-- |
-- Module      :  $Header$
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2013-2015 Galois, Inc.
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  cryptol@galois.com
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable

{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}

module Cryptol.Symbolic where

import Control.Monad (replicateM, when, zipWithM)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.List (transpose, intercalate)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Control.Exception as X

import qualified Data.SBV.Dynamic as SBV

import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem as M
import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Env as M

import Cryptol.Symbolic.Prims
import Cryptol.Symbolic.Value

import qualified Cryptol.Eval.Value as Eval
import qualified Cryptol.Eval.Type (evalType)
import qualified Cryptol.Eval.Env (EvalEnv(..))
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.InfNat (Nat'(..))
import Cryptol.Utils.PP
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic(panic)

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
import Data.Traversable (traverse)

#if MIN_VERSION_sbv(5,1,0)
smtMode :: SBV.SMTLibVersion
smtMode = SBV.SMTLib2
smtMode :: Bool
smtMode = True

-- External interface ----------------------------------------------------------

proverConfigs :: [(String, SBV.SMTConfig)]
proverConfigs =
  [ ("cvc4"     , SBV.cvc4     )
  , ("yices"    , SBV.yices    )
  , ("z3"       , SBV.z3       )
  , ("boolector", SBV.boolector)
  , ("mathsat"  , SBV.mathSAT  )
  , ("abc"      , SBV.abc      )
  , ("offline"  , SBV.defaultSMTCfg )
  , ("any"      , SBV.defaultSMTCfg )

proverNames :: [String]
proverNames = map fst proverConfigs

lookupProver :: String -> SBV.SMTConfig
lookupProver s =
  case lookup s proverConfigs of
    Just cfg -> cfg
    -- should be caught by UI for setting prover user variable
    Nothing  -> panic "Cryptol.Symbolic" [ "invalid prover: " ++ s ]

type SatResult = [(Type, Expr, Eval.Value)]

-- | A prover result is either an error message, an empty result (eg
-- for the offline prover), a counterexample or a lazy list of
-- satisfying assignments.
data ProverResult = AllSatResult [SatResult] -- LAZY
                  | ThmResult    [Type]
                  | EmptyResult
                  | ProverError  String

allSatSMTResults :: SBV.AllSatResult -> [SBV.SMTResult]
allSatSMTResults (SBV.AllSatResult (_, rs)) = rs

thmSMTResults :: SBV.ThmResult -> [SBV.SMTResult]
thmSMTResults (SBV.ThmResult r) = [r]

