%  Copyright (C) 2002-2005 David Roundy
%  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
%  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
%  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
%  any later version.
%  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
%  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
%  GNU General Public License for more details.
%  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
%  along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
%  the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
%  Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

module Darcs.Test ( get_test,
                    run_posthook, run_prehook )
import Darcs.RepoPath ( AbsolutePath )
import Darcs.Utils ( withCurrentDirectory )
import System.Exit ( ExitCode(..) )
import System.Cmd ( system )
import Control.Monad ( when )

import Darcs.Arguments ( DarcsFlag( Quiet,
                                    AskPosthook, AskPrehook ),
                        get_posthook_cmd, get_prehook_cmd )
import Darcs.Repository.Prefs ( get_prefval )
import Darcs.Utils ( askUser )
import System.IO ( hPutStrLn, stderr )

If you like, you can configure your repository to be able to run a test
suite of some sort.  You can do this by using ``setpref'' to set the
``test'' value to be a command to run, e.g.
% darcs setpref test "sh configure && make && make test"
Or, if you want to define a test specific to one copy of the repository,
you could do this by editing the file \verb!_darcs/prefs/prefs!.

--leave-test-directory, --remove-test-directory

Normally darcs deletes the directory in which the test was run afterwards.
Sometimes (especially when the test fails) you'd prefer to be able to be
able to examine the test directory after the test is run.  You can do this
by specifying the \verb!--leave-test-directory! flag.  Alas, there is no
way to make darcs leave the test directory only if the test fails.  The
opposite of \verb!--leave-test-directory! is
\verb!--remove-test-directory!, which could come in handy if you choose to
make \verb!--leave-test-directory! the default (see

get_test :: [DarcsFlag] -> IO (IO ExitCode)
get_test opts =
 let putInfo s = when (not $ Quiet `elem` opts) $ putStr s
 in do
 testline <- get_prefval "test"
 return $
   case testline of
   Nothing -> return ExitSuccess
   Just testcode -> do
     putInfo "Running test...\n"
     ec <- system testcode
     if ec == ExitSuccess
       then putInfo "Test ran successfully.\n"
       else putInfo "Test failed!\n"
     return ec

run_posthook :: [DarcsFlag] -> AbsolutePath -> IO ExitCode
run_posthook opts repodir = do ph <- get_posthook opts
                               withCurrentDirectory repodir $ run_hook opts "Posthook" ph

get_posthook :: [DarcsFlag] -> IO (Maybe String)
get_posthook opts = case get_posthook_cmd opts of
                    Nothing -> return Nothing
                    Just command ->
                       if AskPosthook `elem` opts
                       then do yorn <- askUser ("\nThe following command is set to execute.\n"++
                                                "Execute the following command now (yes or no)?\n"++
                               case yorn of ('y':_) -> return $ Just command
                                            _ -> do putStrLn "Posthook cancelled..."
                                                    return Nothing
                       else return $ Just command

run_prehook :: [DarcsFlag] -> AbsolutePath -> IO ExitCode
run_prehook opts repodir = do ph <- get_prehook opts
                              withCurrentDirectory repodir $ run_hook opts "Prehook" ph

get_prehook :: [DarcsFlag] -> IO (Maybe String)
get_prehook opts = case get_prehook_cmd opts of
                   Nothing -> return Nothing
                   Just command ->
                       if AskPrehook `elem` opts
                       then do yorn <- askUser ("\nThe following command is set to execute.\n"++
                                                "Execute the following command now (yes or no)?\n"++
                               case yorn of ('y':_) -> return $ Just command
                                            _ -> do putStrLn "Prehook cancelled..."
                                                    return Nothing
                       else return $ Just command

run_hook :: [DarcsFlag] -> String -> Maybe String -> IO ExitCode
run_hook _ _ Nothing = return ExitSuccess
run_hook opts cname (Just command) =
    do ec <- system command
       when (Quiet `notElem` opts) $
         if ec == ExitSuccess
         then putStrLn $ cname++" ran successfully."
         else hPutStrLn stderr $ cname++" failed!"
       return ec