-- |
-- Module      :  Graphics.Craftwerk.UI.Gtk
-- Copyright   :  (c) Malte Harder 2011
-- License     :  MIT
-- Maintainer  :  Malte Harder <malte.harder@gmail.com>
-- The UI functions of Craftwerk allow quick display of figures. They also
-- support the creation of a simple user interface to control parameters of
-- the figures that are displayed.

module Graphics.Craftwerk.UI.Gtk (
  -- * Data types
  , RenderContext(..)

    -- * Display figures
  , renderFigure
  , displayRender
  , displayMultiple
  , renderWindow

    -- * Option values
  , value
  , choice
  , choices
  , isSet

  ) where

import Graphics.UI.Gtk
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Cairo as Cairo

import Graphics.Craftwerk.Core.Driver.Cairo
import Graphics.Craftwerk.Core.Driver.Tikz
import Graphics.Craftwerk.Core.Figure

import Data.IORef
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.List

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans

import Text.Printf

data State = State { zoomFactor :: Double
                   , currentContext :: String
                   , curOptions :: Map.Map String Option

-- | Describing options for a user interface.
data Option = NumberOption Double
              -- | A range: min, max, step and initial value.
            | RangeOption Double Double Double Double
            | BoolOption Bool
              -- | An option of choices with a default selection.
            | ChoiceOption [String] Int

value (NumberOption v) = v
value (RangeOption _ _ _ v) = v
value _ = 0.0

choice (ChoiceOption _ i) = i
choice _ = 0

choices (ChoiceOption s _) = s
choices _ = []

isSet (BoolOption b) = b
isSet _ = False

-- | Combined cairo and tikz rendering functions depending on the options.
data RenderContext =
  RenderContext { cairo :: Map.Map String Option -> Double -> Double -> IO (Cairo.Render())
                , tikz :: Map.Map String Option -> IO String}

-- | Renders an 'IO Figure' into a render context with the given dimensions.
renderFigure :: Double -- ^ Width of the coordinate system of the GTK widget
                -> Double -- ^ Height of the coordinate system of the GTK widget
                -> (Map.Map String Option -> IO Figure) -- ^ The render function
                -> RenderContext
renderFigure w h f  = RenderContext r (liftM figureToTikzPicture . f)
  where r op wx hx = liftM (s wx hx) (f op)
        s wx hx = figureToRenderContext . scale (wx/w, -hx/h) . translate (0,-h)

-- | Display a render context in a Gtk window, starts the Gtk main loop.
-- The first argument contains a list of named options whose UI values
-- are passed to the render context.
displayRender :: [(String, Option)] -> RenderContext -> IO ()
displayRender opt r = do
  window <- renderWindow opt [("Render",r)]
  widgetShowAll window
  onDestroy window mainQuit

-- | Display multiple render contexts in a Gtk window, starts the Gtk main loop.
-- The first argument contains a list of named options whose UI values
-- are passed to the render context.
displayMultiple :: [(String, Option)] -> [(String, RenderContext)] -> IO ()
displayMultiple opt rcs = do
  window <- renderWindow opt rcs
  widgetShowAll window
  onDestroy window mainQuit

-- | Same as 'displayMultiple' except that the Gtk main loop is not started or
-- initialized. The window is not visible upon return.
renderWindow :: [(String, Option)] -> [(String, RenderContext)] -> IO Window
renderWindow opt ctxs = do
  let rcs = Map.fromList ctxs
  window <- windowNew
  set window [windowTitle := "Render View",
              windowDefaultWidth := 420, windowDefaultHeight := 450]

  let firstContext = fst $ head ctxs

  -- Initialize the state
  stateRef <- newIORef State { zoomFactor = 1.0
                             , currentContext = firstContext
                             , curOptions = Map.fromList opt }

