j')) = L () [S () "comm-pr", displayTerm ctx i, displayTerm ctx j, displayTerm ctx i', displayTerm ctx j'] displayForm ctx (SameLocn (i,j) (i',j')) = L () [S () "same-locn", displayTerm ctx i, displayTerm ctx j, displayTerm ctx i', displayTerm ctx j'] displayForm ctx (StateNode (i,j)) = L () [S () "state-node", displayTerm ctx i, displayTerm ctx j] displayForm ctx (Trans (i,j)) = L () [S () "trans", displayTerm ctx i, displayTerm ctx j] displayForm ctx (LeadsTo (i,j) (i',j')) = L () [S () "leads-to", displayTerm ctx i, displayTerm ctx j, displayTerm ctx i', displayTerm ctx j'] displayParam :: Role -> Term -> SExpr () displayParam r t = case displayTerm (varsContext (rvars r)) t of S () var -> Q () var _ -> error "displayParam: bad parameter" -- Display of roles sansPts :: [Term] -> [Term] sansPts = filter notPt sansNestedPts :: [(Maybe Int, Term)] -> [(Maybe Int, Term)] sansNestedPts = filter (\(_,t) -> notPt t) sansPtMaplets :: [(Term, Term)] -> [(Term, Term)] sansPtMaplets = filter (\(v,_) -> notPt v) displayRole :: Role -> SExpr () displayRole r = L () (S () "defrole" : S () (rname r) : L () (S () "vars" : displayVars ctx (sansPts vars)) : L () (S () "trace" : displayTraceNoPt ctx (rtrace r)) : displayOptional "non-orig" (displayLenTerms ctx (sansNestedPts (rnon r))) (displayOptional "pen-non-orig" (displayLenTerms ctx (sansNestedPts (rpnon r))) (displayOptional "uniq-orig" (displayTerms ctx (sansPts (runique r))) (displayOptional "uniq-gen" (displayTerms ctx (runiqgen r)) (displayOptional "absent" (displayTermPairs ctx (rabsent r)) (displayOptional "conf" (displayTerms ctx (rconf r)) (displayOptional "auth" (displayTerms ctx (rauth r)) (rcomment r)))))))) where ctx = varsContext $ rvars r vars = sansPts $ rvars r varsContext :: [Term] -> Context varsContext vars = addToContext emptyContext vars displayTerms :: Context -> [Term] -> [SExpr ()] displayTerms ctx ts = map (displayTerm ctx) (L.sort ts) displayLenTerms :: Context -> [(Maybe Int, Term)] -> [SExpr ()] displayLenTerms ctx ts = map (displayLenTerm ctx) (L.sort ts) displayLenTerm :: Context -> (Maybe Int, Term) -> SExpr () displayLenTerm ctx (Nothing, t) = displayTerm ctx t displayLenTerm ctx (Just len, t) = L () [N () len, displayTerm ctx t] displayTermPair :: Context -> (Term, Term) -> SExpr () displayTermPair ctx (x, y) = L () [displayTerm ctx x, displayTerm ctx y] displayTermPairs :: Context -> [(Term, Term)] -> [SExpr ()] displayTermPairs ctx ts = map (displayTermPair ctx) (L.sort ts) displayOptional :: String -> [SExpr ()] -> [SExpr ()] -> [SExpr ()] displayOptional _ [] rest = rest displayOptional key value rest = L () (S () key : value) : rest displayTrace :: Context -> Trace -> [SExpr ()] displayTrace ctx trace = map displayDt trace where displayDt (In (Plain t)) = L () [S () "recv", displayTerm ctx t] displayDt (In (ChMsg ch t)) = case isLocn ch of True -> L () [S () "load", displayTerm ctx ch, displayTerm ctx t] False -> L () [S () "recv", displayTerm ctx ch, displayTerm ctx t] displayDt (Out (Plain t)) = L () [S () "send", displayTerm ctx t] displayDt (Out (ChMsg ch t)) = case isLocn ch of True -> L () [S () "stor", displayTerm ctx ch, displayTerm ctx t] False -> L () [S () "send", displayTerm ctx ch, displayTerm ctx t] displayTraceNoPt :: Context -> Trace -> [SExpr ()] displayTraceNoPt ctx trace = map displayDt trace where displayDt (In (Plain t)) = L () [S () "recv", displayTerm ctx t] displayDt (In (ChMsg ch t)) = case isLocn ch of True -> L () [S () "load", displayTerm ctx ch, displayTermNoPt ctx t] False -> L () [S () "recv", displayTerm ctx ch, displayTerm ctx t] displayDt (Out (Plain t)) = L () [S () "send", displayTerm ctx t] displayDt (Out (ChMsg ch t)) = case isLocn ch of True -> L () [S () "stor", displayTerm ctx ch, displayTermNoPt ctx t] False -> L () [S () "send", displayTerm ctx ch, displayTerm ctx t] -- Display of preskeletons displayPreskel :: Preskel -> [SExpr ()] -> SExpr () displayPreskel k rest = L () (S () "defskeleton" : S () (pname (protocol k)) : L () (S () "vars" : displayVars ctx vars ) : -- (sansPts vars) lets -- try printing points foldr f (displayRest k ctx rest) (insts k)) where ctx = varsContext vars vars = kfvars k ++ kvars k f i rest = displayInst ctx i : rest -- Display the remainder of a preskeleton displayRest :: Preskel -> Context -> [SExpr ()] -> [SExpr ()] displayRest k ctx rest = displayOptional "precedes" (displayOrdering (orderings k)) (displayOptional "non-orig" (displayTerms ctx (sansPts (knon k))) (displayOptional "pen-non-orig" (displayTerms ctx (sansPts (kpnon k))) (displayOptional "uniq-orig" (displayTerms ctx (sansPts (kunique