-- vim:ft=haskell { module Css3.Selector.Parser where import Css3.Selector.Core import Css3.Selector.Lexer(AlexPosn(..), Token(..), TokenLoc(..)) import Data.List.NonEmpty(NonEmpty((:|)), (<|)) #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 803 import Data.Semigroup((<>)) #endif import Data.Text(pack) } %name cssselector %tokentype { TokenLoc } %error { happyError } %token ',' { TokenLoc Comma _ _ } '>' { TokenLoc Greater _ _ } '+' { TokenLoc Plus _ _ } '~' { TokenLoc Tilde _ _ } '.' { TokenLoc Dot _ _ } ' ' { TokenLoc Space _ _ } '|' { TokenLoc Pipe _ _ } '*' { TokenLoc Asterisk _ _ } '[' { TokenLoc BOpen _ _ } ']' { TokenLoc BClose _ _ } '=' { TokenLoc TEqual _ _ } '^=' { TokenLoc TPrefixMatch _ _ } '$=' { TokenLoc TSuffixMatch _ _ } '*=' { TokenLoc TSubstringMatch _ _ } '|=' { TokenLoc TDashMatch _ _ } '~=' { TokenLoc TIncludes _ _ } ident { TokenLoc (Ident $$) _ _ } string { TokenLoc (String $$) _ _ } hash { TokenLoc (THash $$) _ _ } %% SelectorsGroup : SelectorGroupList { SelectorGroup $1 } ; SelectorGroupList : Selector { $1 :| [] } | Selector ',' SelectorGroupList { $1 <| $3 } ; Selector : SimpleSelectorSequence { Selector $1 } | SimpleSelectorSequence Combinator Selector { Combined $1 $2 $3 } ; Combinator : '+' { DirectlyPreceded } | '>' { Child } | '~' { Preceded } | ' ' { Descendant } ; SimpleSelectorSequence : Type FilterList { addFilters (SimpleSelector $1) $2 } | SelectorAddition FilterList { addFilters (SimpleSelector Universal) ($1:$2) } ; FilterList : { [] } | SelectorAddition FilterList { $1 : $2 } ; SelectorAddition : hash { SHash (Hash (pack $1)) } | Class { SClass $1 } | AttribBox { SAttrib $1 } ; AttribBox : '[' Attrib ']' { $2 } ; Attrib : AttribName { Exist $1 } | AttribName AttribOp Ident { Attrib $1 $2 $3 } | AttribName AttribOp string { Attrib $1 $2 (pack $3) } ; AttribName : NamespacePrefix '|' Ident { AttributeName $1 $3 } | '|' Ident { AttributeName NEmpty $2 } | Ident { AttributeName NAny $1 } ; AttribOp : '=' { Exact } | '~=' { Include } | '|=' { DashMatch } | '^=' { PrefixMatch } | '$=' { SuffixMatch } | '*=' { SubstringMatch } ; Type : ElementName { NAny .| $1 } | '|' ElementName { NEmpty .| $2 } | NamespacePrefix '|' ElementName { $1 .| $3 } ; ElementName : Ident { ElementName $1 } | '*' { EAny } ; Class : '.' Ident { Class $2 } ; NamespacePrefix : Ident { Namespace $1 } | '*' { NAny } ; Ident : ident { pack $1 } ; { happyError :: [TokenLoc] -> a happyError [] = error "Unexpected end of string when parsing a css selector." happyError (~(TokenLoc _ s ~(AlexPn _ l c)):_) = error ("Can not parse the CSS selector: unpexected token \"" <> s <> "\" at location (" <> show l <> ", " <> show c <> ")") }