-- |
-- Module      : System.Cron
-- Description : Datatype for Cron Schedule and helpful functions
-- Copyright   : (c) Michael Xavier 2012
-- License     : MIT
-- Maintainer: Michael Xavier <michael@michaelxavier.net>
-- Portability: portable
-- Toplevel module for Cron specifying a cron schedule and several convenience
-- functions for dealing with cron schedules
-- > import Control.Concurrent
-- > import Control.Monad
-- > import Data.Time.Clock
-- > import System.Cron
-- > 
-- > main :: IO ()
-- > main = do
-- >   forever do
-- >     now <- getCurrentTime
-- >     when (scheduleMatches schedule now) doWork
-- >     putStrLn "sleeping"
-- >     threadDelay 100000
-- >   where doWork   = putStrLn "Time to work"
-- >         schedule = hourly
module System.Cron (CronSchedule(..),
                    scheduleMatches) where

import           Data.List                   (intercalate)

import           Data.Text                   (Text, unpack)
import           Data.Time.Calendar          (toGregorian)
import           Data.Time.Calendar.WeekDate (toWeekDate)
import           Data.Time.Clock             (UTCTime(..))
import           Data.Time.LocalTime         (TimeOfDay(..), timeToTimeOfDay)

-- | Specification for a cron expression
data CronSchedule = CronSchedule { minute     :: MinuteSpec,     -- ^ Which minutes to run. First field in a cron specification.
                                   hour       :: HourSpec,       -- ^ Which hours to run. Second field in a cron specification.
                                   dayOfMonth :: DayOfMonthSpec, -- ^ Which days of the month to run. Third field in a cron specification.
                                   month      :: MonthSpec,      -- ^ Which months to run. Fourth field in a cron specification.
                                   dayOfWeek  :: DayOfWeekSpec   -- ^ Which days of the week to run. Fifth field in a cron specification.
                                   deriving (Eq)

instance Show CronSchedule where
  show cs = "CronSchedule " ++ showRaw cs

showRaw :: CronSchedule
           -> String
showRaw cs = unwords [show $ minute cs,
                      show $ hour cs,
                      show $ dayOfMonth cs,
                      show $ month cs,
                      show $ dayOfWeek cs]

-- | Crontab file, omitting comments.
newtype Crontab = Crontab [CrontabEntry]
                  deriving (Eq)

instance Show Crontab where
  show (Crontab entries) = intercalate "\n" . map show $ entries

-- | Essentially a line in a crontab file. It is either a schedule with a
-- command after it or setting an environment variable (e.g. FOO=BAR)
data CrontabEntry = CommandEntry { schedule :: CronSchedule,
                                   command  :: Text} |
                    EnvVariable  { varName  :: Text,
                                   varValue :: Text }
                    deriving (Eq)

instance Show CrontabEntry where
  show CommandEntry { schedule = s, command = c} = showRaw s ++ " " ++ unpack c
  show EnvVariable  { varName = n, varValue = v} = unpack n ++ "=" ++ unpack v

-- | Minutes field of a cron expression
data MinuteSpec = Minutes CronField
                  deriving (Eq)

instance Show MinuteSpec where
  show (Minutes cf) = show cf

-- | Hours field of a cron expression
data HourSpec = Hours CronField
                deriving (Eq)

instance Show HourSpec where
  show (Hours cf) = show cf

-- | Day of month field of a cron expression
data DayOfMonthSpec = DaysOfMonth CronField
                      deriving (Eq)

instance Show DayOfMonthSpec where
  show (DaysOfMonth cf) = show cf

-- | Month field of a cron expression
data MonthSpec = Months CronField
                 deriving (Eq)

instance Show MonthSpec where
  show (Months cf) = show cf

-- | Day of week field of a cron expression
data DayOfWeekSpec = DaysOfWeek CronField
                     deriving (Eq)

instance Show DayOfWeekSpec where
  show (DaysOfWeek cf) = show cf

-- | Individual field of a cron expression.
data CronField = Star                  | -- ^ Matches anything
                 SpecificField Int     | -- ^ Matches a specific value (e.g. 1)
                 RangeField Int Int    | -- ^ Matches a range of values (e.g. 1-3)
                 ListField [CronField] | -- ^ Matches a list of expressions. Recursive lists are invalid and the parser will never produce them.
                 StepField CronField Int -- ^ Matches a stepped expression, e.g. (*/2). Recursive steps or stepped lists are invalid and the parser will never produce them.
                 deriving (Eq)

instance Show CronField where
  show Star                  = "*"
  show (SpecificField i)     = show i
  show (RangeField x y)      = show x ++ "-" ++ show y
  show (ListField xs)        = intercalate "," $ map show xs
  show (StepField f step) = show f ++ "/" ++ show step

