{- |
Reading records from streams

This is still only for demonstration and might be of not much use
and you should not rely on the interface.
module Data.Accessor.BinaryRead where

import qualified Data.Accessor.Basic as Accessor

import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as State
import Control.Monad.Trans.State (StateT, )
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift, )
import Control.Monad (liftM, )
import Data.Word (Word8, )
import Data.Char (chr, )

import Prelude hiding (any)

type Stream = [Word8]

class C a where
   any :: ByteSource source => source a

class Monad source => ByteSource source where
   readWord8 :: source Word8

class ByteStream s where
   getWord8 :: Monad m => s -> m (Word8, s)

instance ByteCompatible byte => ByteStream [byte] where
   getWord8 xs =
      case xs of
         (c:cs) -> return (toByte c, cs)
         _ -> fail "ByteStream: no more byte available"

class ByteCompatible byte where
   toByte :: byte -> Word8

instance ByteCompatible Word8 where
   toByte = id

instance (ByteStream s, Monad m) => ByteSource (StateT s m) where
   readWord8 =
      do xs <- State.get
         (c,cs) <- lift (getWord8 xs)
         State.put cs
         return c

instance C Word8 where
   any = readWord8

instance C Char where
   any =
      liftM (chr . fromIntegral) readWord8

instance C Int where
   any =
      do c0 <- readWord8
         c1 <- readWord8
         c2 <- readWord8
         c3 <- readWord8
            (foldl1 (\acc d -> acc*256+d)
               (map fromIntegral [c0,c1,c2,c3]))

newtype Parser s r = Parser {runParser :: (r, s) -> Maybe (r, s)}

field :: (ByteStream s, C a) =>
   Accessor.T r a -> Parser s r
field f =
   Parser $
      uncurry (\r -> State.runStateT $
         fmap (\x -> Accessor.set f x r) any)

record :: [Parser s r] -> Parser s r
record ps =
   Parser $ flip (foldl (>>=)) (map runParser ps) . Just

-- TOOD: writer