  -- The box layout
  box <- vBoxNew False 0
  containerAdd window box

  -- Init menubar and toolbar
  fma <- actionNew "FMA" "File" Nothing Nothing
  hma <- actionNew "HMA" "Help" Nothing Nothing

  expp <- actionNew "EXPP" "Export as PDF..."     (Just "Export as PDF") (Just stockConvert)
  expt <- actionNew "EXPT" "Export as TikZ..."    (Just "Export as TikZ") (Just stockDnd)
  exia <- actionNew "EXIA" "Close"    (Just "Close") (Just stockQuit)
  zooi <- actionNew "ZOOI" "Zoom in"  (Just "Zoom in") (Just stockZoomIn)
  zooo <- actionNew "ZOOO" "Zoom out"  (Just "Zoom out") (Just stockZoomOut)
  zoof <- actionNew "ZOOF" "Zoom to fit"  (Just "Zoom to fit") (Just stockZoomFit)
  next <- actionNew "NEXT" "Next"  (Just "Next") (Just stockMediaNext)
  prev <- actionNew "PREV" "Previous"  (Just "Previous") (Just stockMediaPrevious)
  hlpa <- actionNew "HLPA" "Help"  (Just "Help") (Just stockHelp)

  agr <- actionGroupNew "AGR"
  np <- actionGroupNew "NP"

  mapM_ (actionGroupAddAction agr) [fma, hma]
  mapM_ (\ act -> actionGroupAddActionWithAccel agr act Nothing)

  actionGroupAddActionWithAccel agr exia (Just "<Control>e")

  actionGroupAddActionWithAccel np next Nothing
  actionGroupAddActionWithAccel np prev Nothing

  when (length ctxs <= 1) (actionGroupSetSensitive np False)

  ui <- uiManagerNew
  uiManagerAddUiFromString ui uiStd
  uiManagerInsertActionGroup ui agr 0
  uiManagerInsertActionGroup ui np 0

  maybeMenubar <- uiManagerGetWidget ui "/ui/menubar"
  let menubar = case maybeMenubar of
        (Just x) -> x
        Nothing -> error "Cannot get menubar from string."
  boxPackStart box menubar PackNatural 0

  maybeToolbar <- uiManagerGetWidget ui "/ui/toolbar"
  let toolbar = case maybeToolbar of
        (Just x) -> x
        Nothing -> error "Cannot get toolbar from string."
  boxPackStart box toolbar PackNatural 0

  -- Create the drawing area, options need to update it
  canvas <- drawingAreaNew

  -- Create a hbox for options and drawing
  hpane <- hPanedNew

  --hbox <- hBoxNew False 0
  boxPackStart box hpane PackGrow 0

  sidebox <- vBoxNew False 0
  --boxPackStart hbox sidebox PackNatural 0
  containerAdd hpane sidebox

  -- Create the label and option widgets
  opt <- optionToUI canvas opt stateRef

  label <- labelNew (Just firstContext)
  boxPackStart sidebox label PackNatural 10

  boxPackStart sidebox opt PackGrow 10

  -- The display widgets
  scrwin <- scrolledWindowNew Nothing Nothing
  scrolledWindowSetPolicy scrwin PolicyAutomatic PolicyAutomatic
  -- boxPackStart hbox scrwin PackGrow 0
  containerAdd hpane scrwin

  oframe <- aspectFrameNew 0.5 0.5 (Just 1)

  frameSetShadowType oframe ShadowNone

  fixed <- fixedNew
  frame <- aspectFrameNew 0.5 0.5 (Just 1)

  fixedPut fixed frame (0,0)
  containerAdd oframe fixed

  scrolledWindowAddWithViewport scrwin oframe

  containerAdd frame canvas
  widgetSetSizeRequest canvas 400 400

  -- Show the window
  widgetShowAll window

  -- Draw actions
  onExpose canvas (\x ->
                    do (w,h) <- widgetGetSize canvas
                       drawin <- widgetGetDrawWindow canvas
                       state <- readIORef stateRef
                       let f = cairo (rcs Map.! currentContext state)
                       fig <- f (curOptions state) (fromIntegral w)  (fromIntegral h)
                       renderWithDrawable drawin
                         (do Cairo.setSourceRGB 1.0 1.0 1.0
                             let dw = (fromIntegral w)
                                 dh = (fromIntegral h)
                             Cairo.moveTo 0 0
                             Cairo.lineTo 0 dw
                             Cairo.lineTo dw dh
                             Cairo.lineTo dh 0
                       return True)

