% Copyright (C) 2004-2005 David Roundy % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) % any later version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to % the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, % Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. \begin{code}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp -fglasgow-exts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ScopedTypeVariables, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, Rank2Types #-}

#include "gadts.h"

module Darcs.Match ( matchFirstPatchset, matchSecondPatchset,
               matchAPatch, matchAPatchread,
               getFirstMatch, getNonrangeMatch,
               getPartialFirstMatch, getPartialSecondMatch,
               firstMatch, secondMatch, haveNonrangeMatch,
               havePatchsetMatch, getOnePatchset,
               checkMatchSyntax, applyInvToMatcher, nonrangeMatcher,
               InclusiveOrExclusive(..), matchExists
             ) where

import Text.Regex ( mkRegex, matchRegex )
import Control.Monad ( when, unless )
import Data.Maybe ( isJust )

import Darcs.Hopefully ( PatchInfoAnd, info, piap,
                         conscientiously, hopefully )
import Darcs.Patch.Info ( just_name )
import Darcs.Patch ( RepoPatch, Patch, Patchy, Named, invert, invertRL, patch2patchinfo, apply )
import Darcs.Repository ( Repository, PatchSet, SealedPatchSet, read_repo,
                    slurp_recorded, createPristineDirectoryTree )
import Darcs.Repository.ApplyPatches ( apply_patches )
import Darcs.Patch.Depends ( get_patches_in_tag, get_patches_beyond_tag )
import Darcs.Witnesses.Ordered ( RL(..), concatRL, consRLSealed )

import ByteStringUtils ( mmapFilePS )
import qualified Data.ByteString as B (ByteString)

import Darcs.Flags ( DarcsFlag( OnePatch, SeveralPatch, Context,
                               AfterPatch, UpToPatch, LastN, PatchIndexRange,
                               OneTag, AfterTag, UpToTag,
                               OnePattern, SeveralPattern,
                               AfterPattern, UpToPattern ), willStoreInMemory )
import Darcs.Patch.Bundle ( scan_context )
import Darcs.Patch.Match ( Matcher, MatchFun, match_pattern, apply_matcher, make_matcher, parseMatch )
import Darcs.Patch.MatchData ( PatchMatch )
import Printer ( text, ($$) )

import Darcs.RepoPath ( toFilePath )
import Darcs.IO ( WriteableDirectory(..), ReadableDirectory(..) )
import Darcs.SlurpDirectory ( SlurpMonad, writeSlurpy, withSlurpy )
import Darcs.Patch.FileName ( FileName, superName, norm_path, (///) )
import Darcs.Witnesses.Sealed ( FlippedSeal(..), Sealed2(..),
                      seal, flipSeal, seal2, unsealFlipped, unseal2, unseal )
#include "impossible.h"
\end{code} \paragraph{Selecting patches}\label{selecting} Many commands operate on a patch or patches that have already been recorded. There are a number of options that specify which patches are selected for these operations: \verb!--patch!, \verb!--match!, \verb!--tag!, and variants on these, which for \verb!--patch! are \verb!--patches!, \verb!--from-patch!, and \verb!--to-patch!. The \verb!--patch! and \verb!--tag! forms simply take (POSIX extended, aka \verb!egrep!) regular expressions and match them against tag and patch names. \verb!--match!, described below, allows more powerful patterns. The plural forms of these options select all matching patches. The singular forms select the last matching patch. The range (from and to) forms select patches after or up to (both inclusive) the last matching patch. These options use the current order of patches in the repository. darcs may reorder patches, so this is not necessarily the order of creation or the order in which patches were applied. However, as long as you are just recording patches in your own repository, they will remain in order. % NOTE --no-deps is implemented in SelectChanges.lhs, but documented here % for concistency. When a patch or a group of patches is selected, all patches they depend on get silently selected too. For example: \verb!darcs pull --patches bugfix! means ``pull all the patches with `bugfix' in their name, along with any patches they require.'' If you really only want patches with `bugfix' in their name, you should use the \verb!--no-deps! option, which makes darcs exclude any matched patches from the selection which have dependencies that are themselves not explicitly matched by the selection. For \verb!unrecord!, \verb!unpull! and \verb!obliterate!, patches that depend on the selected patches are silently included, or if \verb!--no-deps! is used selected patches with dependencies on not selected patches are excluded from the selection. \begin{code}
data InclusiveOrExclusive = Inclusive | Exclusive deriving Eq

