{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, DeriveGeneric, GADTs, RecordWildCards #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -funbox-strict-fields #-}

-- |
-- Module      : Criterion.Types
-- Copyright   : (c) 2009-2014 Bryan O'Sullivan
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : bos@serpentine.com
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : GHC
-- Types for benchmarking.
-- The core type is 'Benchmarkable', which admits both pure functions
-- and 'IO' actions.
-- For a pure function of type @a -> b@, the benchmarking harness
-- calls this function repeatedly, each time with a different 'Int64'
-- argument (the number of times to run the function in a loop), and
-- reduces the result the function returns to weak head normal form.
-- For an action of type @IO a@, the benchmarking harness calls the
-- action repeatedly, but does not reduce the result.

module Criterion.Types
    -- * Configuration
    , Verbosity(..)
    -- * Benchmark descriptions
    , Benchmarkable(..)
    , Benchmark(..)
    -- * Measurements
    , Measured(..)
    , fromInt
    , toInt
    , fromDouble
    , toDouble
    , measureAccessors
    , measureKeys
    , measure
    , rescale
    -- * Benchmark construction
    , env
    , bench
    , bgroup
    , benchNames
    -- ** Evaluation control
    , whnf
    , nf
    , nfIO
    , whnfIO
    -- * Result types
    , Outliers(..)
    , OutlierEffect(..)
    , OutlierVariance(..)
    , Regression(..)
    , KDE(..)
    , Report(..)
    , SampleAnalysis(..)
    ) where

import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(rnf))
import Control.Exception (evaluate)
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON(..), ToJSON(..))
import Data.Binary (Binary(..), putWord8, getWord8)
import Data.Data (Data, Typeable)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Map (Map, fromList)
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U
import qualified Statistics.Resampling.Bootstrap as B

-- | Control the amount of information displayed.
data Verbosity = Quiet
               | Normal
               | Verbose
                 deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Read, Show, Typeable, Data,

-- | Top-level benchmarking configuration.
data Config = Config {
      confInterval :: Double
      -- ^ Confidence interval for bootstrap estimation (greater than
      -- 0, less than 1).
    , forceGC      :: Bool
      -- ^ Force garbage collection between every benchmark run.  This
      -- leads to more stable results.
    , timeLimit    :: Double
      -- ^ Number of seconds to run a single benchmark.  (In practice,
      -- execution time will very slightly exceed this limit.)
    , resamples    :: Int
      -- ^ Number of resamples to perform when bootstrapping.
    , regressions  :: [([String], String)]
      -- ^ Regressions to perform.
    , rawDataFile  :: Maybe FilePath
      -- ^ File to write binary measurement and analysis data to.  If
      -- not specified, this will be a temporary file.
    , reportFile   :: Maybe FilePath
      -- ^ File to write report output to, with template expanded.
    , csvFile      :: Maybe FilePath
      -- ^ File to write CSV summary to.
    , junitFile    :: Maybe FilePath
      -- ^ File to write JUnit-compatible XML results to.
    , verbosity    :: Verbosity
      -- ^ Verbosity level to use when running and analysing
      -- benchmarks.
    , template     :: FilePath
      -- ^ Template file to use if writing a report.
    } deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Typeable, Data, Generic)

-- | A pure function or impure action that can be benchmarked. The
-- 'Int64' parameter indicates the number of times to run the given
-- function or action.
newtype Benchmarkable = Benchmarkable (Int64 -> IO ())

-- | A collection of measurements made while benchmarking.
-- Measurements related to garbage collection are tagged with __GC__.
-- They will only be available if a benchmark is run with @\"+RTS
-- -T\"@.
-- __Packed storage.__ When GC statistics cannot be collected, GC
-- values will be set to huge negative values.  If a field is labeled
-- with \"__GC__\" below, use 'fromInt' and 'fromDouble' to safely
-- convert to \"real\" values.
data Measured = Measured {
      measTime               :: !Double
      -- ^ Total wall-clock time elapsed, in seconds.
    , measCpuTime            :: !Double
      -- ^ Total CPU time elapsed, in seconds.  Includes both user and
      -- kernel (system) time.
    , measCycles             :: !Int64
      -- ^ Cycles, in unspecified units that may be CPU cycles.  (On
      -- i386 and x86_64, this is measured using the @rdtsc@
      -- instruction.)
    , measIters              :: !Int64
      -- ^ Number of loop iterations measured.

