{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ForeignFunctionInterface #-} module Darcs.External ( backupByRenaming, backupByCopying, copyFileOrUrl, speculateFileOrUrl, copyLocal, cloneFile, cloneTree, cloneTreeExcept, fetchFilePS, fetchFileLazyPS, gzFetchFilePS, sendEmail, generateEmail, sendEmailDoc, resendEmail, signString, verifyPS, execDocPipe, execPipeIgnoreError, getTermNColors, pipeDoc, pipeDocSSH, execSSH, maybeURLCmd, Cachable(Cachable, Uncachable, MaxAge), viewDoc, viewDocWith, haveSendmail, sendmailPath, diffProgram, darcsProgram ) where import qualified Ratified import Data.Maybe ( isJust, isNothing, maybeToList ) import Control.Monad ( when, zipWithM_, filterM, liftM2 ) import System.Exit ( ExitCode(..) ) import System.Environment ( getEnv, getProgName ) import System.IO ( hSetBinaryMode, hPutStr, hPutStrLn, hClose, openBinaryFile, IOMode( ReadMode ), openBinaryTempFile, hIsTerminalDevice, stdout, stderr, Handle ) import System.IO.Error ( isDoesNotExistError ) import System.Posix.Files ( getSymbolicLinkStatus, isRegularFile, isDirectory ) import System.Directory ( createDirectory, getDirectoryContents, doesFileExist, doesDirectoryExist, renameFile, renameDirectory, copyFile, findExecutable ) import System.Process ( runProcess, runInteractiveProcess, waitForProcess ) import Control.Concurrent ( forkIO, newEmptyMVar, putMVar, takeMVar ) import Control.Exception.Extensible ( bracket, try, finally, SomeException ) import Data.Char ( toUpper ) #if defined (HAVE_MAPI) import Foreign.C ( CString, withCString ) #endif #ifdef HAVE_MAPI import Foreign.Ptr ( nullPtr ) import Darcs.Lock ( canonFilename, writeDocBinFile ) #endif #ifdef HAVE_TERMINFO import System.Console.Terminfo( tiGetNum, setupTermFromEnv, getCapability ) #endif import System.Posix.Files ( createLink ) import System.FilePath.Posix ( (), normalise ) import Darcs.Flags ( DarcsFlag( SignAs, Sign, SignSSL, Verify, VerifySSL ) , RemoteDarcs(..) ) import Darcs.RepoPath ( AbsolutePath, toFilePath ) import Darcs.Utils ( breakCommand, getViewer, ortryrunning, ) import Progress ( withoutProgress, debugMessage ) import ByteStringUtils (gzReadFilePS, linesPS, unlinesPS) import qualified Data.ByteString as B (ByteString, empty, null, readFile ,hGetContents, writeFile, hPut, length ,take, concat, drop, isPrefixOf, singleton, append) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC (unpack, pack) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import Darcs.Lock ( withTemp, withOpenTemp, tempdirLoc, removeFileMayNotExist ) import CommandLine ( parseCmd, addUrlencoded ) import URL ( copyUrl, copyUrlFirst, waitUrl ) import URL ( Cachable(..) ) import Exec ( exec, Redirect(..), withoutNonBlock ) import Darcs.Ssh ( getSSH, copySSH, SSHCmd(..) ) import Darcs.URL ( isFile, isHttpUrl, isSshUrl, splitSshUrl, SshFilePath, sshUhost ) import Darcs.Utils ( catchall ) import Printer ( Doc, Printers, putDocLnWith, hPutDoc, hPutDocLn, hPutDocWith, ($$), renderPS, simplePrinters, text, empty, packedString, vcat, renderString ) import Darcs.Email ( formatHeader ) #ifdef HAVE_HTTP import Network.Browser ( browse, request, setErrHandler, setOutHandler , setAllowRedirects ) import Network.HTTP ( RequestMethod(GET), rspCode, rspBody, rspReason , mkRequest ) import Network.URI ( parseURI, uriScheme ) #endif sendmailPath :: IO String sendmailPath = do l <- filterM doesFileExist $ liftM2 () [ "/usr/sbin", "/sbin", "/usr/lib" ] [ "sendmail" ] ex <- findExecutable "sendmail" when (isNothing ex && null l) $ fail "Cannot find the \"sendmail\" program." return $ head $ maybeToList ex ++ l diffProgram :: IO