-- | @haveNonrangeMatch flags@ tells whether there is a flag in
-- @flags@ which corresponds to a match that is "non-range". Thus,
-- @--match@, @--patch@ and @--index@ make @haveNonrangeMatch@
-- true, but not @--from-patch@ or @--to-patch@.
haveNonrangeMatch :: [DarcsFlag] -> Bool
haveNonrangeMatch fs = isJust (hasIndexRange fs) || isJust (nonrangeMatcher fs::Maybe (Matcher Patch))

-- | @havePatchsetMatch flags@ tells whether there is a "patchset
-- match" in the flag list. A patchset match is @--match@ or
-- @--patch@, or @--context@, but not @--from-patch@ nor (!)
-- @--index@.
-- Question: Is it supposed not to be a subset of @haveNonrangeMatch@?
havePatchsetMatch :: [DarcsFlag] -> Bool
havePatchsetMatch fs = isJust (nonrangeMatcher fs::Maybe (Matcher Patch)) || hasC fs
    where hasC [] = False
          hasC (Context _:_) = True
          hasC (_:xs) = hasC xs

getNonrangeMatch :: RepoPatch p => Repository p C(r u t) -> [DarcsFlag] -> IO ()
getNonrangeMatch r fs = withRecordedMatchSmart fs r (getNonrangeMatchS fs)

getPartialNonrangeMatch :: RepoPatch p => Repository p C(r u t)
                           -> [DarcsFlag] -> [FileName] -> IO ()
getPartialNonrangeMatch r fs files =
    withRecordedMatchOnlySomeSmart fs r files (getNonrangeMatchS fs)

getNonrangeMatchS :: (MatchMonad m p, RepoPatch p) =>
                        [DarcsFlag] -> PatchSet p C(x) -> m ()
getNonrangeMatchS fs repo =
    case nonrangeMatcher fs of
        Just m -> if nonrangeMatcherIsTag fs
                        then getTagS m repo
                        else getMatcherS Exclusive m repo
        Nothing -> fail "Pattern not specified in getNonrangeMatch."

-- | @firstMatch fs@ tells whether @fs@ implies a "first match", that
-- is if we match against patches from a point in the past on, rather
-- than against all patches since the creation of the repository.
firstMatch :: [DarcsFlag] -> Bool
firstMatch fs = isJust (hasLastn fs)
                 || isJust (firstMatcher fs::Maybe (Matcher Patch))
                 || isJust (hasIndexRange fs)

getFirstMatch :: RepoPatch p => Repository p C(r u t) -> [DarcsFlag] -> IO ()
getFirstMatch r fs = withRecordedMatchSmart fs r (getFirstMatchS fs)

getPartialFirstMatch :: RepoPatch p => Repository p C(r u t)
                        -> [DarcsFlag] -> [FileName] -> IO ()
getPartialFirstMatch r fs files =
    withRecordedMatchOnlySomeSmart fs r files (getFirstMatchS fs)

getFirstMatchS :: (MatchMonad m p, RepoPatch p) =>
                     [DarcsFlag] -> PatchSet p C(x) -> m ()
getFirstMatchS fs repo =
    case hasLastn fs of
    Just n -> applyInvRL `unsealFlipped` (safetake n $ concatRL repo)
    Nothing -> case firstMatcher fs of
               Nothing -> fail "Pattern not specified in getFirstMatch."
               Just m -> if firstMatcherIsTag fs
                         then getTagS m repo
                         else getMatcherS Inclusive m repo

