{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-} {-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneKindSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {- | Module : Cybus.FinMat Description : fixed-sized indices for a matrix Copyright : (c) Grant Weyburne, 2022 License : BSD-3 -} module Cybus.FinMat ( -- * core type type FinMat, fmPos, fmNS, pattern FinMat, pattern FinMatU, -- * constructors FinMatC (..), mkFinMat, mkFinMatC, finMat, toFinMatFromPos, -- * conversions finMatToNonEmpty, nonEmptyToFinMat, nonEmptyToFinMat', -- * read/show methods showFinMat, readFinMatP, readFinMat, showFinMat', -- * miscellaneous NS (..), NSRangeC, relPos, finMatFinSet, finMatFinGet, -- * lens into the matrix indices _finMatFin, _i1, _i2, _i3, _i4, _i5, _i6, _i7, _i8, _i9, _i10, ) where import Control.DeepSeq import Cybus.Fin import Cybus.NatHelper import Data.Kind import qualified Data.List as L import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..)) import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as N import Data.Pos import Data.Semigroup.Foldable import Data.These import GHC.Enum import GHC.Generics (Generic, Generic1) import GHC.Read (readPrec) import GHC.Stack import qualified GHC.TypeLits as GL import GHC.TypeNats (Nat) import qualified GHC.TypeNats as GN import Primus.Enum import Primus.Error import Primus.Lens import Primus.NonEmpty import Primus.Num1 import qualified Primus.TypeLevel as TP (LengthT, pnat) import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP as P import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec as PC -- | definition of the indices of a matrix type FinMat :: [Nat] -> Type data FinMat ns = FinMatUnsafe !Int !(NonEmpty Pos) deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Generic, Generic1) deriving anyclass (NFData) -- | accessor for the relative position within a matrix fmPos :: FinMat ns -> Int fmPos (FinMatUnsafe i _) = i -- | accessor for the indices of a matrix fmNS :: FinMat ns -> NonEmpty Pos fmNS (FinMatUnsafe _ ns) = ns -- | readonly pattern synonym for finmatrix {-# COMPLETE FinMat #-} pattern FinMat :: forall (ns :: [Nat]). Int -> NonEmpty Pos -> FinMat ns pattern FinMat i ps <- FinMatUnsafe i ps {-# COMPLETE FinMatU #-} -- | pattern synonym for validating the finmatrix before construction but uses an extra 'NS' constraint to check "ns" pattern FinMatU :: forall (ns :: [Nat]). (HasCallStack, NS ns) => Int -> NonEmpty Pos -> FinMat ns pattern FinMatU i ps <- FinMatUnsafe i ps where FinMatU = frp .@ mkFinMatC -- dont change this: frp is necessary else breaking the system -- | create a FinMat value level "i" and "ns" values and validate that "i" is in range mkFinMat :: Int -> NonEmpty Pos -> Either String (FinMat ns) mkFinMat i ps = lmsg "mkFinMat" $ do let tot = productPInt ps if | i < 0 -> Left $ "cant be less than 0: i=" ++ show i | i >= tot -> Left $ "is too large: maximum is " ++ show (tot - 1) ++ " but found " ++ show i | otherwise -> pure (FinMatUnsafe