-- |
-- Module      :  $Header$
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2013-2016 Galois, Inc.
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  cryptol@galois.com
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable

{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
module Cryptol.TypeCheck.Subst where

import           Data.Either (partitionEithers)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import           Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set

import Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.PP
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.TypeMap
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic(panic)
import Cryptol.Utils.Misc(anyJust)

data Subst = S { suMap :: Map.Map TVar Type, suDefaulting :: !Bool }
                  deriving Show

emptySubst :: Subst
emptySubst = S { suMap = Map.empty, suDefaulting = False }

singleSubst :: TVar -> Type -> Subst
singleSubst x t = S { suMap = Map.singleton x t, suDefaulting = False }

(@@) :: Subst -> Subst -> Subst
s2 @@ s1 = S { suMap = Map.map (apSubst s2) (suMap s1) `Map.union` suMap s2
             , suDefaulting = suDefaulting s1 || suDefaulting s2

defaultingSubst :: Subst -> Subst
defaultingSubst s = s { suDefaulting = True }

-- | Makes a substitution out of a list.
-- WARNING: We do not validate the list in any way, so the caller should
-- ensure that we end up with a valid (e.g., idempotent) substitution.
listSubst :: [(TVar,Type)] -> Subst
listSubst xs = S { suMap = Map.fromList xs, suDefaulting = False }

isEmptySubst :: Subst -> Bool
isEmptySubst su = Map.null (suMap su)

-- Returns `Nothing` if this is a deaulting substitution
substToList :: Subst -> Maybe [ (TVar, Type) ]
substToList su | suDefaulting su = Nothing
               | otherwise       = Just $ Map.toList $ suMap su

instance PP (WithNames Subst) where
  ppPrec _ (WithNames s mp)
    | null els  = text "(empty substitution)"
    | otherwise = text "Substitution:" $$ nest 2 (vcat (map pp1 els))
    where pp1 (x,t) = ppWithNames mp x <+> text "=" <+> ppWithNames mp t
          els       = Map.toList (suMap s)

instance PP Subst where
  ppPrec n = ppWithNamesPrec IntMap.empty n

class FVS t where
  fvs :: t -> Set TVar

instance FVS Type where
  fvs = go
    go ty =
      case ty of
        TCon _ ts   -> Set.unions (map go ts)
        TVar x      -> Set.singleton x
        TUser _ _ t -> go t
        TRec fs     -> Set.unions (map (go . snd) fs)

instance FVS a => FVS [a] where
  fvs xs    = Set.unions (map fvs xs)

instance (FVS a, FVS b) => FVS (a,b) where
  fvs (x,y) = Set.union (fvs x) (fvs y)

instance FVS Schema where
  fvs (Forall as ps t) =
      Set.difference (Set.union (fvs ps) (fvs t)) bound
    where bound = Set.fromList (map tpVar as)

-- | Apply a substitution.  Returns `Nothing` if nothing changed.
apSubstMaybe :: Subst -> Type -> Maybe Type
apSubstMaybe su ty =
  case ty of
    TCon t ts     -> TCon t `fmap` anyJust (apSubstMaybe su) ts
    TUser f ts t  -> do t1 <- apSubstMaybe su t
                        return (TUser f (map (apSubst su) ts) t1)
    TRec fs       -> TRec `fmap` anyJust fld fs
      where fld (x,t) = do t1 <- apSubstMaybe su t
                           return (x,t1)
    TVar x ->
      case Map.lookup x (suMap su) of
        Just t -> Just $ if suDefaulting su
                            then apSubst (defaultingSubst emptySubst) t
                            else t
        Nothing -> if suDefaulting su
                    then Just (defaultFreeVar x)
                    else Nothing

class TVars t where
  apSubst :: Subst -> t -> t      -- ^ replaces free vars

instance TVars t => TVars (Maybe t) where
  apSubst s       = fmap (apSubst s)

instance TVars t => TVars [t] where
  apSubst s       = map (apSubst s)

instance (TVars s, TVars t) => TVars (s,t) where
  apSubst s (x,y)       = (apSubst s x, apSubst s y)

instance TVars Type where
  apSubst su ty =
    case ty of
      TCon t ts     -> TCon t (apSubst su ts)
      TUser f ts t  -> TUser f (apSubst su ts) (apSubst su t)
      TRec fs       -> TRec [ (x,apSubst su s) | (x,s) <- fs ]
      TVar x
        | Just t    <- Map.lookup x (suMap su) ->
                       if suDefaulting su
                          then apSubst (defaultingSubst emptySubst) t
                          else t
        | suDefaulting su -> defaultFreeVar x
        | otherwise -> ty