-- | @secondMatch fs@ tells whether @fs@ implies a "second match", that
-- is if we match against patches up to a point in the past on, rather
-- than against all patches until now.
secondMatch :: [DarcsFlag] -> Bool
secondMatch fs = isJust (secondMatcher fs::Maybe (Matcher Patch)) || isJust (hasIndexRange fs)

getPartialSecondMatch :: RepoPatch p => Repository p C(r u t)
                        -> [DarcsFlag] -> [FileName] -> IO ()
getPartialSecondMatch r fs files =
    withRecordedMatchOnlySomeSmart fs r files $ \repo ->
    case secondMatcher fs of
    Nothing -> fail "Two patterns not specified in get_second_match."
    Just m -> if secondMatcherIsTag fs
              then getTagS m repo
              else getMatcherS Exclusive m repo

checkMatchSyntax :: [DarcsFlag] -> IO ()
checkMatchSyntax opts = do
 case getMatchPattern opts of
  Nothing -> return ()
  Just p  -> either fail (const $ return ()) $ (parseMatch p::Either String (MatchFun Patch))

getMatchPattern :: [DarcsFlag] -> Maybe PatchMatch
getMatchPattern [] = Nothing
getMatchPattern (OnePattern m:_) = Just m
getMatchPattern (SeveralPattern m:_) = Just m
getMatchPattern (_:fs) = getMatchPattern fs

tagmatch :: String -> Matcher p
tagmatch r = make_matcher ("tag-name "++r) tm
    where tm (Sealed2 p) =
              let n = just_name (info p) in
              take 4 n == "TAG " && isJust (matchRegex (mkRegex r) $ drop 4 n)

mymatch :: String -> Matcher p
mymatch r = make_matcher ("patch-name "++r) mm
    where mm (Sealed2 p) = isJust . matchRegex (mkRegex r) . just_name . info $ p

-- | strictJust is a strict version of the Just constructor, used to ensure
-- that if we claim we've got a pattern match, that the pattern will
-- actually match (rathern than fail to compile properly).
-- /First matcher, Second matcher and Nonrange matcher/
-- When we match for patches, we have a PatchSet, of which we want a
-- subset. This subset is formed by the patches in a given interval
-- which match a given criterion. If we represent time going left to
-- right (which means the 'PatchSet' is written right to left), then
-- we have (up to) three 'Matcher's: the 'nonrangeMatcher' is the
-- criterion we use to select among patches in the interval, the
-- 'firstMatcher' is the left bound of the interval, and the
-- 'last_matcher' is the right bound. Each of these matchers can be
-- present or not according to the options.
strictJust :: a -> Maybe a
strictJust x = Just $! x

-- | @nonrangeMatcher@ is the criterion that is used to match against
-- patches in the interval. It is 'Just m' when the @--patch@, @--match@,
-- @--tag@ options are passed (or their plural variants).
nonrangeMatcher :: Patchy p => [DarcsFlag] -> Maybe (Matcher p)
nonrangeMatcher [] = Nothing
nonrangeMatcher (OnePattern m:_) = strictJust $ match_pattern m
nonrangeMatcher (OneTag t:_) = strictJust $ tagmatch t
nonrangeMatcher (OnePatch p:_) = strictJust $ mymatch p
nonrangeMatcher (SeveralPattern m:_) = strictJust $ match_pattern m
nonrangeMatcher (SeveralPatch p:_) = strictJust $ mymatch p
nonrangeMatcher (_:fs) = nonrangeMatcher fs

-- | @nonrangeMatcherIsTag@ returns true if the matching option was
-- '--tag'
nonrangeMatcherIsTag :: [DarcsFlag] -> Bool
nonrangeMatcherIsTag [] = False
nonrangeMatcherIsTag (OneTag _:_) = True
nonrangeMatcherIsTag (_:fs) = nonrangeMatcherIsTag fs

-- | @firstMatcher@ returns the left bound of the matched interval.
-- This left bound is also specified when we use the singular versions
-- of @--patch@, @--match@ and @--tag@. Otherwise, @firstMatcher@
-- returns @Nothing@.
firstMatcher :: Patchy p => [DarcsFlag] -> Maybe (Matcher p)
firstMatcher [] = Nothing
firstMatcher (OnePattern m:_) = strictJust $ match_pattern m
firstMatcher (AfterPattern m:_) = strictJust $ match_pattern m
firstMatcher (AfterTag t:_) = strictJust $ tagmatch t
firstMatcher (OnePatch p:_) = strictJust $ mymatch p
firstMatcher (AfterPatch p:_) = strictJust $ mymatch p
firstMatcher (_:fs) = firstMatcher fs

