#include "speech_recognition.h" #include detect_result* detect_words(char* filepath){ printf("\n\n\nusing from c %s, \n", filepath); printf("size of: (worduh framuh %i), (word_frame* %i), (int %i), (detect_results %i), (detected_words %i), (result_code %i)", sizeof(word_frame), sizeof(word_frame*), sizeof(int), sizeof(detect_result), sizeof(detected_words), sizeof(result_code) ); cmd_ln_t* config = cmd_ln_init(NULL, ps_args(), TRUE, "-hmm", MODELDIR "/en-us/en-us", "-lm", MODELDIR "/en-us/en-us.lm.bin", "-dict", MODELDIR "/en-us/cmudict-en-us.dict", NULL); detect_result* res = malloc(sizeof(detect_result)); if (config == NULL) { res->code = FAILED_CONFIG_OBJECT; return res; } ps_decoder_t* decoder = ps_init(config); if (decoder == NULL) { res->code = FAILED_CONFIG_OBJECT; return res; } // If you want to create your own version of it: it needs to be a single-channel (monaural), little-endian, unheadered 16-bit signed PCM audio file sampled at 16000 Hz. FILE* audioFile = fopen(filepath, "rb"); if (audioFile == NULL) { res->code = FAILED_UNABLE_INPUTFILE; return res; } int rv = ps_start_utt(decoder); int16 buf[512]; // do the actuall speech recongnition while (!feof(audioFile)) { size_t nsamp; nsamp = fread(buf, 2, 512, audioFile); rv = ps_process_raw(decoder, buf, nsamp, FALSE, FALSE); printf("cur rv: %i - %i \n", rv, (int) nsamp); } rv = ps_end_utt(decoder); // make decoder 'realize' recognintion is over word_frame* result = (word_frame*) malloc(5*sizeof(word_frame)); size_t used = 0; size_t size = 5; for(ps_seg_t* iterator = ps_seg_iter(decoder); iterator != NULL; iterator = ps_seg_next(iterator)){ if(used >= size){ size *= 2; result = (word_frame*) realloc(result, size * sizeof(word_frame)); } word_frame current_word_frame; ps_seg_frames(iterator, ¤t_word_frame.from_frame, ¤t_word_frame.to_frame ); char const* word = ps_seg_word(iterator); current_word_frame.word = (char*) malloc(strlen(word)*sizeof(char)); strcpy(current_word_frame.word, word); result[used] = current_word_frame; used++; } fclose(audioFile); ps_free(decoder); cmd_ln_free_r(config); detected_words somevar = { result, used }; res->code = SUCCESS; res->words = somevar; return res; }