    , measAllocated          :: !Int64
      -- ^ __(GC)__ Number of bytes allocated.  Access using 'fromInt'.
    , measNumGcs             :: !Int64
      -- ^ __(GC)__ Number of garbage collections performed.  Access
      -- using 'fromInt'.
    , measBytesCopied        :: !Int64
      -- ^ __(GC)__ Number of bytes copied during garbage collection.
      -- Access using 'fromInt'.
    , measMutatorWallSeconds :: !Double
      -- ^ __(GC)__ Wall-clock time spent doing real work
      -- (\"mutation\"), as distinct from garbage collection.  Access
      -- using 'fromDouble'.
    , measMutatorCpuSeconds  :: !Double
      -- ^ __(GC)__ CPU time spent doing real work (\"mutation\"), as
      -- distinct from garbage collection.  Access using 'fromDouble'.
    , measGcWallSeconds      :: !Double
      -- ^ __(GC)__ Wall-clock time spent doing garbage collection.
      -- Access using 'fromDouble'.
    , measGcCpuSeconds       :: !Double
      -- ^ __(GC)__ CPU time spent doing garbage collection.  Access
      -- using 'fromDouble'.
    } deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Typeable, Data, Generic)

instance FromJSON Measured where
    parseJSON v = do
      (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k) <- parseJSON v
      return $ Measured a b c d e f g h i j k

instance ToJSON Measured where
    toJSON Measured{..} = toJSON
      (measTime, measCpuTime, measCycles, measIters,
       i measAllocated, i measNumGcs, i measBytesCopied,
       d measMutatorWallSeconds, d measMutatorCpuSeconds,
       d measGcWallSeconds, d measMutatorCpuSeconds)
      where i = fromInt; d = fromDouble

instance NFData Measured where
    rnf Measured{} = ()

-- The ordering is used by Javascript code to pick out the correct
-- index into the vector that represents a Measured value in that
-- world.
measureAccessors_ :: [(String, (Measured -> Maybe Double, String))]
measureAccessors_ = [
    ("time",               (Just . measTime,
                            "wall-clock time"))
  , ("cpuTime",            (Just . measCpuTime,
                            "CPU time"))
  , ("cycles",             (Just . fromIntegral . measCycles,
                            "CPU cycles"))
  , ("iters",              (Just . fromIntegral . measIters,
                            "loop iterations"))
  , ("allocated",          (fmap fromIntegral . fromInt . measAllocated,
                            "(+RTS -T) bytes allocated"))
  , ("numGcs",             (fmap fromIntegral . fromInt . measNumGcs,
                            "(+RTS -T) number of garbage collections"))
  , ("bytesCopied",        (fmap fromIntegral . fromInt . measBytesCopied,
                            "(+RTS -T) number of bytes copied during GC"))
  , ("mutatorWallSeconds", (fromDouble . measMutatorWallSeconds,
                            "(+RTS -T) wall-clock time for mutator threads"))
  , ("mutatorCpuSeconds",  (fromDouble . measMutatorCpuSeconds,
                            "(+RTS -T) CPU time spent running mutator threads"))
  , ("gcWallSeconds",      (fromDouble . measGcWallSeconds,
                            "(+RTS -T) wall-clock time spent doing GC"))
  , ("gcCpuSeconds",       (fromDouble . measGcCpuSeconds,
                            "(+RTS -T) CPU time spent doing GC"))

-- | Field names in a 'Measured' record, in the order in which they
-- appear.
measureKeys :: [String]
measureKeys = map fst measureAccessors_

