% Copyright (C) 2002-2005 David Roundy % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) % any later version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to % the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, % Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. \darcsCommand{unrecord} \begin{code}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp #-}

module Darcs.Commands.Unrecord ( unrecord, unpull, obliterate, getLastPatches ) where
import Control.Monad ( when )
import System.Exit ( exitWith, ExitCode( ExitSuccess ) )
import Data.Maybe( isJust )

import Printer ( text, putDoc )
import English ( presentParticiple )
import Darcs.Hopefully ( hopefully, info, patchDesc )
import Darcs.Commands ( DarcsCommand(..), nodefaults, commandAlias,
                        putVerbose )
import Darcs.Arguments ( DarcsFlag,
                         output, outputAutoName, getOutput,
                         workingRepoDir, nocompress, definePatches,
                        matchSeveralOrLast, depsSel,
                        allInteractive, umaskOption, summary, dryRun,
                        printDryRunMessageAndExit, changesReverse
import Darcs.Flags ( doReverse )
import Darcs.Match ( firstMatch, matchFirstPatchset, matchAPatchread )
import Darcs.Repository ( PatchInfoAnd, withGutsOf,
                          withRepoLock, ($-),
                    tentativelyRemovePatches, finalizeRepositoryChanges,
                    readRepo, amInRepository
                        , invalidateIndex, unrecordedChanges )
import Darcs.Patch ( Patchy, RepoPatch, invert, commute, effect )
import Darcs.Patch.Set ( PatchSet(..), Tagged(..) )
import Darcs.Patch.Set ( Origin )
import Darcs.Witnesses.Ordered ( RL(..), (:>)(..), (+<+), (:>>)(..), reverseFL,
                             mapFL_FL, nullFL,
                             reverseRL, mapRL, FL(..), mapFL )
import Darcs.Patch.Depends ( findCommonWithThem )
import Darcs.SelectChanges ( selectChanges
                           , WhichChanges(..)
                           , selectionContext, runSelection )
import Darcs.Patch.Bundle ( makeBundle, patchFilename, contextPatches )
import Progress ( debugMessage )
import Darcs.Witnesses.Sealed ( Sealed(..), FlippedSeal(..), mapFlipped )
import Darcs.RepoPath( useAbsoluteOrStd )
import Darcs.Lock( writeDocBinFile )
#include "gadts.h"

unrecordDescription :: String
unrecordDescription =
 "Remove recorded patches without changing the working copy."
\end{code} Unrecord can be thought of as undo-record. If a record is followed by an unrecord, everything looks like before the record; all the previously unrecorded changes are back, and can be recorded again in a new patch. The unrecorded patch however is actually removed from your repository, so there is no way to record it again to get it back.\footnote{The patch file itself is not actually deleted, but its context is lost, so it cannot be reliably read---your only choice would be to go in by hand and read its contents.}. If you want to remove the changes from the working copy too (where they otherwise will show up as unrecorded changes again), you'll also need to \verb!darcs revert!. To do unrecord and revert in one go, you can use \verb!darcs obliterate!. If you don't revert after unrecording, then the changes made by the unrecorded patches are left in your working tree. If these patches are actually from another repository, interaction (either pushes or pulls) with that repository may be massively slowed down, as darcs tries to cope with the fact that you appear to have made a large number of changes that conflict with those present in the other repository. So if you really want to undo the result of a \emph{pull} operation, use obliterate! Unrecord is primarily intended for when you record a patch, realize it needs just one more change, but would rather not have a separate patch for just that one change. \newcommand{\pullwarning}[1]{ \textbf{WARNING:} #1 should not be run when there is a possibility that another user may be pulling from the same repository. Attempting to do so may cause repository corruption.} \pullwarning{Unrecord} \begin{options} --from-match, --from-patch, --from-tag, --last \end{options} Usually you only want to unrecord the latest changes, and almost never would you want to unrecord changes before a tag---you would have to have unrecorded the tag as well to do that. Therefore, and for efficiency, darcs only prompts you for the latest patches, after some optimal tag. If you do want to unrecord more patches in one go, there are the \verb!--from! and \verb!--last! options to set the earliest patch selectable to unrecord. \begin{options} --matches, --patches, --tags, --no-deps \end{options} The \verb!--patches!, \verb!--matches!, \verb!--tags!, and \verb!--no-deps! options can be used to select which patches to unrecord, as described in subsection~\ref{selecting}. With these options you can specify what patch or patches to be prompted for by unrecord. This is especially useful when you want to unrecord patches with dependencies, since all the dependent patches (but no others) will be included in the choices. Or if you use \verb!--no-deps! you won't be asked about patches that can't be unrecorded due to depending patches. Selecting patches can be slow, so darcs cuts the search at the last optimized tag. Use the \verb!--from! or \verb!--last! options to search more or fewer patches. \begin{code}
unrecordHelp :: String
unrecordHelp =
 "Unrecord does the opposite of record in that it makes the changes from\n"++
 "patches active changes again which you may record or revert later.  The\n"++
 "working copy itself will not change.\n"++
 "Beware that you should not use this command if you are going to\n"++
 "re-record the changes in any way and there is a possibility that\n"++
 "another user may have already pulled the patch.\n"