firstMatcherIsTag :: [DarcsFlag] -> Bool
firstMatcherIsTag [] = False
firstMatcherIsTag (AfterTag _:_) = True
firstMatcherIsTag (_:fs) = firstMatcherIsTag fs

secondMatcher :: Patchy p => [DarcsFlag] -> Maybe (Matcher p)
secondMatcher [] = Nothing
secondMatcher (OnePattern m:_) = strictJust $ match_pattern m
secondMatcher (UpToPattern m:_) = strictJust $ match_pattern m
secondMatcher (OnePatch p:_) = strictJust $ mymatch p
secondMatcher (UpToPatch p:_) = strictJust $ mymatch p
secondMatcher (UpToTag t:_) = strictJust $ tagmatch t
secondMatcher (_:fs) = secondMatcher fs

secondMatcherIsTag :: [DarcsFlag] -> Bool
secondMatcherIsTag [] = False
secondMatcherIsTag (UpToTag _:_) = True
secondMatcherIsTag (_:fs) = secondMatcherIsTag fs

-- | @matchAPatchread fs p@ tells whether @p@ matches the matchers in
-- the flags listed in @fs@.
matchAPatchread :: Patchy p => [DarcsFlag] -> PatchInfoAnd p C(x y) -> Bool
matchAPatchread fs = case nonrangeMatcher fs of
                       Nothing -> const True
                       Just m -> apply_matcher m

-- | @matchAPatch fs p@ tells whether @p@ matches the matchers in
-- the flags @fs@
matchAPatch :: Patchy p => [DarcsFlag] -> Named p C(x y) -> Bool
matchAPatch fs p =
    case nonrangeMatcher fs of
    Nothing -> True
    Just m -> apply_matcher m (patch2patchinfo p `piap` p)

matchPatch :: RepoPatch p => [DarcsFlag] -> PatchSet p C(x) -> Sealed2 (Named p)
matchPatch fs ps =
    case hasIndexRange fs of
    Just (a,a') | a == a' -> case (unseal myhead) $ dropn (a-1) ps of
                             Just (Sealed2 p) -> seal2 $ hopefully p
                             Nothing -> error "Patch out of range!"
                | otherwise -> bug ("Invalid index range match given to matchPatch: "++
                                    show (PatchIndexRange a a'))
                where myhead :: PatchSet p C(x) -> Maybe (Sealed2 (PatchInfoAnd p))
                      myhead (NilRL:<:x) = myhead x
                      myhead ((x:<:_):<:_) = Just $ seal2 x
                      myhead NilRL = Nothing
    Nothing -> case nonrangeMatcher fs of
                    Nothing -> bug "Couldn't matchPatch"
                    Just m -> findAPatch m ps

getOnePatchset :: RepoPatch p => Repository p C(r u t) -> [DarcsFlag] -> IO (SealedPatchSet p)
getOnePatchset repository fs =
    case nonrangeMatcher fs of
        Just m -> do ps <- read_repo repository
                     if nonrangeMatcherIsTag fs
                        then return $ getMatchingTag m ps
                        else return $ matchAPatchset m ps
        Nothing -> (seal . scan_context) `fmap` mmapFilePS (toFilePath $ context_f fs)
    where context_f [] = bug "Couldn't match_nonrange_patchset"
          context_f (Context f:_) = f
          context_f (_:xs) = context_f xs

-- | @hasLastn fs@ return the @--last@ argument in @fs@, if any.
hasLastn :: [DarcsFlag] -> Maybe Int
hasLastn [] = Nothing
hasLastn (LastN (-1):_) = error "--last requires a positive integer argument."
hasLastn (LastN n:_) = Just n
hasLastn (_:fs) = hasLastn fs

hasIndexRange :: [DarcsFlag] -> Maybe (Int,Int)
hasIndexRange [] = Nothing
hasIndexRange (PatchIndexRange x y:_) = Just (x,y)
hasIndexRange (_:fs) = hasIndexRange fs