-- | Field names and accessors for a 'Measured' record.
measureAccessors :: Map String (Measured -> Maybe Double, String)
measureAccessors = fromList measureAccessors_

-- | Normalise every measurement as if 'measIters' was 1.
-- ('measIters' itself is left unaffected.)
rescale :: Measured -> Measured
rescale m@Measured{..} = m {
      measTime               = d measTime
    , measCpuTime            = d measCpuTime
    , measCycles             = i measCycles
    -- skip measIters
    , measNumGcs             = i measNumGcs
    , measBytesCopied        = i measBytesCopied
    , measMutatorWallSeconds = d measMutatorWallSeconds
    , measMutatorCpuSeconds  = d measMutatorCpuSeconds
    , measGcWallSeconds      = d measGcWallSeconds
    , measGcCpuSeconds       = d measGcCpuSeconds
    } where
        d k = maybe k (/ iters) (fromDouble k)
        i k = maybe k (round . (/ iters)) (fromIntegral <$> fromInt k)
        iters               = fromIntegral measIters :: Double

-- | Convert a (possibly unavailable) GC measurement to a true value.
-- If the measurement is a huge negative number that corresponds to
-- \"no data\", this will return 'Nothing'.
fromInt :: Int64 -> Maybe Int64
fromInt i | i == minBound = Nothing
          | otherwise     = Just i

-- | Convert from a true value back to the packed representation used
-- for GC measurements.
toInt :: Maybe Int64 -> Int64
toInt Nothing  = minBound
toInt (Just i) = i

-- | Convert a (possibly unavailable) GC measurement to a true value.
-- If the measurement is a huge negative number that corresponds to
-- \"no data\", this will return 'Nothing'.
fromDouble :: Double -> Maybe Double
fromDouble d | isInfinite d || isNaN d = Nothing
             | otherwise               = Just d

-- | Convert from a true value back to the packed representation used
-- for GC measurements.
toDouble :: Maybe Double -> Double
toDouble Nothing  = -1/0
toDouble (Just d) = d

instance Binary Measured where
    put Measured{..} = do
      put measTime; put measCpuTime; put measCycles; put measIters
      put measAllocated; put measNumGcs; put measBytesCopied
      put measMutatorWallSeconds; put measMutatorCpuSeconds
      put measGcWallSeconds; put measGcCpuSeconds
    get = Measured <$> get <*> get <*> get <*> get
                   <*> get <*> get <*> get <*> get <*> get <*> get <*> get

-- | Apply an argument to a function, and evaluate the result to weak
-- head normal form (WHNF).
whnf :: (a -> b) -> a -> Benchmarkable
whnf = pureFunc id
{-# INLINE whnf #-}

-- | Apply an argument to a function, and evaluate the result to head
-- normal form (NF).
nf :: NFData b => (a -> b) -> a -> Benchmarkable
nf = pureFunc rnf
{-# INLINE nf #-}

pureFunc :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> Benchmarkable
pureFunc reduce f0 x0 = Benchmarkable $ go f0 x0
  where go f x n
          | n <= 0    = return ()
          | otherwise = evaluate (reduce (f x)) >> go f x (n-1)
{-# INLINE pureFunc #-}

-- | Perform an action, then evaluate its result to head normal form.
-- This is particularly useful for forcing a lazy 'IO' action to be
-- completely performed.
nfIO :: NFData a => IO a -> Benchmarkable
nfIO = impure rnf
{-# INLINE nfIO #-}

-- | Perform an action, then evaluate its result to weak head normal
-- form (WHNF).  This is useful for forcing an 'IO' action whose result
-- is an expression to be evaluated down to a more useful value.
whnfIO :: IO a -> Benchmarkable
whnfIO = impure id
{-# INLINE whnfIO #-}

impure :: (a -> b) -> IO a -> Benchmarkable
impure strategy a = Benchmarkable go
  where go n
          | n <= 0    = return ()
          | otherwise = a >>= (evaluate . strategy) >> go (n-1)
{-# INLINE impure #-}

