name: cpython version: 3.1.3 license: GPL-3 license-file: license.txt author: John Millikin maintainer: John Millikin build-type: Simple cabal-version: >= 1.6 category: Foreign homepage: synopsis: Bindings for libpython description: These bindings allow Haskell code to call CPython code. It is not currently possible to call Haskell code from CPython, but this feature is planned. . Please note that this library uses a somewhat abnormal versioning scheme; the first two version numbers are the CPython version, the third is the package's version. For example, the package version 3.1.1 binds to CPython 3.1, and has a package version of 1. extra-source-files: cbits/hscpython-shim.h source-repository head type: bazaar location: source-repository this type: bazaar location: tag: haskell-cpython_3.1.3 library ghc-options: -Wall -O2 hs-source-dirs: lib build-depends: base >= 4.0 && < 5.0 , bytestring >= 0.9 , text >= 0.1 && < 0.12 build-tools: c2hs >= 0.15 exposed-modules: CPython CPython.Types CPython.Types.ByteArray CPython.Types.Bytes CPython.Types.Capsule CPython.Types.Cell CPython.Types.Code CPython.Types.Complex CPython.Types.Dictionary CPython.Types.Exception CPython.Types.Float CPython.Types.Function CPython.Types.InstanceMethod CPython.Types.Integer CPython.Types.Iterator CPython.Types.List CPython.Types.Method CPython.Types.Module CPython.Types.Set CPython.Types.Slice CPython.Types.Tuple CPython.Types.Type CPython.Types.Unicode CPython.Types.WeakReference CPython.Protocols.Iterator CPython.Protocols.Mapping CPython.Protocols.Number CPython.Protocols.Object CPython.Protocols.Sequence CPython.Constants CPython.Reflection CPython.System other-modules: CPython.Internal c-sources: cbits/hscpython-shim.c include-dirs: cbits pkgconfig-depends: python-3.1