-- | Pick types for unconstrained unification variables.
defaultFreeVar :: TVar -> Type
defaultFreeVar x@(TVBound {}) = TVar x
defaultFreeVar (TVFree _ k _ d) =
  case k of
    KType -> tBit
    KNum  -> tNum (0 :: Int)
    _     -> panic "Cryptol.TypeCheck.Subst.defaultFreeVar"
                  [ "Free variable of unexpected kind."
                  , "Source: " ++ show d
                  , "Kind: " ++ show k ]

instance (Functor m, TVars a) => TVars (List m a) where
  apSubst su = fmap (apSubst su)

instance TVars a => TVars (TypeMap a) where
  apSubst su = fmap (apSubst su)

-- | Apply the substitution to the keys of a type map.
apSubstTypeMapKeys :: Subst -> TypeMap a -> TypeMap a
apSubstTypeMapKeys su = go (\_ x -> x) id

  go :: (a -> a -> a) -> (a -> a) -> TypeMap a -> TypeMap a
  go merge atNode TM { .. } = foldl addKey tm' tys
    addKey tm (ty,a) = insertWithTM merge ty a tm

    tm' = TM { tvar = Map.fromList   vars
             , tcon = fmap (lgo merge atNode) tcon
             , trec = fmap (lgo merge atNode) trec

    -- partition out variables that have been replaced with more specific types
    (vars,tys) = partitionEithers
                 [ case Map.lookup v (suMap su) of
                     Just ty -> Right (ty,a')
                     Nothing -> Left  (v, a')

                 | (v,a) <- Map.toList tvar
                 , let a' = atNode a

  lgo :: (a -> a -> a) -> (a -> a) -> List TypeMap a -> List TypeMap a
  lgo merge atNode k = k { nil  = fmap atNode (nil k)
                         , cons = go (unionTM merge)
                                     (lgo merge atNode)
                                     (cons k)

{- | WARNING: This instance assumes that the quantified variables in the
types in the substitution will not get captured by the quantified variables.
This is reasonable because there should be no shadowing of quantified
variables but, just in case, we make a sanity check and panic if somehow
capture did occur. -}

instance TVars Schema where
  apSubst su sch@(Forall xs ps t)
    | Set.null captured = Forall xs (apSubst su1 ps) (apSubst su1 t)
    | otherwise = panic "Cryptol.TypeCheck.Subst.apSubst (Schema)"
                    [ "Captured quantified variables:"
                    , "Substitution: " ++ show m1
                    , "Schema:       " ++ show sch
                    , "Variables:    " ++ show captured
    used = fvs sch
    m1   = Map.filterWithKey (\k _ -> k `Set.member` used) (suMap su)
    su1  = S { suMap = m1, suDefaulting = suDefaulting su }

    captured = Set.fromList (map tpVar xs) `Set.intersection`
               fvs (Map.elems m1)

instance TVars Expr where
  apSubst su = go
    go expr =
      case expr of
        EApp e1 e2    -> EApp (go e1) (go e2)
        EAbs x t e1   -> EAbs x (apSubst su t) (go e1)
        ETAbs a e     -> ETAbs a (go e)
        ETApp e t     -> ETApp (go e) (apSubst su t)
        EProofAbs p e -> EProofAbs (apSubst su p) (go e)
        EProofApp e   -> EProofApp (go e)
        ECast e t     -> ECast (go e) (apSubst su t)

        EVar {}       -> expr

        ETuple es     -> ETuple (map go es)
        ERec fs       -> ERec [ (f, go e) | (f,e) <- fs ]
        EList es t    -> EList (map go es) (apSubst su t)
        ESel e s      -> ESel (go e) s
        EComp t e mss -> EComp (apSubst su t) (go e) (apSubst su mss)
        EIf e1 e2 e3  -> EIf (go e1) (go e2) (go e3)

        EWhere e ds   -> EWhere (go e) (apSubst su ds)

instance TVars Match where
  apSubst su (From x t e) = From x (apSubst su t) (apSubst su e)
  apSubst su (Let b)      = Let (apSubst su b)

instance TVars DeclGroup where
  apSubst su (NonRecursive d) = NonRecursive (apSubst su d)
  apSubst su (Recursive ds)   = Recursive (apSubst su ds)

instance TVars Decl where
  apSubst su d          = d { dSignature  = apSubst su (dSignature d)
                            , dDefinition = apSubst su (dDefinition d)

instance TVars DeclDef where
  apSubst su (DExpr e) = DExpr (apSubst su e)
  apSubst _  DPrim     = DPrim

instance TVars Module where
  apSubst su m = m { mDecls = apSubst su (mDecls m) }