{- |
    Module      :  $Header$
    Description :  Generating HTML documentation
    Copyright   :  (c) 2011 - 2016, Björn Peemöller
                       2016       , Jan Tikovsky
    License     :  BSD-3-clause

    Maintainer  :  bjp@informatik.uni-kiel.de
    Stability   :  experimental
    Portability :  portable

    This module defines a function for generating HTML documentation pages
    for Curry source modules.
module Html.CurryHtml (source2html) where

import Control.Monad.Writer
import Data.List             (mapAccumL)
import Data.Maybe            (fromMaybe, isJust)
import Network.URI           (escapeURIString, isUnreserved)
import System.Directory      (copyFile, doesFileExist)
import System.FilePath       ((</>))

import Curry.Base.Ident      ( ModuleIdent (..), Ident (..), QualIdent (..)
                             , unqualify, moduleName)
import Curry.Base.Monad      (CYIO, failMessages)
import Curry.Base.Position   (Position)
import Curry.Base.Pretty     ((<+>), text, vcat)
import Curry.Files.Filenames (htmlName)
import Curry.Syntax          (Module (..), Token)

import Html.SyntaxColoring

import Base.Messages         (message)
import CompilerOpts          (Options (..))
import Paths_curry_frontend  (getDataFileName)

-- |'FilePath' of the CSS style file to be added to the documentation.
cssFile :: FilePath
cssFile = "currysource.css"

-- |Translate source file into HTML file with syntaxcoloring
source2html :: Options -> ModuleIdent -> [(Position, Token)] -> Module a
            -> CYIO ()
source2html opts mid toks mdl = do
  liftIO $ writeFile (outDir </> htmlName mid) doc
  updateCSSFile outDir
  doc    = program2html mid (genProgram mdl toks)
  outDir = fromMaybe "." (optHtmlDir opts)

-- |Update the CSS file
updateCSSFile :: FilePath -> CYIO ()
updateCSSFile dir = do
  src <- liftIO $ getDataFileName cssFile
  let target = dir </> cssFile
  srcExists <- liftIO $ doesFileExist src
  if srcExists then liftIO $ copyFile src target
               else failMessages [message $ missingStyleFile src]
  missingStyleFile f = vcat
    [ text "Could not copy CSS style file:"
    , text "File" <+> text ("`" ++ f ++ "'") <+> text "does not exist"

-- generates htmlcode with syntax highlighting
-- @param modulname
-- @param a program
-- @return HTMLcode
program2html :: ModuleIdent -> [Code] -> String
program2html m codes = unlines
  [ "<!DOCTYPE html>"
  , "<html>", "<head>"
  , "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html;charset=utf-8\" />"
  , "<title>" ++ titleHtml ++ "</title>"
  , "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"" ++ cssFile ++ "\"/>"
  , "</head>"
  , "<body>"
  , "<table><tbody><tr>"
  , "<td class=\"linenumbers\"><pre>" ++ lineHtml ++ "</pre></td>"
  , "<td class=\"sourcecode\"><pre>" ++ codeHtml ++ "</pre></td>"
  , "</tr></tbody></table>"
  , "</body>"
  , "</html>"
  titleHtml = "Module " ++ moduleName m
  lineHtml  = unlines $ map show [1 .. length (lines codeHtml)]
  codeHtml  = concat $ snd $ mapAccumL (code2html m) [] codes

code2html :: ModuleIdent -> [QualIdent] -> Code -> ([QualIdent], String)
code2html m defs c
  | isCall c  = (defs, maybe tag (addEntityLink m tag) (getQualIdent c))
  | isDecl c  = case getQualIdent c of
      Just i | i `notElem` defs
        -> (i:defs, spanTag (code2class c) (escIdent i) (escCode c))
      _ -> (defs, tag)
  | otherwise = case c of
      ModuleName m' -> (defs, addModuleLink m m' tag)
      _             -> (defs, tag)
  where tag = spanTag (code2class c) "" (escCode c)

escCode :: Code -> String
escCode = htmlQuote . code2string

escIdent :: QualIdent -> String
escIdent = htmlQuote . idName . unqualify

spanTag :: String -> String -> String -> String
spanTag clV idV str
  | null clV && null idV = str
  | otherwise            = "<span" ++ codeclass ++ idValue ++ ">"
                           ++ str ++ "</span>"
  codeclass = if null clV then "" else " class=\"" ++ clV ++ "\""
  idValue   = if null idV then "" else " id=\"" ++ idV ++ "\""

-- which code has which css class
-- @param code
-- @return css class of the code
code2class :: Code -> String
code2class (Space          _) = ""
code2class NewLine            = ""
code2class (Keyword        _) = "keyword"
code2class (Pragma         _) = "pragma"
code2class (Symbol         _) = "symbol"
code2class (TypeCons   _ _ _) = "type"
code2class (DataCons   _ _ _) = "cons"
code2class (Function   _ _ _) = "func"
code2class (Identifier _ _ _) = "ident"
code2class (ModuleName     _) = "module"
code2class (Commentary     _) = "comment"
code2class (NumberCode     _) = "number"
code2class (StringCode     _) = "string"
code2class (CharCode       _) = "char"

addModuleLink :: ModuleIdent -> ModuleIdent -> String -> String
addModuleLink m m' str
  = "<a href=\"" ++ makeRelativePath m m' ++ "\">" ++ str ++ "</a>"

addEntityLink :: ModuleIdent -> String -> QualIdent -> String
addEntityLink m str qid =
  "<a href=\"" ++ modPath ++ "#" ++ fragment  ++ "\">" ++ str ++ "</a>"
  modPath       = maybe "" (makeRelativePath m) mmid
  fragment      = string2urlencoded (idName ident)
  (mmid, ident) = (qidModule qid, qidIdent qid)

makeRelativePath :: ModuleIdent -> ModuleIdent -> String
makeRelativePath cur new  | cur == new = ""
                          | otherwise  = htmlName new

isCall :: Code -> Bool
isCall (TypeCons   TypeExport _ _) = True
isCall (TypeCons   TypeImport _ _) = True
isCall (TypeCons   TypeRefer  _ _) = True
isCall (TypeCons   _          _ _) = False
isCall (Identifier _          _ _) = False
isCall c                       = not (isDecl c) && isJust (getQualIdent c)

isDecl :: Code -> Bool
isDecl (DataCons ConsDeclare _ _) = True
isDecl (Function FuncDeclare _ _) = True
isDecl (TypeCons TypeDeclare _ _) = True
isDecl _                          = False

-- Translates arbitrary strings into equivalent urlencoded string.
string2urlencoded :: String -> String
string2urlencoded = escapeURIString isUnreserved

htmlQuote :: String -> String
htmlQuote [] = []
htmlQuote (c : cs)
  | c == '<'  = "&lt;"    ++ htmlQuote cs
  | c == '>'  = "&gt;"    ++ htmlQuote cs
  | c == '&'  = "&amp;"   ++ htmlQuote cs
  | c == '"'  = "&quot;"  ++ htmlQuote cs
  | c == 'ä'  = "&auml;"  ++ htmlQuote cs
  | c == 'ö'  = "&ouml;"  ++ htmlQuote cs
  | c == 'ü'  = "&uuml;"  ++ htmlQuote cs
  | c == 'Ä'  = "&Auml;"  ++ htmlQuote cs
  | c == 'Ö'  = "&Ouml;"  ++ htmlQuote cs
  | c == 'Ü'  = "&Uuml;"  ++ htmlQuote cs
  | c == 'ß'  = "&szlig;" ++ htmlQuote cs
  | otherwise = c : htmlQuote cs