{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, GADTs, RankNTypes, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances, NoImplicitPrelude #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Data.Category.Simplex
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  sjoerd@w3future.com
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable
-- The (augmented) simplex category.
module Data.Category.Simplex (
  -- * Simplex Category
  , Z, S
  , suc
  -- * Functor
  , Forget(..)
  , Fin(..)
  , Add(..)
  -- * The universal monoid
  , universalMonoid
  , Replicate(..)
) where
import Data.Category
import Data.Category.Product
import Data.Category.Functor
import Data.Category.Monoidal
import Data.Category.Limit

data Z
data S n

-- A Simplex x y structure plots a non-decreasing line, ending with Z
--   ^  +-----Z
--   |  |   XXY
--   y  |   Y |
--      |XXXY |
--      XY----+
--         x ->

data Simplex :: * -> * -> * where
  Z ::                    Simplex    Z     Z
  Y :: Simplex x    y  -> Simplex    x  (S y)
  X :: Simplex x (S y) -> Simplex (S x) (S y)

suc :: Obj Simplex n -> Obj Simplex (S n)
suc = X . Y
-- Note: Objects are represented by their identity arrows, 
-- which are in the shape of the elements of `iterate suc Z`.

-- | The (augmented) simplex category is the category of finite ordinals and order preserving maps.
instance Category Simplex where
  src Z = Z
  src (Y f) = src f
  src (X f) = suc (src f)
  tgt Z = Z
  tgt (Y f) = suc (tgt f)
  tgt (X f) = tgt f
  Z     .    f  = f
  f     .    Z  = f
  (Y f) .    g  = Y (f . g)
  (X f) . (Y g) = f . g
  (X f) . (X g) = X ((X f) . g)

-- | The ordinal @0@ is the initial object of the simplex category.
instance HasInitialObject Simplex where
  type InitialObject Simplex = Z
  initialObject = Z
  initialize Z = Z
  initialize (X (Y f)) = Y (initialize f)

-- | The ordinal @1@ is the terminal object of the simplex category.
instance HasTerminalObject Simplex where
  type TerminalObject Simplex = S Z

  terminalObject = suc Z

  terminate Z = Y Z
  terminate (X (Y f)) = X (terminate f)

type Merge m n = BinaryCoproduct Simplex m n
type instance BinaryCoproduct Simplex  Z       Z  = Z
type instance BinaryCoproduct Simplex  Z    (S n) = S (Merge Z n)
type instance BinaryCoproduct Simplex (S m)    Z  = S (Merge m Z)
type instance BinaryCoproduct Simplex (S m) (S n) = S (S (Merge m n))

mergeLS :: Obj Simplex m -> Obj Simplex n -> Simplex (Merge (S m) n) (S (Merge m n))
mergeLS Z Z = X (Y Z)
mergeLS Z (X (Y n)) = X (Y (X (Y (Z +++ n))))
mergeLS (X (Y m)) Z = X (Y (X (Y (m +++ Z))))
mergeLS (X (Y m)) (X (Y n)) = X (Y (X (Y (mergeLS m n))))

mergeRS :: Obj Simplex m -> Obj Simplex n -> Simplex (Merge m (S n)) (S (Merge m n))
mergeRS Z Z = X (Y Z)
mergeRS Z (X (Y n)) = X (Y (X (Y (Z +++ n))))
mergeRS (X (Y m)) Z = X (Y (X (Y (m +++ Z))))
mergeRS (X (Y m)) (X (Y n)) = X (Y (X (Y (mergeRS m n))))

-- | The coproduct in the simplex category is a merge operation.
instance HasBinaryCoproducts Simplex where
  inj1       Z         Z   = Z
  inj1       Z   (X (Y n)) = Y (inj1 Z n)
  inj1 (X (Y m))       Z   = X (Y (inj1 m Z))
  inj1 (X (Y m)) (X (Y n)) = X (Y (Y (inj1 m n)))

  inj2       Z         Z   = Z
  inj2       Z   (X (Y n)) = X (Y (inj2 Z n))
  inj2 (X (Y m))       Z   = Y (inj2 m Z)
  inj2 (X (Y m)) (X (Y n)) = Y (X (Y (inj2 m n)))

