{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) import qualified Data.ByteString as B import Data.ByteString.Char8 () -- orphan IsString instance import Crypto.Number.ModArithmetic import Crypto.Number.Basic import Crypto.Number.Generate import Crypto.Number.Prime import Crypto.Number.Serialize import Crypto.Number.F2m import RNG prop_gcde_binary_valid :: (Positive Integer, Positive Integer) -> Bool prop_gcde_binary_valid (Positive a, Positive b) = and [v==v', a*x' + b*y' == v', a*x + b*y == v, gcd a b == v] where (x,y,v) = gcde_binary a b (x',y',v') = gcde a b prop_modexp_rtl_valid :: (NonNegative Integer, NonNegative Integer, Positive Integer) -> Bool prop_modexp_rtl_valid (NonNegative a, NonNegative b, Positive m) = exponantiation_rtl_binary a b m == ((a ^ b) `mod` m) prop_modinv_valid :: (Positive Integer, Positive Integer) -> Bool prop_modinv_valid (Positive a, Positive m) | m > 1 = case inverse a m of Just ainv -> (ainv * a) `mod` m == 1 Nothing -> True | otherwise = True prop_sqrti_valid :: Positive Integer -> Bool prop_sqrti_valid (Positive i) = l*l <= i && i <= u*u where (l, u) = sqrti i {- prop_generate_prime_valid :: Seed -> Bool prop_generate_prime_valid i = -- because of the next naive test, we can't generate easily number above 32 bits -- otherwise it slows down the tests to uselessness. when AKS or ECPP is implemented -- we can revisit the number here primalityTestNaive $ withRNG i (\g -> generatePrime g 32) -} prop_miller_rabin_valid :: (Seed, PositiveSmall) -> Bool prop_miller_rabin_valid (seed, PositiveSmall i) | i <= 3 = True | otherwise = -- miller rabin only returns with certitude that the integer is composite. let b = withRNG seed (\g -> isProbablyPrime g i) in (b == False && primalityTestNaive i == False) || b == True prop_generate_valid :: (Seed, Positive Integer) -> Bool prop_generate_valid (seed, Positive h) = let v = withRNG seed (\g -> generateMax g h) in (v >= 0 && v < h) prop_invF2m_valid :: Fx -> PositiveLarge -> Bool prop_invF2m_valid (Fx fx) (PositiveLarge a) = maybe True ((1 ==) . mulF2m fx a) (invF2m fx a) prop_squareF2m_valid :: Fx -> PositiveLarge -> Bool prop_squareF2m_valid (Fx fx) (PositiveLarge a) = mulF2m fx a a == squareF2m fx a withAleasInteger :: Rng -> Seed -> (Rng -> (a,Rng)) -> a withAleasInteger g (Seed i) f = fst $ f $ reseed (i2osp $ fromIntegral i) g withRNG :: Seed -> (Rng -> (a,Rng)) -> a withRNG seed f = withAleasInteger rng seed f newtype PositiveSmall = PositiveSmall Integer deriving (Show,Eq) instance Arbitrary PositiveSmall where arbitrary = PositiveSmall . fromIntegral <$> (resize (2^(20 :: Int)) (arbitrary :: Gen Int)) newtype PositiveLarge = PositiveLarge Integer deriving (Show,Eq) instance Arbitrary PositiveLarge where arbitrary = PositiveLarge <$> sized (\n -> choose (1, fromIntegral n^(100::Int))) newtype Fx = Fx Integer deriving (Show,Eq) instance Arbitrary Fx where arbitrary = elements $ map Fx [ 283 -- [8,4,3,1,0] Rijndael -- SEC2 polynomials , 11692013098647223345629478661730264157247460344009 -- [163,7,6,3,0] , 13803492693581127574869511724554050904902217944359662576256527028453377 -- [233,74,0] , 883423532389192164791648750371459257913741948437809479060803169365786625 -- [239,36,0] , 883423532389192164791649115746868590639471499359017658131558014629445633 -- [239,158,0] , 15541351137805832567355695254588151253139254712417116170014499277911234281641667989665 -- [283,12,7,5,0] , 1322111937580497197903830616065542079656809365928562438569297590548811582472622691650378420879430724437687334722581078999041 -- [409,87,0] , 7729075046034516689390703781863974688597854659412869997314470502903038284579120849072387533163845155924927232063004354354730157322085975311485817346934161497393961629647909 -- [571,10,5,2,0] ] data Range = Range Integer Integer deriving (Show,Eq) instance Arbitrary Range where arbitrary = do (Positive x) <- arbitrary :: Gen (Positive Int) (Positive r) <- arbitrary :: Gen (Positive Int) return $ Range (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral r) newtype Seed = Seed Integer deriving (Eq) instance Show Seed where show s = "Seed " ++ show s instance Arbitrary Seed where arbitrary = arbitrary >>= \(Positive i) -> return (Seed i) serializationKATTests :: [TestTree] serializationKATTests = concatMap f vectors where f (v, bs) = [ testCase ("i2osp " ++ show v) (i2osp v @?= bs) , testCase ("os2ip " ++ show v) (os2ip bs @?= v) ] vectors = [ (0x10000, "\SOH\NUL\NUL") , (0x1234, "\DC24") , (0xf123456, "\SI\DC24V") , (0xf21908421feabd21490, "\SI!\144\132!\254\171\210\DC4\144") , (0x7521908421feabd21490, "u!\144\132!\254\171\210\DC4\144") ] serializationOfKATTests :: [TestTree] serializationOfKATTests = concatMap f vectors where f (elen, v, bs) = [ testCase ("i2osp " ++ show v) (i2ospOf elen v @?= Just bs) , testCase ("os2ip " ++ show v) (os2ip bs @?= v) ] vectors = [ (5, 0x10000, "\NUL\NUL\SOH\NUL\NUL") , (3, 0x1234, "\NUL\DC24") , (8, 0xf123456, "\NUL\NUL\NUL\NUL\SI\DC24V") , (10, 0xf21908421feabd21490, "\SI!\144\132!\254\171\210\DC4\144") , (12, 0x7521908421feabd21490, "\NUL\NULu!\144\132!\254\171\210\DC4\144") ] main :: IO () main = defaultMain $ testGroup "crypto-numbers" [ testGroup "serialization" [ testProperty "unbinary.binary==id" (\(Positive i) -> os2ip (i2osp i) == i) , testProperty "length integer" (\(Positive i) -> B.length (i2osp i) == lengthBytes i) , testGroup "KAT" serializationKATTests , testGroup "KAT2" serializationOfKATTests ] , testGroup "gcde binary" [ testProperty "gcde" prop_gcde_binary_valid ] , testGroup "exponantiation" [ testProperty "right-to-left" prop_modexp_rtl_valid ] , testGroup "inverse" [ testProperty "inverse" prop_modinv_valid ] , testGroup "sqrt integer" [ testProperty "sqrt" prop_sqrti_valid ] , testGroup "generation" [ testProperty "max" prop_generate_valid --, testProperty "between" (\seed (Range l h) -> let generated = withRNG seed (\rng -> generateBetween rng l (l+h)) -- in (generated > l && generated < h)) ] , testGroup "primality test" [ testProperty "miller-rabin" prop_miller_rabin_valid ] , testGroup "F2m" [ testCase "inv2Fm 1" (invF2m 283 566 @?= Nothing) , testCase "inv2Fm 1" (invF2m 283 64800122153546929198091027632453789752394810192663929321789113225485980298851325347397170296259938610151214285229944494947456450203170796566256526607878773803495973593989422 @?= Nothing) , testProperty "invF2m" prop_invF2m_valid , testProperty "squareF2m" prop_squareF2m_valid ] ]