-- GENERATED by C->Haskell Compiler, version 0.25.2 Snowboundest, 31 Oct 2014 (Haskell)
-- Edit the ORIGNAL .chs file instead!

{-# LINE 1 "./Foreign/CUDA/Driver/Context/Config.chs" #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP                      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyCase                #-}
-- |
-- Module    : Foreign.CUDA.Driver.Context.Config
-- Copyright : [2009..2015] Trevor L. McDonell
-- License   : BSD
-- Context configuration for the low-level driver interface

module Foreign.CUDA.Driver.Context.Config (

  -- * Context configuration

  -- ** Resource limits
  getLimit, setLimit,

  -- ** Cache
  getCache, setCache,

  -- ** Shared memory
  getSharedMem, setSharedMem,

  -- ** Streams

) where

{-# LINE 43 "./Foreign/CUDA/Driver/Context/Config.chs" #-}

-- Friends
import Foreign.CUDA.Driver.Context.Base
import Foreign.CUDA.Driver.Error
import Foreign.CUDA.Internal.C2HS
import Foreign.CUDA.Types

-- System
import Control.Monad
import Foreign
import Foreign.C

-- Data Types

-- |
-- Device limits flags
data Limit = StackSize
           | PrintfFifoSize
           | MallocHeapSize
           | DevRuntimeSyncDepth
           | DevRuntimePendingLaunchCount
           | Max
  deriving (Eq,Show)
instance Enum Limit where
  succ StackSize = PrintfFifoSize
  succ PrintfFifoSize = MallocHeapSize
  succ MallocHeapSize = DevRuntimeSyncDepth
  succ DevRuntimeSyncDepth = DevRuntimePendingLaunchCount
  succ DevRuntimePendingLaunchCount = Max
  succ Max = error "Limit.succ: Max has no successor"

  pred PrintfFifoSize = StackSize
  pred MallocHeapSize = PrintfFifoSize
  pred DevRuntimeSyncDepth = MallocHeapSize
  pred DevRuntimePendingLaunchCount = DevRuntimeSyncDepth
  pred Max = DevRuntimePendingLaunchCount
  pred StackSize = error "Limit.pred: StackSize has no predecessor"

  enumFromTo from to = go from
      end = fromEnum to
      go v = case compare (fromEnum v) end of
                 LT -> v : go (succ v)
                 EQ -> [v]
                 GT -> []

  enumFrom from = enumFromTo from Max

  fromEnum StackSize = 0
  fromEnum PrintfFifoSize = 1
  fromEnum MallocHeapSize = 2
  fromEnum DevRuntimeSyncDepth = 3
  fromEnum DevRuntimePendingLaunchCount = 4
  fromEnum Max = 5

  toEnum 0 = StackSize
  toEnum 1 = PrintfFifoSize
  toEnum 2 = MallocHeapSize
  toEnum 3 = DevRuntimeSyncDepth
  toEnum 4 = DevRuntimePendingLaunchCount
  toEnum 5 = Max
  toEnum unmatched = error ("Limit.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)

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-- |
-- Device cache configuration preference
data Cache = PreferNone
           | PreferShared
           | PreferL1
           | PreferEqual
  deriving (Eq,Show)
instance Enum Cache where
  succ PreferNone = PreferShared
  succ PreferShared = PreferL1
  succ PreferL1 = PreferEqual
  succ PreferEqual = error "Cache.succ: PreferEqual has no successor"

  pred PreferShared = PreferNone
  pred PreferL1 = PreferShared
  pred PreferEqual = PreferL1
  pred PreferNone = error "Cache.pred: PreferNone has no predecessor"

  enumFromTo from to = go from
      end = fromEnum to
      go v = case compare (fromEnum v) end of
                 LT -> v : go (succ v)
                 EQ -> [v]
                 GT -> []

  enumFrom from = enumFromTo from PreferEqual

  fromEnum PreferNone = 0
  fromEnum PreferShared = 1
  fromEnum PreferL1 = 2
  fromEnum PreferEqual = 3

  toEnum 0 = PreferNone
  toEnum 1 = PreferShared
  toEnum 2 = PreferL1
  toEnum 3 = PreferEqual
  toEnum unmatched = error ("Cache.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)

