-- |
-- Module      :  $Header$
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2013-2016 Galois, Inc.
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  cryptol@galois.com
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable
-- This module contains types used during type inference.

{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Cryptol.TypeCheck.InferTypes where

import           Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST
import           Cryptol.TypeCheck.Subst
import           Cryptol.TypeCheck.TypeMap
import           Cryptol.Parser.Position
import qualified Cryptol.Parser.AST as P
import           Cryptol.Utils.PP
import           Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name (asPrim,nameLoc)
import           Cryptol.TypeCheck.PP
import           Cryptol.Utils.Ident (Ident,identText)
import           Cryptol.Utils.Panic(panic)

import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap

import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Control.DeepSeq.Generics

data SolverConfig = SolverConfig
  { solverPath    :: FilePath   -- ^ The SMT solver to invoke
  , solverArgs    :: [String]   -- ^ Additional arguments to pass to the solver
  , solverVerbose :: Int        -- ^ How verbose to be when type-checking
  } deriving (Show, Generic)

instance NFData SolverConfig where rnf = genericRnf

-- | The types of variables in the environment.
data VarType = ExtVar Schema      -- ^ Known type
             | CurSCC Expr Type   -- ^ Part of current SCC

newtype Goals = Goals (TypeMap Goal)
                deriving (Show)

emptyGoals :: Goals
emptyGoals  = Goals emptyTM

nullGoals :: Goals -> Bool
nullGoals (Goals tm) = nullTM tm

fromGoals :: Goals -> [Goal]
fromGoals (Goals tm) = membersTM tm

insertGoal :: Goal -> Goals -> Goals
insertGoal g (Goals tm) = Goals (insertTM (goal g) g tm)

-- | Something that we need to find evidence for.
data Goal = Goal
  { goalSource :: ConstraintSource  -- ^ With it is about
  , goalRange  :: Range             -- ^ Part of source code that caused goal
  , goal       :: Prop              -- ^ What needs to be proved
  } deriving (Show,Generic)

instance NFData Goal where rnf = genericRnf

data HasGoal = HasGoal
  { hasName :: !Int
  , hasGoal :: Goal
  } deriving Show

-- | Delayed implication constraints, arising from user-specified type sigs.
data DelayedCt = DelayedCt
  { dctSource :: Name   -- ^ Signature that gave rise to this constraint
  , dctForall :: [TParam]
  , dctAsmps  :: [Prop]
  , dctGoals  :: [Goal]
  } deriving (Show,Generic)

instance NFData DelayedCt where rnf = genericRnf

data Solved = Solved (Maybe Subst) [Goal] -- ^ Solved, assuming the sub-goals.
            | Unsolved                    -- ^ We could not solved the goal.
            | Unsolvable                  -- ^ The goal can never be solved
              deriving (Show)

data Warning  = DefaultingKind (P.TParam Name) P.Kind
              | DefaultingWildType P.Kind
              | DefaultingTo Doc Type
                deriving (Show,Generic)

instance NFData Warning where rnf = genericRnf

-- | Various errors that might happen during type checking/inference
data Error    = ErrorMsg Doc
                -- ^ Just say this

              | KindMismatch Kind Kind
                -- ^ Expected kind, inferred kind

              | TooManyTypeParams Int Kind
                -- ^ Number of extra parameters, kind of resut
                -- (which should not be of the form @_ -> _@)

              | TooManyTySynParams Name Int
                -- ^ Type-synonym, number of extra params

              | TooFewTySynParams Name Int
                -- ^ Type-synonym, number of missing params

              | RepeatedTyParams [P.TParam Name]
                -- ^ Type parameters with the same name (in definition)

              | RepeatedDefinitions Name [Range]
                -- ^ Multiple definitions for the same name

              | RecursiveTypeDecls [Name]
                -- ^ The type synonym declarations are recursive

              | UndefinedTypeSynonym Name
                -- ^ Use of a type synonym that was not defined

              | UndefinedVariable Name
                -- ^ Use of a variable that was not defined

              | UndefinedTypeParam (Located Ident)
                -- ^ Attempt to explicitly instantiate a non-existent param.

