{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
-- |
-- Module      : Criterion
-- Copyright   : (c) 2009-2014 Bryan O'Sullivan
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : bos@serpentine.com
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : GHC
-- Core benchmarking code.

module Criterion
    -- * Benchmarkable code
    -- * Creating a benchmark suite
    , Benchmark
    , env
    , envWithCleanup
    , perBatchEnv
    , perBatchEnvWithCleanup
    , perRunEnv
    , perRunEnvWithCleanup
    , toBenchmarkable
    , bench
    , bgroup
    -- ** Running a benchmark
    , nf
    , whnf
    , nfIO
    , whnfIO
    , nfAppIO
    , whnfAppIO
    -- * For interactive use
    , benchmark
    , benchmarkWith
    , benchmark'
    , benchmarkWith'
    ) where

import Control.Monad (void)
import Criterion.IO.Printf (note)
import Criterion.Internal (runAndAnalyseOne)
import Criterion.Main.Options (defaultConfig)
import Criterion.Measurement (initializeTime)
import Criterion.Monad (withConfig)
import Criterion.Types

-- | Run a benchmark interactively, and analyse its performance.
benchmark :: Benchmarkable -> IO ()
benchmark bm = void $ benchmark' bm

-- | Run a benchmark interactively, analyse its performance, and
-- return the analysis.
benchmark' :: Benchmarkable -> IO Report
benchmark' = benchmarkWith' defaultConfig

-- | Run a benchmark interactively, and analyse its performance.
benchmarkWith :: Config -> Benchmarkable -> IO ()
benchmarkWith cfg bm = void $ benchmarkWith' cfg bm

-- | Run a benchmark interactively, analyse its performance, and
-- return the analysis.
benchmarkWith' :: Config -> Benchmarkable -> IO Report
benchmarkWith' cfg bm = do
  withConfig cfg $ do
    _ <- note "benchmarking...\n"
    Analysed rpt <- runAndAnalyseOne 0 "function" bm
    return rpt