{-# LINE 82 "./Foreign/CUDA/Driver/Context/Config.chs" #-}

-- |
-- Device shared memory configuration preference
data SharedMem = DefaultBankSize
               | FourByteBankSize
               | EightByteBankSize
  deriving (Eq,Show)
instance Enum SharedMem where
  succ DefaultBankSize = FourByteBankSize
  succ FourByteBankSize = EightByteBankSize
  succ EightByteBankSize = error "SharedMem.succ: EightByteBankSize has no successor"

  pred FourByteBankSize = DefaultBankSize
  pred EightByteBankSize = FourByteBankSize
  pred DefaultBankSize = error "SharedMem.pred: DefaultBankSize has no predecessor"

  enumFromTo from to = go from
      end = fromEnum to
      go v = case compare (fromEnum v) end of
                 LT -> v : go (succ v)
                 EQ -> [v]
                 GT -> []

  enumFrom from = enumFromTo from EightByteBankSize

  fromEnum DefaultBankSize = 0
  fromEnum FourByteBankSize = 1
  fromEnum EightByteBankSize = 2

  toEnum 0 = DefaultBankSize
  toEnum 1 = FourByteBankSize
  toEnum 2 = EightByteBankSize
  toEnum unmatched = error ("SharedMem.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)

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-- Context configuration

-- |
-- Return the flags that were used to create the current context.
-- Requires CUDA-7.0
-- <http://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-driver-api/group__CUDA__CTX.html#group__CUDA__CTX_1gf81eef983c1e3b2ef4f166d7a930c86d>
{-# INLINEABLE getFlags #-}
getFlags :: IO [ContextFlag]
getFlags = resultIfOk =<< cuCtxGetFlags

{-# INLINE cuCtxGetFlags #-}
cuCtxGetFlags :: IO ((Status), ([ContextFlag]))
cuCtxGetFlags =
  alloca $ \a1' -> 
  cuCtxGetFlags'_ a1' >>= \res ->
  let {res' = cToEnum res} in
  peekFlags  a1'>>= \a1'' -> 
  return (res', a1'')

{-# LINE 117 "./Foreign/CUDA/Driver/Context/Config.chs" #-}

    peekFlags = liftM extractBitMasks . peek

-- |
-- Query compute 2.0 call stack limits.
-- Requires CUDA-3.1.
-- <http://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-driver-api/group__CUDA__CTX.html#group__CUDA__CTX_1g9f2d47d1745752aa16da7ed0d111b6a8>
{-# INLINEABLE getLimit #-}
getLimit :: Limit -> IO Int
getLimit !l = resultIfOk =<< cuCtxGetLimit l

{-# INLINE cuCtxGetLimit #-}
cuCtxGetLimit :: (Limit) -> IO ((Status), (Int))
cuCtxGetLimit a2 =
  alloca $ \a1' -> 
  let {a2' = cFromEnum a2} in 
  cuCtxGetLimit'_ a1' a2' >>= \res ->
  let {res' = cToEnum res} in
  peekIntConv  a1'>>= \a1'' -> 
  return (res', a1'')

{-# LINE 141 "./Foreign/CUDA/Driver/Context/Config.chs" #-}

-- |
-- Specify the size of the call stack, for compute 2.0 devices.
-- Requires CUDA-3.1.
-- <http://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-driver-api/group__CUDA__CTX.html#group__CUDA__CTX_1g0651954dfb9788173e60a9af7201e65a>
{-# INLINEABLE setLimit #-}
setLimit :: Limit -> Int -> IO ()
setLimit !l !n = nothingIfOk =<< cuCtxSetLimit l n

{-# INLINE cuCtxSetLimit #-}
cuCtxSetLimit :: (Limit) -> (Int) -> IO ((Status))
cuCtxSetLimit a1 a2 =
  let {a1' = cFromEnum a1} in 
  let {a2' = cIntConv a2} in 
  cuCtxSetLimit'_ a1' a2' >>= \res ->
  let {res' = cToEnum res} in
  return (res')