String diffProgram = do l <- filterM (fmap isJust . findExecutable) [ "gdiff", "gnudiff", "diff" ] when (null l) $ fail "Cannot find the \"diff\" program." return $ head l -- |Get the name of the darcs executable (as supplied by @getProgName@) darcsProgram :: IO String darcsProgram = getProgName -- Another option: getEnv "DARCS" `catch` \_ -> getProgName backupByRenaming :: FilePath -> IO () backupByRenaming = backupBy rename where rename x y = do isD <- doesDirectoryExist x if isD then renameDirectory x y else renameFile x y backupByCopying :: FilePath -> IO () backupByCopying = backupBy copy where copy x y = do isD <- doesDirectoryExist x if isD then do createDirectory y cloneTree (normalise x) (normalise y) else copyFile x y backupBy :: (FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()) -> FilePath -> IO () backupBy backup f = do hasBF <- doesFileExist f hasBD <- doesDirectoryExist f when (hasBF || hasBD) $ helper 0 where helper :: Int -> IO () helper i = do existsF <- doesFileExist next existsD <- doesDirectoryExist next if (existsF || existsD) then helper (i + 1) else do putStrLn $ "Backing up " ++ f ++ "(" ++ suffix ++ ")" backup f next where next = f ++ suffix suffix = ".~" ++ show i ++ "~" copyAndReadFile :: (FilePath -> IO a) -> String -> Cachable -> IO a copyAndReadFile readfn fou _ | isFile fou = readfn fou copyAndReadFile readfn fou cache = withTemp $ \t -> do copyFileOrUrl DefaultRemoteDarcs fou t cache readfn t -- | @fetchFile fileOrUrl cache@ returns the content of its argument (either a -- file or an URL). If it has to download an url, then it will use a cache as -- required by its second argument. -- -- We always use default remote darcs, since it is not fatal if the remote -- darcs does not exist or is too old -- anything that supports transfer-mode -- should do, and if not, we will fall back to SFTP or SCP. fetchFilePS :: String -> Cachable -> IO B.ByteString fetchFilePS = copyAndReadFile B.readFile -- | @fetchFileLazyPS fileOrUrl cache@ lazily reads the content of its argument -- (either a file or an URL). Warning: this function may constitute a fd leak; -- make sure to force consumption of file contents to avoid that. See -- "fetchFilePS" for details. fetchFileLazyPS :: String -> Cachable -> IO BL.ByteString #ifdef HAVE_HTTP fetchFileLazyPS x c = case parseURI x of Just x' | uriScheme x' == "http:" -> do rsp <- fmap snd . browse $ do setErrHandler . const $ return () setOutHandler . const $ return () setAllowRedirects True request $ mkRequest GET x' if rspCode rsp /= (2, 0, 0) then fail $ "fetchFileLazyPS: " ++ rspReason rsp else return $ rspBody rsp _ -> copyAndReadFile BL.readFile x c #else fetchFileLazyPS x c = copyAndReadFile BL.readFile x c #endif gzFetchFilePS :: String -> Cachable -> IO B.ByteString gzFetchFilePS = copyAndReadFile gzReadFilePS copyFileOrUrl :: RemoteDarcs -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Cachable -> IO () copyFileOrUrl _ fou out _ | isFile fou = copyLocal fou out copyFileOrUrl _ fou out cache | isHttpUrl fou = copyRemote fou out cache copyFileOrUrl rd fou out _ | isSshUrl fou = copySSH rd (splitSshUrl fou) out copyFileOrUrl _ fou _ _ = fail $ "unknown transport protocol: " ++ fou speculateFileOrUrl :: String -> FilePath -> IO () speculateFileOrUrl fou out | isHttpUrl fou = speculateRemote fou out | otherwise = return () copyLocal :: String -> FilePath -> IO () copyLocal fou out = createLink fou out `catchall` cloneFile fou out cloneTree :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO () cloneTree = cloneTreeExcept [] cloneTreeExcept :: [FilePath] -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO () cloneTreeExcept except source dest = do fs <- getSymbolicLinkStatus source if isDirectory fs then do fps <- getDirectoryContents source let fps' = filter (`notElem` (".":"..":except)) fps mk_source fp = source fp mk_dest fp = dest fp zipWithM_ cloneSubTree (map mk_source fps') (map mk_dest fps') else fail ("cloneTreeExcept: Bad source " ++ source) `catch` fail ("cloneTreeExcept: Bad source " ++ source) cloneSubTree :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO () cloneSubTree source dest = do fs <- getSymbolicLinkStatus source if isDirectory fs then do createDirectory dest fps <- getDirectoryContents source let fps' = filter (`notElem` [".", ".."]) fps mk_source fp = source fp mk_dest fp = dest fp zipWithM_ cloneSubTree (map mk_source fps') (map mk_dest fps') else if isRegularFile fs then cloneFile source dest else fail ("cloneSubTree: Bad source "++ source) `catch` (\e -> if isDoesNotExistError e then return () else ioError e) cloneFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO () cloneFile = copyFile maybeURLCmd :: String -> String -> IO(Maybe(String)) maybeURLCmd what url = do let prot = map toUpper $ takeWhile (/= ':') url fmap Just (getEnv ("DARCS_" ++ what ++ "_" ++ prot)) `catch` \_ -> return Nothing speculateRemote :: String -> FilePath -> IO () -- speculations are always Cachable #if defined(HAVE_CURL) || defined(HAVE_HTTP) speculateRemote u v = do maybeget <- maybeURLCmd "GET" u case maybeget of Just _ -> return () -- can't pipeline these Nothing -> copyUrl u v Cachable #else speculateRemote u _ = maybeURLCmd "GET" u >> return () #endif copyRemote :: String -> FilePath -> Cachable -> IO () copyRemote u v cache = do maybeget <- maybeURLCmd "GET" u case maybeget of Nothing -> copyRemoteNormal u v cache Just get -> do let (cmd,args) = breakCommand get r <- exec cmd (args++[u]) (Null, File v, AsIs) when (r /= ExitSuccess) $ fail $ "(" ++ get ++ ") failed to fetch: " ++ u copyRemoteNormal :: String -> FilePath -> Cachable -> IO () copyRemoteNormal u v cache = copyUrlFirst u v cache >> waitUrl u -- | Run a command on a remote location without passing it any input or -- reading its output. Return its ExitCode execSSH :: SshFilePath -> String -> IO ExitCode execSSH remoteAddr command = do (ssh, ssh_args) <- getSSH SSH debugMessage $ unwords (ssh:ssh_args++[sshUhost remoteAddr,command]) withoutProgress $ do hid <- runProcess ssh (ssh_args++[sshUhost remoteAddr,command]) Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing waitForProcess hid pipeDoc :: String -> [String] -> Doc -> IO ExitCode pipeDoc c args inp = withoutNonBlock $ withoutProgress $ do debugMessage $ unwords (c:args) (i,o,e,pid) <- runInteractiveProcess c args Nothing Nothing hSetBinaryMode i True hSetBinaryMode o True mvare <- newEmptyMVar -- Warning: A do-notation statement discarded a result of type GHC.Conc.ThreadId. _ <- forkIO ((Ratified.hGetContents e >>= -- ratify: immediately consumed hPutStr stderr) `finally` putMVar mvare ()) mvaro <- newEmptyMVar -- Warning: A do-notation statement discarded a result of type GHC.Conc.ThreadId. _ <- forkIO ((Ratified.hGetContents o >>= -- ratify: immediately consumed hPutStr stdout) `finally` putMVar mvaro ()) hPutDoc i inp hClose i rval <- waitForProcess pid takeMVar mvare takeMVar mvaro when (rval == ExitFailure 127) $ putStrLn $ "Command not found:\n "++ show (c:args) return rval pipeDocSSH :: SshFilePath -> [String] -> Doc -> IO ExitCode pipeDocSSH remoteAddr args input = do (ssh, ssh_args) <- getSSH SSH pipeDoc ssh (ssh_args++ (sshUhost remoteAddr:args)) input sendEmail :: String -> String -> String -> String -> String -> String -> IO () sendEmail f t s cc scmd body = sendEmailDoc f t s cc scmd Nothing (text body) generateEmail :: Handle -- ^ handle to write email to -> String -- ^ From -> String -- ^ To -> String -- ^ Subject -> String -- ^ CC -> Doc -- ^ body -> IO () generateEmail h f t s cc body = do putHeader "To" t putHeader "From" f putHeader "Subject" s when (not (null cc)) (putHeader "Cc" cc) putHeader "X-Mail-Originator" "Darcs Version Control System" hPutDocLn h body where putHeader field value = B.hPut h (B.append (formatHeader field value) newline) newline = B.singleton 10 haveSendmail :: IO Bool haveSendmail = (sendmailPath >> return True) `catch` (\_ -> return False) -- | Send an email, optionally containing a patch bundle -- (more precisely, its description and the bundle itself) sendEmailDoc :: String -- ^ from -> String -- ^ to -> String -- ^ subject -> String -- ^ cc -> String -- ^ send command -> Maybe (Doc, Doc) -- ^ (content,bundle) -> Doc -- ^ body -> IO () sendEmailDoc _ "" _ "" _ _ _ = return () sendEmailDoc f "" s cc scmd mbundle body = sendEmailDoc f cc s "" scmd mbundle body sendEmailDoc f t s cc scmd mbundle body = do use_sendmail <- haveSendmail if use_sendmail || scmd /= "" then withOpenTemp $ \(h,fn) -> do generateEmail h f t s cc body hClose h withOpenTemp $ \(hat,at) -> do ftable' <- case mbundle of Just (content,bundle) -> do hPutDocLn hat $ bundle return [ ('b', renderString content) , ('a', at) ] Nothing -> return [ ('b', renderString body) ] hClose hat let ftable = [ ('t',addressOnly t),('c',cc),('f',f),('s',s) ] ++ ftable' r <- execSendmail ftable scmd fn when (r /= ExitSuccess) $ fail ("failed to send mail to: " ++ t ++ cc_list cc ++ "\nPerhaps sendmail is not configured.") #ifdef HAVE_MAPI else do r <- withCString t $ \tp -> withCString f $ \fp -> withCString cc $ \ccp -> withCString s $ \sp -> withOpenTemp $ \(h,fn) -> do hPutDoc h body hClose h writeDocBinFile "mailed_patch" body cfn <- canonFilename fn withCString cfn $ \pcfn -> c_send_email fp tp ccp sp nullPtr pcfn when (r /= 0) $ fail ("failed to send mail to: " ++ t) #else else fail $ "no mail facility (sendmail or mapi) located at configure time!" #endif where addressOnly a = case dropWhile (/= '<') a of ('<':a2) -> takeWhile (/= '>') a2 _ -> a cc_list [] = [] cc_list c = " and cc'ed " ++ c resendEmail :: String -> String -> B.ByteString -> IO () resendEmail "" _ _ = return () resendEmail t scmd body = do use_sendmail <- haveSendmail if use_sendmail || scmd /= "" then withOpenTemp $ \(h,fn) -> do hPutStrLn h $ "To: "++ t hPutStrLn h $ find_from (linesPS body) hPutStrLn h $ find_subject (linesPS body) hPutDocLn h $ fixit $ linesPS body hClose h let ftable = [('t',t)] r <- execSendmail ftable scmd fn when (r /= ExitSuccess) $ fail ("failed to send mail to: " ++ t) else #ifdef HAVE_MAPI fail "Don't know how to resend email with MAPI" #else fail "no mail facility (sendmail or mapi) located at configure time (use the sendmail-command option)!" #endif where br = BC.pack "\r" darcsurl = BC.pack "DarcsURL:" content = BC.pack "Content-" from_start = BC.pack "From:" subject_start = BC.pack "Subject:" fixit (l:ls) | B.null l = packedString B.empty $$ vcat (map packedString ls) | l == br = packedString B.empty $$ vcat (map packedString ls) | B.take 9 l == darcsurl || B.take 8 l == content = packedString l $$ fixit ls | otherwise = fixit ls fixit [] = empty find_from (l:ls) | B.take 5 l == from_start = BC.unpack l | otherwise = find_from ls find_from [] = "From: unknown" find_subject (l:ls) | B.take 8 l == subject_start = BC.unpack