unrecord :: DarcsCommand
unrecord = DarcsCommand {commandName = "unrecord",
                         commandHelp = unrecordHelp,
                         commandDescription = unrecordDescription,
                         commandExtraArgs = 0,
                         commandExtraArgHelp = [],
                         commandCommand = unrecordCmd,
                         commandPrereq = amInRepository,
                         commandGetArgPossibilities = return [],
                         commandArgdefaults = nodefaults,
                         commandAdvancedOptions =
                         commandBasicOptions = [matchSeveralOrLast,

unrecordCmd :: [DarcsFlag] -> [String] -> IO ()
unrecordCmd opts _ = withRepoLock opts $- \repository -> do
  allpatches <- readRepo repository
  FlippedSeal patches <- return $ if firstMatch opts
                                  then getLastPatches opts allpatches
                                  else matchingHead opts allpatches
  let context = selectionContext "unrecord" opts Nothing []
      selector = if doReverse opts
                 then selectChanges Last
                 else selectChanges LastReversed
  (_ :> to_unrecord) <- runSelection (selector (reverseRL patches)) context
  when (nullFL to_unrecord) $ do putStrLn "No patches selected!"
                                 exitWith ExitSuccess
  putVerbose opts $ text
                      "About to write out (potentially) modified patches..."
  definePatches to_unrecord
  invalidateIndex repository
  withGutsOf repository $ do tentativelyRemovePatches repository opts to_unrecord
                             finalizeRepositoryChanges repository
  putStrLn "Finished unrecording."

getLastPatches :: RepoPatch p => [DarcsFlag] -> PatchSet p C(Origin r)
                 -> FlippedSeal (RL (PatchInfoAnd p)) C(r)
getLastPatches opts ps =
  case matchFirstPatchset opts ps of
  Sealed p1s -> case findCommonWithThem ps p1s of _ :>> us -> FlippedSeal (reverseFL us)

unpullDescription :: String
unpullDescription =
 "Opposite of pull; unsafe if patch is not in remote repository."

unpullHelp :: String
unpullHelp =
 "Unpull completely removes recorded patches from your local repository.\n"++
 "The changes will be undone in your working copy and the patches will not be\n"++
 "shown in your changes list anymore.\n"++
 "Beware that if the patches are not still present in another repository you\n"++
 "will lose precious code by unpulling!\n"

unpull :: DarcsCommand
unpull = (commandAlias "unpull" Nothing obliterate)
                      {commandHelp = unpullHelp,
                       commandDescription = unpullDescription,
                       commandCommand = unpullCmd}

unpullCmd :: [DarcsFlag] -> [String] -> IO ()
unpullCmd = genericObliterateCmd "unpull"

\end{code} \darcsCommand{obliterate} \begin{code}

obliterateDescription :: String
obliterateDescription =
 "Delete selected patches from the repository. (UNSAFE!)"

obliterateHelp :: String
obliterateHelp =
 "Obliterate completely removes recorded patches from your local repository.\n"++
 "The changes will be undone in your working copy and the patches will not be\n"++
 "shown in your changes list anymore.\n"++
 "Beware that you can lose precious code by obliterating!\n"

