module DarkPlaces.TextSpec ( spec ) where import Test.Hspec import DarkPlaces.Text import DarkPlaces.Text.Types import Test.QuickCheck import Control.Applicative import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BLC import Data.Char import Data.Monoid instance Arbitrary BL.ByteString where arbitrary = BL.pack <$> arbitrary instance Arbitrary (DPTextToken BL.ByteString) where arbitrary = do t <- choose (0, 3) :: Gen Int case t of 0 -> SimpleColor <$> choose (0, 9) 1 -> HexColor <$> choose (0, 0xFFF) 2 -> DPString <$> arWithNoTockens 3 -> return DPNewline instance Arbitrary (DPText BL.ByteString) where arbitrary = DPText <$> arbitrary arWithNoTockens :: Gen BL.ByteString arWithNoTockens = do res <- arbitrary case parseDPText res of DPText [DPString s] -> return s _ -> arWithNoTockens spec :: Spec spec = do describe "parseDPText" $ do it "test base examples" $ do let res = DPText [ SimpleColor 1,DPString "one",SimpleColor 2, DPString "two",HexColor 4095,DPString "three", DPNewline,DPString "four"] parseDPText "^1one^2two^xfffthree\nfour" `shouldBe` res it "parsing string and converting back to string give same str" $ do property $ \xs -> lower (toText $ parseDPText xs) == lower xs it "converting to string and parsing gives same result" $ property $ \xs -> toText (parseDPText $ toText xs) == toText xs it "check monoid property" $ property $ \f s -> toText (f <> s) == (toText f :: BL.ByteString) <> (toText s) describe "stripColors" $ do it "should remove colors tokens" $ property $ \xs -> (\(DPText s) -> not $ any isColor s) (stripColors xs :: DPText BL.ByteString) where lower = toLower