l | otherwise = find_subject ls find_subject [] = "Subject: (no subject)" execSendmail :: [(Char,String)] -> String -> String -> IO ExitCode execSendmail ftable scmd fn = if scmd == "" then do cmd <- sendmailPath exec cmd ["-i", "-t"] (File fn, Null, AsIs) else case parseCmd (addUrlencoded ftable) scmd of Right (arg0:opts, wantstdin) -> do let stdin = if wantstdin then File fn else Null exec arg0 opts (stdin, Null, AsIs) Left e -> fail $ ("failed to send mail, invalid sendmail-command: "++(show e)) _ -> fail $ ("failed to send mail, invalid sendmail-command") #ifdef HAVE_MAPI foreign import ccall "win32/send_email.h send_email" c_send_email :: CString -> {- sender -} CString -> {- recipient -} CString -> {- cc -} CString -> {- subject -} CString -> {- body -} CString -> {- path -} IO Int #endif execPSPipe :: String -> [String] -> B.ByteString -> IO B.ByteString execPSPipe c args ps = fmap renderPS $ execDocPipe c args $ packedString ps execDocPipe :: String -> [String] -> Doc -> IO Doc execDocPipe c args instr = withoutProgress $ do (i,o,e,pid) <- runInteractiveProcess c args Nothing Nothing -- Warning: A do-notation statement discarded a result of type GHC.Conc.ThreadId. _ <- forkIO $ hPutDoc i instr >> hClose i mvare <- newEmptyMVar -- Warning: A do-notation statement discarded a result of type GHC.Conc.ThreadId. _ <- forkIO ((Ratified.hGetContents e >>= -- ratify: immediately consumed hPutStr stderr) `finally` putMVar mvare ()) out <- B.hGetContents o rval <- waitForProcess pid takeMVar mvare case rval of ExitFailure ec ->fail $ "External program '"++c++ "' failed with exit code "++ show ec ExitSuccess -> return $ packedString out -- The following is needed for diff, which returns non-zero whenever -- the files differ. execPipeIgnoreError :: String -> [String] -> Doc -> IO Doc execPipeIgnoreError c args instr = withoutProgress $ do (i,o,e,pid) <- runInteractiveProcess c args Nothing Nothing -- Warning: A do-notation statement discarded a result of type GHC.Conc.ThreadId. _ <- forkIO $ hPutDoc i instr >> hClose i mvare <- newEmptyMVar -- Warning: A do-notation statement discarded a result of type GHC.Conc.ThreadId. _ <- forkIO ((Ratified.hGetContents e >>= -- ratify: immediately consumed hPutStr stderr) `finally` putMVar mvare ()) out <- B.hGetContents o -- Warning: A do-notation statement discarded a result of type ExitCode. _ <- waitForProcess pid takeMVar mvare return $ if B.null out then empty else packedString out signString :: [DarcsFlag] -> Doc -> IO Doc signString [] d = return d signString (Sign:_) d = signPGP [] d signString (SignAs keyid:_) d = signPGP ["--local-user", keyid] d signString (SignSSL idf:_) d = signSSL idf d signString (_:os) d = signString os d signPGP :: [String] -> Doc -> IO Doc signPGP args t = execDocPipe "gpg" ("--clearsign":args) t signSSL :: String -> Doc -> IO Doc signSSL idfile t = withTemp $ \cert -> do opensslPS ["req", "-new", "-key", idfile, "-outform", "PEM", "-days", "365"] (BC.pack "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n") >>= opensslPS ["x509", "-req", "-extensions", "v3_ca", "-signkey", idfile, "-outform", "PEM", "-days", "365"] >>= opensslPS ["x509", "-outform", "PEM"] >>= B.writeFile cert opensslDoc ["smime", "-sign", "-signer", cert, "-inkey", idfile, "-noattr", "-text"] t where opensslDoc = execDocPipe "openssl" opensslPS = execPSPipe "openssl" verifyPS :: [DarcsFlag] -> B.ByteString -> IO (Maybe B.ByteString) verifyPS [] ps = return $ Just ps verifyPS (Verify pks:_) ps = verifyGPG pks ps verifyPS (VerifySSL auks:_) ps = verifySSL auks ps verifyPS (_:os) ps = verifyPS os ps verifyGPG :: AbsolutePath -> B.ByteString -> IO (Maybe B.ByteString) verifyGPG goodkeys s = withOpenTemp $ \(th,tn) -> do B.hPut th s hClose th rval <- exec "gpg" ["--batch","--no-default-keyring", "--keyring",fix_path $ toFilePath goodkeys, "--verify"] (File tn, Null, Null) case rval of ExitSuccess -> return $ Just gpg_fixed_s _ -> return Nothing where gpg_fixed_s = let not_begin_signature x = x /= BC.pack "-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----" && x /= BC.pack "-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----\r" in unlinesPS $ map fix_line $ tail $ dropWhile not_begin_signature $ linesPS s fix_line x | B.length x < 3 = x | BC.pack "- -" `B.isPrefixOf` x = B.drop 2 x | otherwise = x #if defined(WIN32) fix_sep c | c=='/' = '\\' | otherwise = c fix_path p = map fix_sep p #else fix_path p = p #endif verifySSL :: AbsolutePath -> B.ByteString -> IO (Maybe B.ByteString) verifySSL goodkeys s = do certdata <- opensslPS ["smime", "-pk7out"] s >>= opensslPS ["pkcs7", "-print_certs"] cruddy_pk <- opensslPS ["x509", "-pubkey"] certdata let key_used = B.concat $ tail $ takeWhile (/= BC.pack"-----END PUBLIC KEY-----") $ linesPS cruddy_pk in do allowed_keys <- linesPS `fmap` B.readFile (toFilePath goodkeys) if not $ key_used `elem` allowed_keys then return Nothing -- Not an allowed key! else withTemp $ \cert -> withTemp $ \on -> withOpenTemp $ \(th,tn) -> do B.hPut th s hClose th B.writeFile cert certdata rval <- exec "openssl" ["smime", "-verify", "-CAfile", cert, "-certfile", cert] (File tn, File on, Null) case rval of ExitSuccess -> Just `fmap` B.readFile on _ -> return Nothing where opensslPS = execPSPipe "openssl" {- - This function returns number of colors supported by current terminal - or -1 if color output not supported or error occured. - Terminal type determined by TERM env. variable. -} getTermNColors :: IO Int #ifdef HAVE_TERMINFO getTermNColors = do t <- setupTermFromEnv return $ case getCapability t $ tiGetNum "colors" of Nothing -> (-1) Just x -> x #else getTermNColors = return (-1) #endif viewDoc :: Doc -> IO () viewDoc = viewDocWith simplePrinters viewDocWith :: Printers -> Doc -> IO () viewDocWith pr msg = do isTerminal <- hIsTerminalDevice stdout -- Warning: A do-notation statement discarded a result of type ExitCode. _ <- if isTerminal && lengthGreaterThan (20 :: Int) (lines $ renderString msg) then do viewerPlusArgs <- getViewer let (viewer:args) = words viewerPlusArgs pipeDocToPager viewer args pr msg `ortryrunning` pipeDocToPager "less" [] pr msg `ortryrunning` pipeDocToPager "more" [] pr msg #ifdef WIN32 `ortryrunning` pipeDocToPager "more.com" [] pr msg #endif `ortryrunning` pipeDocToPager "" [] pr msg else pipeDocToPager "" [] pr msg return () where lengthGreaterThan n _ | n <= 0 = True lengthGreaterThan _ [] = False lengthGreaterThan n (_:xs) = lengthGreaterThan (n-1) xs pipeDocToPager :: String -> [String] -> Printers -> Doc -> IO ExitCode pipeDocToPager "" _ pr inp = do putDocLnWith pr inp return ExitSuccess pipeDocToPager c args pr inp = withoutNonBlock $ withoutProgress $ do tmp <- tempdirLoc bracket (openBinaryTempFile tmp "darcs-pager") cleanup $ \(fn,fh) -> do hPutDocWith pr fh inp hClose fh bracket (openBinaryFile fn ReadMode) hClose $ \h -> do x <- do waitForProcess =<< runProcess c args Nothing Nothing (Just h) Nothing Nothing when (x == ExitFailure 127) $ putStrLn $ "Command not found:\n "++ show (c:args) return x where -- Warning: A do-notation statement discarded a result of type Either SomeException (). cleanup (f,h) = do _ <- try (hClose h) :: IO (Either SomeException ()) removeFileMayNotExist f