-- | Shorthand for every January 1st at midnight. Parsed with \@yearly
yearly :: CronSchedule
yearly = monthly { month = Months $ SpecificField 1 }

-- | Shorthand for every 1st of the month at midnight. Parsed with \@monthly
monthly :: CronSchedule
monthly = hourly { dayOfMonth = DaysOfMonth $ SpecificField 1 }

-- | Shorthand for every sunday at midnight. Parsed with \@weekly
weekly :: CronSchedule
weekly = daily { dayOfWeek = DaysOfWeek $ SpecificField 0,
                 dayOfMonth = DaysOfMonth $ SpecificField 0 }

-- | Shorthand for every day at midnight. Parsed with \@daily
daily :: CronSchedule
daily = hourly { hour = Hours $ SpecificField 0 }

-- | Shorthand for every hour on the hour. Parsed with \@hourly
hourly :: CronSchedule
hourly = everyMinute { minute = Minutes $ SpecificField 0 }

-- | Shorthand for an expression that always matches. Parsed with * * * * *
everyMinute :: CronSchedule
everyMinute = CronSchedule { minute     = Minutes Star,
                             hour       = Hours Star,
                             dayOfMonth = DaysOfMonth Star,
                             month      = Months Star,
                             dayOfWeek  = DaysOfWeek Star}

-- | Determines if the given time is matched by the given schedule. A
-- periodical task would use this to determine if an action needs to be
-- performed at the current time or not.
scheduleMatches :: CronSchedule
                   -> UTCTime
                   -> Bool
scheduleMatches CronSchedule { minute     = Minutes mins,
                               hour       = Hours hrs,
                               dayOfMonth = DaysOfMonth doms,
                               month      = Months months,
                               dayOfWeek  = DaysOfWeek dows }
                UTCTime { utctDay = uDay,
                          utctDayTime = uTime } = all id validations
  where (_, mth, dom) = toGregorian uDay
        (_, _, dow)     = toWeekDate uDay
        TimeOfDay { todHour = hr,
                    todMin  = mn} = timeToTimeOfDay uTime
        validations = map validate [(mn, CMinute, mins),
                                    (hr, CHour, hrs),
                                    (dom, CDayOfMonth, doms),
                                    (mth, CMonth, months),
                                    (dow, CDayOfWeek, dows)]
        validate (x, y, z) = matchField x y z

matchField :: Int
              -> CronUnit
              -> CronField
              -> Bool
matchField _ _ Star                      = True
matchField x CDayOfWeek (SpecificField y)
  | x == y || x == 0 && y == 7 || x == 7 && y == 0 = True
  | otherwise                                      = False
matchField x _ (SpecificField y)         = x == y
matchField x _ (RangeField y y')         = x >= y && x <= y'
matchField x unit (ListField fs)         = any (matchField x unit) fs
matchField x unit (StepField f step) = elem x $ expandDivided f step unit

expandDivided :: CronField
                 -> Int
                 -> CronUnit
                 -> [Int]
expandDivided Star step unit                      = fillTo 0 max' step
  where max' = maxValue unit
expandDivided (RangeField start finish) step unit = fillTo start finish' step
  where finish' = minimum [finish, maxValue unit]
expandDivided _ _ _                               = [] -- invalid

fillTo :: Int
          -> Int
          -> Int
          -> [Int]
fillTo start finish step
  | step <= 0      = []
  | finish < start = []
  | otherwise      = [ x | x <- [start..finish], x `mod` step == 0]

data CronUnit = CMinute     |
                CHour       |
                CDayOfMonth |
                CMonth      |

maxValue :: CronUnit -> Int
maxValue CMinute     = 59
maxValue CHour       = 23
maxValue CDayOfMonth = 31
maxValue CMonth      = 12
maxValue CDayOfWeek  = 6