# data-default-extra [![Hackage](http://img.shields.io/hackage/v/data-default-instances-extra.svg)][data-default-instances-extra] [![Hackage Dependencies](https://img.shields.io/hackage-deps/v/data-default-instances-extra.svg)](http://packdeps.haskellers.com/reverse/data-default-instances-extra) [![Haskell Programming Language](https://img.shields.io/badge/language-Haskell-blue.svg)][Haskell.org] [![BSD3 License](http://img.shields.io/badge/license-BSD3-brightgreen.svg)][tl;dr Legal: BSD3] [![Build](https://travis-ci.org/trskop/data-default-extra.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/trskop/data-default-extra) # Description An alternative to [data-default][] package, but built on top of the same underlying package [data-default-class][]. This package provides a lot of additional instances for `Default` type class. `Default` type class provides a default value (`def`) of a type. In case when a particluar type has an instance for `Monoid`, then the default value should be `mempty`, otherwise it can cause a great deal of confusion. One must understand, that `Default` type class, has no axioms associated with it. Its purpose is to minimize: * Number of imports. * Number of introduced definitions that are part of an API. * Complexity of building more complicated "default values" out of simpler "default values". * Cognitive overhead. (Reduction of cognitive overhead is partially a consequence of reducing above issues.) As one may notice, most of the listed problems, that `Default` type class tries to solve, to various degrees of success, are for human benefit, and not theoretically founded. Because of this, please always try hard to define sensible instances of `Default`. Most importantly, document what `def` means for particular type, and always check that `def` is sensible, by testing it on a real world sample of human beings, one is not a big enough sample. That said, using `Default` may not always be a good idea. If it breaks people's mental models, or theoretical models with real axioms, then just don't use it. This package, in most part, just reexports a set of packages that provide additional instances for [data-default-class][] package. ## GHC Generics Create `Default` instances using [GHC Generics][]. Usage example: ```Haskell {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} import GHC.Generics (Generic) data MyType = MyType Int (Maybe String) deriving (Generic, Show) instance Default MyType where def = genericDef ``` ``` λ> def :: MyType MyType 0 Nothing ``` ## License The BSD 3-Clause License, see [LICENSE][] file for details. ## Contributions Contributions, pull requests and bug reports are welcome! Please don't be afraid to contact author using GitHub or by e-mail. [data-default]: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/data-default "Hackage: data-default" [data-default-class]: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/data-default "Hackage: data-default-class" [data-default-instances-extra]: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/data-default-instances-extra "Package data-default-instances-extra on Hackage" [GHC Generics]: https://wiki.haskell.org/GHC.Generics "GHC.Generics on HaskellWiki" [Haskell.org]: http://www.haskell.org "The Haskell Programming Language" [LICENSE]: https://github.com/trskop/data-default-extra/blob/master/extra/LICENSE "License of data-default-extra package." [tl;dr Legal: BSD3]: https://tldrlegal.com/license/bsd-3-clause-license-%28revised%29 "BSD 3-Clause License (Revised)"