{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface, CPP, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

-- |
-- Module      : Crypto.Hash.SHA256
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : Vincent Hanquez <vincent@snarc.org>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : unknown
-- A module containing SHA256 bindings
module Crypto.Hash.SHA256
    ( Ctx(..)
    , SHA256

    -- * Incremental hashing Functions
    , init     -- :: Ctx
    , update   -- :: Ctx -> ByteString -> Ctx
    , finalize -- :: Ctx -> ByteString

    -- * Single Pass hashing
    , hash     -- :: ByteString -> ByteString
    , hashlazy -- :: ByteString -> ByteString
    ) where

import Prelude hiding (init)
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.ForeignPtr (withForeignPtr)
import Foreign.Storable
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.ByteString.Unsafe (unsafeUseAsCStringLen)
import Data.ByteString.Internal (create, toForeignPtr, inlinePerformIO)
import Data.Word


import Control.Monad (liftM)
import Data.Serialize (Serialize(..))
import Data.Serialize.Get (getByteString)
import Data.Serialize.Put (putByteString)
import Data.Tagged (Tagged(..))
import qualified Crypto.Classes as C (Hash(..))

instance C.Hash Ctx SHA256 where
    outputLength    = Tagged (32 * 8)
    blockLength     = Tagged (64 * 8)
    initialCtx      = init
    updateCtx       = update
    finalize ctx bs = Digest . finalize $ update ctx bs

instance Serialize SHA256 where
    get            = liftM Digest (getByteString digestSize)
    put (Digest d) = putByteString d


data Ctx = Ctx !ByteString
data SHA256 = Digest !ByteString
    deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)

{-# INLINE digestSize #-}
digestSize :: Int
digestSize = 32

{-# INLINE sizeCtx #-}
sizeCtx :: Int
sizeCtx = 192

{-# INLINE withByteStringPtr #-}
withByteStringPtr :: ByteString -> (Ptr Word8 -> IO a) -> IO a
withByteStringPtr b f =
    withForeignPtr fptr $ \ptr -> f (ptr `plusPtr` off)
    where (fptr, off, _) = toForeignPtr b

{-# INLINE memcopy64 #-}
memcopy64 :: Ptr Word64 -> Ptr Word64 -> IO ()
memcopy64 dst src = mapM_ peekAndPoke [0..(24-1)]
    where peekAndPoke i = peekElemOff src i >>= pokeElemOff dst i

withCtxCopy :: Ctx -> (Ptr Ctx -> IO ()) -> IO Ctx
withCtxCopy (Ctx ctxB) f = Ctx `fmap` createCtx
    where createCtx = create sizeCtx $ \dstPtr ->
                      withByteStringPtr ctxB $ \srcPtr -> do
                          memcopy64 (castPtr dstPtr) (castPtr srcPtr)
                          f (castPtr dstPtr)

withCtxThrow :: Ctx -> (Ptr Ctx -> IO a) -> IO a
withCtxThrow (Ctx ctxB) f =
    allocaBytes sizeCtx $ \dstPtr ->
    withByteStringPtr ctxB $ \srcPtr -> do
        memcopy64 (castPtr dstPtr) (castPtr srcPtr)
        f (castPtr dstPtr)

withCtxNew :: (Ptr Ctx -> IO ()) -> IO Ctx
withCtxNew f = Ctx `fmap` create sizeCtx (f . castPtr)

withCtxNewThrow :: (Ptr Ctx -> IO a) -> IO a
withCtxNewThrow f = allocaBytes sizeCtx (f . castPtr)

foreign import ccall unsafe "sha256.h sha256_init"
    c_sha256_init :: Ptr Ctx -> IO ()

foreign import ccall "sha256.h sha256_update"
    c_sha256_update :: Ptr Ctx -> Ptr Word8 -> Word32 -> IO ()

foreign import ccall unsafe "sha256.h sha256_finalize"
    c_sha256_finalize :: Ptr Ctx -> Ptr Word8 -> IO ()

updateInternalIO :: Ptr Ctx -> ByteString -> IO ()
updateInternalIO ptr d =
    unsafeUseAsCStringLen d (\(cs, len) -> c_sha256_update ptr (castPtr cs) (fromIntegral len))

finalizeInternalIO :: Ptr Ctx -> IO ByteString
finalizeInternalIO ptr =
    create digestSize (c_sha256_finalize ptr)

{-# NOINLINE init #-}
-- | init a context
init :: Ctx
init = inlinePerformIO $ withCtxNew $ c_sha256_init

{-# NOINLINE update #-}
-- | update a context with a bytestring
update :: Ctx -> ByteString -> Ctx
update ctx d = inlinePerformIO $ withCtxCopy ctx $ \ptr -> updateInternalIO ptr d

{-# NOINLINE finalize #-}
-- | finalize the context into a digest bytestring
finalize :: Ctx -> ByteString
finalize ctx = inlinePerformIO $ withCtxThrow ctx finalizeInternalIO

{-# NOINLINE hash #-}
-- | hash a strict bytestring into a digest bytestring
hash :: ByteString -> ByteString
hash d = inlinePerformIO $ withCtxNewThrow $ \ptr -> do
    c_sha256_init ptr >> updateInternalIO ptr d >> finalizeInternalIO ptr

{-# NOINLINE hashlazy #-}
-- | hash a lazy bytestring into a digest bytestring
hashlazy :: L.ByteString -> ByteString
hashlazy l = inlinePerformIO $ withCtxNewThrow $ \ptr -> do
    c_sha256_init ptr >> mapM_ (updateInternalIO ptr) (L.toChunks l) >> finalizeInternalIO ptr