{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Cursor.Simple.Tree.MovementSpec ( spec ) where import Control.Monad (unless) import Text.Show.Pretty import Test.Hspec import Test.Validity import Cursor.Simple.Tree hiding (TreeCursor) import Cursor.Simple.Tree.Gen () import Cursor.Tree ( CTree(..) , TreeAbove(..) , TreeCursor(..) , emptyCForest , openForest ) import Cursor.Simple.Tree.TestUtils spec :: Spec spec = do describe "treeCursorSelection" $ it "produces valids on valids" $ producesValidsOnValids (treeCursorSelection @Rational @Rational) describe "treeCursorSelect" $ do it "produces valids on valids" $ producesValidsOnValids2 (treeCursorSelect @Rational) it "is identity with the current selection" $ forAllValid $ \tc -> let sel = treeCursorSelection tc in case treeCursorSelect @Rational sel tc of Nothing -> expectationFailure "treeCursorSelect should not have failed." Just r -> unless (r == tc) $ expectationFailure $ unlines [ "selection:" , ppShow sel , "expected:" , drawTreeCursor tc , "actual:" , drawTreeCursor r ] describe "treeCursorSelectPrevOnSameLevel" $ do testMovementM treeCursorSelectPrevOnSameLevel it "selects the previous element" pending it "after treeCursorSelectNextOnSameLevel is identity if they don't fail" $ do inverseFunctionsIfSucceedOnValid (treeCursorSelectNextOnSameLevel @Rational) (treeCursorSelectPrevOnSameLevel @Rational) describe "treeCursorSelectNextOnSameLevel" $ do testMovementM treeCursorSelectNextOnSameLevel it "selects the next element" pending it "after treeCursorSelectPrevOnSameLevel is identity if they don't fail" $ do inverseFunctionsIfSucceedOnValid (treeCursorSelectPrevOnSameLevel @Rational) (treeCursorSelectNextOnSameLevel @Rational) describe "treeCursorSelectAbovePrev" $ do testMovementM treeCursorSelectAbovePrev it "Works for this classic example" $ -- > 0 -- > 1 -- > 2 -- > 3 <- expected end cursor -- > 4 <- start cursor do let start = TreeCursor { treeAbove = Just (TreeAbove { treeAboveLefts = [ CNode 1 $ openForest [CNode 2 $ openForest [CNode 3 emptyCForest]] ] , treeAboveAbove = Nothing , treeAboveNode = 0 , treeAboveRights = [] }) , treeCurrent = 4 :: Int , treeBelow = emptyCForest } expected = TreeCursor { treeAbove = Just (TreeAbove { treeAboveLefts = [] , treeAboveAbove = Just (TreeAbove { treeAboveLefts = [] , treeAboveAbove = Just (TreeAbove { treeAboveLefts = [] , treeAboveAbove = Nothing , treeAboveNode = 0 , treeAboveRights = [CNode 4 emptyCForest] }) , treeAboveNode = 1 , treeAboveRights = [] }) , treeAboveNode = 2 , treeAboveRights = [] }) , treeCurrent = 3 , treeBelow = emptyCForest } case treeCursorSelectAbovePrev start of Nothing -> expectationFailure "treeCursorSelectAbovePrev should not have failed" Just r -> r `treeShouldBe` expected it "selects the previous element" pending it "after treeCursorSelectAboveNext is identity if they don't fail" $ do forAllValid $ \tc -> case treeCursorSelectAboveNext @Rational tc of Nothing -> pure () Just tc' -> case treeCursorSelectAbovePrev tc' of Nothing -> expectationFailure "treeCursorSelectAbovePrev should not have failed." Just tc'' -> unless (tc == tc'') $ expectationFailure $ unlines [ "treeCursorSelectAboveNext and treeCursorSelectAbovePrev should have round-tripped." , "Started with:" , drawTreeCursor tc , "after treeCursorSelectAboveNext" , drawTreeCursor tc' , "after treeCursorSelectAbovePrev" , drawTreeCursor tc'' , "instead of" , drawTreeCursor tc ] describe "treeCursorSelectAboveNext" $ do testMovementM treeCursorSelectAboveNext it "Works for this classic example" $ -- > 0 -- > 1 -- > 2 -- > 3 <- start cursor -- > 4 <- expected end cursor do let start = TreeCursor { treeAbove = Just (TreeAbove { treeAboveLefts = [] , treeAboveAbove = Just (TreeAbove { treeAboveLefts = [] , treeAboveAbove = Just (TreeAbove { treeAboveLefts = [] , treeAboveAbove = Nothing , treeAboveNode = 0 , treeAboveRights = [node 4 []] }) , treeAboveNode = 1 , treeAboveRights = [] }) , treeAboveNode = 2 , treeAboveRights = [] }) , treeCurrent = 3 , treeBelow = emptyCForest } expected = TreeCursor { treeAbove = Just (TreeAbove { treeAboveLefts = [ CNode 1 $ openForest [CNode 2 $ openForest [CNode 3 emptyCForest]] ] , treeAboveAbove = Nothing , treeAboveNode = 0 , treeAboveRights = [] }) , treeCurrent = 4 :: Int , treeBelow = emptyCForest } case treeCursorSelectAboveNext start of Nothing -> expectationFailure "treeCursorSelectAboveNext should not have failed." Just r -> r `treeShouldBe` expected it "selects the next element" pending it "after treeCursorSelectAbovePrev is identity if they don't fail" $ do forAllValid $ \tc -> case treeCursorSelectAbovePrev @Rational tc of Nothing -> pure () Just tc' -> case treeCursorSelectAboveNext tc' of Nothing -> pure () Just tc'' -> unless (tc == tc'') $ expectationFailure $ unlines [ "treeCursorSelectAbovePrev and treeCursorSelectAboveNext should have round-tripped." , "Started with:" , drawTreeCursor tc , "after treeCursorSelectAbovePrev" , drawTreeCursor tc' , "after treeCursorSelectAboveNext" , drawTreeCursor tc'' , "instead of" , drawTreeCursor tc ] describe "treeCursorSelectPrev" $ do testMovementM treeCursorSelectPrev it "selects the previous element" pending it "after treeCursorSelectNext is identity if they don't fail" $ do inverseFunctionsIfSucceedOnValid (treeCursorSelectNext @Rational) (treeCursorSelectPrev @Rational) describe "treeCursorSelectNext" $ do testMovementM treeCursorSelectNext it "selects the next element" pending it "after treeCursorSelectPrev is identity if they don't fail" $ do inverseFunctionsIfSucceedOnValid (treeCursorSelectPrev @Rational) (treeCursorSelectNext @Rational) describe "treeCursorSelectFirst" $ do testMovement treeCursorSelectFirst it "selects the first element" pending it "is idempotent" $ idempotentOnValid $ treeCursorSelectFirst @Rational describe "treeCursorSelectLast" $ do testMovement treeCursorSelectLast it "selects the last element" pending it "is idempotent" $ idempotentOnValid $ treeCursorSelectLast @Rational describe "treeCursorSelectAbove" $ do testMovementM treeCursorSelectAbove it "selects the element above" pending it "after treeCursorSelectBelow is identity if they don't fail" $ do inverseFunctionsIfSucceedOnValid (treeCursorSelectBelowAtStart @Rational) $ treeCursorSelectAbove @Rational describe "treeCursorSelectBelowAtPos" $ do it "produces valids on valids" $ producesValidsOnValids2 $ treeCursorSelectBelowAtPos @Rational it "is a movement" $ forAllValid $ \n -> isMovementM $ treeCursorSelectBelowAtPos n it "selects the element n-th below" pending describe "treeCursorSelectBelowAtStart" $ do testMovementM treeCursorSelectBelowAtStart it "selects the first child below" pending describe "treeCursorSelectBelowAtEnd" $ do testMovementM treeCursorSelectBelowAtEnd it "selects the last child below" pending describe "treeCursorSelectBelowAtStartRecursively" $ do testMovementM treeCursorSelectBelowAtStartRecursively it "selects the first child below, recursively" pending describe "treeCursorSelectBelowAtEndRecursively" $ do testMovementM treeCursorSelectBelowAtEndRecursively it "selects the last child below, recursively" pending