satProve :: Bool
         -> Maybe Int -- ^ satNum
         -> (String, Bool)
         -> [DeclGroup]
         -> Maybe FilePath
         -> (Expr, Schema)
         -> M.ModuleCmd ProverResult
satProve isSat mSatNum (proverName, verbose) edecls mfile (expr, schema) = protectStack $ \modEnv -> do
  let extDgs = allDeclGroups modEnv ++ edecls
  provers <-
    case proverName of
      "any" -> SBV.sbvAvailableSolvers
      _ -> return [(lookupProver proverName) { SBV.smtFile = mfile }]
  let provers' = [ p { SBV.timing = verbose, SBV.verbose = verbose } | p <- provers ]
  let tyFn = if isSat then existsFinType else forallFinType
  let runProver fn tag e = do
        when verbose $ liftIO $
          putStrLn $ "Trying proof with " ++
                     intercalate ", " (map show provers)
        (firstProver, res) <- fn provers' e
        when verbose $ liftIO $
          putStrLn $ "Got result from " ++ show firstProver
        return (tag res)
  let runFn | isSat     = runProver SBV.allSatWithAny allSatSMTResults
            | otherwise = runProver SBV.proveWithAny  thmSMTResults
  case predArgTypes schema of
    Left msg -> return (Right (ProverError msg, modEnv), [])
    Right ts -> do when verbose $ putStrLn "Simulating..."
                   let env = evalDecls emptyEnv extDgs
                   let v = evalExpr env expr
                   results' <- runFn $ do
                                 args <- mapM tyFn ts
                                 b <- return $! fromVBit (foldl fromVFun v args)
                                 return b
                   let results = maybe results' (\n -> take n results') mSatNum
                   esatexprs <- case results of
                     -- allSat can return more than one as long as
                     -- they're satisfiable
                     (SBV.Satisfiable {} : _) -> do
                       tevss <- mapM mkTevs results
                       return $ AllSatResult tevss
                         mkTevs result =
                           let Right (_, cws) = SBV.getModel result
                               (vs, _) = parseValues ts cws
                               sattys = unFinType <$> ts
                               satexprs = zipWithM Eval.toExpr sattys vs
                           in case zip3 sattys <$> satexprs <*> pure vs of
                             Nothing ->
                               panic "Cryptol.Symbolic.sat"
                                 [ "unable to make assignment into expression" ]
                             Just tevs -> return $ tevs
                     -- prove returns only one
                     [SBV.Unsatisfiable {}] ->
                       return $ ThmResult (unFinType <$> ts)
                     -- unsat returns empty
                     [] -> return $ ThmResult (unFinType <$> ts)
                     -- otherwise something is wrong
                     _ -> return $ ProverError (rshow results)
                            where rshow | isSat = show . SBV.AllSatResult . (boom,)
                                        | otherwise = show . SBV.ThmResult . head
                                  boom = panic "Cryptol.Symbolic.sat"
                                           [ "attempted to evaluate bogus boolean for pretty-printing" ]
                   return (Right (esatexprs, modEnv), [])

satProveOffline :: Bool
                -> Bool
                -> [DeclGroup]
                -> Maybe FilePath
                -> (Expr, Schema)
                -> M.ModuleCmd ProverResult
satProveOffline isSat vrb edecls mfile (expr, schema) =
  protectStack $ \modEnv -> do
    let extDgs = allDeclGroups modEnv ++ edecls
    let tyFn = if isSat then existsFinType else forallFinType
    let filename = fromMaybe "standard output" mfile
    case predArgTypes schema of
      Left msg -> return (Right (ProverError msg, modEnv), [])
      Right ts ->
        do when vrb $ putStrLn "Simulating..."
           let env = evalDecls emptyEnv extDgs
           let v = evalExpr env expr
           let satWord | isSat = "satisfiability"
                       | otherwise = "validity"
           txt <- SBV.compileToSMTLib smtMode isSat $ do
                    args <- mapM tyFn ts
                    b <- return $! fromVBit (foldl fromVFun v args)
                    liftIO $ putStrLn $
                      "Writing to SMT-Lib file " ++ filename ++ "..."
                    return b
           liftIO $ putStrLn $
             "To determine the " ++ satWord ++
             " of the expression, use an external SMT solver."
           case mfile of
             Just path -> writeFile path txt
             Nothing -> putStr txt
           return (Right (EmptyResult, modEnv), [])

protectStack :: M.ModuleCmd ProverResult
             -> M.ModuleCmd ProverResult
protectStack cmd modEnv = X.catchJust isOverflow (cmd modEnv) handler
  where isOverflow X.StackOverflow = Just ()
        isOverflow _               = Nothing
        msg = "Symbolic evaluation failed to terminate."
        handler () = return (Right (ProverError msg, modEnv), [])

parseValues :: [FinType] -> [SBV.CW] -> ([Eval.Value], [SBV.CW])
parseValues [] cws = ([], cws)
parseValues (t : ts) cws = (v : vs, cws'')
  where (v, cws') = parseValue t cws
        (vs, cws'') = parseValues ts cws'