k))) (displayOptional "uniq-gen" (displayTerms ctx (kuniqgen k)) (displayOptional "absent" (displayTermPairs ctx (kabsent k)) (displayOptional "precur" (displayNodes (kprecur k)) (displayOptional "gen-st" (displayTerms ctx (kgenSt k)) (displayOptional "conf" (displayTerms ctx (kconf k)) (displayOptional "auth" (displayTerms ctx (kauth k)) (displayOptional "facts" (displayFacts ctx (kfacts k)) (displayOptional "leads-to" (displayOrdering (nodePairsOfSkel k)) (displayOptional "priority" priorities (kcomment k ++ (displayOptional "rule" (L.sort (map (S ()) (krules k))) (displayOperation k ctx (displayStrandMap k (displayOptional "traces" traces rest))))))))))))))))) where priorities = map displayPriority (kpriority k) traces = map (L () . displayTrace ctx . trace) (insts k) displayFacts :: Context -> [Fact] -> [SExpr ()] displayFacts ctx = foldr (\(Fact name fs) soFar -> case name of "trans" -> soFar _ -> (L () (S () name : map (displayFterm ctx) fs)) : soFar) [] displayFact :: Context -> Fact -> SExpr () displayFact ctx (Fact name fs) = L () (S () name : map (displayFterm ctx) fs) displayFterm :: Context -> FTerm -> SExpr () displayFterm _ (FSid s) = N () s displayFterm ctx (FTerm t) = displayTerm ctx t displayPriority :: (Node, Int) -> SExpr () displayPriority (n, p) = L () [displayNode n, N () p] displayInst :: Context -> Instance -> SExpr () displayInst ctx s = case listenerTerm s of Just t -> L () [S () "deflistener", displayTerm ctx t] Nothing -> L () (S () "defstrand" : S () (rname r) : N () (height s) : map (displayMaplet rctx ctx) maplets) where r = role s domain = rvars r maplets = L.sort (sansPtMaplets (reify domain (env s))) rctx = varsContext domain displayMaplet :: Context -> Context -> (Term, Term) -> SExpr () displayMaplet domain range (x, t)= L () [displayTerm domain x, displayTerm range t] displayOrdering :: [Pair] -> [SExpr ()] displayOrdering orderings = map displayPair (L.sort orderings) displayPair :: Pair -> SExpr () displayPair (n0, n1) = L () [displayNode n0, displayNode n1] displayNode :: Node -> SExpr () displayNode (s, p) = L () [N () s, N () p] displayNodes :: [Node] -> [SExpr ()] displayNodes ns = map displayNode (L.sort ns) -- Display the reason the preskeleton was created displayOperation :: Preskel -> Context -> [SExpr ()] -> [SExpr ()] displayOperation k ctx rest = case operation k of New -> rest Contracted _ subst cause -> let substitution = displaySubst ctx subst in displayCause (L () (S () "contracted" : substitution)) cause Displaced _ s s' role height cause -> displayCause (L () [S () "displaced", N () s, N () s', S () role, N () height]) cause AddedStrand _ role height cause -> displayCause (L () [S () "added-strand", S () role, N () height]) cause AddedListener _ t cause -> displayCause (L () [S () "added-listener", displayOpCmt ctx $ CM $ Plain t]) cause AddedAbsence _ t1 t2 cause -> displayCause (L () [S () "added-absence", displayOpCmt ctx $ TM t1, displayOpCmt ctx $ TM t2]) cause Generalized _ method -> let desc = displayMethod ctx method in L () (S () "operation" : S () "generalization" : desc) : rest Collapsed _ s s' -> let desc = [N () s, N () s'] in L () (S () "operation" : S () "collapsed" : desc) : rest where displayCause op (Cause dir node critical escape) = L () (S () "operation" : displayDirection dir : op : displayOpCmt ctx critical : displayNode node : displayOpCmts ctx (S.toList escape)) : rest displayDirection Encryption = S () "encryption-test" displayDirection Nonce = S () "nonce-test" displayDirection Channel = S () "channel-test" displayMethod _ (Deleted node) = [S () "deleted", displayNode node] displayMethod _ (Weakened (n0, n1)) = [S () "weakened", L () [displayNode n0, displayNode n1] ] displayMethod ctx (Separated t) = [S () "separated", displayOpCmt ctx $ TM t] displayMethod ctx (Forgot t) = [S () "forgot", displayOpCmt ctx $ TM t] -- Terms in the operation field may contain variables not in the skeleton displayOpCmt :: Context -> CMT -> SExpr () displayOpCmt ctx cm = displayCmt (addToContext ctx $ cmtTerms cm) cm displayOpCmts :: Context -> [CMT] -> [SExpr ()] displayOpCmts ctx ts = map (displayCmt $ addToContext ctx ts') (L.sort ts) where ts' = concatMap cmtTerms ts displayCmt :: Context -> CMT -> SExpr () displayCmt ctx (CM (Plain t)) = displayTerm ctx t displayCmt ctx (CM (ChMsg ch t)) = L () [S () "ch-msg", displayTerm ctx ch, displayTerm ctx t] displayCmt ctx (TM t) = displayTerm ctx t -- Display the strand map displayStrandMap :: Preskel -> [SExpr ()] -> [SExpr ()] displayStrandMap k rest = case getStrandMap $ operation k of [] -> rest sm -> L () (S () "strand-map" : map (N ()) sm) : rest