  -- Menu event actions
  onActionActivate exia (widgetDestroy window)

  onActionActivate zooi
    (do state <- readIORef stateRef
        let zf = 2 * zoomFactor state
        writeIORef stateRef (state { zoomFactor = zf})
        resizeFrame canvas stateRef)

  onActionActivate zooo
    (do state <- readIORef stateRef
        let zf = 0.5 * zoomFactor state
        writeIORef stateRef (state { zoomFactor = zf})
        resizeFrame canvas stateRef)

  onActionActivate zoof
    (do state <- readIORef stateRef
        let zf = 1
        writeIORef stateRef (state { zoomFactor = zf})
        resizeFrame canvas stateRef)

  onActionActivate expp
    (do fchdal <- fileChooserDialogNew (Just "Export As PDF...") Nothing
                                     [("Cancel", ResponseCancel),
                                      ("Export", ResponseAccept)]
        fileChooserSetDoOverwriteConfirmation fchdal True
        widgetShow fchdal
        response <- dialogRun fchdal
        case response of
          ResponseCancel -> return ()
          ResponseAccept -> do nwf <- fileChooserGetFilename fchdal
                               case nwf of
                                    Nothing -> return ()
                                    Just path ->
                                      do state <- readIORef stateRef
                                         let f = cairo (rcs Map.! currentContext state)
                                         fig <- f (curOptions state) 500 500
                                         (Cairo.withPDFSurface path
                                          (realToFrac 500)
                                          (realToFrac 500)
                                          (`Cairo.renderWith` fig))
          ResponseDeleteEvent -> return ()
        widgetDestroy fchdal)

  onActionActivate expt
    (do fchdal <- fileChooserDialogNew (Just "Export As TikZ...") Nothing
                                     [("Cancel", ResponseCancel),
                                      ("Export", ResponseAccept)]
        fileChooserSetDoOverwriteConfirmation fchdal True
        widgetShow fchdal
        response <- dialogRun fchdal
        case response of
          ResponseCancel -> return ()
          ResponseAccept -> do nwf <- fileChooserGetFilename fchdal
                               case nwf of
                                    Nothing -> return ()
                                    Just path ->
                                      do state <- readIORef stateRef
                                         let t = tikz (rcs Map.! currentContext state)
                                         fig <- (t (curOptions state))
                                         writeFile path fig
          ResponseDeleteEvent -> return ()
        widgetDestroy fchdal)

  onActionActivate next
    (do state <- readIORef stateRef
        let cur = currentContext state
        let maybeidx = findIndex (\(a,b) -> a == cur) ctxs
        writeIORef stateRef
          (state { currentContext = case maybeidx of
                      Nothing -> fst $ head ctxs
                      Just idx -> if (idx+1) >= length ctxs then
                                  else fst $ ctxs !! (idx + 1) })
        nstate <- readIORef stateRef
        labelSetText label (currentContext nstate)
        widgetQueueDraw canvas)

  onActionActivate prev
    (do state <- readIORef stateRef
        let cur = currentContext state
        let maybeidx = findIndex (\(a,b) -> a == cur) ctxs
        writeIORef stateRef
          (state { currentContext = case maybeidx of
                      Nothing -> fst $ head ctxs
                      Just idx -> if (idx-1) < 0 then
                                  else fst $ ctxs !! (idx - 1) })
        nstate <- readIORef stateRef
        labelSetText label (currentContext nstate)
        widgetQueueDraw canvas)

  return window
  where resizeFrame canvas stateRef =
          do state <- readIORef stateRef
             let zf = (zoomFactor state)
             widgetSetSizeRequest canvas (ceiling $ 400*zf) (ceiling $ 400*zf)

optionToUI :: DrawingArea -> [(String,Option)] -> IORef State -> IO VBox
optionToUI canvas opt stateRef = do
    box <- vBoxNew False 0
    sep     <- hSeparatorNew
    boxPackStart box sep PackNatural 8
    label1 <- labelNew (Just "Options:")
    boxPackStart box label1 PackNatural 5
    sep2     <- hSeparatorNew
    boxPackStart box sep2 PackNatural 0
    mapM_ (createOption canvas stateRef box) opt
    return box