{-# LINE 162 "./Foreign/CUDA/Driver/Context/Config.chs" #-}

-- |
-- On devices where the L1 cache and shared memory use the same hardware
-- resources, this function returns the preferred cache configuration for
-- the current context.
-- Requires CUDA-3.2.
-- <http://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-driver-api/group__CUDA__CTX.html#group__CUDA__CTX_1g40b6b141698f76744dea6e39b9a25360>
{-# INLINEABLE getCache #-}
getCache :: IO Cache
getCache = resultIfOk =<< cuCtxGetCacheConfig

{-# INLINE cuCtxGetCacheConfig #-}
cuCtxGetCacheConfig :: IO ((Status), (Cache))
cuCtxGetCacheConfig =
  alloca $ \a1' -> 
  cuCtxGetCacheConfig'_ a1' >>= \res ->
  let {res' = cToEnum res} in
  peekEnum  a1'>>= \a1'' -> 
  return (res', a1'')

{-# LINE 184 "./Foreign/CUDA/Driver/Context/Config.chs" #-}

-- |
-- On devices where the L1 cache and shared memory use the same hardware
-- resources, this sets the preferred cache configuration for the current
-- context. This is only a preference.
-- Any function configuration set via
-- 'Foreign.CUDA.Driver.Exec.setCacheConfigFun' will be preferred over this
-- context-wide setting.
-- Requires CUDA-3.2.
-- <http://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-driver-api/group__CUDA__CTX.html#group__CUDA__CTX_1g54699acf7e2ef27279d013ca2095f4a3>
{-# INLINEABLE setCache #-}
setCache :: Cache -> IO ()
setCache !c = nothingIfOk =<< cuCtxSetCacheConfig c

{-# INLINE cuCtxSetCacheConfig #-}
cuCtxSetCacheConfig :: (Cache) -> IO ((Status))
cuCtxSetCacheConfig a1 =
  let {a1' = cFromEnum a1} in 
  cuCtxSetCacheConfig'_ a1' >>= \res ->
  let {res' = cToEnum res} in
  return (res')

{-# LINE 210 "./Foreign/CUDA/Driver/Context/Config.chs" #-}

-- |
-- Return the current size of the shared memory banks in the current
-- context. On devices with configurable shared memory banks,
-- 'setSharedMem' can be used to change the configuration, so that
-- subsequent kernel launches will by default us the new bank size. On
-- devices without configurable shared memory, this function returns the
-- fixed bank size of the hardware.
-- Requires CUDA-3.2
-- <http://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-driver-api/group__CUDA__CTX.html#group__CUDA__CTX_1g17153a1b8b8c756f7ab8505686a4ad74>
{-# INLINEABLE getSharedMem #-}
getSharedMem :: IO SharedMem
getSharedMem = resultIfOk =<< cuCtxGetSharedMemConfig

{-# INLINE cuCtxGetSharedMemConfig #-}
cuCtxGetSharedMemConfig :: IO ((Status), (SharedMem))
cuCtxGetSharedMemConfig =
  alloca $ \a1' -> 
  cuCtxGetSharedMemConfig'_ a1' >>= \res ->
  let {res' = cToEnum res} in
  peekEnum  a1'>>= \a1'' -> 
  return (res', a1'')

{-# LINE 236 "./Foreign/CUDA/Driver/Context/Config.chs" #-}

-- |
-- On devices with configurable shared memory banks, this function will set
-- the context's shared memory bank size that will be used by default for
-- subsequent kernel launches.
-- Changing the shared memory configuration between launches may insert
-- a device synchronisation.
-- Shared memory bank size does not affect shared memory usage or kernel
-- occupancy, but may have major effects on performance. Larger bank sizes
-- allow for greater potential bandwidth to shared memory, but change the
-- kinds of accesses which result in bank conflicts.
-- Requires CUDA-3.2
-- <http://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-driver-api/group__CUDA__CTX.html#group__CUDA__CTX_1g2574235fa643f8f251bf7bc28fac3692>
{-# INLINEABLE setSharedMem #-}
setSharedMem :: SharedMem -> IO ()
setSharedMem !c = nothingIfOk =<< cuCtxSetSharedMemConfig c