-- | @matchFirstPatchset fs ps@ returns the part of @ps@ before its
-- first matcher, ie the one that comes first dependencywise. Hence,
-- patches in @matchFirstPatchset fs ps@ are the ones we don't want.
-- Question: are they really? Florent
matchFirstPatchset :: RepoPatch p => [DarcsFlag] -> PatchSet p C(x) -> SealedPatchSet p
matchFirstPatchset fs patchset =
    case hasLastn fs of
    Just n -> dropn n patchset
    Nothing ->
        case hasIndexRange fs of
        Just (_,b) -> dropn b patchset
        Nothing ->
               case firstMatcher fs of
               Nothing -> bug "Couldn't matchFirstPatchset"
               Just m -> unseal (dropn 1) $ if firstMatcherIsTag fs
                                            then getMatchingTag m patchset
                                            else matchAPatchset m patchset

-- | @dropn n ps@ drops the @n@ last patches from @ps@.
dropn :: Int -> PatchSet p C(x) -> SealedPatchSet p
dropn n ps | n <= 0 = seal ps
dropn n (NilRL:<:ps) = dropn n ps
dropn _ NilRL = seal $ NilRL:<:NilRL
dropn n ((_:<:ps):<:xs) = dropn (n-1) $ ps:<:xs

-- | @matchSecondPatchset fs ps@ returns the part of @ps@ before its
-- second matcher, ie the one that comes last dependencywise.
matchSecondPatchset :: RepoPatch p => [DarcsFlag] -> PatchSet p C(x) -> SealedPatchSet p
matchSecondPatchset fs ps =
  case hasIndexRange fs of
  Just (a,_) -> dropn (a-1) ps
  Nothing ->
    case secondMatcher fs of
    Nothing -> bug "Couldn't matchSecondPatchset"
    Just m -> if secondMatcherIsTag fs
              then getMatchingTag m ps
              else matchAPatchset m ps

-- | @findAPatch m ps@ returns the last patch in @ps@ matching @m@, and
-- calls 'error' if there is none.
findAPatch :: RepoPatch p => Matcher p -> PatchSet p C(x) -> Sealed2 (Named p)
findAPatch m NilRL = error $ "Couldn't find patch matching " ++ show m
findAPatch m (NilRL:<:xs) = findAPatch m xs
findAPatch m ((p:<:ps):<:xs) | apply_matcher m p = seal2 $ hopefully p
                               | otherwise = findAPatch m (ps:<:xs)

-- | @matchAPatchset m ps@ returns a (the largest?) subset of @ps@
-- ending in patch which matches @m@. Calls 'error' if there is none.
matchAPatchset :: RepoPatch p => Matcher p -> PatchSet p C(x) -> SealedPatchSet p
matchAPatchset m NilRL = error $ "Couldn't find patch matching " ++ show m
matchAPatchset m (NilRL:<:xs) = matchAPatchset m xs
matchAPatchset m ((p:<:ps):<:xs) | apply_matcher m p = seal ((p:<:ps):<:xs)
                                   | otherwise = matchAPatchset m (ps:<:xs)

-- | @getMatchingTag m ps@, where @m@ is a 'Matcher' which matches tags
-- returns a 'SealedPatchSet' containing all patches in the last tag which
-- matches @m@. Last tag means the most recent tag in repository order,
-- i.e. the last one you'd see if you ran darcs changes -t @m@. Calls
-- 'error' if there is no matching tag.
getMatchingTag :: RepoPatch p => Matcher p -> PatchSet p C(x) -> SealedPatchSet p
getMatchingTag m NilRL = error $ "Couldn't find a tag matching " ++ show m
getMatchingTag m (NilRL:<:xs) = getMatchingTag m xs
getMatchingTag m xxx@((p:<:ps):<:xs)
    | apply_matcher m p = get_patches_in_tag (info p) xxx
    | otherwise = getMatchingTag m (ps:<:xs)