i ps) -- | create a FinMat value level "i" and "ns" values and validate against expected "ns" mkFinMatC :: forall ns. NS ns => Int -> NonEmpty Pos -> Either String (FinMat ns) mkFinMatC i ps = do let ns = fromNSP @ns if ns == ps then mkFinMat i ps else Left $ "mkFinMatC: invalid indices: typelevel " ++ show (fromPositives ns) ++ " /= " ++ show (fromPositives ps) -- | create a FinMat using a relative type level index toFinMatFromPos :: forall (i :: Nat) ns. (NS ns, i FinMat ns toFinMatFromPos = FinMatU (TP.pnat @i) (fromNSP @ns) -- | convenience function for conversion from 'Int' to 'FinMat' finMat :: forall ns. NS ns => Int -> Either String (FinMat ns) finMat i = mkFinMatC i (fromNSP @ns) -- | convert type level indices into a FinMat class FinMatC is ns where finMatC :: FinMat ns instance GL.TypeError ( 'GL.Text "FinMatC '[] '[]: empty index 'is' and 'ns'") => FinMatC '[] '[] where finMatC = compileError "FinMatC '[] '[]: finMatC" instance GL.TypeError ( 'GL.Text "FinMatC '[] (n ': ns): empty index 'is'") => FinMatC '[] (n ': ns) where finMatC = compileError "FinMatC '[] (n ': ns): finMatC" instance GL.TypeError ( 'GL.Text "FinMatC (i ': is) '[]: empty index 'ns'") => FinMatC (i ': is) '[] where finMatC = compileError "FinMatC (i ': is) '[]: finMatC" instance (is' ~ (i ': is), ns' ~ (n ': ns), NS is', NS ns', FinMatT is' ns' 1 is' ns') => FinMatC (i ': is) (n ': ns) where finMatC = frp $ nonEmptyToFinMat' (fromNSP @is') (fromNSP @ns') type FinMatT :: [Nat] -> [Nat] -> Nat -> [Nat] -> [Nat] -> Constraint type family FinMatT is0 ns0 ind is ns where FinMatT _is0 _ns0 ind '[] (_ ': _) = GL.TypeError ( 'GL.Text "FinMatT: empty index 'is' " 'GL.:<>: 'GL.ShowType ind) FinMatT _is0 _ns0 ind (_ ': _) '[] = GL.TypeError ( 'GL.Text "FinMatT: empty index 'ns' " 'GL.:<>: 'GL.ShowType ind) FinMatT _is0 _ns0 ind '[] '[] = GL.TypeError ( 'GL.Text "FinMatT: empty index 'is' and 'ns' " 'GL.:<>: 'GL.ShowType ind) FinMatT _is0 _ns0 ind '[i] '[n] = FinWithMessageT ( 'GL.Text " at index " 'GL.:<>: 'GL.ShowType ind) i n FinMatT is0 ns0 ind (i ': i' ': is) (n ': n' ': ns) = (FinWithMessageT ( 'GL.Text " at index=" 'GL.:<>: 'GL.ShowType ind) i n, FinMatT is0 ns0 (ind GN.+ 1) (i' ': is) (n' ': ns)) FinMatT is0 ns0 _ind (_ ': _ ': _) '[_] = GL.TypeError ( 'GL.Text "too many indices: length is > length ns:" 'GL.:<>: 'GL.Text " found " 'GL.:<>: 'GL.ShowType (TP.LengthT is0) 'GL.:<>: 'GL.Text " expected " 'GL.:<>: 'GL.ShowType (TP.LengthT ns0) ) FinMatT is0 ns0 _ind '[_] (_ ': _ ': _) = GL.TypeError ( 'GL.Text "not enough indices: length is < length ns: " 'GL.:<>: 'GL.Text " found " 'GL.:<>: 'GL.ShowType (TP.LengthT is0) 'GL.:<>: 'GL.Text " expected " 'GL.:<>: 'GL.ShowType (TP.LengthT ns0) ) -- | convert a FinMat into a list of indices finMatToNonEmpty :: forall ns. FinMat ns -> NonEmpty Pos finMatToNonEmpty (FinMat i ns) = snd $ L.mapAccumR divModNextP i ns -- | try to convert a list of indices into a FinMat nonEmptyToFinMat :: forall ns. NS ns => NonEmpty Pos -> Either String (FinMat ns) nonEmptyToFinMat is = nonEmptyToFinMat' is (fromNSP @ns) -- | try to convert a list of indices into a FinMat nonEmptyToFinMat' :: NonEmpty Pos -> NonEmpty Pos -> Either String (FinMat ns) nonEmptyToFinMat' is ns = lmsg "nonEmptyToFinMat" $ let (lrs, mlr) = zipWithExtras1 g is ns g :: Pos -> Pos -> Either String (Pos, Pos) g x y = if x <= y then Right (x, y) else Left $ "outofbounds " ++ show (x, y) in case mlr of MLREqual -> case partitionEithersNE lrs of That xys -> Right $ frp $ mkFinMat (snd $ relPos xys) ns This es -> Left $ "This " ++ L.intercalate "\n" (N.toList es) These es as -> Left $ "These es=" ++ L.intercalate "\n" (N.toList es) ++ " as=" ++ show as MLRLeft{} -> Left $ "too many indices: expected " ++ show (unP (lengthP ns)) ++ " is=" ++ show is ++ " ns=" ++ show ns MLRRight{} -> Left $ "not enough indices: expected " ++ show (unP (lengthP ns)) ++ " is=" ++ show is ++ " ns=" ++ show ns -- | find the relative position in a matrix index relPos :: Foldable1 t => t (Pos, Pos) -> (Pos, Int) relPos xys = let ret@(Pos a, b) = foldr (\(Pos x, y) (z, tot) -> (z *! y, (x - 1) * unP z + tot)) (_1P, 0) xys in if b >= a then programmError $ "relPos " ++ show ret else ret instance NS ns => Monoid (FinMat ns) where mempty = minBound instance Semigroup (FinMat ns) where (<>) = max instance NS ns => Num (FinMat ns) where (+) = forceRight "(+)" .@ withOp2 (+) (-) = forceRight "(-)" .@ withOp2 (-) (*) = forceRight "(*)" .@ withOp2 (*) abs = id signum (FinMat i ns) = FinMatU (signum i) ns negate = normalError "Num (FinMat ns):negate is undefined" fromInteger i = forceRight "Num (FinMat ns):fromInteger" $ do if i < 0 then Left "undefined for negative numbers" else do ii <- integerToIntSafe i mkFinMatC ii (fromNSP @ns) instance NS ns => Num1 (FinMat ns) where fromInteger1 (FinMat _ ns) i = do ii <- integerToIntSafe i mkFinMatC ii ns instance NS ns => Enum (FinMat ns) where toEnum = forceRight "Enum(FinMat ns):toEnum" . flip mkFinMatC (fromNSP @ns) fromEnum = fmPos enumFrom = boundedEnumFrom enumFromThen = boundedEnumFromThen instance NS ns => Bounded (FinMat ns) where minBound = FinMatU 0 (fromNSP @ns) maxBound = FinMatU (unP (fromNSTotalP @ns) - 1) (fromNSP @ns) instance NS ns => Read (FinMat ns) where readPrec = PC.readP_to_Prec (const readFinMatP) -- | reader for 'FinMat' readFinMat :: NS ns => ReadS (FinMat ns) readFinMat = P.readP_to_S readFinMatP -- | reader for 'showFin' readFinMatP :: forall ns. NS ns => P.ReadP (FinMat ns) readFinMatP = do P.skipSpaces (i, ns) <- (,) <$> pInt <* P.char '@' <*> pPositives '{' '}' either (const P.pfail) pure $ mkFinMatC @ns i ns neToString :: NonEmpty Pos -> String neToString = L.intercalate "," . map show . fromPositives -- | pretty print FinMat showFinMat :: FinMat ns -> String showFinMat (FinMat i ns) = show i ++ "@{" ++ neToString ns ++ "}" -- | more detailed pretty print FinMat showFinMat' :: forall ns. FinMat ns -> String showFinMat' w@(FinMat i ns) = show i ++ "@{" ++ neToString (finMatToNonEmpty w) ++ "|" ++ neToString ns ++ "}" instance Show (FinMat ns) where show = showFinMat -- | constrain i within the size of the indices ie "i >= 1 && i <= LengthT ns" type NSRangeC :: Peano -> [Nat] -> Constraint class NSRangeC i ns instance GL.TypeError ('GL.Text "NSRangeC '[]: empty indices") => NSRangeC p '[] instance NSRangeC ( 'S 'Z) (n ': ns) instance NSRangeC ( 'S i) (m ': ns) => NSRangeC ( 'S ( 'S i)) (n ': m ': ns) instance GL.TypeError ( 'GL.Text "NSRangeC: index is larger than the number of matrix indices ns") => NSRangeC ( 'S ( 'S i)) '[n] instance GL.TypeError ( 'GL.Text "NSRangeC: zero is not a valid index: index must be one or greater") => NSRangeC 'Z (n ': ns) -- | a lens for accessing the "i" index in a indices of FinMat _finMatFin :: forall i n ns. (PosT i, NSRangeC (NatToPeanoT i) ns) => Lens' (FinMat ns) (Fin n) _finMatFin = lens (finMatFinGet @i @n @ns) (finMatFinSet @i @n @ns) -- | set the 'Fin' at index "i" for the FinMat finMatFinSet :: forall i n ns. (PosT i, NSRangeC (NatToPeanoT i) ns) => FinMat ns -> Fin n -> FinMat ns finMatFinSet fm@(FinMat _ ns) (Fin ind _) = let i = fromNP @i ps = finMatToNonEmpty fm in case setAt1 i ind ps of Nothing -> programmError $ "finMatFinSet: index out of bounds: index is " ++ show i Just ps1 -> frp $ nonEmptyToFinMat' ps1 ns {- | get the 'Fin' at index "i" from FinMat must rely on FinMat to get "n at index i "which saves us pulling "n" from the typelevel ie we can omit PosT n -} finMatFinGet :: forall i n ns. (PosT i, NSRangeC (NatToPeanoT i) ns) => FinMat ns -> Fin n finMatFinGet fm@(FinMat _ ns) = let i = fromNP @i ps = finMatToNonEmpty fm in case (at1 i ps, at1 i ns) of (Nothing, _) -> programmError "finMatFinGet: invalid index!" (_, Nothing) -> programmError $ "finMatFinGet: FinMat is corrupt: doesnt have the index at " ++ show i ++ " " ++ show fm (Just p, Just n) -> frp $ mkFin p n -- | lens for index 1 _i1 :: Lens' (FinMat (n ': ns)) (Fin n) _i1 = _finMatFin @1 -- | lens for index 2 _i2 :: Lens' (FinMat (n1 ': n ': ns)) (Fin n) _i2 = _finMatFin @2 -- | lens for index 3 _i3 :: Lens' (FinMat (n1 ': n2 ': n ': ns)) (Fin n) _i3 = _finMatFin @3 -- | lens for index 4 _i4 :: Lens' (FinMat (n1 ': n2 ': n3 ': n ': ns)) (Fin n) _i4 = _finMatFin @4 -- | lens for index 5 _i5 :: Lens' (FinMat (n1 ': n2 ': n3 ': n4 ': n ': ns)) (Fin n) _i5 = _finMatFin @5 -- | lens for index 6 _i6 :: Lens' (FinMat (n1 ': n2 ': n3 ': n4 ': n5 ': n ': ns)) (Fin n) _i6 = _finMatFin @6 -- | lens for index 7 _i7 :: Lens' (FinMat (n1 ': n2 ': n3 ': n4 ': n5 ': n6 ': n ': ns)) (Fin n) _i7 = _finMatFin @7 -- | lens for index 8 _i8 :: Lens' (FinMat (n1 ': n2 ': n3 ': n4 ': n5 ': n6 ': n7 ': n ': ns)) (Fin n) _i8 = _finMatFin @8 -- | lens for index 9 _i9 :: Lens' (FinMat (n1 ': n2 ': n3 ': n4 ': n5 ': n6 ': n7 ': n8 ': n ': ns)) (Fin n) _i9 = _finMatFin @9 -- | lens for index 10 _i10 :: Lens' (FinMat (n1 ': n2 ': n3 ': n4 ': n5 ': n6 ': n7 ': n8 ': n9 ': n ': ns)) (Fin n) _i10 = _finMatFin @10