              | MultipleTypeParamDefs Ident [Range]
                -- ^ Multiple definitions for the same type parameter

              | TypeMismatch Type Type
                -- ^ Expected type, inferred type

              | RecursiveType Type Type
                -- ^ Unification results in a recursive type

              | UnsolvedGoal Bool Goal
                -- ^ A constraint that we could not solve
                -- The boolean indicates if we know that this constraint
                -- is impossible.

              | UnsolvedDelcayedCt DelayedCt
                -- ^ A constraint (with context) that we could not solve

              | UnexpectedTypeWildCard
                -- ^ Type wild cards are not allowed in this context
                -- (e.g., definitions of type synonyms).

              | TypeVariableEscaped Type [TVar]
                -- ^ Unification variable depends on quantified variables
                -- that are not in scope.

              | NotForAll TVar Type
                -- ^ Quantified type variables (of kind *) needs to
                -- match the given type, so it does not work for all types.

              | UnusableFunction Name [Prop]
                -- ^ The given constraints causes the signature of the
                -- function to be not-satisfiable.

              | TooManyPositionalTypeParams
                -- ^ Too many positional type arguments, in an explicit
                -- type instantiation

              | CannotMixPositionalAndNamedTypeParams

              | AmbiguousType [Name]

                deriving (Show,Generic)

instance NFData Error where rnf = genericRnf

-- | Information about how a constraint came to be, used in error reporting.
data ConstraintSource
  = CtComprehension       -- ^ Computing shape of list comprehension
  | CtSplitPat            -- ^ Use of a split pattern
  | CtTypeSig             -- ^ A type signature in a pattern or expression
  | CtInst Expr           -- ^ Instantiation of this expression
  | CtSelector
  | CtExactType
  | CtEnumeration
  | CtDefaulting          -- ^ Just defaulting on the command line
  | CtPartialTypeFun TyFunName -- ^ Use of a partial type function.
  | CtImprovement
    deriving (Show,Generic)

instance NFData ConstraintSource where rnf = genericRnf

data TyFunName = UserTyFun Name | BuiltInTyFun TFun
                deriving (Show,Generic)

instance NFData TyFunName where rnf = genericRnf

instance PP TyFunName where
  ppPrec c (UserTyFun x)    = ppPrec c x
  ppPrec c (BuiltInTyFun x) = ppPrec c x

instance TVars ConstraintSource where
  apSubst su src =
    case src of
      CtComprehension -> src
      CtSplitPat      -> src
      CtTypeSig       -> src
      CtInst e        -> CtInst (apSubst su e)
      CtSelector      -> src
      CtExactType     -> src
      CtEnumeration   -> src
      CtDefaulting    -> src
      CtPartialTypeFun _ -> src
      CtImprovement    -> src

instance TVars Warning where
  apSubst su warn =
    case warn of
      DefaultingKind {}     -> warn
      DefaultingWildType {} -> warn
      DefaultingTo d ty     -> DefaultingTo d (apSubst su ty)

instance FVS Warning where
  fvs warn =
    case warn of
      DefaultingKind {}     -> Set.empty
      DefaultingWildType {} -> Set.empty
      DefaultingTo _ ty     -> fvs ty

instance TVars Error where
  apSubst su err =
    case err of
      ErrorMsg _                -> err
      KindMismatch {}           -> err
      TooManyTypeParams {}      -> err
      TooManyTySynParams {}     -> err
      TooFewTySynParams {}      -> err
      RepeatedTyParams {}       -> err
      RepeatedDefinitions {}    -> err
      RecursiveTypeDecls {}     -> err
      UndefinedTypeSynonym {}   -> err
      UndefinedVariable {}      -> err
      UndefinedTypeParam {}     -> err
      MultipleTypeParamDefs {}  -> err
      TypeMismatch t1 t2        -> TypeMismatch (apSubst su t1) (apSubst su t2)
      RecursiveType t1 t2       -> RecursiveType (apSubst su t1) (apSubst su t2)
      UnsolvedGoal x g          -> UnsolvedGoal x (apSubst su g)
      UnsolvedDelcayedCt g      -> UnsolvedDelcayedCt (apSubst su g)
      UnexpectedTypeWildCard    -> err
      TypeVariableEscaped t xs  -> TypeVariableEscaped (apSubst su t) xs
      NotForAll x t             -> NotForAll x (apSubst su t)
      UnusableFunction f ps      -> UnusableFunction f (apSubst su ps)
      TooManyPositionalTypeParams -> err
      CannotMixPositionalAndNamedTypeParams -> err
      AmbiguousType _           -> err