createOption :: DrawingArea -> IORef State -> VBox -> (String,Option) -> IO ()
createOption canvas stateRef box (lbl, opt) =
  do hbox <- hBoxNew False 0

     case opt of
       ChoiceOption _ _ -> boxPackStart box hbox PackGrow 5
       _ -> do boxPackStart box hbox PackNatural 5
               label <- labelNew (Just lbl)
               boxPackStart hbox label PackNatural 10
     case opt of
       NumberOption def ->
         do field <- entryNew
            entrySetText field $ printf "%f" def
            boxPackStart hbox field PackGrow 10
            onEntryActivate field (
              do state <- readIORef stateRef
                 txt <- entryGetText field
                 writeIORef stateRef
                   (state { curOptions =
                               Map.update (const $ Just $ NumberOption (read txt))
                               (curOptions state)
                 widgetQueueDraw canvas
                 return ())
            return ()
       RangeOption min max step def ->
         do adj <- adjustmentNew def min max  step (step*10) 0.0
            scl <- spinButtonNew adj 0.5 4
            boxPackStart hbox scl PackGrow 10
            onValueChanged adj (
              do state <- readIORef stateRef
                 val <- adjustmentGetValue adj
                 writeIORef stateRef
                   (state { curOptions =
                               Map.update (const $ Just $ NumberOption val)
                               (curOptions state)
                 widgetQueueDraw canvas
                 return ())
            return ()
       BoolOption def ->
         do btn <- checkButtonNew
            toggleButtonSetActive btn def
            boxPackStart hbox btn PackNatural 10
            onToggled btn (
              do state <- readIORef stateRef
                 val <- toggleButtonGetActive btn
                 writeIORef stateRef
                   (state { curOptions =
                               Map.update (const $ Just $ BoolOption val)
                               (curOptions state)
                 widgetQueueDraw canvas
                 return ())
            return ()
       ChoiceOption choices def ->
         do list <- listStoreNew choices
            treeview <- treeViewNewWithModel list

            tvc <- treeViewColumnNew
            treeViewColumnSetTitle tvc lbl

            renderer <- cellRendererTextNew
            cellLayoutPackStart tvc renderer False
            cellLayoutSetAttributes tvc renderer list
              (\ind -> [cellText := ind])
            treeViewAppendColumn treeview tvc

            tree <- treeViewGetSelection treeview
            treeSelectionSetMode tree SelectionSingle
            treeSelectionSelectPath tree [0]

            scrwin <- scrolledWindowNew Nothing Nothing
            scrolledWindowSetPolicy scrwin PolicyNever PolicyAutomatic
            containerAdd scrwin treeview

            frame <- frameNew
            containerAdd frame scrwin

            boxPackStart hbox frame PackGrow 10

            onSelectionChanged tree (
              do sel <- treeSelectionGetSelectedRows tree
                 state <- readIORef stateRef
                 let val = head $ head sel
                 let c = [] --choices $ (curOptions state) Map.! lbl
                 writeIORef stateRef
                   (state { curOptions =
                               Map.update (const $ Just $ ChoiceOption c val)
                               (curOptions state)
                 widgetQueueDraw canvas
                 return ()

            return ()

     sep     <- hSeparatorNew
     boxPackStart box sep PackNatural 0

uiStd =  "<ui>\
\           <menubar>\
\            <menu action=\"FMA\">\
\              <menuitem action=\"EXPP\" />\
\              <menuitem action=\"EXPT\" />\
\              <separator />\
\              <menuitem action=\"EXIA\" />\
\            </menu>\
\            <menu action=\"HMA\">\
\              <menuitem action=\"HLPA\" />\
\            </menu>\
\           </menubar>\
\           <toolbar>\
\            <toolitem action=\"ZOOI\" />\
\            <toolitem action=\"ZOOO\" />\
\            <toolitem action=\"ZOOF\" />\
\            <separator />\
\            <toolitem action=\"PREV\" />\
\            <toolitem action=\"NEXT\" />\
\            <separator />\
\            <toolitem action=\"EXPP\" />\
\            <toolitem action=\"EXPT\" />\
\            <separator />\
\            <toolitem action=\"HLPA\" />\
\           </toolbar>\
\          </ui>"