-- | @matchExists m ps@ tells whether there is a patch matching
-- @m@ in @ps@
matchExists :: Matcher p -> PatchSet p C(x) -> Bool
matchExists _ NilRL = False
matchExists m (NilRL:<:xs) = matchExists m xs
matchExists m ((p:<:ps):<:xs) | apply_matcher m $ p = True
                               | otherwise = matchExists m (ps:<:xs)

applyInvToMatcher :: (RepoPatch p, WriteableDirectory m) => InclusiveOrExclusive -> Matcher p -> PatchSet p C(x) -> m ()
applyInvToMatcher _ _ NilRL = impossible
applyInvToMatcher ioe m (NilRL:<:xs) = applyInvToMatcher ioe m xs
applyInvToMatcher ioe m ((p:<:ps):<:xs)
    | apply_matcher m p = when (ioe == Inclusive) (applyInvp p)
    | otherwise = applyInvp p >> applyInvToMatcher ioe m (ps:<:xs)

-- | @maybeReadFile@ recursively gets the contents of all files
-- in a directory, or just the contents of a file if called on a
-- simple file.
maybeReadFile :: ReadableDirectory m => FileName -> m ([(FileName, B.ByteString)])
maybeReadFile file = do
    d <- mDoesDirectoryExist file
    if d
      then do
        children <- mInCurrentDirectory file mGetDirectoryContents
        maybe_read_files [file /// ch | ch <-  children]
      else do
         e <- mDoesFileExist file
         if e
           then do
             contents <- mReadFilePS file
             return  [(norm_path file, contents)]
           else return []
  where maybe_read_files [] =  return []
        maybe_read_files (f:fs) = do
                      x <- maybeReadFile f
                      y <- maybe_read_files fs
                      return $ concat [x,y]

getMatcherS :: (MatchMonad m p, RepoPatch p) =>
                 InclusiveOrExclusive -> Matcher p -> PatchSet p C(x) -> m ()
getMatcherS ioe m repo =
    if matchExists m repo
    then applyInvToMatcher ioe m repo
    else fail $ "Couldn't match pattern "++ show m

getTagS :: (MatchMonad m p, RepoPatch p) =>
             Matcher p -> PatchSet p C(x) -> m ()
getTagS match repo = do
    let pinfo = patch2patchinfo `unseal2` (findAPatch match repo)
    case get_patches_beyond_tag pinfo repo of
        FlippedSeal extras -> applyInvRL extras

-- | @applyInvp@ tries to get the patch that's in a 'PatchInfoAnd
-- patch', and to apply its inverse. If we fail to fetch the patch
-- (presumably in a partial repositiory), then we share our sorrow
-- with the user.
applyInvp :: (Patchy p, WriteableDirectory m) => PatchInfoAnd p C(x y) -> m ()
applyInvp hp = apply [] (invert $ fromHopefully hp)
    where fromHopefully = conscientiously $ \e ->
                     text "Sorry, partial repository problem.  Patch not available:"
                     $$ e
                     $$ text ""
                     $$ text "If you think what you're trying to do is ok then"
                     $$ text "report this as a bug on the darcs-user list."

-- | a version of 'take' for 'RL' lists that cater for contexts.
safetake :: Int -> RL a C(x y) -> FlippedSeal (RL a) C(y)
safetake 0 _ = flipSeal NilRL
safetake _ NilRL = error "There aren't that many patches..."
safetake i (a:<:as) = a `consRLSealed` safetake (i-1) as

-- | A @MatchMonad p m@ is a monad in which we match patches from @p@
-- by playing with them in @m@, a 'WriteableDirectory' monad. How we
-- play with the patches depends on the instance of @MatchMonad@ we're
-- using. If we use @IO@, then we'll apply the patches directly in
-- @m@, if we use @SlurpMonad@, then we'll apply the patches to a
-- slurpy, and write to disk at the end. Note that both @IO@ and
-- @SlurpMonad@ have an instance of 'WriteableDirectory' that
-- implicitely writes in the current directory.
class (RepoPatch p, WriteableDirectory m) => MatchMonad m p where
    withRecordedMatch :: Repository p C(r u t)
                      -> (PatchSet p C(r) -> m ()) -> IO ()
    -- ^ @withRecordedMatch@ is responsible for getting the recorded state
    -- into the monad, and then applying the second argument, and
    -- finally placing the resulting state into the current directory.
        :: Repository p C(r u t) -> [FileName]
        -> (PatchSet p C(r) -> m ()) -> IO ()
    -- ^ @withRecordedMatchOnlySomeFiles@ is a variant of
    -- withRecordedMatch that may only return some of the files
    -- (e.g. if we want to run diff on just a few files).
    withRecordedMatchOnlySomeFiles r _ j = withRecordedMatch r j
    applyInvRL :: RL (PatchInfoAnd p) C(x r) -> m ()
    applyInvRL NilRL = return ()
    applyInvRL (p:<:ps) = applyInvp p >> applyInvRL ps