instance FVS Error where
  fvs err =
    case err of
      ErrorMsg {}               -> Set.empty
      KindMismatch {}           -> Set.empty
      TooManyTypeParams {}      -> Set.empty
      TooManyTySynParams {}     -> Set.empty
      TooFewTySynParams {}      -> Set.empty
      RepeatedTyParams {}       -> Set.empty
      RepeatedDefinitions {}    -> Set.empty
      RecursiveTypeDecls {}     -> Set.empty
      UndefinedTypeSynonym {}   -> Set.empty
      UndefinedVariable {}      -> Set.empty
      UndefinedTypeParam {}     -> Set.empty
      MultipleTypeParamDefs {}  -> Set.empty
      TypeMismatch t1 t2        -> fvs (t1,t2)
      RecursiveType t1 t2       -> fvs (t1,t2)
      UnsolvedGoal _ g          -> fvs g
      UnsolvedDelcayedCt g      -> fvs g
      UnexpectedTypeWildCard    -> Set.empty
      TypeVariableEscaped t _   -> fvs t
      NotForAll _ t             -> fvs t
      UnusableFunction _ p      -> fvs p
      TooManyPositionalTypeParams -> Set.empty
      CannotMixPositionalAndNamedTypeParams -> Set.empty
      AmbiguousType _           ->  Set.empty

instance FVS Goal where
  fvs g = fvs (goal g)

instance FVS DelayedCt where
  fvs d = fvs (dctAsmps d, dctGoals d) `Set.difference`
                            Set.fromList (map tpVar (dctForall d))

-- This first applies the substitution to the keys of the goal map, then to the
-- values that remain, as applying the substitution to the keys will only ever
-- reduce the number of values that remain.
instance TVars Goals where
  apSubst su (Goals goals) =
    Goals (mapWithKeyTM setGoal (apSubstTypeMapKeys su goals))
    -- as the key for the goal map is the same as the goal, and the substitution
    -- has been applied to the key already, just replace the existing goal with
    -- the key.
    setGoal key g = g { goalSource = apSubst su (goalSource g)
                      , goal       = key

instance TVars Goal where
  apSubst su g = Goal { goalSource = apSubst su (goalSource g)
                      , goalRange  = goalRange g
                      , goal       = apSubst su (goal g)

instance TVars HasGoal where
  apSubst su h = h { hasGoal = apSubst su (hasGoal h) }

instance TVars DelayedCt where
  apSubst su g
    | Set.null captured =
       DelayedCt { dctSource = dctSource g
                 , dctForall = dctForall g
                 , dctAsmps  = apSubst su1 (dctAsmps g)
                 , dctGoals  = apSubst su1 (dctGoals g)
    | otherwise = panic "Cryptol.TypeCheck.Subst.apSubst (DelayedCt)"
                    [ "Captured quantified variables:"
                    , "Substitution: " ++ show m1
                    , "Variables:    " ++ show captured
                    , "Constraint:   " ++ show g

    used  = fvs (dctAsmps g, map goal (dctGoals g)) `Set.difference`
                                          Set.fromList (map tpVar (dctForall g))
    m1    = Map.filterWithKey (\k _ -> k `Set.member` used) (suMap su)
    su1   = S { suMap = m1, suDefaulting = suDefaulting su }

    captured = Set.fromList (map tpVar (dctForall g)) `Set.intersection`
                                                          fvs (Map.elems m1)