-- | Specification of a collection of benchmarks and environments. A
-- benchmark may consist of:
-- * An environment that creates input data for benchmarks, created
--   with 'env'.
-- * A single 'Benchmarkable' item with a name, created with 'bench'.
-- * A (possibly nested) group of 'Benchmark's, created with 'bgroup'.
data Benchmark where
    Environment  :: NFData env => IO env -> (env -> Benchmark) -> Benchmark
    Benchmark    :: String -> Benchmarkable -> Benchmark
    BenchGroup   :: String -> [Benchmark] -> Benchmark

-- | Run a benchmark (or collection of benchmarks) in the given
-- environment.  The purpose of an environment is to lazily create
-- input data to pass to the functions that will be benchmarked.
-- A common example of environment data is input that is read from a
-- file.  Another is a large data structure constructed in-place.
-- __Motivation.__ In earlier versions of criterion, all benchmark
-- inputs were always created when a program started running.  By
-- deferring the creation of an environment when its associated
-- benchmarks need the its, we avoid two problems that this strategy
-- caused:
-- * Memory pressure distorted the results of unrelated benchmarks.
--   If one benchmark needed e.g. a gigabyte-sized input, it would
--   force the garbage collector to do extra work when running some
--   other benchmark that had no use for that input.  Since the data
--   created by an environment is only available when it is in scope,
--   it should be garbage collected before other benchmarks are run.
-- * The time cost of generating all needed inputs could be
--   significant in cases where no inputs (or just a few) were really
--   needed.  This occurred often, for instance when just one out of a
--   large suite of benchmarks was run, or when a user would list the
--   collection of benchmarks without running any.
-- __Creation.__ An environment is created right before its related
-- benchmarks are run.  The 'IO' action that creates the environment
-- is run, then the newly created environment is evaluated to normal
-- form (hence the 'NFData' constraint) before being passed to the
-- function that receives the environment.
-- __Complex environments.__ If you need to create an environment that
-- contains multiple values, simply pack the values into a tuple.
-- __Lazy pattern matching.__ In situations where a \"real\"
-- environment is not needed, e.g. if a list of benchmark names is
-- being generated, @undefined@ will be passed to the function that
-- receives the environment.  This avoids the overhead of generating
-- an environment that will not actually be used.
-- The function that receives the environment must use lazy pattern
-- matching to deconstruct the tuple, as use of strict pattern
-- matching will cause a crash if @undefined@ is passed in.
-- __Example.__ This program runs benchmarks in an environment that
-- contains two values.  The first value is the contents of a text
-- file; the second is a string.  Pay attention to the use of a lazy
-- pattern to deconstruct the tuple in the function that returns the
-- benchmarks to be run.
-- > setupEnv = do
-- >   let small = replicate 1000 1
-- >   big <- readFile "/usr/dict/words"
-- >   return (small, big)
-- >
-- > main = defaultMain [
-- >    -- notice the lazy pattern match here!
-- >    env setupEnv $ \ ~(small,big) ->
-- >    bgroup "small" [
-- >      bench "length" $ whnf length small
-- >    , bench "length . filter" $ whnf (length . filter (==1)) small
-- >    ]
-- >  ,  bgroup "big" [
-- >      bench "length" $ whnf length big
-- >    , bench "length . filter" $ whnf (length . filter (==1)) big
-- >    ]
-- >  ]
-- __Discussion.__ The environment created in the example above is
-- intentionally /not/ ideal.  As Haskell's scoping rules suggest, the
-- variable @big@ is in scope for the benchmarks that use only
-- @small@.  It would be better to create a separate environment for
-- @big@, so that it will not be kept alive while the unrelated
-- benchmarks are being run.
env :: NFData env =>
       IO env
    -- ^ Create the environment.  The environment will be evaluated to
    -- normal form before being passed to the benchmark.
    -> (env -> Benchmark)
    -- ^ Take the newly created environment and make it available to
    -- the given benchmarks.
    -> Benchmark
env = Environment

-- | Create a single benchmark.
bench :: String                 -- ^ A name to identify the benchmark.
      -> Benchmarkable          -- ^ An activity to be benchmarked.
      -> Benchmark
bench = Benchmark

