% Copyright (C) 2003 David Roundy % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) % any later version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to % the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, % Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. \begin{code}
module Darcs.ArgumentDefaults ( getDefaultFlags ) where
import Data.Maybe ( catMaybes, listToMaybe, mapMaybe )

import Darcs.Arguments ( DarcsFlag,
                         DarcsOption( DarcsArgOption, DarcsNoArgOption, DarcsMultipleChoiceOption ),
                         arein, isin )
import Darcs.Commands ( CommandControl( CommandData ),
                        commandAlloptions )
import Darcs.Commands.Help ( commandControlList )
import Darcs.Repository.Prefs ( getGlobal, getPreflist )
\end{code} \paragraph{defaults}\label{defaults} Default values for darcs commands can be configured on a per-repository basis by editing (and possibly creating) the \verb!_darcs/prefs/defaults! file. Each line of this file has the following form: \begin{verbatim} COMMAND FLAG VALUE \end{verbatim} where \verb!COMMAND! is either the name of the command to which the default applies, or \verb!ALL! to indicate that the default applies to all commands accepting that flag. The \verb!FLAG! term is the name of the long argument option without the ``\verb!--!'', i.e.\ \verb!verbose! rather than \verb!--verbose!. Finally, the \verb!VALUE! option can be omitted if the flag is one such as \verb!verbose! that doesn't involve a value. If the value has spaces in it, use single quotes, not double quotes, to surround it. Each line only takes one flag. To set multiple defaults for the same command (or for \verb!ALL! commands), use multiple lines. Note that the use of \verb|ALL| easily can have unpredicted consequences, especially if commands in newer versions of darcs accepts flags that they didn't in previous versions. A command like \verb|obliterate| could be devastating with the ``wrong'' flags (for example --all). Only use safe flags with \verb|ALL|. \begin{tabular}{ll} {\tt \verb!~/.darcs/defaults!} & provides defaults for this user account, on MS Windows~\ref{ms_win} \\ {\tt \verb!repo/_darcs/prefs/defaults!} & provides defaults for one project,\\ & overrules changes per user \\ \end{tabular} For example, if your system clock is bizarre, you could instruct darcs to always ignore the file modification times by adding the following line to your \verb!_darcs/prefs/defaults! file. (Note that this would have to be done for each repository!) \begin{verbatim} ALL ignore-times \end{verbatim} If you never want to run a test when recording to a particular repository (but still want to do so when running \verb'check' on that repository), and like to name all your patches ``Stupid patch'', you could use the following: \begin{verbatim} record no-test record patch-name Stupid patch \end{verbatim} If you would like a command to be run every time patches are recorded in a particular repository (for example if you have one central repository, that all developers contribute to), then you can set apply to always run a command when apply is successful. For example, if you need to make sure that the files in the repository have the correct access rights you might use the following. There are two things to note about using darcs this way: \begin{itemize} \item Without the second line you will get errors, because the sub process that runs apply cannot prompt interactively. \item Whatever script is run by the post apply command should not be added to the repository with \verb!darcs add!; doing so would allow people to modify that file and then run arbitrary scripts on your main repository, possibly damaging or violating security. \end{itemize} \begin{verbatim} apply posthook chmod -R a+r * apply run-posthook \end{verbatim} Similarly, if you need a command to run automatically before darcs performs an action you can use a prehook. Using prehooks it could be possible to canonicalize line endings before recording patches. There are some options which are meant specifically for use in \verb!_darcs/prefs/defaults!. One of them is \verb!--disable!. As the name suggests, this option will disable every command that got it as argument. So, if you are afraid that you could damage your repositories by inadvertent use of a command like amend-record, add the following line to \verb!_darcs/prefs/defaults!: \begin{verbatim} amend-record disable \end{verbatim} Also, a global preferences file can be created with the name \verb!.darcs/defaults! in your home directory, on MS Windows~\ref{ms_win}. Options present there will be added to the repository-specific preferences. If they conflict with repository-specific options, the repository-specific ones will take precedence. \begin{code}
getDefaultFlags :: String -> [DarcsOption] -> [DarcsFlag] -> IO [DarcsFlag]
getDefaultFlags com com_opts already = do
    repo_defs   <- defaultContent $ getPreflist "defaults"
    global_defs <- defaultContent $ getGlobal   "defaults"
    let repo_flags = getFlagsFrom com com_opts already repo_defs
        global_flags = getFlagsFrom com com_opts
                                          (already++repo_flags) global_defs
    return $ repo_flags ++ global_flags

getFlagsFrom :: String -> [DarcsOption] -> [DarcsFlag] -> [(String,String,String)] -> [DarcsFlag]
getFlagsFrom com com_opts already defs =
    options_for com_defs com_opts com_opts ++
    options_for all_defs com_opts all_opts
    where com_defs = filter (\ (c,_,_) -> c == com) defs
          all_defs = filter (\ (c,_,_) -> c == "ALL") defs
          options_for d o ao = concatMap (findOption o ao already) d
          all_opts = concatMap get_opts commandControlList
          get_opts (CommandData c) = let (o1, o2) = commandAlloptions c
                                      in o1 ++ o2
          get_opts _                = []

findOption :: [DarcsOption] -> [DarcsOption] -> [DarcsFlag] -> (String,String,String) -> [DarcsFlag]
findOption opts all_opts already (c, f, d) =
    if null $ mapMaybe choose_option all_opts
    then error $ "Bad default option: command '"++c++"' has no option '"++f++"'."
    else concat $ mapMaybe choose_option opts
    where choose_option (DarcsNoArgOption _ fls o _)
              | o `elem` already = Just []
              | f `elem` fls = if null d
                               then Just [o]
                               else error $ "Bad default option: '"++f
                                        ++"' takes no argument, but '"++d
                                        ++"' argument given."
          choose_option (DarcsArgOption _ fls o _ _)
              | o `isin` already = Just []
              | f `elem` fls = if null d
                               then error $ "Bad default option: '"++f
                                        ++"' requires an argument, but no "
                                        ++"argument given."
                               else Just [o d]
          choose_option (DarcsMultipleChoiceOption os)
              | os `arein` already = Just []
              | otherwise = listToMaybe $ mapMaybe choose_option os
          choose_option _ = Nothing

defaultContent :: IO [String] -> IO [(String,String,String)]
defaultContent = fmap (catMaybes . map (doline.words))
    where doline (c:a:r) = Just (c, drop_dashdash a, unwords r)
          doline _ = Nothing
          drop_dashdash ('-':'-':a) = a
          drop_dashdash a = a