-- | For use in error messages
cppKind :: Kind -> Doc
cppKind ki =
  case ki of
    KNum  -> text "a numeric type"
    KType -> text "a value type"
    KProp -> text "a constraint"
    _     -> pp ki

addTVarsDescs :: FVS t => NameMap -> t -> Doc -> Doc
addTVarsDescs nm t d
  | Set.null vs = d
  | otherwise   = d $$ text "where" $$ vcat (map desc (Set.toList vs))
  vs                      = Set.filter isFreeTV (fvs t)
  desc v@(TVFree _ _ _ x) = ppWithNames nm v <+> text "is" <+> x
  desc (TVBound {})       = empty

instance PP Warning where
  ppPrec = ppWithNamesPrec IntMap.empty

instance PP Error where
  ppPrec = ppWithNamesPrec IntMap.empty

instance PP (WithNames Warning) where
  ppPrec _ (WithNames warn names) =
    addTVarsDescs names warn $
    case warn of
      DefaultingKind x k ->
        text "Assuming " <+> pp x <+> text "to have" <+> P.cppKind k

      DefaultingWildType k ->
        text "Assuming _ to have" <+> P.cppKind k

      DefaultingTo d ty ->
        text "Defaulting" <+> d $$ text "to" <+> ppWithNames names ty

instance PP (WithNames Error) where
  ppPrec _ (WithNames err names) =
    addTVarsDescs names err $
    case err of
      ErrorMsg msg -> msg

      RecursiveType t1 t2 ->
        nested (text "Matching would result in an infinite type.")
          (text "The type: " <+> ppWithNames names t1 $$
           text "occurs in:" <+> ppWithNames names t2)

      UnexpectedTypeWildCard ->
        nested (text "Wild card types are not allowed in this context")
          (text "(e.g., they cannot be used in type synonyms).")

      KindMismatch k1 k2 ->
        nested (text "Incorrect type form.")
          (text "Expected:" <+> cppKind k1 $$
           text "Inferred:" <+> cppKind k2)

      TooManyTypeParams extra k ->
        nested (text "Malformed type.")
          (text "Kind" <+> quotes (pp k) <+> text "is not a function," $$
           text "but it was applied to" <+> pl extra "parameter" <> text ".")

      TooManyTySynParams t extra ->
        nested (text "Malformed type.")
          (text "Type synonym" <+> nm t <+> text "was applied to" <+>
            pl extra "extra parameter" <> text ".")

      TooFewTySynParams t few ->
        nested (text "Malformed type.")
          (text "Type" <+> nm t <+> text "is missing" <+>
            int few <+> text "parameters.")

      RepeatedTyParams ps ->
        nested (text "Different type parameters use the same name:")
          (vmulti [ nm (P.tpName p) <+>
                    text "defined at" <+> mb (P.tpRange p) | p <- ps ] )
          where mb Nothing  = text "unknown location"
                mb (Just x) = pp x

      RepeatedDefinitions x ps ->
        nested (text "Multiple definitions for the same name:")
          (vmulti [ nm x <+> text "defined at" <+> pp p | p <- ps ])

      RecursiveTypeDecls ts ->
        nested (text "Recursive type declarations:")
               (fsep $ punctuate comma $ map nm ts)

      UndefinedTypeSynonym x ->
        text "Type synonym" <+> nm x <+> text "is not defined."

      UndefinedVariable x ->
        text "Variable" <+> nm x <+> text "was not defined."

      UndefinedTypeParam x ->
        text "Type variable" <+> nm x <+> text "was not defined."

      MultipleTypeParamDefs x ps ->
        nested (text "Multiple definitions for the same type parameter"
                                                        <+> nm x <> text ":")
               (vmulti [ text "defined at" <+> pp p | p <- ps ])

      TypeMismatch t1 t2 ->
        nested (text "Type mismatch:")
          (text "Expected type:" <+> ppWithNames names t1 $$
           text "Inferred type:" <+> ppWithNames names t2)

      UnsolvedGoal imp g ->
        nested (word <+> text "constraint:") (ppWithNames names g)
        where word = if imp then text "Unsolvable" else text "Unsolved"

