{- | Name: Cropty Description: A simplified interface to asymmetric and symmetric cryptography License: MIT Copyright: Samuel Schlesinger 2021 (c) -} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} module Cropty ( -- * Asymmetric Encryption PrivateKey (PrivateKey, privateKey) , privateToPublic , PublicKey (PublicKey, publicKey) -- ** Efficient Encryption , Message (..) , encrypt , EncryptionException (..) , decrypt , DecryptionException (..) -- ** Digital Signatures , Signature (Signature, signatureBytes) , sign , verify , Signed , signed , signedBy , signature , signedEncoded , mkSigned , verifySigned -- ** Encrypt/Decrypt Small Strings , encryptSmall , decryptSmall -- ** Supported Key Sizes , KeySize (..) , keySizeInt , keySizeFromInt -- ** Key generation , generatePrivateKey , generatePrivateKeyWithPublicExponent -- * Symmetric Encryption , Key (Key, keyBytes) , generateKey , generateKeyOfSize , encryptSym , SymEncryptionException (..) , decryptSym , SymDecryptionException (..) -- * Errors Re-Exported from Cryptonite , RSAError , CryptoError (..) ) where import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Data.Binary (Binary(..), encode) import qualified Crypto.PubKey.RSA.Types (Error (..)) import Crypto.Error (CryptoError (..)) import Control.Exception (Exception, throwIO) import qualified Crypto.Cipher.AES as AES import qualified Crypto.Cipher.Types as Cipher import qualified Crypto.Error as Error import qualified Crypto.Hash.Algorithms as Hash import qualified Crypto.PubKey.RSA as RSA import qualified Crypto.PubKey.RSA.OAEP as RSA.OAEP import qualified Crypto.PubKey.RSA.PSS as RSA.PSS import qualified Crypto.Random as Random import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS -- | -- @import qualified Crypto.PubKey.RSA.Types as RSA (Error (..))@ type RSAError = Crypto.PubKey.RSA.Types.Error -- | A secret identity which one should be very careful about storing -- and sharing. If others get it, they will be able to read messages -- intended for you. newtype PrivateKey = PrivateKey { privateKey :: RSA.PrivateKey } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) instance Binary PrivateKey where put (PrivateKey p) = do put (PublicKey $ RSA.private_pub p) put (RSA.private_d p) put (RSA.private_p p) put (RSA.private_q p) put (RSA.private_dP p) put (RSA.private_dQ p) put (RSA.private_qinv p) get = PrivateKey <$> ( RSA.PrivateKey <$> (publicKey <$> get) <*> get <*> get <*> get <*> get <*> get <*> get ) instance Ord PrivateKey where compare (PrivateKey p) (PrivateKey p') = compare (PublicKey $ RSA.private_pub p) (PublicKey $ RSA.private_pub p') -- | A public identity which corresponds to your secret one, allowing -- you to tell other people how to 'encrypt' things for you. If you 'sign' -- something with the 'PrivateKey' associated with this public one, -- someone will be able to verify it was you with your public key. data PublicKey = PublicKey { publicKey :: RSA.PublicKey } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) instance Binary PublicKey where put (PublicKey p) = do put (RSA.public_size p) put (RSA.public_n p) put (RSA.public_e p) get = PublicKey <$> ( RSA.PublicKey <$> get <*> get <*> get ) instance Ord PublicKey where compare (PublicKey p) (PublicKey p') = compare (RSA.public_size p) (RSA.public_size p') <> compare (RSA.public_n p) (RSA.public_n p') <> compare (RSA.public_e p) (RSA.public_e p') -- | Get a 'PublicKey' which corresponds to the given 'PrivateKey' privateToPublic :: PrivateKey -> PublicKey privateToPublic = PublicKey . RSA.private_pub . privateKey -- | The various supported key sizes for the underlying RSA implementation data KeySize = KeySize256 | KeySize512 | KeySize1024 | KeySize2048 | KeySize4096 deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded) -- | Get the size of the key in the form of an 'Int' keySizeInt :: KeySize -> Int keySizeInt k = 2 ^ (fromEnum k + 8) -- | Get the size of a keySizeFromInt :: Int -> Maybe KeySize keySizeFromInt n | n == 256 = Just KeySize256 | n == 512 = Just KeySize512 | n == 1024 = Just KeySize1024 | n == 2048 = Just KeySize2048 | n == 4096 = Just KeySize4096 | otherwise = Nothing -- | Generate a new 'PrivateKey' of the given 'KeySize' generatePrivateKey :: KeySize -> IO PrivateKey generatePrivateKey = generatePrivateKeyWithPublicExponent 65537 -- | Generate a new 'PrivateKey' of the given 'KeySize', providing the RSA public exponent as well. generatePrivateKeyWithPublicExponent :: Integer -> KeySize -> IO PrivateKey generatePrivateKeyWithPublicExponent e n = (PrivateKey . snd) <$> RSA.generate (keySizeInt n) e -- | Encrypt a 'ByteString' of length less than or equal to the 'KeySize'. Skips -- the symmetric encryption step. For the most part, this should be avoided, but -- there is no reason not to expose it. encryptSmall :: PublicKey -> ByteString -> IO (Either RSAError ByteString) encryptSmall (PublicKey pub) message = RSA.OAEP.encrypt (RSA.OAEP.defaultOAEPParams Hash.SHA512) pub message -- | Decrypt a 'ByteString' of length less than or equal to the 'KeySize'. Skips -- the symmetric encryption step. For the most part, this should be avoided, but -- there is no reason not to expose it. decryptSmall :: PrivateKey -> ByteString -> IO (Either RSAError ByteString) decryptSmall (PrivateKey priv) message = RSA.OAEP.decryptSafer (RSA.OAEP.defaultOAEPParams Hash.SHA512) priv message -- | A key for symmetric (AEP) encryption newtype Key = Key { keyBytes :: ByteString } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Generic, Binary) -- | Generate a new 'Key' generateKey :: IO Key generateKey = generateKeyOfSize 32 -- | Generates a new 'Key' with the given size generateKeyOfSize :: Int -> IO Key generateKeyOfSize n = Key <$> Random.getRandomBytes n data SymEncryptionException = SymEncryptionException'CryptoniteError CryptoError deriving Show instance Exception SymEncryptionException -- | Encrypt a 'ByteString' such that anyone else who has the 'Key' can -- 'decryptSym' it later. encryptSym :: Key -> ByteString -> Either SymEncryptionException ByteString encryptSym key bs = case Cipher.cipherInit (keyBytes key) of Error.CryptoFailed e -> Left (SymEncryptionException'CryptoniteError e) Error.CryptoPassed (c :: AES.AES256) -> Right $ Cipher.ecbEncrypt c paddedMessage where paddingSize = 16 - (ByteString.length bs + 1) `mod` 16 paddedMessage = ByteString.concat [ ByteString.singleton (fromIntegral paddingSize) , ByteString.replicate paddingSize 0 , bs ] data CroptyError = NotEncryptedByCropty deriving Show instance Exception CroptyError data SymDecryptionException = SymDecryptionException'CryptoniteError CryptoError | SymDecryptionException'CroptyError CroptyError deriving Show instance Exception SymDecryptionException -- | Decrypt a 'ByteString' which has been 'encryptSym'ed with the given 'Key'. decryptSym :: Key -> ByteString -> Either SymDecryptionException ByteString decryptSym key bs = case Cipher.cipherInit (keyBytes key) of Error.CryptoFailed e -> Left (SymDecryptionException'CryptoniteError e) Error.CryptoPassed (c :: AES.AES256) -> do let decryptedBytes = Cipher.ecbDecrypt c bs if ByteString.length decryptedBytes > 0 then let paddingSize = fromIntegral (ByteString.index decryptedBytes 0) in Right $ snd (ByteString.splitAt (paddingSize + 1) decryptedBytes) else Left $ SymDecryptionException'CroptyError NotEncryptedByCropty -- | An message 'encrypt'ed for a specific 'PublicKey'. Contains -- an 'encryptSmall'ed AEP key which only the owner of the corresponding -- 'PrivateKey' can unlock, and a symmetrically encrypted message -- for them to decrypt once they 'decryptSmall' their AEP key. data Message = Message { encryptedKey :: ByteString , encryptedBytes :: ByteString } deriving (Show, Read, Generic, Binary) -- | The sort of exception we might get during encryption. data EncryptionException = EncryptionException RSAError deriving Show instance Exception EncryptionException -- | Encrypt a 'ByteString' for the given 'PublicKey', storing -- the results into a 'Message'. encrypt :: PublicKey -> ByteString -> IO Message encrypt publicKey message = do key <- generateKey encryptSmall publicKey (keyBytes key) >>= \case Left rsaError -> throwIO $ EncryptionException rsaError Right encryptedKey -> Message encryptedKey <$> either throwIO pure (encryptSym key message) -- | The sort of exception we might get during decryption. data DecryptionException = DecryptionException RSAError deriving Show instance Exception DecryptionException -- | Decrypt a 'Message' into a 'ByteString', the original message. decrypt :: PrivateKey -> Message -> IO ByteString decrypt privateKey Message{encryptedKey, encryptedBytes} = do decryptSmall privateKey encryptedKey >>= \case Left rsaError -> throwIO $ DecryptionException rsaError Right decryptedKey -> either throwIO pure (decryptSym (Key decryptedKey) encryptedBytes) -- | The sort of exception we might get during signature. data SignatureException = SignatureException RSAError deriving Show instance Exception SignatureException -- | The result of 'sign'ing a 'ByteString'. View this as a digital improvement -- on the written signature: if you sign something with your 'PrivateKey', -- anyone with your 'PublicKey' can verify that signature's legitimacy. newtype Signature = Signature { signatureBytes :: ByteString } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Generic, Binary) -- | Sign a message with your private key, producing a 'ByteString' that -- others cannot fabricate for new messages. sign :: PrivateKey -> ByteString -> IO Signature sign (PrivateKey privateKey) bs = RSA.PSS.signSafer (RSA.PSS.defaultPSSParams Hash.SHA512) privateKey bs >>= either (throwIO . SignatureException) (pure . Signature) -- | Verify the signature of a message. verify :: PublicKey -> ByteString -> Signature -> Bool verify (PublicKey pubKey) bs (Signature sig) = RSA.PSS.verify (RSA.PSS.defaultPSSParams Hash.SHA512) pubKey bs sig -- | A convenient type in which to wrap signed things. data Signed a = Signed { signed :: a , signedEncoded :: ByteString , signature :: Signature , signedBy :: PublicKey } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Generic, Binary) mkSigned :: Binary a => PrivateKey -> a -> IO (Signed a) mkSigned privateKey signed = do let signedEncoded = LBS.toStrict $ encode signed signature <- sign privateKey signedEncoded let signedBy = privateToPublic privateKey pure $ Signed { signed, signedEncoded, signature, signedBy } verifySigned :: Signed a -> Bool verifySigned s = verify (signedBy s) (signedEncoded s) (signature s)