withRecordedMatchIO :: RepoPatch p => Repository p C(r u t)
                    -> (PatchSet p C(r) -> IO ()) -> IO ()
withRecordedMatchIO = withRecordedMatch

-- | @withRecordedMatchSmart@ hides away the choice of the
-- 'SlurpMonad' to use in order to apply 'withRecordedMatch'.
-- If we have the @--store-in-memory@ flag, then use 'SlurpMonad', else
-- use @IO@. In both case, the result is in the @IO@ monad.
-- Suggestion: shouldn't we name @withRecordedMatchSmart@
-- @withRecordedMatch@, and give the monad function another name such
-- as @withRecordedMatchRaw@?
withRecordedMatchSmart :: RepoPatch p => [DarcsFlag] -> Repository p C(r u t)
                       -> (forall m. MatchMonad m p => PatchSet p C(r) -> m ())
                       -> IO ()
withRecordedMatchSmart opts r j =
 do if willStoreInMemory opts then withSM r j
                              else withRecordedMatchIO r j
    where withSM :: RepoPatch p => Repository p C(r u t)
                 -> (PatchSet p C(r) -> SlurpMonad ()) -> IO ()
          withSM = withRecordedMatch

-- | @withRecordedMatchOnlySomeSmart@ is the smart version of
-- 'withRecordedMatchOnlySome'. It runs 'withRecordedMatchOnlySome'
-- either in the 'SlurpMonad' or in @IO@ according to the
-- @--store-in-memory@ flag.
withRecordedMatchOnlySomeSmart :: RepoPatch p => [DarcsFlag] -> Repository p C(r u t)
                       -> [FileName]
                       -> (forall m. MatchMonad m p => PatchSet p C(r) -> m ())
                       -> IO ()
withRecordedMatchOnlySomeSmart opts r [] j = withRecordedMatchSmart opts r j
withRecordedMatchOnlySomeSmart opts r files j =
 do if willStoreInMemory opts then withSM r files j
                              else withIO r files j
    where withSM :: RepoPatch p => Repository p C(r u t) -> [FileName]
                 -> (PatchSet p C(r) -> SlurpMonad ()) -> IO ()
          withSM = withRecordedMatchOnlySomeFiles
          withIO :: RepoPatch p => Repository p C(r u t) -> [FileName]
                 -> (PatchSet p C(r) -> IO ()) -> IO ()
          withIO = withRecordedMatchOnlySomeFiles

instance RepoPatch p => MatchMonad IO p where
    withRecordedMatch r job = do createPristineDirectoryTree r "."
                                 read_repo r >>= job
    applyInvRL = apply_patches [] . invertRL -- this gives nicer feedback

instance RepoPatch p => MatchMonad SlurpMonad p where
    withRecordedMatch r job =
        do ps <- read_repo r
           s <- slurp_recorded r
           case withSlurpy s (job ps) of
             Left err -> fail err
             Right (s',_) -> writeSlurpy s' "."
    withRecordedMatchOnlySomeFiles r fs job =
        do ps <- read_repo r
           s <- slurp_recorded r
           case withSlurpy s (job ps >> mapM maybeReadFile fs) of
             Left err -> fail err
             Right (_,fcs) -> mapM_ createAFile $ concat fcs
               where createAFile (p,c) = do ensureDirectories $ superName p
                                            mWriteFilePS p c
                     ensureDirectories d =
                         do isPar <- mDoesDirectoryExist d
                            unless isPar $ do
                               ensureDirectories $ superName d
                               mCreateDirectory d