      UnsolvedDelcayedCt g ->
        nested (text "Failed to validate user-specified signature.")
               (ppWithNames names g)

      TypeVariableEscaped t xs ->
        nested (text "The type" <+> ppWithNames names t <+>
                text "is not sufficiently polymorphic.")
               (text "It cannot depend on quantified variables:" <+>
                sep (punctuate comma (map (ppWithNames names) xs)))

      NotForAll x t ->
        nested (text "Inferred type is not sufficiently polymorphic.")
          (text "Quantified variable:" <+> ppWithNames names x $$
           text "cannot match type:"   <+> ppWithNames names t)

      UnusableFunction f ps ->
        nested (text "The constraints in the type signature of"
                <+> quotes (pp f) <+> text "are unsolvable.")
               (text "Detected while analyzing constraints:"
                $$ vcat (map (ppWithNames names) ps))

      TooManyPositionalTypeParams ->
        text "Too many positional type-parameters in explicit type application"

      CannotMixPositionalAndNamedTypeParams ->
        text "Named and positional type applications may not be mixed."

      AmbiguousType xs ->
        text "The inferred type for" <+> commaSep (map pp xs)
          <+> text "is ambiguous." 

    nested x y = x $$ nest 2 y

    pl 1 x     = text "1" <+> text x
    pl n x     = text (show n) <+> text x <> text "s"

    nm x       = text "`" <> pp x <> text "`"

    vmulti          = vcat . multi

    multi []        = []
    multi [x]       = [x <> text "."]
    multi [x,y]     = [x <> text ", and", y <> text "." ]
    multi (x : xs)  = x <> text "," : multi xs

instance PP ConstraintSource where
  ppPrec _ src =
    case src of
      CtComprehension -> text "list comprehension"
      CtSplitPat      -> text "split (#) pattern"
      CtTypeSig       -> text "type signature"
      CtInst e        -> text "use of" <+> ppUse e
      CtSelector      -> text "use of selector"
      CtExactType     -> text "matching types"
      CtEnumeration   -> text "list enumeration"
      CtDefaulting    -> text "defaulting"
      CtPartialTypeFun f -> text "use of partial type function" <+> pp f
      CtImprovement   -> text "examination of collected goals"

ppUse :: Expr -> Doc
ppUse expr =
  case expr of
    EVar (asPrim -> Just prim)
      | identText prim == "demote"       -> text "literal or demoted expression"
      | identText prim == "infFrom"      -> text "infinite enumeration"
      | identText prim == "infFromThen"  -> text "infinite enumeration (with step)"
      | identText prim == "fromThen"     -> text "finite enumeration"
      | identText prim == "fromTo"       -> text "finite enumeration"
      | identText prim == "fromThenTo"   -> text "finite enumeration"
    _                          -> text "expression" <+> pp expr

instance PP (WithNames Goal) where
  ppPrec _ (WithNames g names) =
      (ppWithNames names (goal g)) $$
               nest 2 (text "arising from" $$
                       pp (goalSource g)   $$
                       text "at" <+> pp (goalRange g))

instance PP (WithNames DelayedCt) where
  ppPrec _ (WithNames d names) =
    sig $$ nest 2 (vars $$ asmps $$ vcat (map (ppWithNames ns1) (dctGoals d)))
    sig = text "In the definition of" <+> quotes (pp name) <>
          comma <+> text "at" <+> pp (nameLoc name) <> colon

    name  = dctSource d
    vars = case dctForall d of
             [] -> empty
             xs -> text "for any type" <+>
                      fsep (punctuate comma (map (ppWithNames ns1 ) xs))
    asmps = case dctAsmps d of
              [] -> empty
              xs -> nest 2 (vcat (map (ppWithNames ns1) xs)) $$ text "=>"

    ns1 = addTNames (dctForall d) names

instance PP Solved where
  ppPrec _ res =
    case res of
      Solved mb gs  -> text "solved" $$ nest 2 (suDoc $$ vcat (map (pp . goal) gs))
        where suDoc = maybe empty pp mb
      Unsolved      -> text "unsolved"
      Unsolvable    -> text "unsolvable"