{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-}
Module      : Crypto.Enigma
Description : Enigma machine simulator.
License     : BSD3
Maintainer  : royl@aldaron.com
Stability   : experimental
Portability : POSIX

An enigma machine simulator with rudimentary display. Richer display is provided by "Crypto.Enigma.Display".
--{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
--{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
--{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
module Crypto.Enigma (
        -- * Machine components
         -- * Machine configurations and transitions
        -- * Mappings
        -- | The encodings established by the machine and its components.
        Direction (..),
        -- * Encoding
        -- | Encoding messages.
) where

import           Control.Arrow
import           Control.Exception      (assert)
import           Data.Monoid
import           Data.List
import           Data.List.Split        (splitOn)
import qualified Data.Map               as M
import           Data.Maybe
import           Text.Printf            (printf)

import           Crypto.Enigma.Utils
--import Data.Map (Map)

{-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Use infix"::String) #-}
{-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Use mappend"::String) #-}
{-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Use fmap"::String) #-}
{-# ANN module ("HLint: error Redundant $"::String) #-}
{-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Use ."::String) #-}

-- TBD - Use lenses - <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/lens> <http://dev.stephendiehl.com/hask/#lenses>
-- TBD - Use modular arithmetic package - http://hackage.haskell.org/package/modular-arithmetic
-- TBD - Use Arrow more?
-- TBD - EnigmaMachine as Monad instance?
-- TBD - Proper testing script - <http://dev.stephendiehl.com/hask/#testing> <<<
-- TBD - Make GitHub README - https://github.com/orome/crypto-enigma/issues/1
-- TBD - Get Hackage documentation working - https://github.com/orome/crypto-enigma/issues/2
-- TBD - Script for Hackage uploads
-- TBD - Code review <<<
-- REV - Move plugboard last (it's 'optional'?)?
-- TBD - Note how this implementation differs by preserving all letters and full mappings so they can be examined. <<<
-- TBD - Use 'length.nub $ take n $ (iterate step cfg)' for all combinations of rotors to show num of unique states for all combinations of rotors (or numbers of rotor turnovers).
-- ASK - Another approach other than 'length.nub' and 'iterate' to test all configs?
-- REV - Have lists and display omit plugboard stage if not used or present; distinguishing non-use and absence?
-- REV - Show degenerate case in list and display examples?

-- Enigma mechanics ==========================================================

-- Machine components --------------------------------------------------------

-- REV - Actually any string that does not contain periods will be taken as no plugboard; see 'component'.
-- | A string identifying a 'Component' of an Enigma machine.
--   For rotors (including the reflector) this is one of the conventional letter or roman numeral designations
--   (e.g., @\"IV\"@ or @\"β\"@). For the plugboard this is the conventional string of letter pairs (separated by periods),
--   indicating letters wired together by plugging (e.g., @\"AU.ZM.ZL.RQ\"@).
--   Absence or non-use of a plugboard can be indicated with a lone "~". See 'name'.
type Name = String

-- | The 'Mapping' established by the physical wiring of a 'Component', when 01 is at the window position for rotors,
--   and by the plug arrangement for the plugboard. See 'wiring'.
type Wiring = Mapping

-- | The list of letters on the rotor's ring that appear at the window when a 'Component''s ring is in the turnover
--   position.
--   Not applicable (and empty) for the plugboard and for reflectors.  See 'turnovers'.
type Turnovers = String

-- | A component used to construct an Enigma machine (embodied in an 'EnigmaConfig') identified by its 'name', and
--   characterized by its physical 'wiring' and additionally — for rotors other than the reflector — by 'turnovers'
--   which govern the 'step'ping of the machine in which it is installed.
data Component = Component {
        name :: !Name,              -- ^ The component's 'Name'.
        wiring :: !Wiring,          -- ^ The component's 'Wiring'.
        turnovers :: !Turnovers     -- ^ The component's 'Turnovers'.