-- | Group several benchmarks together under a common name.
bgroup :: String                -- ^ A name to identify the group of benchmarks.
       -> [Benchmark]           -- ^ Benchmarks to group under this name.
       -> Benchmark
bgroup = BenchGroup

-- | Retrieve the names of all benchmarks.  Grouped benchmarks are
-- prefixed with the name of the group they're in.
benchNames :: Benchmark -> [String]
benchNames (Environment _ b) = benchNames (b undefined)
benchNames (Benchmark d _)   = [d]
benchNames (BenchGroup d bs) = map ((d ++ "/") ++) . concatMap benchNames $ bs

instance Show Benchmark where
    show (Environment _ b) = "Environment _ " ++ show (b undefined)
    show (Benchmark d _)   = "Benchmark " ++ show d
    show (BenchGroup d _)  = "BenchGroup " ++ show d

measure :: (U.Unbox a) => (Measured -> a) -> V.Vector Measured -> U.Vector a
measure f v = U.convert . V.map f $ v

-- | Outliers from sample data, calculated using the boxplot
-- technique.
data Outliers = Outliers {
      samplesSeen :: !Int64
    , lowSevere   :: !Int64
    -- ^ More than 3 times the interquartile range (IQR) below the
    -- first quartile.
    , lowMild     :: !Int64
    -- ^ Between 1.5 and 3 times the IQR below the first quartile.
    , highMild    :: !Int64
    -- ^ Between 1.5 and 3 times the IQR above the third quartile.
    , highSevere  :: !Int64
    -- ^ More than 3 times the IQR above the third quartile.
    } deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Typeable, Data, Generic)

instance FromJSON Outliers
instance ToJSON Outliers

instance Binary Outliers where
    put (Outliers v w x y z) = put v >> put w >> put x >> put y >> put z
    get = Outliers <$> get <*> get <*> get <*> get <*> get
instance NFData Outliers

-- | A description of the extent to which outliers in the sample data
-- affect the sample mean and standard deviation.
data OutlierEffect = Unaffected -- ^ Less than 1% effect.
                   | Slight     -- ^ Between 1% and 10%.
                   | Moderate   -- ^ Between 10% and 50%.
                   | Severe     -- ^ Above 50% (i.e. measurements
                                -- are useless).
                     deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Typeable, Data, Generic)

instance FromJSON OutlierEffect
instance ToJSON OutlierEffect

instance Binary OutlierEffect where
    put Unaffected = putWord8 0
    put Slight     = putWord8 1
    put Moderate   = putWord8 2
    put Severe     = putWord8 3
    get = do
        i <- getWord8
        case i of
            0 -> return Unaffected
            1 -> return Slight
            2 -> return Moderate
            3 -> return Severe
            _ -> fail $ "get for OutlierEffect: unexpected " ++ show i
instance NFData OutlierEffect

instance Monoid Outliers where
    mempty  = Outliers 0 0 0 0 0
    mappend = addOutliers

addOutliers :: Outliers -> Outliers -> Outliers
addOutliers (Outliers s a b c d) (Outliers t w x y z) =
    Outliers (s+t) (a+w) (b+x) (c+y) (d+z)
{-# INLINE addOutliers #-}

-- | Analysis of the extent to which outliers in a sample affect its
-- standard deviation (and to some extent, its mean).
data OutlierVariance = OutlierVariance {
      ovEffect   :: OutlierEffect
    -- ^ Qualitative description of effect.
    , ovDesc     :: String
    -- ^ Brief textual description of effect.
    , ovFraction :: Double
    -- ^ Quantitative description of effect (a fraction between 0 and 1).
    } deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Typeable, Data, Generic)

instance FromJSON OutlierVariance
instance ToJSON OutlierVariance

instance Binary OutlierVariance where
    put (OutlierVariance x y z) = put x >> put y >> put z
    get = OutlierVariance <$> get <*> get <*> get

instance NFData OutlierVariance where
    rnf OutlierVariance{..} = rnf ovEffect `seq` rnf ovDesc `seq` rnf ovFraction

