-> 0.3.3 score representation is changed (temporal-media package) -> 0.3.2 adds new GEN functionality: new functions for specific gens creation: toFtgen, toFtgentmp, toFtgenonce skipNorm accepts not only values created with genXX, but gen-like values also (created with toFtgenXXX functions) -> 0.3.1 underlying temporal-media package updates -> 0.3.0 update for Score api. Now there is no Score api by default. Consider using 'temporal-media'[1] or 'temporal-music-notation'[2] packages for csound score events composition. 'temporal-media' is general package for functional construction of list of events with fixed start time and duration, like csound notes. Tutorial moves to root-module 'CsoundExpr'. [1] http://hackage.haskell.org/package/temporal-media [2] http://hackage.haskell.org/package/temporal-music-notation -> 0.2.0 fixes docs bugs, new functions in CsoundExpr.Base.Score : extends TemporalFunctor with new methods tmap, dmap, tdmap for mapping dependent on time/duration, enveloping on Score level (diminuendo or crescendo) WARNING : API changes : tmap is now dmap and tmap stands for time dependent mapping (not duration as it was before), new class Sustainable, adds ability for legato and pedal (sustain, sustainBy functions) new class TemporalStretch, adds ability to stretch score dependent on note's start time (ritardando or accelerando) adds list-like operations on Scores : reverseS, takeS, dropS new function in CsoundExpr.Base.Arithmetic ^+ - shift with Irate -> 0.1.0 new type BoolRate, functional if/then/else is possible new operators : <^>, <%> scaling becomes ^* (due to <* is defined as lower then for signals) -> 0.0.3 fixes a bug with p-fields assignment -> 0.0.2 fixes a bug in dependencies -> 0.0.1 adds Tutorial 0.0