parseValue :: FinType -> [SBV.CW] -> (Eval.Value, [SBV.CW])
parseValue FTBit [] = panic "Cryptol.Symbolic.parseValue" [ "empty FTBit" ]
parseValue FTBit (cw : cws) = (Eval.VBit (SBV.cwToBool cw), cws)
parseValue (FTSeq 0 FTBit) cws = (Eval.VWord (Eval.BV 0 0), cws)
parseValue (FTSeq n FTBit) cws =
  case SBV.genParse (SBV.KBounded False n) cws of
    Just (x, cws') -> (Eval.VWord (Eval.BV (toInteger n) x), cws')
    Nothing        -> (Eval.VSeq True vs, cws')
      where (vs, cws') = parseValues (replicate n FTBit) cws
parseValue (FTSeq n t) cws = (Eval.VSeq False vs, cws')
  where (vs, cws') = parseValues (replicate n t) cws
parseValue (FTTuple ts) cws = (Eval.VTuple vs, cws')
  where (vs, cws') = parseValues ts cws
parseValue (FTRecord fs) cws = (Eval.VRecord (zip ns vs), cws')
  where (ns, ts) = unzip fs
        (vs, cws') = parseValues ts cws

allDeclGroups :: M.ModuleEnv -> [DeclGroup]
allDeclGroups = concatMap mDecls . M.loadedModules

data FinType
    = FTBit
    | FTSeq Int FinType
    | FTTuple [FinType]
    | FTRecord [(Name, FinType)]

numType :: Type -> Maybe Int
numType (TCon (TC (TCNum n)) [])
  | 0 <= n && n <= toInteger (maxBound :: Int) = Just (fromInteger n)
numType (TUser _ _ t) = numType t
numType _ = Nothing

finType :: Type -> Maybe FinType
finType ty =
  case ty of
    TCon (TC TCBit) []       -> Just FTBit
    TCon (TC TCSeq) [n, t]   -> FTSeq <$> numType n <*> finType t
    TCon (TC (TCTuple _)) ts -> FTTuple <$> traverse finType ts
    TRec fields              -> FTRecord <$> traverse (traverseSnd finType) fields
    TUser _ _ t              -> finType t
    _                        -> Nothing

unFinType :: FinType -> Type
unFinType fty =
  case fty of
    FTBit        -> tBit
    FTSeq l ety  -> tSeq (tNum l) (unFinType ety)
    FTTuple ftys -> tTuple (unFinType <$> ftys)
    FTRecord fs  -> tRec (zip fns tys)
        fns = fst <$> fs
        tys = unFinType . snd <$> fs

predArgTypes :: Schema -> Either String [FinType]
predArgTypes schema@(Forall ts ps ty)
  | null ts && null ps =
      case go ty of
        Just fts -> Right fts
        Nothing  -> Left $ "Not a valid predicate type:\n" ++ show (pp schema)
  | otherwise = Left $ "Not a monomorphic type:\n" ++ show (pp schema)
    go (TCon (TC TCBit) []) = Just []
    go (TCon (TC TCFun) [ty1, ty2]) = (:) <$> finType ty1 <*> go ty2
    go (TUser _ _ t) = go t
    go _ = Nothing

forallFinType :: FinType -> SBV.Symbolic Value
forallFinType ty =
  case ty of
    FTBit         -> VBit <$> forallSBool_
    FTSeq 0 FTBit -> return $ VWord (literalSWord 0 0)
    FTSeq n FTBit -> VWord <$> (forallBV_ n)
    FTSeq n t     -> VSeq False <$> replicateM n (forallFinType t)
    FTTuple ts    -> VTuple <$> mapM forallFinType ts
    FTRecord fs   -> VRecord <$> mapM (traverseSnd forallFinType) fs

existsFinType :: FinType -> SBV.Symbolic Value
existsFinType ty =
  case ty of
    FTBit         -> VBit <$> existsSBool_
    FTSeq 0 FTBit -> return $ VWord (literalSWord 0 0)
    FTSeq n FTBit -> VWord <$> existsBV_ n
    FTSeq n t     -> VSeq False <$> replicateM n (existsFinType t)
    FTTuple ts    -> VTuple <$> mapM existsFinType ts
    FTRecord fs   -> VRecord <$> mapM (traverseSnd existsFinType) fs