-- REV - \c -> (name c, c) instead of (name &&& id) ?
-- Definitions of rotor Components; people died for this information
--comps :: [(Name,Component)]
comps = M.fromList $ (name &&& id) <$> [
        -- rotors
        Component "I"    "EKMFLGDQVZNTOWYHXUSPAIBRCJ" "Q",
        Component "V"    "VZBRGITYUPSDNHLXAWMJQOFECK" "Z",
        Component "β"    "LEYJVCNIXWPBQMDRTAKZGFUHOS" "",
        Component "γ"    "FSOKANUERHMBTIYCWLQPZXVGJD" "",
        -- reflectors
        Component "A"    "EJMZALYXVBWFCRQUONTSPIKHGD" "",
        Component "B"    "YRUHQSLDPXNGOKMIEBFZCWVJAT" "",
        Component "C"    "FVPJIAOYEDRZXWGCTKUQSBNMHL" "",
        Component "b"    "ENKQAUYWJICOPBLMDXZVFTHRGS" "",
        Component "c"    "RDOBJNTKVEHMLFCWZAXGYIPSUQ" "",
        -- base case (e.g. for "unplugged" plugboard, or the keyboard)
        Component ""     "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" ""]

-- | The 'Component' with the specified 'Name'.
component :: Name -> Component
component n = fromMaybe (Component n (foldr plug letters (splitOn "." n)) "") (M.lookup n comps)
            -- Either lookup the rotor or reflector by name, or use the plugboard spec to
            -- generate a component with wiring in which the specified letter pairs are exchanged.
                c = find ((== n).name) comps
                plug [p1,p2] = map (\ch -> if ch == p1 then p2 else if ch == p2 then p1 else ch)
                plug _       = id       -- Anything but a .-separated pair will have no effect

-- Machine configurations and transitions ------------------------------------

-- | The (zero-based) index of the processing stage occupied by a 'Component' in an 'EngmaConfig'. See 'stages'.
type Stage = Int

-- | The generalized rotational position of a 'Component'. For rotors, this is denoted by number on the rotor
--   (not letter ring) that is at the "window position". For other components the only meaningful position is @1@
--   (see 'positions').
--   This (alone) determines the permutations applied to the component's
--   'Wiring' to produce its current 'Mapping' (see 'componentMapping').
type Position = Int

-- | The complete description of the state of an Enigma machine, consisting 'components', 'positions', and 'rings'.
data EnigmaConfig = EnigmaConfig {
                        -- | The 'Name' of each 'Component' in an 'EnigmaConfig', in processing order.
                        --   Unchanged by 'step'.
                        --   >>> components $ configEnigma "c-β-V-III-II" "LQVI" "AM.EU.ZL" ""
                        --   ["AM.EU.ZL","II","III","V","\946","c"]
                        --   (Note that any Unicode charcters are
                        --   <http://stackoverflow.com/a/24953885/656912 stored by Haskell> as their Unicode value:
                        --   here @"\\946" == "β"@.)
                        components :: ![Name],
                        -- | The 'Position' of each 'Component' in an 'EnigmaConfig', in machine processing order.
                        --   May be changed by 'step'.
                        --   >>> positions $ configEnigma "c-β-V-III-II" "LQVI" "AM.EU.ZL" ""
                        --   [1,25,2,17,23,1]
                        --   For plugboard and reflector, this will always be @1@ since the former cannot rotate,
                        --   and the latter does not (neither will be changed by 'step'):
                        --   prop> head (positions cfg) == 1
                        --   prop> last (positions cfg) == 1
                        --   This determines the encoding performed by a component (see 'componentMapping').
                        positions :: ![Position],
                        -- | The location of ring letter 'A' on the rotor for each 'Component' in an 'EnigmaConfig',
                        --   in machine processing order.
                        --   Unchanged by 'step'.
                        --   >>> rings $ configEnigma "c-β-V-III-II" "LQVI" "AM.EU.ZL" ""
                        --   [1,11,21,1,16,1]
                        --   For plugboard and reflector, this will always be @1@ since the former lacks a ring,
                        --   and for latter ring position is irrelevant (the letter ring is not visible, and has
                        --   no effect on turnovers):
                        --   prop> head (rings cfg) == 1
                        --   prop> last (rings cfg) == 1
                        rings :: ![Int]
                    } deriving Eq

-- | The sequential, (forward) processing-order, 'Stage' occupied by each 'Component' in an 'EnigmaConfig', starting
--   with @0@ for the plugboard and ending with the reflector.
--   >>> stages $ configEnigma "c-β-V-III-II" "LQVI" "AM.EU.ZL" ""
--   [0,1,2,3,4,5]
--   prop> components cfg == ((components cfg !!) <$> stages cfg)
--   The term \'stage\' (lowercase) is also used here to encompass subsequent reverse processing order stages
--   (see, for example, 'stageMappingList').
stages :: EnigmaConfig -> [Stage]
stages ec = [0..(length $ components ec)-1]