-- | Results of a linear regression.
data Regression = Regression {
    regResponder  :: String
    -- ^ Name of the responding variable.
  , regCoeffs     :: Map String B.Estimate
    -- ^ Map from name to value of predictor coefficients.
  , regRSquare    :: B.Estimate
    -- ^ R&#0178; goodness-of-fit estimate.
  } deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Typeable, Data, Generic)

instance FromJSON Regression
instance ToJSON Regression

instance Binary Regression where
    put Regression{..} =
      put regResponder >> put regCoeffs >> put regRSquare

instance NFData Regression where
    rnf Regression{..} =
      rnf regResponder `seq` rnf regCoeffs `seq` rnf regRSquare

-- | Result of a bootstrap analysis of a non-parametric sample.
data SampleAnalysis = SampleAnalysis {
      anRegress    :: [Regression]
      -- ^ Estimates calculated via linear regression.
    , anOverhead   :: Double
      -- ^ Estimated measurement overhead, in seconds.  Estimation is
      -- performed via linear regression.
    , anMean       :: B.Estimate
      -- ^ Estimated mean.
    , anStdDev     :: B.Estimate
      -- ^ Estimated standard deviation.
    , anOutlierVar :: OutlierVariance
      -- ^ Description of the effects of outliers on the estimated
      -- variance.
    } deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Typeable, Data, Generic)

instance FromJSON SampleAnalysis
instance ToJSON SampleAnalysis

instance Binary SampleAnalysis where
    put SampleAnalysis{..} = do
      put anRegress; put anOverhead; put anMean; put anStdDev; put anOutlierVar
    get = SampleAnalysis <$> get <*> get <*> get <*> get <*> get

instance NFData SampleAnalysis where
    rnf SampleAnalysis{..} =
        rnf anRegress `seq` rnf anOverhead `seq` rnf anMean `seq`
        rnf anStdDev `seq` rnf anOutlierVar

-- | Data for a KDE chart of performance.
data KDE = KDE {
      kdeType   :: String
    , kdeValues :: U.Vector Double
    , kdePDF    :: U.Vector Double
    } deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Typeable, Data, Generic)

instance FromJSON KDE
instance ToJSON KDE

instance Binary KDE where
    put KDE{..} = put kdeType >> put kdeValues >> put kdePDF
    get = KDE <$> get <*> get <*> get

instance NFData KDE where
    rnf KDE{..} = rnf kdeType `seq` rnf kdeValues `seq` rnf kdePDF

-- | Report of a sample analysis.
data Report = Report {
      reportNumber   :: Int
      -- ^ A simple index indicating that this is the /n/th report.
    , reportName     :: String
      -- ^ The name of this report.
    , reportKeys     :: [String]
      -- ^ See 'measureKeys'.
    , reportMeasured :: V.Vector Measured
      -- ^ Raw measurements. These are /not/ corrected for the
      -- estimated measurement overhead that can be found via the
      -- 'anOverhead' field of 'reportAnalysis'.
    , reportAnalysis :: SampleAnalysis
      -- ^ Report analysis.
    , reportOutliers :: Outliers
      -- ^ Analysis of outliers.
    , reportKDEs     :: [KDE]
      -- ^ Data for a KDE of times.
    } deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Typeable, Data, Generic)

instance FromJSON Report
instance ToJSON Report

instance Binary Report where
    put Report{..} =
      put reportNumber >> put reportName >> put reportKeys >>
      put reportMeasured >> put reportAnalysis >> put reportOutliers >>
      put reportKDEs

    get = Report <$> get <*> get <*> get <*> get <*> get <*> get <*> get

instance NFData Report where
    rnf Report{..} =
      rnf reportNumber `seq` rnf reportName `seq` rnf reportKeys `seq`
      rnf reportMeasured `seq` rnf reportAnalysis `seq` rnf reportOutliers `seq`
      rnf reportKDEs