-- Simulation environment ------------------------------------------------------

data Env = Env
  { envVars :: Map.Map QName Value
  , envTypes :: Map.Map TVar TValue

instance Monoid Env where
  mempty = Env
    { envVars  = Map.empty
    , envTypes = Map.empty

  mappend l r = Env
    { envVars  = Map.union (envVars  l) (envVars  r)
    , envTypes = Map.union (envTypes l) (envTypes r)

emptyEnv :: Env
emptyEnv = mempty

-- | Bind a variable in the evaluation environment.
bindVar :: (QName, Value) -> Env -> Env
bindVar (n, thunk) env = env { envVars = Map.insert n thunk (envVars env) }

-- | Lookup a variable in the environment.
lookupVar :: QName -> Env -> Maybe Value
lookupVar n env = Map.lookup n (envVars env)

-- | Bind a type variable of kind *.
bindType :: TVar -> TValue -> Env -> Env
bindType p ty env = env { envTypes = Map.insert p ty (envTypes env) }

-- | Lookup a type variable.
lookupType :: TVar -> Env -> Maybe TValue
lookupType p env = Map.lookup p (envTypes env)

-- Expressions -----------------------------------------------------------------

evalExpr :: Env -> Expr -> Value
evalExpr env expr =
  case expr of
    ECon econ         -> evalECon econ
    EList es ty       -> VSeq (tIsBit ty) (map eval es)
    ETuple es         -> VTuple (map eval es)
    ERec fields       -> VRecord [ (f, eval e) | (f, e) <- fields ]
    ESel e sel        -> evalSel sel (eval e)
    EIf b e1 e2       -> iteValue (fromVBit (eval b)) (eval e1) (eval e2)
    EComp ty e mss    -> evalComp env (evalType env ty) e mss
    EVar n            -> case lookupVar n env of
                           Just x -> x
                           _ -> panic "Cryptol.Symbolic.evalExpr" [ "Variable " ++ show n ++ " not found" ]
    -- TODO: how to deal with uninterpreted functions?
    ETAbs tv e        -> VPoly $ \ty -> evalExpr (bindType (tpVar tv) ty env) e
    ETApp e ty        -> fromVPoly (eval e) (evalType env ty)
    EApp e1 e2        -> fromVFun (eval e1) (eval e2)
    EAbs n _ty e      -> VFun $ \x -> evalExpr (bindVar (n, x) env) e
    EProofAbs _prop e -> eval e
    EProofApp e       -> eval e
    ECast e _ty       -> eval e
    EWhere e ds       -> evalExpr (evalDecls env ds) e
      eval e = evalExpr env e

evalType :: Env -> Type -> TValue
evalType env ty = Cryptol.Eval.Type.evalType env' ty
  where env' = Cryptol.Eval.Env.EvalEnv Map.empty (envTypes env)

evalSel :: Selector -> Value -> Value
evalSel sel v =
  case sel of
    TupleSel n _  ->
      case v of
        VTuple xs  -> xs !! n -- 0-based indexing
        VSeq b xs  -> VSeq b (map (evalSel sel) xs)
        VStream xs -> VStream (map (evalSel sel) xs)
        VFun f     -> VFun (\x -> evalSel sel (f x))
        _ -> panic "Cryptol.Symbolic.evalSel" [ "Tuple selector applied to incompatible type" ]

    RecordSel n _ ->
      case v of
        VRecord bs  -> case lookup n bs of
                         Just x -> x
                         _ -> panic "Cryptol.Symbolic.evalSel" [ "Selector " ++ show n ++ " not found" ]
        VSeq b xs   -> VSeq b (map (evalSel sel) xs)
        VStream xs  -> VStream (map (evalSel sel) xs)
        VFun f      -> VFun (\x -> evalSel sel (f x))
        _ -> panic "Cryptol.Symbolic.evalSel" [ "Record selector applied to non-record" ]