-- REV - Could take a ring and a position and dispense with st
-- TBD - Some properties showing only 'position' changes?
-- The letter at the window for a given stage.
-- Used in 'windows', and in 'step' to identify when a rotor ring is in the turnover position
windowLetter :: EnigmaConfig -> Stage -> Char
windowLetter ec st = chrA0 $ mod (positions ec !! st + rings ec !! st - 2) 26

-- | Step the machine to a new 'EnigmaConfig' by rotating the rightmost (first) rotor one position, and other rotors
--   as determined by the 'positions' of rotors in the machine.
--   In the physical machine, a step occurs in response to each operator keypress,
--   prior to processing that key's letter. (See 'enigmaEncoding'.)
--   Stepping leaves the 'components', 'stages' and 'rings' of a configuration unchanged, changing only 'positions',
--   which is manifest in changes of the letters at the 'windows':
--   >>> let cfg = configEnigma "c-γ-V-I-II" "LXZO" "UX.MO.KZ.AY.EF.PL" ""
--   >>> putStr $ unlines $ show <$> take 5 (iterate step cfg)
--   >>> let cfg = configEnigma "c-γ-V-I-II" "LXZO" "UX.MO.KZ.AY.EF.PL" ""
--   >>> take 5 $ map windows $ iterate step cfg
--   ["LXZO","LXZP","LXZQ","LXZR","LXZS"]
--   >>> let cfg = configEnigma "c-γ-V-I-II" "LXZO" "UX.MO.KZ.AY.EF.PL" ""
--   >>> take 5 $ map positions $ iterate step cfg
--   [[1,15,23,8,10,1],[1,16,23,8,10,1],[1,17,23,8,10,1],[1,18,23,8,10,1],[1,19,23,8,10,1]]
step :: EnigmaConfig -> EnigmaConfig
step ec = ec { positions = steppedPosition <$> stages ec } -- only positions change when stepped
        -- explicit factoring to expose stepping logic
        steppedPosition :: Stage -> Position
        steppedPosition i = (mod (positions ec !! i + di - 1) 26) + 1
                di | i == 0                 = 0  -- plugboard does not step
                   | i >  3                 = 0  -- only the first three rotors can step
                   | i == 1                 = 1  -- the first rotor always steps
                   | i == 2 && isTurn 2     = 1  -- the second rotor steps if it is in a turnover position
                   |           isTurn (i-1) = 1  -- other rotors (<=3) step if the previous component is in a turnover position
                   | otherwise              = 0
                isTurn :: Stage -> Bool
                isTurn j = elem (windowLetter ec j) (turnovers $ component (components ec !! j))

-- REV - Plugboard omission happens more generally; see 'Name'.
-- Instantiation, display, and reading ---------------------------------------

-- | The letters at the window in an 'EnigmaConfig', in physical, conventional order.
--   This is the (only) visible manifestations of configuration changes during operation.
--   >>> windows $ configEnigma "c-β-V-III-II" "LQVI" "AM.EU.ZL" ""
--   "LQVI"
windows :: EnigmaConfig -> String
windows ec = reverse $ tail.init $ windowLetter ec <$> (stages ec)

-- | A (safe plublic, <https://wiki.haskell.org/Smart_constructors "smart">) constructor that does validation and takes a conventional specification as input, in the
--   form of four strings:
--   * The rotor 'Name's, separated by dashes (e.g. @\"C-V-I-II\"@); see 'Name'.
--   * The letters visible at the windows (e.g. @\"MQR\"@); see 'windows'.
--   * The plugboard specification (which may me omitted with  @\"~\"@); see 'Name'.
--   * The position of the letter ring on each rotor, separated by periods (e.g. @\"22.11.16\"@); see 'rings'.
--   Following convention, the elements of these specifications are in physical machine order as the operator sees
--   them, which is the reverse of the order in which they are encountered in processing (see 'stages').
--   Validation is permissive, allowing for ahistorical collections and numbers of rotors (including reflectors
--   at the rotor stage, and trivial degenerate machines;
--   e.g., @configEnigma "-" \"A\" "" "01"@), and any number of (non-contradictory) plugboard wirings (including none).
configEnigma :: String -> String -> String -> String -> EnigmaConfig
configEnigma rots winds plug rngs = assert ((and $ (==(length components')) <$> [length winds', length rngs']) &&
                                            (and $ [(>=1),(<=26)] <*> rngs') &&
                                            (and $ (`elem` letters) <$> winds') &&
                                            (plug == "" || ((and $ (==2).length <$> splitOn "." plug) &&
                                                            (and $ (`elem` letters) <$> filter (/='.') plug) &&
                                                            ((\s -> s == nub s) $ filter (/='.') plug))
                                            ) &&
                                            (and $ (`M.member` comps) <$> tail components'))
                                           EnigmaConfig {
                                               components = components',
                                               positions = zipWith (\w r -> (mod (numA0 w - r + 1) 26) + 1) winds' rngs',
                                              rings = rngs'
                                                -- Order is reversed, from physical to processing order
                                                -- Rings and windows are padded with values for the plugboard and reflector
                                                rngs' = reverse $ (read <$> (splitOn "." $ "01." ++ rngs ++ ".01") :: [Int])
                                                winds' = "A" ++ reverse winds ++ "A"
                                                components' = reverse $ splitOn "-" $ rots ++ "-" ++ plug

