{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} import Css3.Selector import Css3.Selector.Utils(encodeString, readCssString) import Data.Binary(Binary, encode, decode) import Data.Function(on) import Data.Text(pack, unpack) import Test.Framework (defaultMain, testGroup) import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 (testProperty) import Test.QuickCheck main :: IO () main = defaultMain tests tests = [ testGroup "Encode-decode strings" [ testProperty "Encode-decode identity 1" (encodeDecode '"'), testProperty "Encode-decode identity 2" (encodeDecode '\''), testProperty "Encode-decode identifier" encodeDecodeId ], testGroup "Arbitrary css parsing" [ testProperty "Encode-decode css identity" encodeDecodeCss, testProperty "Encode-decode css identity: selector group" (encodeDecodeCss' @SelectorGroup), testProperty "Encode-decode css identity: selector" (encodeDecodeCss' @Selector), testProperty "Encode-decode css identity: selector sequence" (encodeDecodeCss' @SelectorSequence), testProperty "Encode-decode css identity: selector filter" (encodeDecodeCss' @SelectorFilter), testProperty "Encode-decode css identity: namespace" (encodeDecodeCss' @Namespace), testProperty "Encode-decode css identity: element name" (encodeDecodeCss' @ElementName), testProperty "Encode-decode css identity: type selector" (encodeDecodeCss' @TypeSelector), testProperty "Encode-decode css identity: attribute" (encodeDecodeCss' @Attrib), testProperty "Encode-decode css identity: attribute name" (encodeDecodeCss' @AttributeName), testProperty "Encode-decode css identity: class" (encodeDecodeCss' @Class), testProperty "Encode-decode css identity: hash" (encodeDecodeCss' @Hash) ], testGroup "SelectorSequences" [ testProperty "Adding and removing filters" addRemFilters ], testGroup "Normalization" [ testProperty "Normalized variant has the same specificity" normSpec, testProperty "Normalization is idempotent" normIdem ], testGroup "Build an expression or pattern" [ testProperty "Check build of pattern 1" buildPattern1, testProperty "Check build of pattern 2" buildPattern2 ], testGroup "Convert to binary and back" [ testProperty "Binary identity: selector group" (binaryEquivalent @SelectorGroup), testProperty "Binary identity: selector" (binaryEquivalent @Selector), testProperty "Binary identity: selector sequence" (binaryEquivalent @SelectorSequence), testProperty "Binary identity: selector filter" (binaryEquivalent @SelectorFilter), testProperty "Binary identity: namespace" (binaryEquivalent @Namespace), testProperty "Binary identity: element name" (binaryEquivalent @ElementName), testProperty "Binary identity: type selector" (binaryEquivalent @TypeSelector), testProperty "Binary identity: attribute" (binaryEquivalent @Attrib), testProperty "Binary identity: attribute name" (binaryEquivalent @AttributeName), testProperty "Binary identity: class" (binaryEquivalent @Class), testProperty "Binary identity: hash" (binaryEquivalent @Hash) ], testGroup "Check binary equality" [ testProperty "Binary uniqness: selector group" (uniqnessEncoding @SelectorGroup), testProperty "Binary uniqness: selector" (uniqnessEncoding @Selector), testProperty "Binary uniqness: selector sequence" (uniqnessEncoding @SelectorSequence), testProperty "Binary uniqness: selector filter" (uniqnessEncoding @SelectorFilter), testProperty "Binary uniqness: namespace" (uniqnessEncoding @Namespace), testProperty "Binary uniqness: element name" (uniqnessEncoding @ElementName), testProperty "Binary uniqness: type selector" (uniqnessEncoding @TypeSelector), testProperty "Binary uniqness: attribute" (uniqnessEncoding @Attrib), testProperty "Binary uniqness: attribute name" (uniqnessEncoding @AttributeName), testProperty "Binary uniqness: class" (uniqnessEncoding @Class), testProperty "Binary uniqness: hash" (uniqnessEncoding @Hash) ] ] encodeDecode :: Char -> String -> Bool encodeDecode c b = readCssString (encodeString c b) == b encodeDecodeId :: String -> Bool encodeDecodeId b = readIdentifier (unpack (encodeIdentifier (pack b))) == b encodeDecodeCss :: SelectorGroup -> Bool encodeDecodeCss sg = sg == (parseCss . unpack . toCssSelector) sg binaryEquivalent :: (Binary a, Eq a, ToCssSelector a) => a -> Bool binaryEquivalent x = decode (encode x) == x uniqnessEncoding :: (Binary a, Eq a, ToCssSelector a) => a -> a -> Bool uniqnessEncoding ca cb = (encode ca == encode cb) == (ca == cb) encodeDecodeCss' :: ToCssSelector a => a -> Bool encodeDecodeCss' sg = (parseCss . unpack . toCssSelector . toSelectorGroup) sg == toSelectorGroup sg buildPattern1 :: SelectorGroup -> Bool buildPattern1 x = toPattern x == toPattern x -- we use equality checks to force evaluation buildPattern2 :: SelectorGroup -> SelectorGroup -> Bool buildPattern2 x y = (x == y) == (toPattern x == toPattern y) addRemFilters :: TypeSelector -> [SelectorFilter] -> Bool addRemFilters x fs = filters (addFilters (SimpleSelector x) fs) == fs normSpec :: SelectorGroup -> Bool normSpec x = specificity' x == specificity' nx where nx = normalize x normIdem :: SelectorGroup -> Bool normIdem x = normalize nx == nx where nx = normalize x