name: curry-frontend version: 2.0.0 cabal-version: 2.0 synopsis: Compile the functional logic language Curry to several intermediate formats description: The Curry front end consists of the executable program "curry-frontend". It is used by various backends to compile Curry programs to an intermediate representation. The code is a stripped-down version of an early version of the Muenster Curry Compiler () which has been extended to produce different intermediate representations. For further information, please check category: Language license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE author: Wolfgang Lux, Martin Engelke, Bernd Brassel, Holger Siegel, Bjoern Peemoeller, Finn Teegen maintainer: homepage: build-type: Simple stability: experimental extra-source-files: data-dir: data data-files: currysource.css source-repository head type: git location: library hs-source-dirs: src default-language: Haskell2010 other-extensions: CPP, TemplateHaskell ghc-options: -Wall build-depends: base >= 4.11 && < 4.15 , template-haskell >= 2.10 && < 2.16 , extra >= 1.4.6 && < 1.8 , transformers >= 0.5 && < 0.6 , mtl >= 2.2 && < 2.3 , directory >= 1.2 && < 1.4 , filepath >= 1.4 && < 1.5 , file-embed >= 0.0 && < 0.1 , containers >= 0.6 && < 0.7 , set-extra >= 1.4 && < 1.5 , bytestring >= 0.10 && < 0.11 , process >= 1.6 && < 1.7 , network-uri >= 2.6 && < 2.7 , pretty >= 1.1 && < 1.2 , binary >= 0.8 && < 0.9 , time >= 1.9 && < 2.0 , parsec >= 3.1 && < 3.2 exposed-modules: Base.AnnotExpr , Base.CurryKinds , Base.CurryTypes , Base.Expr , Base.KindSubst , Base.Kinds , Base.Messages , Base.NestEnv , Base.PrettyKinds , Base.PrettyTypes , Base.SCC , Base.Subst , Base.TopEnv , Base.TypeExpansion , Base.TypeSubst , Base.Types , Base.Typing , Base.Utils , Checks , Checks.DeriveCheck , Checks.ExportCheck , Checks.ExtensionCheck , Checks.ImportSyntaxCheck , Checks.InstanceCheck , Checks.InterfaceCheck , Checks.InterfaceSyntaxCheck , Checks.KindCheck , Checks.PrecCheck , Checks.SyntaxCheck , Checks.TypeCheck , Checks.TypeSyntaxCheck , Checks.WarnCheck , Curry.AbstractCurry , Curry.AbstractCurry.Files , Curry.AbstractCurry.Type , Curry.Base.Ident , Curry.Base.LexComb , Curry.Base.LLParseComb , Curry.Base.Message , Curry.Base.Monad , Curry.Base.Position , Curry.Base.Pretty , Curry.Base.Span , Curry.Base.SpanInfo , Curry.CondCompile.Parser , Curry.CondCompile.Transform , Curry.CondCompile.Type , Curry.Files.Filenames , Curry.Files.PathUtils , Curry.Files.Unlit , Curry.FlatCurry , Curry.FlatCurry.Files , Curry.FlatCurry.Goodies , Curry.FlatCurry.InterfaceEquivalence , Curry.FlatCurry.Pretty , Curry.FlatCurry.Type , Curry.FlatCurry.Typeable , Curry.FlatCurry.Annotated.Goodies , Curry.FlatCurry.Annotated.Type , Curry.FlatCurry.Typed.Goodies , Curry.FlatCurry.Typed.Type , Curry.Syntax , Curry.Syntax.Extension , Curry.Syntax.InterfaceEquivalence , Curry.Syntax.Lexer , Curry.Syntax.Parser , Curry.Syntax.Pretty , Curry.Syntax.ShowModule , Curry.Syntax.Type , Curry.Syntax.Utils , CompilerEnv , CompilerOpts , CondCompile , CurryBuilder , CurryDeps , Env.Class , Env.Instance , Env.Interface , Env.ModuleAlias , Env.OpPrec , Env.Type , Env.TypeConstructor , Env.Value , Exports , Files.CymakePath , Generators , Generators.GenAbstractCurry , Generators.GenFlatCurry , Generators.GenTypedFlatCurry , Generators.GenAnnotatedFlatCurry , Html.CurryHtml , Html.SyntaxColoring , IL , IL.Pretty , IL.ShowModule , IL.Type , IL.Typing , Imports , Interfaces , Modules , TokenStream , Transformations , Transformations.CaseCompletion , Transformations.CurryToIL , Transformations.Derive , Transformations.Desugar , Transformations.Dictionary , Transformations.Lift , Transformations.Newtypes , Transformations.Qual , Transformations.Simplify , Paths_curry_frontend autogen-modules: Paths_curry_frontend executable curry-frontend hs-source-dirs: app main-is: cymake.hs default-language: Haskell2010 ghc-options: -Wall build-depends: base >= 4.11 , curry-frontend test-suite test-frontend type: detailed-0.9 hs-source-dirs: test test-module: TestFrontend default-language: Haskell2010 other-extensions: CPP, TemplateHaskell ghc-options: -Wall build-depends: base >= 4.11 , Cabal >= 1.20 , template-haskell >= 2.10 , extra >= 1.4.6 , transformers , mtl , directory >= , filepath , file-embed , containers , set-extra , bytestring >= 0.10 , process , network-uri >= 2.6 , pretty , curry-frontend