-- TBD - Some checking, e.g. that four "words" have been provided?
-- | Read the elements of a conventional specification (see 'configEnigma') joined by spaces into a single string.
--   >>> let cfg = configEnigma "b-β-V-VIII-III" "XQVI" "UX.MO.KZ.AY.EF.PL" ""
--   >>> let cfg' = read "b-β-V-VIII-III XQVI UX.MO.KZ.AY.EF.PL" :: EnigmaConfig
--   >>> cfg == cfg'
--   True
instance Read EnigmaConfig where
    readsPrec _ i = [(configEnigma c w s r, "")] where [c, w, s, r] = words i

-- | Show the elements of a conventional specification (see 'configEnigma') joined by spaces into a single string.
--   >>> configEnigma "b-β-V-VIII-II" "XQVI" "UX.MO.KZ.AY.EF.PL" ""
instance Show EnigmaConfig where
    show ec = unwords [intercalate "-" $ reverse.tail $ components ec,
                       windows ec,
                       head $ components ec,
                       intercalate "." $ reverse.tail.init $ (printf "%02d") <$> (rings ec)]

-- | Show a 'Component' as a formatted string consisting of its 'name', 'wiring', and 'turnovers' (if any).
instance Show Component where
    show c = printf "%-5.5s" (name c) ++ " " ++ wiring c ++ " " ++ turnovers c

-- Mapping ==================================================================

-- | The mapping used by a component (see 'wiring' and 'componentMapping')
--   or by the machine (see 'enigmaMapping') to perform a
--   <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Substitution_cipher#Simple_substitution simple substitution encoding>.
--   This is expressed as a string of letters indicating the mapped-to letter
--   for the letter at that position in the alphabet — i.e., as a permutation of the alphabet.
--   For example, the mapping @EKMFLGDQVZNTOWYHXUSPAIBRCJ@ encodes @A@ to @E@, @B@ to @K@, @C@ to @M@, ...
--   @Y@ to @C@, and @Z@ to @J@.
type Mapping = String

-- Enigma encoding logic -----------------------------------------------------

-- REV - These only need to be exposed to allow componentMapping to be exposed; necessary? <<<
-- | The direction that a signal flows through a 'Component'. During encoding of a character, the signal
--   passes first through every component in a forward ('Fwd') direction, then through the reflector, and then, in
--   revers order, through each component again, in reverse ('Rev').
--   This direction affects the encoding performed by the component (see 'componentMapping').
data Direction = Fwd | Rev

-- REV - Add assertion to make sure plugboard is not rotated ; assert not in keys?
-- | The 'Mapping' performed by a 'Component' as a function of its 'Position' and the 'Direction' of the
--   signal passing through it.
--   The base encoding of a 'Component', performed with rotor position @1@ at the window, is set by its 'wiring'.
--   prop>  componentMapping Fwd comp 1 == wiring comp
--   For all other positions, the encoding is a cyclic permutation this mapping's inputs (backward)
--   and outputs (forward) by the rotational offset of the rotor away from the @1@ position
--   (though in an actual 'EmigmaConfig' such positions occur only for rotors; see 'positions').
--   Note that because the wiring of reflectors generates mappings that consist entirely of paired exchanges
--   of letters, reflectors (at any position) produce the same mapping in both directions (the same is true
--   of the plugboard):
--   >>> let tst c n = componentMapping Fwd (component c) n == componentMapping Rev (component c) n
--   >>> and $ tst <$> ["A","B","C","b","c"] <*> [1..26]
--   True
componentMapping:: Direction -> Component -> Position -> Mapping
componentMapping d c p = case d of
                        Fwd -> map (\ch -> rotMap (1-p) letters !! (numA0 ch)) (rotMap (p-1) (wiring c))
                        Rev -> chrA0 <$> (ordering $ componentMapping Fwd c p)
                        rotMap :: Int -> Wiring -> Mapping
                        rotMap o w = take 26 . drop (mod o 26) . cycle $ w

