% Copyright (C) 2003-2005 David Roundy % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) % any later version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to % the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, % Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. \darcsCommand{apply} \begin{code}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, PatternGuards #-}

module Darcs.Commands.Apply ( apply ) where
import System.Exit ( ExitCode(..), exitWith )
import Prelude hiding ( catch )
import System.IO ( hClose, stdout, stderr )
import Control.Exception.Extensible
                 ( catch, fromException, SomeException, throwIO )
import Control.Monad ( when )

import Darcs.Hopefully ( PatchInfoAnd, n2pia, conscientiously )
import Darcs.SignalHandler ( withSignalsBlocked )
import Darcs.Commands ( DarcsCommand(..), putVerbose )
import Darcs.CommandsAux ( checkPaths )
import Darcs.Arguments ( DarcsFlag( Reply, Interactive, All),
                         getCc, workingRepoDir,
                        notest, nocompress, applyConflictOptions,
                        ignoretimes, getSendmailCmd,
                        reply, verify, listFiles,
                        fixFilePathOrStd, umaskOption,
                        allInteractive, sendmailCmd,
                        leaveTestDir, happyForwarding,
                        dryRun, printDryRunMessageAndExit,
                        setScriptsExecutableOption, restrictPaths,
import Darcs.Flags(doHappyForwarding, doReverse)

import qualified Darcs.Arguments as DarcsArguments ( ccApply )
import Darcs.RepoPath ( toFilePath, useAbsoluteOrStd )
import Darcs.Repository ( Repository, SealedPatchSet, withRepoLock, ($-), amInRepository,
                    applyToWorking, invalidateIndex
import Darcs.Patch.Set ( Origin )
import Darcs.Patch ( RepoPatch, description )
import Darcs.Patch.Info ( PatchInfo, humanFriendly )
import Darcs.Witnesses.Ordered ( FL, (:\/:)(..), (:>)(..),
                       mapFL, nullFL, mapFL_FL, reverseFL )
import ByteStringUtils ( linesPS, unlinesPS, gzReadFilePS, gzReadStdin )
import qualified Data.ByteString as B (ByteString, null, init, take, drop)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC (unpack, last, pack)

import Darcs.External ( sendEmail, sendEmailDoc, resendEmail,
                  verifyPS )
import Darcs.Email ( readEmail )
import Darcs.Lock ( withStdoutTemp, readBinFile )
import Darcs.Patch.Depends ( findCommonAndUncommon )
import Darcs.SelectChanges ( selectChanges, WhichChanges(..),
                             runSelection, selectionContext,
                             filterOutConflicts )
import Darcs.Patch.Bundle ( scanBundle )
import Darcs.Witnesses.Sealed ( Sealed(Sealed) )
import Printer ( packedString, vcat, text, ($$), errorDoc, empty )

#include "impossible.h"

#include "gadts.h"

applyDescription :: String
applyDescription = "Apply a patch bundle created by `darcs send'."

applyHelp :: String
applyHelp =
 "The `darcs apply' command takes a patch bundle and attempts to insert\n" ++
 "it into the current repository.  In addition to invoking it directly\n" ++
 "on bundles created by `darcs send', it is used internally by `darcs\n" ++
 "push' and `darcs put' on the remote end of an SSH connection.\n" ++
 "\n" ++
 "If no file is supplied, the bundle is read from standard input.\n" ++
 "\n" ++
 "If given an email instead of a patch bundle, Darcs will look for the\n" ++
 "bundle as a MIME attachment to that email.  Currently this will fail\n" ++
 "if the MIME boundary is rewritten, such as in Courier and Mail.app.\n" ++
 "\n" ++
 "If the `--reply noreply@example.net' option is used, and the bundle is\n" ++
 "attached to an email, Darcs will send a report (indicating success or\n" ++
 "failure) to the sender of the bundle (the To field).  The argument to\n" ++
 "noreply is the address the report will appear to originate FROM.\n" ++
 "\n" ++
 "The --cc option will cause the report to be CC'd to another address,\n" ++
 "for example `--cc reports@lists.example.net,admin@lists.example.net'.\n" ++
 "Using --cc without --reply is undefined.\n" ++
 "\n" ++
 "If gpg(1) is installed, you can use `--verify pubring.gpg' to reject\n" ++
 "bundles that aren't signed by a key in pubring.gpg.\n" ++
 "\n" ++
 "If --test is supplied and a test is defined (see `darcs setpref'), the\n" ++
 "bundle will be rejected if the test fails after applying it.  In that\n" ++
 "case, the rejection email from --reply will include the test output.\n"

stdindefault :: a -> [String] -> IO [String]
stdindefault _ [] = return ["-"]
stdindefault _ x = return x
apply :: DarcsCommand
apply = DarcsCommand {commandName = "apply",
                      commandHelp = applyHelp ++ "\n" ++ applyHelp',
                      commandDescription = applyDescription,
                      commandExtraArgs = 1,
                      commandExtraArgHelp = ["<PATCHFILE>"],
                      commandCommand = applyCmd,
                      commandPrereq = amInRepository,
                      commandGetArgPossibilities = listFiles,
                      commandArgdefaults = const stdindefault,
                      commandAdvancedOptions = [reply, DarcsArguments.ccApply,
                                                  ignoretimes, nocompress,
                                                  setScriptsExecutableOption, umaskOption,
                                                  restrictPaths, changesReverse],
                      commandBasicOptions = [verify,