\end{code} Obliterate deletes a patch from the repository \emph{and} removes those changes from the working directory. It is therefore a \emph{very dangerous} command. When there are no local changes, obliterate is equivalent to an unrecord followed by a revert, except that revert can be unreverted. In the case of tags, obliterate removes the tag itself, not any other patches. Note that unpull was the old name for obliterate. Unpull is still an hidden alias for obliterate. \pullwarning{Obliterate} \begin{options} --from-match, --from-patch, --from-tag, --last \end{options} Usually you only want to obliterate the latest changes, and almost never would you want to obliterate changes before a tag---you would have to have obliterated the tag as well to do that. Therefore, and for efficiency, darcs only prompts you for the latest patches, after some optimal tag. If you do want to obliterate more patches in one go, there are the \verb!--from! and \verb!--last! options to set the earliest patch selectable to obliterate. \begin{options} --matches, --patches, --tags, --no-deps \end{options} The \verb!--patches!, \verb!--matches!, \verb!--tags!, and \verb!--no-deps! options can be used to select which patches to obliterate, as described in subsection~\ref{selecting}. With these options you can specify what patch or patches to be prompted for by obliterate. This is especially useful when you want to obliterate patches with dependencies, since all the dependent patches (but no others) will be included in the choices. Or if you use \verb!--no-deps! you won't be asked about patches that can't be obliterated due to depending patches. Selecting patches can be slow, so darcs cuts the search at the last optimized tag. Use the \verb!--from! or \verb!--last! options to search more or fewer patches. \begin{code}
obliterate :: DarcsCommand
obliterate = DarcsCommand {commandName = "obliterate",
                           commandHelp = obliterateHelp,
                           commandDescription = obliterateDescription,
                           commandExtraArgs = 0,
                           commandExtraArgHelp = [],
                           commandCommand = obliterateCmd,
                           commandPrereq = amInRepository,
                           commandGetArgPossibilities = return [],
                           commandArgdefaults = nodefaults,
                           commandAdvancedOptions = [nocompress,ignoretimes,umaskOption, changesReverse],
                           commandBasicOptions = [matchSeveralOrLast,
obliterateCmd :: [DarcsFlag] -> [String] -> IO ()
obliterateCmd = genericObliterateCmd "obliterate"

-- | genericObliterateCmd is the function that executes the "obliterate" and
--   "unpull" commands.
genericObliterateCmd :: String      -- ^ The name under which the command is invoked (@unpull@ or @obliterate@)
                       -> [DarcsFlag] -- ^ The flags given on the command line
                       -> [String]    -- ^ Files given on the command line (unused)
                       -> IO ()
genericObliterateCmd cmdname opts _ = withRepoLock opts $- \repository -> do
  pend <- unrecordedChanges opts repository []
  allpatches <- readRepo repository
  FlippedSeal patches <- return $ if firstMatch opts
                                  then getLastPatches opts allpatches
                                  else matchingHead opts allpatches
      context = selectionContext cmdname opts Nothing []
      selector = if doReverse opts
                 then selectChanges Last
                 else selectChanges LastReversed
  (kept :> removed) <- runSelection (selector (reverseRL patches)) context
  case commute (effect removed :> pend) of
    Nothing -> fail $ "Can't "++ cmdname ++
               " patch without reverting some unrecorded change."
    Just (_ :> p_after_pending) -> do
        when (nullFL removed) $ do putStrLn "No patches selected!"
                                   exitWith ExitSuccess
        printDryRunMessageAndExit "obliterate" opts removed
        definePatches removed
        when (isJust $ getOutput opts "") $
             savetoBundle opts (reverseFL kept) removed
        invalidateIndex repository
        withGutsOf repository $
                             do tentativelyRemovePatches repository opts removed
                                tentativelyAddToPending repository opts $ invert $ effect removed
                                finalizeRepositoryChanges repository
                                debugMessage "Applying patches to working directory..."
                                applyToWorking repository opts (invert p_after_pending) `catch` \e ->
                                    fail ("Couldn't undo patch in working dir.\n" ++ show e)
                                return ()
        putStrLn $ "Finished " ++ presentParticiple cmdname ++ "."

matchingHead :: RepoPatch p => [DarcsFlag] -> PatchSet p C(Origin r)
             -> FlippedSeal (RL (PatchInfoAnd p)) C(r)
matchingHead opts set@(PatchSet x _)
    | or (mapRL (matchAPatchread opts) x) = contextPatches set
matchingHead opts (PatchSet x (Tagged t _ ps :<: ts))
    = (x +<+) `mapFlipped` matchingHead opts (PatchSet (t:<:ps) ts)
matchingHead _ (PatchSet _ NilRL) = FlippedSeal NilRL

savetoBundle :: RepoPatch p => [DarcsFlag]
             -> RL (PatchInfoAnd p) C(x z) -> FL (PatchInfoAnd p) C(z t)
             -> IO ()
savetoBundle opts kept removed@(x :>: _) = do
    bundle <- makeBundle Nothing kept (mapFL_FL hopefully removed)
    let filename = patchFilename $ patchDesc x
        Just outname = getOutput opts filename
    useAbsoluteOrStd writeDocBinFile putDoc outname $ bundle

savetoBundle _ _ NilFL = return ()