{-# INLINE cuCtxSetSharedMemConfig #-}
cuCtxSetSharedMemConfig :: (SharedMem) -> IO ((Status))
cuCtxSetSharedMemConfig a1 =
  let {a1' = cFromEnum a1} in 
  cuCtxSetSharedMemConfig'_ a1' >>= \res ->
  let {res' = cToEnum res} in
  return (res')

{-# LINE 266 "./Foreign/CUDA/Driver/Context/Config.chs" #-}

-- |
-- Returns the numerical values that correspond to the greatest and least
-- priority execution streams in the current context respectively. Stream
-- priorities follow the convention that lower numerical numbers correspond
-- to higher priorities. The range of meaningful stream priorities is given
-- by the inclusive range [greatestPriority,leastPriority].
-- Requires CUDA-5.5.
-- <http://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-driver-api/group__CUDA__CTX.html#group__CUDA__CTX_1g137920ab61a71be6ce67605b9f294091>
{-# INLINEABLE getStreamPriorityRange #-}
getStreamPriorityRange :: IO (StreamPriority, StreamPriority)
getStreamPriorityRange = do
  (r,l,h) <- cuCtxGetStreamPriorityRange
  resultIfOk (r, (h,l))

{-# INLINE cuCtxGetStreamPriorityRange #-}
cuCtxGetStreamPriorityRange :: IO ((Status), (Int), (Int))
cuCtxGetStreamPriorityRange =
  alloca $ \a1' -> 
  alloca $ \a2' -> 
  cuCtxGetStreamPriorityRange'_ a1' a2' >>= \res ->
  let {res' = cToEnum res} in
  peekIntConv  a1'>>= \a1'' -> 
  peekIntConv  a2'>>= \a2'' -> 
  return (res', a1'', a2'')

{-# LINE 296 "./Foreign/CUDA/Driver/Context/Config.chs" #-}

foreign import ccall unsafe "Foreign/CUDA/Driver/Context/Config.chs.h cuCtxGetFlags"
  cuCtxGetFlags'_ :: ((Ptr CUInt) -> (IO CInt))

foreign import ccall unsafe "Foreign/CUDA/Driver/Context/Config.chs.h cuCtxGetLimit"
  cuCtxGetLimit'_ :: ((Ptr CULong) -> (CInt -> (IO CInt)))

foreign import ccall unsafe "Foreign/CUDA/Driver/Context/Config.chs.h cuCtxSetLimit"
  cuCtxSetLimit'_ :: (CInt -> (CULong -> (IO CInt)))

foreign import ccall unsafe "Foreign/CUDA/Driver/Context/Config.chs.h cuCtxGetCacheConfig"
  cuCtxGetCacheConfig'_ :: ((Ptr CInt) -> (IO CInt))

foreign import ccall unsafe "Foreign/CUDA/Driver/Context/Config.chs.h cuCtxSetCacheConfig"
  cuCtxSetCacheConfig'_ :: (CInt -> (IO CInt))

foreign import ccall unsafe "Foreign/CUDA/Driver/Context/Config.chs.h cuCtxGetSharedMemConfig"
  cuCtxGetSharedMemConfig'_ :: ((Ptr CInt) -> (IO CInt))

foreign import ccall unsafe "Foreign/CUDA/Driver/Context/Config.chs.h cuCtxSetSharedMemConfig"
  cuCtxSetSharedMemConfig'_ :: (CInt -> (IO CInt))

foreign import ccall unsafe "Foreign/CUDA/Driver/Context/Config.chs.h cuCtxGetStreamPriorityRange"
  cuCtxGetStreamPriorityRange'_ :: ((Ptr CInt) -> ((Ptr CInt) -> (IO CInt)))