------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- CurryEnv - Generates a record containing extracted and prepared data -- from a CurrySyntax module -- -- November 2005, -- Martin Engelke (men@informatik.uni-kiel.de) -- module CurryEnv (CurryEnv(..), curryEnv) where import Data.Maybe import Curry.Base.Position import Curry.Base.Ident import Curry.Syntax import Types import Base ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- A record containing the following data for a module 'm': -- -- moduleId - the name of 'm' -- exports - the export list extracted from 'm' -- interface - all exported declarations in 'm' (including exported -- imports) -- infixDecls - interfaces of all infix declarations in 'm' -- typeSynonym - interfaces of all type synonyms in 'm' -- data CurryEnv = CurryEnv{ moduleId :: ModuleIdent, exports :: [Export], imports :: [IDecl], interface :: [IDecl], infixDecls :: [IDecl], typeSynonyms :: [IDecl] } deriving Show ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns a Curry environment for the module 'mod' and its corresponding -- environments 'mEnv' (imported modules), 'tcEnv' (table of type -- constructors) and 'intf' (the interface of 'mod') curryEnv :: ModuleEnv -> TCEnv -> Interface -> Module -> CurryEnv curryEnv mEnv tcEnv (Interface iid idecls) mod@(Module mid mExp decls) | iid == mid = CurryEnv{ moduleId = mid, exports = maybe [] (\ (Exporting _ exps) -> exps) mExp, imports = genImportIntf decls, interface = idecls, infixDecls = genInfixDecls mod, typeSynonyms = genTypeSyns tcEnv mod } | otherwise = internalError ("CurryEnv: interface \"" ++ show iid ++ "\" does not match module \"" ++ show mid ++ "\"") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate interfaces for import declarations genImportIntf :: [Decl] -> [IDecl] genImportIntf decls = reverse (map snd (foldl genImpIntf [] decls)) -- genImpIntf imps (ImportDecl pos mid _ _ _) = maybe ((mid, IImportDecl pos mid):imps) (const imps) (lookup mid imps) genImpIntf imps _ = imps ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate interface declaration for all infix declarations in the module genInfixDecls :: Module -> [IDecl] genInfixDecls (Module mident _ decls) = collectIInfixDecls mident decls -- collectIInfixDecls :: ModuleIdent -> [Decl] -> [IDecl] collectIInfixDecls mident [] = [] collectIInfixDecls mident ((InfixDecl pos infixspec prec idents):decls) = (map (\ident -> IInfixDecl pos infixspec prec (qualifyWith mident ident)) idents) ++ (collectIInfixDecls mident decls) collectIInfixDecls mident (_:decls) = collectIInfixDecls mident decls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate interface declarations for all type synonyms in the module. genTypeSyns :: TCEnv -> Module -> [IDecl] genTypeSyns tcEnv (Module mident _ decls) = concatMap (genTypeSynDecl mident tcEnv) decls -- genTypeSynDecl :: ModuleIdent -> TCEnv -> Decl -> [IDecl] genTypeSynDecl mid tcEnv (TypeDecl pos ident params texpr) = [genTypeDecl pos mid ident params tcEnv texpr] genTypeSynDecl _ _ _ = [] -- genTypeDecl :: Position -> ModuleIdent -> Ident -> [Ident] -> TCEnv -> TypeExpr -> IDecl genTypeDecl pos mid ident params tcEnv texpr = ITypeDecl pos (qualifyWith mid ident) params (modifyTypeExpr tcEnv texpr) -- modifyTypeExpr :: TCEnv -> TypeExpr -> TypeExpr modifyTypeExpr tcEnv (ConstructorType qident typeexprs) = case (qualLookupTC qident tcEnv) of [AliasType _ arity rhstype] -> modifyTypeExpr tcEnv (genTypeSynDeref (zip [0 .. (arity-1)] typeexprs) rhstype) _ -> ConstructorType (fromMaybe qident (lookupTCId qident tcEnv)) (map (modifyTypeExpr tcEnv) typeexprs) modifyTypeExpr _ (VariableType ident) = VariableType ident modifyTypeExpr tcEnv (ArrowType type1 type2) = ArrowType (modifyTypeExpr tcEnv type1) (modifyTypeExpr tcEnv type2) modifyTypeExpr tcEnv (TupleType typeexprs) | null typeexprs = ConstructorType qUnitId [] | otherwise = ConstructorType (qTupleId (length typeexprs)) (map (modifyTypeExpr tcEnv) typeexprs) modifyTypeExpr tcEnv (ListType typeexpr) = ConstructorType (qualify listId) [(modifyTypeExpr tcEnv typeexpr)] modifyTypeExpr tcEnv (RecordType fields rtype) = RecordType (map (\ (labs, texpr) -> (labs, (modifyTypeExpr tcEnv texpr))) fields) (maybe Nothing (Just . modifyTypeExpr tcEnv) rtype) -- genTypeSynDeref :: [(Int,TypeExpr)] -> Type -> TypeExpr genTypeSynDeref its (TypeConstructor qident typeexprs) = ConstructorType qident (map (genTypeSynDeref its) typeexprs) genTypeSynDeref its (TypeVariable i) = fromMaybe (internalError ("@CurryInfo.genTypeSynDeref: " ++ "unkown type var index")) (lookup i its) genTypeSynDeref its (TypeConstrained typeexprs i) = internalError ("@CurryInfo.genTypeSynDeref: " ++ "illegal constrained type occured") genTypeSynDeref its (TypeArrow type1 type2) = ArrowType (genTypeSynDeref its type1) (genTypeSynDeref its type2) genTypeSynDeref its (TypeSkolem i) = internalError ("@CurryInfo.genTypeSynDeref: " ++ "illegal skolem type occured") genTypeSynDeref its (TypeRecord fields ri) = RecordType (map (\ (lab, texpr) -> ([lab], genTypeSynDeref its texpr)) fields) (maybe Nothing (\i -> Just (genTypeSynDeref its (TypeVariable i))) ri) -- lookupTCId :: QualIdent -> TCEnv -> Maybe QualIdent lookupTCId qident tcEnv = case (qualLookupTC qident tcEnv) of [DataType qident' _ _] -> Just qident' [RenamingType qident' _ _] -> Just qident' [AliasType qident' _ _] -> Just qident' _ -> Nothing