{- | Module : $Header$ Description : File names for several intermediate file formats. Copyright : (c) 2009 Holger Siegel 2013 - 2014 Björn Peemöller 2018 Kai-Oliver Prott License : BSD-3-clause Maintainer : fte@informatik.uni-kiel.de Stability : experimental Portability : portable The functions in this module were collected from several compiler modules in order to provide a unique accessing point for this functionality. -} module Curry.Files.Filenames ( -- * Re-exports from 'System.FilePath' FilePath, takeBaseName, dropExtension, takeExtension, takeFileName -- * Conversion between 'ModuleIdent' and 'FilePath' , moduleNameToFile, fileNameToModule, splitModuleFileName, isCurryFilePath -- * Curry sub-directory , defaultOutDir, hasOutDir, addOutDir, addOutDirModule , ensureOutDir -- * File name extensions -- ** Curry files , curryExt, lcurryExt, icurryExt -- ** FlatCurry files , annotatedFlatExt, typedFlatExt, flatExt, flatIntExt -- ** AbstractCurry files , acyExt, uacyExt -- ** Source and object files , sourceRepExt, sourceExts, moduleExts -- * Functions for computing file names , interfName, typedFlatName, annotatedFlatName, flatName, flatIntName , acyName, uacyName, sourceRepName, tokensName, commentsName , astName, shortASTName, htmlName ) where import System.FilePath import Curry.Base.Ident -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Conversion between ModuleIdent and FilePath -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- |Create a 'FilePath' from a 'ModuleIdent' using the hierarchical module -- system moduleNameToFile :: ModuleIdent -> FilePath moduleNameToFile = foldr1 () . midQualifiers -- |Extract the 'ModuleIdent' from a 'FilePath' fileNameToModule :: FilePath -> ModuleIdent fileNameToModule = mkMIdent . splitDirectories . dropExtension . dropDrive -- |Split a 'FilePath' into a prefix directory part and those part that -- corresponds to the 'ModuleIdent'. This is especially useful for -- hierarchically module names. splitModuleFileName :: ModuleIdent -> FilePath -> (FilePath, FilePath) splitModuleFileName m fn = case midQualifiers m of [_] -> splitFileName fn ms -> let (base, ext) = splitExtension fn dirs = splitDirectories base (pre, suf) = splitAt (length dirs - length ms) dirs path = if null pre then "" else addTrailingPathSeparator (joinPath pre) in (path, joinPath suf <.> ext) -- |Checks whether a 'String' represents a 'FilePath' to a Curry module isCurryFilePath :: String -> Bool isCurryFilePath str = isValid str && takeExtension str `elem` ("" : moduleExts) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Curry sub-directory -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- |The standard hidden subdirectory for curry files defaultOutDir :: String defaultOutDir = ".curry" -- |Does the given 'FilePath' contain the 'outDir' -- as its last directory component? hasOutDir :: String -> FilePath -> Bool hasOutDir outDir f = not (null dirs) && last dirs == outDir where dirs = splitDirectories $ takeDirectory f -- |Add the 'outDir' to the given 'FilePath' if the flag is 'True' and -- the path does not already contain it, otherwise leave the path untouched. addOutDir :: Bool -> String -> FilePath -> FilePath addOutDir b outDir fn = if b then ensureOutDir outDir fn else fn -- |Add the 'outDir' to the given 'FilePath' if the flag is 'True' and -- the path does not already contain it, otherwise leave the path untouched. addOutDirModule :: Bool -> String -> ModuleIdent -> FilePath -> FilePath addOutDirModule b outDir m fn | b = let (pre, file) = splitModuleFileName m fn in ensureOutDir outDir pre file | otherwise = fn -- | Ensure that the 'outDir' is the last component of the -- directory structure of the given 'FilePath'. If the 'FilePath' already -- contains the sub-directory, it remains unchanged. ensureOutDir :: String -- ^ the 'outDir' -> FilePath -- ^ original 'FilePath' -> FilePath -- ^ new 'FilePath' ensureOutDir outDir fn = normalise $ addSub (splitDirectories d) f where (d, f) = splitFileName fn addSub dirs | null dirs = outDir | last dirs == outDir = joinPath dirs | otherwise = joinPath dirs outDir -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- File name extensions -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- |Filename extension for non-literate curry files curryExt :: String curryExt = ".curry" -- |Filename extension for literate curry files lcurryExt :: String lcurryExt = ".lcurry" -- |Filename extension for curry interface files icurryExt :: String icurryExt = ".icurry" -- |Filename extension for curry source files. -- -- /Note:/ The order of the extensions defines the order in which source files -- should be searched for, i.e. given a module name @M@, the search order -- should be the following: -- -- 1. @M.curry@ -- 2. @M.lcurry@ -- sourceExts :: [String] sourceExts = [curryExt, lcurryExt] -- |Filename extension for curry module files -- TODO: Is the order correct? moduleExts :: [String] moduleExts = sourceExts ++ [icurryExt] -- |Filename extension for typed flat-curry files typedFlatExt :: String typedFlatExt = ".tfcy" -- |Filename extension for type-annotated flat-curry files annotatedFlatExt :: String annotatedFlatExt = ".tafcy" -- |Filename extension for flat-curry files flatExt :: String flatExt = ".fcy" -- |Filename extension for extended-flat-curry interface files flatIntExt :: String flatIntExt = ".fint" -- |Filename extension for abstract-curry files acyExt :: String acyExt = ".acy" -- |Filename extension for untyped-abstract-curry files uacyExt :: String uacyExt = ".uacy" -- |Filename extension for curry source representation files sourceRepExt :: String sourceRepExt = ".cy" -- |Filename extension for token files tokensExt :: String tokensExt = ".tokens" -- |Filename extension for comment token files commentsExt :: String commentsExt = ".cycom" -- |Filename extension for AST files astExt :: String astExt = ".ast" -- |Filename extension for shortened AST files shortASTExt :: String shortASTExt = ".sast" -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Computation of file names for a given source file -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- |Compute the filename of the interface file for a source file interfName :: FilePath -> FilePath interfName = replaceExtensionWith icurryExt -- |Compute the filename of the typed flat curry file for a source file typedFlatName :: FilePath -> FilePath typedFlatName = replaceExtensionWith typedFlatExt -- |Compute the filename of the typed flat curry file for a source file annotatedFlatName :: FilePath -> FilePath annotatedFlatName = replaceExtensionWith annotatedFlatExt -- |Compute the filename of the flat curry file for a source file flatName :: FilePath -> FilePath flatName = replaceExtensionWith flatExt -- |Compute the filename of the flat curry interface file for a source file flatIntName :: FilePath -> FilePath flatIntName = replaceExtensionWith flatIntExt -- |Compute the filename of the abstract curry file for a source file acyName :: FilePath -> FilePath acyName = replaceExtensionWith acyExt -- |Compute the filename of the untyped abstract curry file for a source file uacyName :: FilePath -> FilePath uacyName = replaceExtensionWith uacyExt -- |Compute the filename of the source representation file for a source file sourceRepName :: FilePath -> FilePath sourceRepName = replaceExtensionWith sourceRepExt -- |Compute the filename of the tokens file for a source file tokensName :: FilePath -> FilePath tokensName = replaceExtensionWith tokensExt -- |Compute the filename of the comment tokens file for a source file commentsName :: FilePath -> FilePath commentsName = replaceExtensionWith commentsExt -- |Compute the filename of the ast file for a source file astName :: FilePath -> FilePath astName = replaceExtensionWith astExt -- |Compute the filename of the ast file for a source file shortASTName :: FilePath -> FilePath shortASTName = replaceExtensionWith shortASTExt -- |Compute the filename of the HTML file for a source file htmlName :: ModuleIdent -> String htmlName m = moduleName m ++ "_curry.html" -- |Replace a filename extension with a new extension replaceExtensionWith :: String -> FilePath -> FilePath replaceExtensionWith = flip replaceExtension