-- | The list of 'Mapping's for each stage of an 'EnigmaConfig': the encoding performed by the
--   'Component' /at that point/ in the progress through the machine.
--   These are arranged in processing order, beginning with the encoding performed by the plugboard,
--   followed by the forward encoding performed by each rotor (see 'componentMapping'), then the reflector,
--   followed by the reverse encodings by each rotor, and finally by the plugboard again.
--   >>> putStr $ unlines $ stageMappingList (configEnigma "b-γ-V-VIII-II" "LFAQ" "UX.MO.KZ.AY.EF.PL" "")
--   Note that, because plugboard 'Mapping' is established by paired exchanges of letters
--   (see 'componentMapping'),
--   prop> head (stageMappingList cfg) == last (stageMappingList cfg)
--   As noted (see 'stages') the term \'stage\' here encompasses reverse processing:
--   prop> length (stageMappingList cfg) == 2 * length (stages cfg) - 1
--   A richer example of how this list is used, and how it can be interpreted,
--   can be found in "Crypto.Enigma.Display#showEnigmaConfigInternalEG".
stageMappingList:: EnigmaConfig -> [Mapping]
stageMappingList ec = ((stageMapping Fwd) <$>) <> ((stageMapping Rev) <$>).tail.reverse $ stages ec
                        stageMapping :: Direction -> Stage -> Mapping
                        stageMapping d sn = componentMapping d (component $ components ec !! sn) (positions ec !! sn)

-- | The list of 'Mapping's an 'EnigmaConfig' has performed by each stage:
--   the encoding performed by the 'EnigmaConfig' /up to that point/ in the progress through the machine.
--   >>> putStr $ unlines $ enigmaMappingList (configEnigma "b-γ-V-VIII-II" "LFAQ" "UX.MO.KZ.AY.EF.PL" "")
--   Since these may be thought of as cumulative encodings,
--   prop> enigmaMapping cfg == last (enigmaMappingList cfg)
enigmaMappingList :: EnigmaConfig -> [Mapping]
enigmaMappingList ec = scanl1 (flip encode') (stageMappingList ec)

-- | The 'Mapping' performed by the Enigma machine.
--   >>> enigmaMapping (configEnigma "b-γ-V-VIII-II" "LFAQ" "UX.MO.KZ.AY.EF.PL" "")
--   A example of a richer display of this information can be found in "Crypto.Enigma.Display#showEnigmaConfigEG".
enigmaMapping :: EnigmaConfig -> Mapping
enigmaMapping ec = last $ enigmaMappingList ec  -- The final stage's progressive encoding

-- TBD - Keep? Not enforced except by assertion in 'enigmaEncoding', and by substitution of ' ' in showEnigmaConfigS
-- BUG - Why does this assertion seem to pass and generate an out of bounds error with e.g., '.' in a msg? <<<
-- | A valid keyboard entry into an Enigma machine: a string of uppercase characters.
type Message = String

-- REV -- Move preprocessing back; move assertion out?
-- | Encode a 'Message' using a given (starting) machine configuration, by 'step'ping the configuration prior to
--   processing each character of the message. This produces a new configuration (with new 'positions' only)
--   for encoding each character, which serves as the "starting" configuration for subsequent
--   processing of the message.
--   >>> enigmaEncoding (configEnigma "b-γ-V-VIII-II" "LFAP" "UX.MO.KZ.AY.EF.PL" "") "KRIEG"
--   "GOWNW"
--   The details of this encoding and its relationship to stepping from one configuration to another are
--   illustrated in "Crypto.Enigma.Display#showEnigmaOperationEG".
--   Note that because of the way the Enigma machine is designed, it is always the case that
--   prop> enigmaEncoding cfg (enigmaEncoding cfg msg) == msg
enigmaEncoding :: EnigmaConfig -> Message -> String
enigmaEncoding ec msg = assert (all (`elem` letters) msg) $
                        -- The encoding of a string is the sequence encodings performed by sequentially
                        -- stepped configurations (preceded by a step)
                        zipWith encode (enigmaMapping <$> (iterate step (step ec))) msg