crf-chain1-constrained-0.1.1: First-order, constrained, linear-chain conditional random fields

Safe HaskellNone



The module provides feature selection functions which extract hidden features, i.e. all features which can be constructed on the basis of observations and potential labels (constraints) corresponding to individual words.

You can mix functions defined here with the selection functions from the Data.CRF.Chain1.Constrained.Feature.Present module.



hiddenFeats :: AVec Lb -> [(Xs, b)] -> [Feature]Source

Hidden Features of all types which can be constructed on the basis of the dataset. The default set of potential interpretations is used for all unknown words.

hiddenOFeats :: AVec Lb -> [(Xs, b)] -> [Feature]Source

Hidden OFeatures which can be constructed based on the dataset. The default set of potential interpretations is used for all unknown words.

hiddenTFeats :: AVec Lb -> [(Xs, b)] -> [Feature]Source

Hidden TFeatures which can be constructed based on the dataset. The default set of potential interpretations is used for all unknown words.

hiddenSFeats :: AVec Lb -> [(Xs, b)] -> [Feature]Source

Hidden SFeatures which can be constructed based on the dataset. The default set of potential interpretations is used for all unknown words.