applyCmd :: [DarcsFlag] -> [String] -> IO ()
applyCmd _ [""] = fail "Empty filename argument given to apply!"
applyCmd opts [unfixed_patchesfile] = withRepoLock opts $- \repository -> do
  patchesfile <- fixFilePathOrStd opts unfixed_patchesfile
  ps <- useAbsoluteOrStd (gzReadFilePS . toFilePath) gzReadStdin patchesfile
  let from_whom = getFrom ps
  us <- readRepo repository
  either_them <- getPatchBundle opts ps
  Sealed them
     <- case either_them of
          Right t -> return t
          Left er -> do forwarded <- considerForwarding opts ps
                        if forwarded
                          then exitWith ExitSuccess
                          else fail er
  (us':\/:them') <- return $ findCommonAndUncommon us them -- FIXME handling missing patches : - (
  let their_ps = mapFL_FL (n2pia . conscientiously (text ("We cannot apply this patch "
                                                          ++"bundle, since we're missing:") $$))
  (hadConflicts, Sealed their_ps_filtered) <- filterOutConflicts opts (reverseFL us') repository their_ps
  when hadConflicts $ putStrLn "Skipping some patches which would cause conflicts."
  when (nullFL their_ps_filtered) $
       do putStr $ "All these patches have already been applied.  " ++
                     "Nothing to do.\n"
          exitWith ExitSuccess
  let context = selectionContext "apply" fixed_opts Nothing []
      selector = if doReverse opts
                 then selectChanges FirstReversed
                 else selectChanges First
  (to_be_applied :> _) <- runSelection (selector their_ps_filtered) context
  applyItNow opts from_whom repository us' to_be_applied
    where fixed_opts = if Interactive `elem` opts
                         then opts
                         else All : opts
applyCmd _ _ = impossible

applyItNow :: FORALL(p r u t x y z) RepoPatch p =>
             [DarcsFlag] -> String -> Repository p C(r u t)
           -> FL (PatchInfoAnd p) C(x t) -> FL (PatchInfoAnd p) C(x z) -> IO ()
applyItNow opts from_whom repository us' to_be_applied = do
   printDryRunMessageAndExit "apply" opts to_be_applied
   when (nullFL to_be_applied) $
        do putStrLn "You don't want to apply any patches, so I'm exiting!"
           exitWith ExitSuccess
   checkPaths opts to_be_applied
   redirectOutput opts from_whom $ do
    putVerbose opts $ text "Will apply the following patches:"
    putVerbose opts . vcat $ mapFL description to_be_applied
    definePatches to_be_applied
    Sealed pw <- tentativelyMergePatches repository "apply" opts us' to_be_applied
    invalidateIndex repository
    withSignalsBlocked $ do finalizeRepositoryChanges repository
                            applyToWorking repository opts pw `catch` \(e :: SomeException) ->
                                fail ("Error applying patch to working dir:\n" ++ show e)
                            return ()
    putStrLn "Finished applying..."

cannotApplyMissing :: PatchInfo -> a
cannotApplyMissing pinfo
    = errorDoc $ text "Cannot apply this patch bundle, since we're missing:"
      $$ humanFriendly pinfo

cannotApplyPartialRepo :: PatchInfo -> String -> a
cannotApplyPartialRepo pinfo e
    = errorDoc $ text ("Cannot apply this patch bundle, "
                       ++ "this is a \"--partial repository")
      $$ text "We don't have the following patch:"
             $$ humanFriendly pinfo $$ text e
\end{code} Darcs apply accepts a single argument, which is the name of the patch file to be applied. If you omit this argument, the patch is read from standard input. Darcs also interprets an argument of `\-' to mean it should read the file from standard input. This allows you to use apply with a pipe from your email program, for example. \begin{options} --verify \end{options} \begin{code}

getPatchBundle :: RepoPatch p => [DarcsFlag] -> B.ByteString
                 -> IO (Either String (SealedPatchSet p C(Origin)))
getPatchBundle opts fps = do
    mps <- verifyPS opts $ readEmail fps
    mops <- verifyPS opts fps
    case (mps, mops) of
      (Nothing, Nothing) ->
          return $ Left "Patch bundle not properly signed, or gpg failed."
      (Just ps, Nothing) -> return $ scanBundle ps
      (Nothing, Just ps) -> return $ scanBundle ps
      -- We use careful_scan_bundle only below because in either of the two
      -- above case we know the patch was signed, so it really shouldn't
      -- need stripping of CRs.
      (Just ps1, Just ps2) -> case careful_scan_bundle ps1 of
                              Left _ -> return $ careful_scan_bundle ps2
                              Right x -> return $ Right x
          where careful_scan_bundle ps =
                    case scanBundle ps of
                    Left e -> case scanBundle $ stripCrPS ps of
                              Right x -> Right x
                              _ -> Left e
                    x -> x
                stripCrPS :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
                stripCrPS ps = unlinesPS $ map stripline $ linesPS ps
                stripline p | B.null p = p
                            | BC.last p == '\r' = B.init p
                            | otherwise = p