    ListSel n _   -> case v of
                       VWord s -> VBit (SBV.svTestBit s n)
                       _       -> fromSeq v !! n  -- 0-based indexing

-- Declarations ----------------------------------------------------------------

evalDecls :: Env -> [DeclGroup] -> Env
evalDecls = foldl evalDeclGroup

evalDeclGroup :: Env -> DeclGroup -> Env
evalDeclGroup env dg =
  case dg of
    NonRecursive d -> bindVar (evalDecl env d) env
    Recursive ds   -> let env' = foldr bindVar env lazyBindings
                          bindings = map (evalDecl env') ds
                          lazyBindings = [ (qname, copyBySchema env (dSignature d) v)
                                         | (d, (qname, v)) <- zip ds bindings ]
                      in env'

evalDecl :: Env -> Decl -> (QName, Value)
evalDecl env d = (dName d, evalExpr env (dDefinition d))

-- | Make a copy of the given value, building the spine based only on
-- the type without forcing the value argument. This lets us avoid
-- strictness problems when evaluating recursive definitions.
copyBySchema :: Env -> Schema -> Value -> Value
copyBySchema env0 (Forall params _props ty) = go params env0
    go [] env v = copyByType env (evalType env ty) v
    go (p : ps) env v =
      VPoly (\t -> go ps (bindType (tpVar p) t env) (fromVPoly v t))

copyByType :: Env -> TValue -> Value -> Value
copyByType env ty v
  | isTBit ty                    = VBit (fromVBit v)
  | Just (n, ety) <- isTSeq ty   = case numTValue n of
                                     Nat _ -> VSeq (isTBit ety) (fromSeq v)
                                     Inf   -> VStream (fromSeq v)
  | Just (_, bty) <- isTFun ty   = VFun (\x -> copyByType env bty (fromVFun v x))
  | Just (_, tys) <- isTTuple ty = VTuple (zipWith (copyByType env) tys (fromVTuple v))
  | Just fs <- isTRec ty         = VRecord [ (f, copyByType env t (lookupRecord f v)) | (f, t) <- fs ]
  | otherwise                    = v
-- copyByType env ty v = logicUnary id id (evalType env ty) v

-- List Comprehensions ---------------------------------------------------------

-- | Evaluate a comprehension.
evalComp :: Env -> TValue -> Expr -> [[Match]] -> Value
evalComp env seqty body ms
  | Just (len,el) <- isTSeq seqty = toSeq len el [ evalExpr e body | e <- envs ]
  | otherwise = evalPanic "Cryptol.Eval" [ "evalComp given a non sequence"
                                         , show seqty

  -- XXX we could potentially print this as a number if the type was available.
  -- generate a new environment for each iteration of each parallel branch
  benvs = map (branchEnvs env) ms

  -- take parallel slices of each environment.  when the length of the list
  -- drops below the number of branches, one branch has terminated.
  allBranches es = length es == length ms
  slices         = takeWhile allBranches (transpose benvs)

  -- join environments to produce environments at each step through the process.
  envs = map mconcat slices

-- | Turn a list of matches into the final environments for each iteration of
-- the branch.
branchEnvs :: Env -> [Match] -> [Env]
branchEnvs env matches =
  case matches of
    []     -> [env]
    m : ms -> do env' <- evalMatch env m
                 branchEnvs env' ms

-- | Turn a match into the list of environments it represents.
evalMatch :: Env -> Match -> [Env]
evalMatch env m = case m of
  From n _ty expr -> [ bindVar (n, v) env | v <- fromSeq (evalExpr env expr) ]
  Let d           -> [ bindVar (evalDecl env d) env ]