  Z   ||| Z   = Z
  X f ||| X g = X (X (f ||| g))
  X f ||| Y g = X (f ||| Y g) . mergeLS (src f) (src g)
  Y f ||| X g = X (Y f ||| g) . mergeRS (src f) (src g)
  Y f ||| Y g = Y (f ||| g)

data Fin :: * -> * where
  Fz ::          Fin (S n)
  Fs :: Fin n -> Fin (S n)

data Forget = Forget
type instance Dom Forget = Simplex
type instance Cod Forget = (->)
type instance Forget :% n = Fin n
-- | Turn @Simplex x y@ arrows into @Fin x -> Fin y@ functions.
instance Functor Forget where 
  Forget %  Z    = \x -> x
  Forget % (Y f) = \x -> Fs ((Forget % f) x)
  Forget % (X f) = \x -> case x of
    Fz -> Fz
    Fs n -> (Forget % f) n

data Add = Add
type instance Dom Add = Simplex :**: Simplex
type instance Cod Add = Simplex
type instance Add :% (Z  , n) = n
type instance Add :% (S m, n) = S (Add :% (m, n))
-- | Ordinal addition is a bifuntor, it concattenates the maps as it were.
instance Functor Add where
  Add % (Z   :**: g) = g
  Add % (Y f :**: g) = Y (Add % (f :**: g))
  Add % (X f :**: g) = X (Add % (f :**: g))

-- | Ordinal addition makes the simplex category a monoidal category, with @0@ as unit.
instance TensorProduct Add where
  type Unit Add = Z
  unitObject Add = Z
  leftUnitor     Add       a   = a
  leftUnitorInv  Add       a   = a
  rightUnitor    Add       Z   = Z
  rightUnitor    Add (X (Y n)) = X (Y (rightUnitor Add n))
  rightUnitorInv Add       Z   = Z
  rightUnitorInv Add (X (Y n)) = X (Y (rightUnitorInv Add n))
  associator     Add Z       Z   n = n
  associator     Add Z (X (Y m)) n = X (Y (associator Add Z m n))
  associator     Add (X (Y l)) m n = X (Y (associator Add l m n))
  associatorInv  Add Z       Z   n = n
  associatorInv  Add Z (X (Y m)) n = X (Y (associatorInv Add Z m n))
  associatorInv  Add (X (Y l)) m n = X (Y (associatorInv Add l m n))

-- | The maps @0 -> 1@ and @2 -> 1@ form a monoid, which is universal, c.f. `Replicate`.
universalMonoid :: MonoidObject (CoproductFunctor Simplex) (S Z)
universalMonoid = MonoidObject { unit = Y Z, multiply = X (X (Y Z)) }

data Replicate f a = Replicate f (MonoidObject f a)
type instance Dom (Replicate f a) = Simplex
type instance Cod (Replicate f a) = Cod f
type instance Replicate f a :% Z = Unit f
type instance Replicate f a :% S n = f :% (a, Replicate f a :% n)
-- | Replicate a monoid a number of times.
instance TensorProduct f => Functor (Replicate f a) where
  Replicate f _ % Z = unitObject f
  Replicate f m % Y n = f % (unit m :**: tgt n') . leftUnitorInv f (tgt n') . n' where n' = Replicate f m % n
  Replicate f m % X (Y n) = f % (tgt (unit m) :**: (Replicate f m % n))
  Replicate f m % X (X n) = n' . (f % (multiply m :**: b)) . associatorInv f a a b 
      n' = Replicate f m % X n
      a = tgt (unit m)
      b = src (Replicate f m % n)