applyHelp' :: String
applyHelp' =
 "A patch bundle may introduce unresolved conflicts with existing\n" ++
 "patches or with the working tree.  By default, Darcs will add conflict\n" ++
 "markers (see `darcs mark-conflicts').\n" ++
 "\n" ++
 "The --allow-conflicts option will skip conflict marking; this is\n" ++
 "useful when you want to treat a repository as just a bunch of patches,\n" ++
 "such as using `darcs pull --union' to download of your co-workers\n" ++
 "patches before going offline.\n" ++
 "\n" ++
 "This can mess up unrecorded changes in the working tree, forcing you\n" ++
 "to resolve the conflict immediately.  To simply reject bundles that\n" ++
 "introduce unresolved conflicts, using the --dont-allow-conflicts\n" ++
 "option.  Making this the default in push-based workflows is strongly\n" ++
 "recommended.\n" ++
 "\n" ++
 "Unlike most Darcs commands, `darcs apply' defaults to --all.  Use the\n" ++
 "--interactive option to pick which patches to apply from a bundle.\n"

\end{code} \begin{options} --external-merge \end{options} You can use an external interactive merge tool to resolve conflicts with the flag \verb!--external-merge!. For more details see subsection~\ref{resolution}. \begin{options} --sendmail-command \end{options} If you want to use a command different from the default one for sending mail, you need to specify a command line with the \verb!--sendmail-command! option. The command line can contain the format specifier \verb!%t! for to and you can add \verb!%getFrom :: B.ByteString -> String getFrom ps = readFrom $ linesPS ps where readFrom [] = "" readFrom (x:xs) | B.take 5 x == fromStart = BC.unpack $ B.drop 5 x | otherwise = readFrom xs redirectOutput :: forall a . [DarcsFlag] -> String -> IO a -> IO a redirectOutput opts to doit = ro opts where cc = getCc opts ro [] = doit ro (Reply f:_) = withStdoutTemp $ \tempf-> do {a <- doit; hClose stdout; hClose stderr; return a; } `catch` (sendit tempf) where sendit :: FilePath -> SomeException -> IO a sendit tempf e | Just ExitSuccess <- fromException e = do sendSanitizedEmail opts f to "Patch applied" cc tempf throwIO e sendit tempf e | Just (_ :: ExitCode) <- fromException e = do sendSanitizedEmail opts f to "Patch failed!" cc tempf throwIO ExitSuccess sendit tempf e = do sendSanitizedEmail opts f to "Darcs error applying patch!" cc $ tempf ++ "\n\nCaught exception:\n"++ show e++"\n" throwIO ExitSuccess ro (_:fs) = ro fs -- |sendSanitizedEmail sends a sanitized email using the given sendmailcmd -- It takes @DacrsFlag@ options a file with the mail contents, -- To:, Subject:, CC:, and mail body sendSanitizedEmail :: [DarcsFlag] -> String -> String -> String -> String -> String -> IO () sendSanitizedEmail opts file to subject cc mailtext = do scmd <- getSendmailCmd opts body <- sanitizeFile mailtext sendEmail file to subject cc scmd body -- sanitizeFile is used to clean up the stdout/stderr before sticking it in -- an email. sanitizeFile :: FilePath -> IO String sanitizeFile f = sanitize `fmap` readBinFile f where sanitize s = wash $ remove_backspaces "" s wash ('\000':s) = "\\NUL" ++ wash s wash ('\026':s) = "\\EOF" ++ wash s wash (c:cs) = c : wash cs wash [] = [] remove_backspaces rev_sofar "" = reverse rev_sofar remove_backspaces (_:rs) ('\008':s) = remove_backspaces rs s remove_backspaces "" ('\008':s) = remove_backspaces "" s remove_backspaces rs (s:ss) = remove_backspaces (s:rs) ss forwardingMessage :: B.ByteString forwardingMessage = BC.pack $ "The following patch was either unsigned, or signed by a non-allowed\n"++ "key, or there was a GPG failure.\n" considerForwarding :: [DarcsFlag] -> B.ByteString -> IO Bool considerForwarding opts m = cf opts (getCc opts) where cf [] _ = return False cf (Reply t:_) cc = case break is_from (linesPS m) of (m1, f:m2) -> let m_lines = forwardingMessage:m1 ++ m2 m' = unlinesPS m_lines f' = BC.unpack (B.drop 5 f) in if t == f' || t == init f' then return False -- Refuse possible email loop. else do scmd <- getSendmailCmd opts if doHappyForwarding opts then resendEmail t scmd m else sendEmailDoc f' t "A forwarded darcs patch" cc scmd (Just (empty,empty)) (packedString m') return True _ -> return False -- Don't forward emails lacking headers! cf (_:fs) cc = cf fs cc is_from l = B.take 5 l == fromStart fromStart :: B.ByteString fromStart = BC.pack "From:" \end{code}